Will it actually matter anymore if the trials are in places like DC? Justice will never be found there.

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District of Corruption

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I’m drinking your tears.

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Jun 1, 2022
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You're being facetious, right? A Neutron truth bomb could be dropped on DC and nothing would change. If nuclear war should happen I hope I live long enough to learn that the District of Criminals has been nuked to oblivion. I could die happy then.

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Ouch! (But where do WE go to avoid the nukes and the dystopian aftermath?)

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Chad, Niger, Bolivia, Mongolia, Yemen and other non-shit holes (to reverse Mr. Trump's horrible description these oases of gentility) .... anywhere but this miserable, so evil place called the United States of America....right??

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No, not right. Not my point. Not my opinion.

I live in the greatest land in the world, the U.S.A.

What shithole are you moving to?

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Red pill? Nope.

You write The Placebo Pill, Gene.

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To what does "it" refer?

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That was my first thought as well. Let's try these aholes somewhere in the middle of the country.. or Florida.

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Yes, you are right; those trouble-making revolutionaries in Iowa...right you are.

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I think Dashenko is in Virginia- but it's practically a suburb of DC at this point.

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Eastern District of VA in Alexandria, which is literally a suburb of DC

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I agree. The Rule of Law is long DEAD in this country.

Let's not forget there is a demented squatter (usurper) in the White House (for 1 year and 5 months now)

* * *

However, the lawyers in the Durham Team are not stupid. They knew this was probably going to happen in DC (biased judge, biased jury). Since they are not stupid, there must be a reason why they proceeded anyway...

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The prosecutors got a lot of information/evidence on the record. Personally, I thought they put too much on the record, confusing the jury as to the significance of the lie, i.e., the jury concludes it's a nothingburger. Presumably, the on-the-record info is built upon going forward.

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Exactly right, Forbes: "The prosecutors got a lot of information/evidence on the record" and a lot of crucial witness testimony. It's clear they are "building" for a much bigger, and much more devastating case. "Criminal Conspiracy", involving 30 or 40 people, or more. The Sussmann trial has been just a tool for the Durham Team to introduce 'on the record' all that evidence and testimony.

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May 31, 2022
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For a troll, you should try upping your game--you repeat the same nonsense everywhere you comment.

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Jun 1, 2022
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Hillary supported that stupid war and every other stupid foreign policy fiasco of the last 30 years and she has absolutely no scruples about selling us out to the Chicoms like every other brain dead, elitist, free trade ideologue.

Say what you will about Trump but at least he's not a chickenhawk warmonger like most DC creepazoids.

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"...confusing the jury..."

On purpose?

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Wouldn't take much

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"The Sussmann trial has been just a tool for the Durham Team to introduce 'on the record' all that evidence and testimony."

That's not really how it works. You don't lay out your case in trial where that evidence is irrelevant. The Trump-Russia hoax theory was presented because that's the only place Durham had to put on that particular show.

The biggest problem with arguing against a Trump-Putin link is the Trump Tower meeting where Trump and his entire campaign fully expected to get info from Putin as "part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

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"That's not really how it works."

That is *exactly* how it works in the most important "court" of all: that of public opinion.

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Great response. What you are saying is that this was a "show" trial, not in the Russian sense but as a performance where Durham gets to prance and fret his conspiracy theory without actually bringing any evidence at all. Kind of like the entire MAGA enterprise. Sounds great on forums but fails completely in courts, where facts matter.

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"...without actually bringing any evidence at all..."

You have got to be kidding. Otherwise, you are being utterly obtuse.

And you also completely miss the entire successful point of the "MAGA enterprise." The courts have nothing to do with it. We finally (after 100 years of its slow corruption) have made, and continue to make, the Republican Party into a non-State-captured, pro-true-Capitalism home for the Classical Liberal, which is a return to its rightful, and righteous, place in the American political landscape.

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-->"a Trump-Putin link"? Arguing facts not in evidence. But go ahead, tell me "how it works."

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OK, well there's the emails stolen from the DNC and used by Trump on the trail, the "Russia find me the emails", taking Putin's word in Helsinki, destroying the records of his conversations with Putin....

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Good luck.

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You might try actually reading some of the transcripts from the trial so you don't sound so out-of-touch with reality.

Please, tell us all of your experience as a Federal prosecutor so we won't go on thinking you are watching way too much cnn.

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On May 31 I wrote " The Trump-Russia hoax theory was presented because that's the only place Durham had to put on that particular show."

Yesterday Barr comes out and says exactly the same thing. Convictions were never the point, it was all about spinning out the fairy tale that there never was a Trump-Putin bromance.

And in fact Barr is right ... as long as you ignore the emails stolen by Russia from the DNC and used by Trump on the trail, the "Russia find me the emails", taking Putin's word in Helsinki, destroying the records of his conversations with Putin, saying the US was going to leave NATO, pushing the EU to re-admit Put to the G7.

You can trick yourself into ignoring all that but in the real world everyone knows Trump loves Putin.

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Jun 1, 2022
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I thought "Hitlery" was/is a sideshow, Gene. Are you schizo?

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Jun 1, 2022
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Yea, but where does young Hunter and his whores come into play???...just asking

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* * *

Correct. (2 reasons: sunshine, and foundation for the ultimate destruction of today's irredeemable FBI.)

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So many tears

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I read somewhere Kash Patel requested the change of venue. .. away from DC...to somewhere juries have more sense of justice. :x

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Man, you know how to send notifications to a lot of peeps 3 (three) weeks later!

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Usually, crimes are tried in the jurisdiction in which they occurred. You would not, for example, try someone in New Jersey for a robbery that occurred in Missouri. So the question is, where did the crime occur? If it occurred in DC, it should be tried there. Unless you believe that Trump should be able to choose the jurisdiction for the cases that result from this little witch hunt he's cooked up.

Has Durham secured a conviction on anything yet? The first case, the lawyer who pleaded guilty to changing an email, doesn't count because that was discovered by the DOJ IG.

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As the very estimable Robert Barnes Esq. has pointed out numerous times, Durham has been a coverup artist for his entire career. The whole point of the Sussman trial was to direct attention away from the bad actors at FBI/DOJ headquarters. The premise of the prosecution is that the poor little Fibbies got victimized by nefarious political operatives outside the government. Anyone who believes such fabulist nonsense is dumb as a stump.

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You might want to know that Durham has a VERY strong conviction rate. You might also like to know that when a defendant pleads guilty, there is no trial. You might try focusing on now known high crimes like conspiracy to commit TREASON.

Do you actually know about the four ILLEGAL FISA warrants??.... who planned the operation in the Oval Office.....and who in the fbi/doj/cia that knew EVERYTHING from the beginning of the coup.

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Dear genius-in-his-own-mind: It would have been more much productive for Durham to stay home and masturbate to fantasies of QAnon and JFK Jr. than it was to prosecute Sussman. Oof!

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Why would you say something so ridiculous to insinuate that President Trump has ANY option to placing this trial. He is not involved in the prosecution, he is the victim.

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I'm not the one who's writing ridiculous crap here. You and everyone else knows that Trump ordered Barr to get federal prosecutors to chase paper tigers in order to buttress Trump's fatuous claims that Russia didn't help him win the 2016 election. Which it did, and there was at least some coordination via Manafort.

It's like, chapter 5 from the Roy Cohn playbook. You never stop going after your enemies with lies.

Just like Trump will never admit the 2020 election wasn't stolen. He has and will support any court case in favor of that theme.

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Very good points. I would argue that most likely the work was not done in DC even though it was most likely planned there. I don't think Trump nor any defendant should get to choose the location but I was under the impression that you were due a fair trial with impartial jury members. That cannot happen in DC.

Durham won't get any convictions past his Clinesmith nab which lead to no real penalty. Some say Joffe could be in trouble but I doubt it. DC is corrupt. Our system is corrupt. The best we can hope for is the sunlight hitting the misdeeds so some potentially braver people down the road can do something about it. Not likely but we can hope.. and I will.

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Yes, it will.

Even the DC court losses provide sunshine. And the DC court losses generate anti-DC (i.e. anti-Dem) votes or non-votes.

I bet the Dems can't hire enough mules THIS time.

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Jun 1, 2022
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To whom does "they" refer?

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So sad

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Why's that.

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I predicted this all along, the jury was tainted and biased. As always America loses once again, another taxpayer waste. Hillary and her mob will never be held accountable. Justice is no longer blind it is ruled by political affiliations.

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I'm disheartened by the result, even though it wasn't a surprise.

I don't think Durham's pursuit of Sussman was a waste of taxpayer money. Learning what actually happened through sworn testimony was worth it.

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Don't sweat Brother!!! Everyone will bend the knee to God and if they don't repent they will have Strong Justice from God!!! God's sword will devour flesh and His arrows will be drunk with blood!!! That's the Truth Brother!!!

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Amen to that. :)

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The choir has learned something we already knew....all the "general" public hears is not guilty....they will project this verdict onto Hillary herself.

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You mean the brainwashed HALF? the ones who voted for Biden and actually believed that there is no there there? Hillary Clinton is untouchable.. that is all that proved. No one could possibly believe she is innocent. Benghazi.. what does it matter now? 13 men died there and the list goes on. KILLARY describes her well..

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They are not brainwashed. They are willfully ignorant. They have chosen.

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Maybe: I know people who were "brainwashed" young. I have many friends to this day who are still hard core democrats from the 70s. I never was one.. always conservative.. and we just agree not to talk about their choices.. that is if they want to retain my friendship: the old saying of avoid Politics and Religion.. actually need to work in today's deeply divided environment. and then there are the willfully ignorant because they don't have the ability to comprehend ? maybe as well, but they did choose that is for sure and now they need to own the consequences of that disastrous choice and many more

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Projection is all you have. Like the orange POS.

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OH you don't like trump? ok. whatever so you are hanging around then right? ttyl gotta run.

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There are brainwashed people in the United States. But they're not supporting Hillary, LOL. The brainwashed people are walking around in AZ, WI, PA, MI and other places claiming (without any evidence whatsoever) that the 2020 election was stolen.

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No evidence? Lol. Boy are you out of the loop!

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May 31, 2022
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Gene's delusions aren't even logical. We didn't pull out of Syria for one thing. We reduces our numbers. You forgot the desserted the Kurds horse pucky. Frenkle the fruit cake. Was that your nick name?

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Nothing that idiot posts is worth reading.

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Oh yeah, yeah..remember when the Washington Post reported Obama dropped 26,000 bombs on helpless people in the middle east just in his last year in office alone and most of the corrupt MSM never made a peep about it? And how about those hundreds of thousands of untested- unvetted, many of them diseased and some of them terrorists- illegals currently pouring over Biden's wide open boarder every month? How about the astronomically high, taxpayer funded ticket for the fully stocked top shelf liquor bar on Nancy's taxpayer funded plane that she and her family take back and forth to Cali every weekend? And are they just going to throw out those billions of unused Covid booster shots now that no one wants them, since everyone has learned what's actually in them? So many good times to recall! One could go on seemingly forever with this game.

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May 31, 2022
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Remember when Trump arranged the slaughter of those brave Americans and our Ambassador in Bengasi????

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You're an effing idiot!

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Gene Frenkel: I hope you never need help.

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What Durham SHOULD have charged Sussman with, was further lying about the truth of the information, and conspiracy. There were more criminal acts available to charge, but Durham honed it down significantly.

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actually and I can't comment long: yesterday I heard on Fox news that that is what Durham is doing: establishing the grounds for a wider conspiracy case for the next case in Virginia..

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Actually, what Merrick Garland should do is indict Durham on wrongful prosecution. Sussman's prosecution went against every DOJ regulation, which is why Durham's own top assistant resigned last year. He resigned because Durham's cooking up cases that never should have been brought, and for which Durham knows he will LOSE, for the purpose of disseminating out-of-context and "spun" propaganda that excites MAGA in court filings. At the very least, Durham should be fired. Yesterday.

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Well, that's a lot of work to do if you are trying to lose.

He could of just not indicted anybody, or much more lackluster litigation.

At minimum, he did expose a lot of the cesspool.

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No he has not been compromised. and he is not a Bush Republican operative. Durham is the real deal.. or he would have been outed by now by all the never Trumper Bush people. I need to go.. have a long day ttyl *all later.

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That is true: at least the proof is there.

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Totally disagree about the results. Pat yourself on the back all you like, but your negative review is wrong and not very helpful. Certainly, the judge and jury were compromised and too many have seen this for it to be ignored. However, I don't think for a second that Durham was surprised by this; more likely he expected it, maybe even wanted it to happen this way.

If this had been solely about lying to the fbi, it would not have taken over forty pages to write the indictment and Baker might have been the only witness, but now we know that hillary knew everything, the fbi lied REPEATEDLY, and President Trump is and always has been innocent.

There was a great deal of UNKNOWN information released in this trial and though you are so ready to let hillary escape, I have no reason to believe that Durham does. They went to a great deal of effort to expose hillary, joffe, and a number of fbi thugs. I don't think for a second that Durham wants his career to end as "another hillary flunky".

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Kash Patel expected conviction because this was not he said she said. It contained clear documentation of his lies.

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Kash Patel has been the "guiding light of truth" in all of this. His experience and accomplishments are priceless in evaluating this situation. Under normal circumstances (outside of D.C.), I believe the verdict would have been different and I would bet you a sawbuck that Kash is not totally surprised.

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OK, I get it now. You're writing parody, right?

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Oh, I get it now, you are an idiot commie that would do better writing for the Babylon Bee.

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Honey, you get absolutely nothing. You drank the MAGA KoolAid.

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Jun 1, 2022
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You are one pitiful POS....and as I have told you before, your factless opinions mean nothing to me.

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I think that is partially true.

Surely this was an opportunity to blow the lid on much that was unproven and/or ambiguous, which Durham did.

I don't think he expected a loss, or that losing this was in his plans.

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Perhaps you did not know that the judge is corrupt and there were jurors that were hillary loyalists. There would be little reason to think corruption was not a possibility given the location. I believe Durham was well aware of who was in the courtroom and why he wrote such a long indictment paper.

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At least that is reason for an appeal- but US isn't going to last much longer. Death by a thousand cuts.

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Appeal? Only a defendant can appeal, not the prosecution. He walks, that's it.

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bingo - and now it's double jeopardy so can't try him again either. everyone gets off now.

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May 31, 2022
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Just another sample of your wisdom....or the lack thereof.

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Yeah, there is no appeal from this.

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Wait! Hillary's wonderful, loyal husband already served time unjustly...on Pedo Island...and now you demand more heartache from this all-American couple?? How unfair of you!

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Andy McCarthy called it too. Listen to his points here: https://pca.st/episode/64ff10a7-e8c2-4403-b8d2-513320a0b08b

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LOL, every time you disagree with a verdict, it's just more evidence our government NEEDS to be overthrown, right? The same with every election in which your favored candidate loses?

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May 31, 2022
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First it's Russia, Russia, Russia.

Now, it's Bush, Bush, Bush.

Jesus, Gene, when are you going to get with the times. You're always 10 years behind. You probably will notice the midterm results in the '30's. (That's 2030, not 1930, you throwback.)

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More like twenty years and could it be more ridiculous to call himself a "Trump Repubican" when he has continuously bashed Trump claiming he is a "bush neocon" He is an absolute waste of oxygen and wouldn't know the truth if it ran over him like tsunami.

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May 31, 2022
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But you are SO concerned with sideshows. Here is some more timely substance for you:


See, the GOPe is a shadow of its former Statist self. Stop getting in the way of its defeat, too.

The danger is the Deep Security State, and its going to be a long, slow haul getting rid of it. The Durham sunshine is but one part, but the Obama/Clinton/Rice/Clapper/etc.etc. is still squirming, and if you ARE a DJT Republican then you would give more support to its squishing.

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Justice never had a chance in the DC sewer.

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Now we get to see whether Durham is serious!

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Banana Republic

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Lost at jury selection

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Which begs the question void dire- IF Durham is as good as they say?

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Won at revealing the truth....stay strong, the best is yet to come.

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Military is the ONLY way... Q said this long ago and he/she was 100% spot on correct. You can't try coup plotters and treasonous individuals in a Jury of Peers - especially IN THE SWAMP. If the good and just portion of the Military doesn't step up, we are DOOMED. I mean like extermination DOOMED. We can only do so much folks.

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Great comment Jeffrey, thanks.

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"Q" hasn't been right about a single major thing yet. When will you people realize you're being PLAYED by foreign enemies of the US?

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I would tend to believe you except people like Trump and Kash seem to give "Q" cred to a certain extent so I tend to believe it's true. Without Q, many wouldn't know ANYTHING about this stuff. Why would the enemy provide so much info when it could do it all in the shadows without anyone knowing anything?

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Q is the only cult that taught people to think for themselves. If it was a psyop, it was a colossal failure.

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LOL...you canNOT prove a single thing that Q got wrong, and likely YOU are one of the "foreign enemies". Give us an example TROLL....standing by.

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Yep, in the coming weeks we will see 100% proof of foreign intervention in our 2020 election. 2000 Mules was just the beginning.

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Just a disgrace. The crooks all walk in DC. That judge and jury can go to hell

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The DC Swamp protects it's own.

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I got an email from a friend this morning: not a surprise at all.. and I wanted to post before that I thought Joffe actually works for the CIA but now you just said proved it for me: "including data from the Trumansition period, was exploited by Sussmann and Rodney Joffe and then passed to the CIA. Rodney Joffe was a longtime Confidential Human Source (CHS) – and generally a resource – for the FBI." truly mind bogglingly disgusting POS. will not use profanity this morning.. just disgusting. Hillary Crime family and depth of their deep state swamp connections confirmed. When I read your post before remembered the death of the Seth Rich.. which at the time was on Twitter.. his death will now be relegated to the cold case file. The Clintons are truly an anathema for me: along with the Hunter Biden's Biden laptop "revelations".. really putrid poison. I still think about that post on your feed where the guy said he h8 ed Hillary for ruining 2016 magic.. it wasn't ruined completely because Donald Trump accomplished so much good,, now being rolled back by Bidnrot and the DC SWAMP creatures. well I need to go have medical appts this week.. GREAT WORK, Techno: you did foresee this outcome.. but does not make it Ok for me.. the whole lot of them should be in prison: I would feel sorry for the prison that contained them.. anyway 'nuff said. take care Isabella

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May 31, 2022
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LOL. I hope you aren't talking to me W falls in the McCain category.. and you are lucky you are not in prison Gene.. ttyl

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