The neocons have been exposed, and are a fading Statist fad. The uncapturable DJT has shown the way, and most Republican voters know this. The Tea Party was a valiant attempt, and its brief existence lives on in the hearts of the new Republican lay voter.
I thought "Hitlery" was/is a sideshow, Gene. Are you schizo?
Now wait a minute, Gene; Bush fought to make all Iraqis free...right??? or have I got that wrong???? confused...
So you say. So why do you keep commenting on HRC?
You people!
Gene, Gene, Gene: there are 2 (two) parties, and 2 (two) parties only. You can't defeat one without using the other.
There, now YOU aren't clueless anymore.
The neocons have been exposed, and are a fading Statist fad. The uncapturable DJT has shown the way, and most Republican voters know this. The Tea Party was a valiant attempt, and its brief existence lives on in the hearts of the new Republican lay voter.