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Great response. What you are saying is that this was a "show" trial, not in the Russian sense but as a performance where Durham gets to prance and fret his conspiracy theory without actually bringing any evidence at all. Kind of like the entire MAGA enterprise. Sounds great on forums but fails completely in courts, where facts matter.

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"...without actually bringing any evidence at all..."

You have got to be kidding. Otherwise, you are being utterly obtuse.

And you also completely miss the entire successful point of the "MAGA enterprise." The courts have nothing to do with it. We finally (after 100 years of its slow corruption) have made, and continue to make, the Republican Party into a non-State-captured, pro-true-Capitalism home for the Classical Liberal, which is a return to its rightful, and righteous, place in the American political landscape.

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What? What is "pro-true-Capitalism home for the Classical Liberal".

Trump is a conman from Queens. If I offered him a million $ and asked him to define "pro-true-Capitalism" he'd either laugh or, if he thought he could actually win, come up with some word-salad.

You would be delighted with that word-salad because you are also a moron.

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You could not be more wrong.

M. Pat Kelly, I am sure, from your responses here (and sincerely thank you for the discussion) that you will disagree (and that's okay!) with my final addition today:

True Capitalism *is* Classical Liberalism, the true "liberalism," i.e. liberation from the State (not from need/want), as expressed so profoundly in the founding documents.

The two terms are exactly synonymous.

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The problem is human nature. Without government control we would all be paying $100 a gallon for Exxon gasoline. Capitalist figured out really quickly that a monopoly was the best way to a profit. Competition requires government to act as a referee.

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You sound like the perfect communist.

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LOL. So I'm a communist because I'm against monopolies ? I suggest you acquaint yourself with the history of the Standard Oil Company

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But Standard Oil was defeated with honest competition, as would your hilariously hyperbolic $100 per gallon gasoline.

You are a Communist because you believe there will always exist only one player, the State, in any market.

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No, you are a communist because you think gov't is the only answer. The consumer is the "referee" and "free markets" can deal with "monopolies" far better than corrupt DIM gov'ts.

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Again, you and I are of utterly opposite opinion. We aren't going to change each other's mind, I think, and I choose not to re-express mine here.

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Tim, you handily won that debate. Of course, that is how it usually works when you use facts, and the other person only has commie propaganda. Anyone that believes gov't is the answer to "honest business" doesn't have a clue how we got in this economic debacle we are now suffering. You could have used the USSR as a great example how gov't can be a "referee", but like you said, it would likely be a wasted effort. Stay strong.

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