I got an email from a friend this morning: not a surprise at all.. and I wanted to post before that I thought Joffe actually works for the CIA but now you just said proved it for me: "including data from the Trumansition period, was exploited by Sussmann and Rodney Joffe and then passed to the CIA. Rodney Joffe was a longtime Confidenti…
I got an email from a friend this morning: not a surprise at all.. and I wanted to post before that I thought Joffe actually works for the CIA but now you just said proved it for me: "including data from the Trumansition period, was exploited by Sussmann and Rodney Joffe and then passed to the CIA. Rodney Joffe was a longtime Confidential Human Source (CHS) – and generally a resource – for the FBI." truly mind bogglingly disgusting POS. will not use profanity this morning.. just disgusting. Hillary Crime family and depth of their deep state swamp connections confirmed. When I read your post before remembered the death of the Seth Rich.. which at the time was on Twitter.. his death will now be relegated to the cold case file. The Clintons are truly an anathema for me: along with the Hunter Biden's Biden laptop "revelations".. really putrid poison. I still think about that post on your feed where the guy said he h8 ed Hillary for ruining 2016 magic.. it wasn't ruined completely because Donald Trump accomplished so much good,, now being rolled back by Bidnrot and the DC SWAMP creatures. well I need to go have medical appts this week.. GREAT WORK, Techno: you did foresee this outcome.. but does not make it Ok for me.. the whole lot of them should be in prison: I would feel sorry for the prison that contained them.. anyway 'nuff said. take care Isabella
I got an email from a friend this morning: not a surprise at all.. and I wanted to post before that I thought Joffe actually works for the CIA but now you just said proved it for me: "including data from the Trumansition period, was exploited by Sussmann and Rodney Joffe and then passed to the CIA. Rodney Joffe was a longtime Confidential Human Source (CHS) – and generally a resource – for the FBI." truly mind bogglingly disgusting POS. will not use profanity this morning.. just disgusting. Hillary Crime family and depth of their deep state swamp connections confirmed. When I read your post before remembered the death of the Seth Rich.. which at the time was on Twitter.. his death will now be relegated to the cold case file. The Clintons are truly an anathema for me: along with the Hunter Biden's Biden laptop "revelations".. really putrid poison. I still think about that post on your feed where the guy said he h8 ed Hillary for ruining 2016 magic.. it wasn't ruined completely because Donald Trump accomplished so much good,, now being rolled back by Bidnrot and the DC SWAMP creatures. well I need to go have medical appts this week.. GREAT WORK, Techno: you did foresee this outcome.. but does not make it Ok for me.. the whole lot of them should be in prison: I would feel sorry for the prison that contained them.. anyway 'nuff said. take care Isabella
LOL. I hope you aren't talking to me W falls in the McCain category.. and you are lucky you are not in prison Gene.. ttyl