Hillary supported that stupid war and every other stupid foreign policy fiasco of the last 30 years and she has absolutely no scruples about selling us out to the Chicoms like every other brain dead, elitist, free trade ideologue.
Say what you will about Trump but at least he's not a chickenhawk warmonger like most DC creepazoids.
Hillary supported that stupid war and every other stupid foreign policy fiasco of the last 30 years and she has absolutely no scruples about selling us out to the Chicoms like every other brain dead, elitist, free trade ideologue.
Say what you will about Trump but at least he's not a chickenhawk warmonger like most DC creepazoids.
Hillary supported that stupid war and every other stupid foreign policy fiasco of the last 30 years and she has absolutely no scruples about selling us out to the Chicoms like every other brain dead, elitist, free trade ideologue.
Say what you will about Trump but at least he's not a chickenhawk warmonger like most DC creepazoids.