When I met Dick Marcinko back in 1994, we chatted about his book and I asked him about the CIA and what he said, could not be printed here.

They are incompetence extraordinaire and have been for a very long time. Just for example, the Marines in my shop and I were discussing the fall of the USSR BEFORE it fell and the CIA MISSED IT! Bay of Pigs? Diem assassination? The list of their failures is legion.

What kind of intel service is this? Then they miss 9-11-2001 or did they help?

The CIA is as useless as a concrete parachute and should be IMMEDIATELY disbanded and set up along the lines of the Mossad, who actually gets it RIGHT!

17 ICAs (Intel Collection Agencies) and none of them get it right and none of them give a flying crap about the American People.

2024 - President Trump reforms the DOJ, CIA, and FBLie.

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Space Force has an intelligence arm so that makes 18 US intelligence agencies. The US Postal Service scans and retains all letter and package address labels, essentially creating a large metadata database, and more recently their postal inspectors (USPIS) has been caught monitoring US citizens' social media posts and even more recently, monitoring US cell phone traffic, so that would make 19 US intelligence agencies. What free country needs 19 intelligence agencies?

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,If the agencies were actually "intelligent" maybe it would not be so bad. Like ANY bureaucracy the expansion into "intelligence" work is a natural tendency to keep growing regardless of the necessity for that type of service. Next will be School Boards having an intelligence committee to keep an eye on the parents suspected of domestic terrorism. School Boards are pretty useless and should be eliminated. That entire bureaucracy is one that has gotten completely out of control. These "experts" are just freeloading slugs without any interest in the children within the system. Their meetings are run like some parole board where the prisoners beg for some type of consideration.

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A surprising number of federal agencies are well armed - Social Security, IRS, USPS, etc. Why does almost every federal agency need an armed police force? The Federal Reserve (NOT a federal agency but they pretend to be) is so armed that it looks like a small country's army with helicopters and everything.

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I worked at DIAC (Department of information) a couple of times. What I learned quickly was no one who works there actually has any information and is quite reluctant to get any. Complete bureaucracy.

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There must be 19 minimum then. What do they do all day?

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watch porn??? or spy on patriots...

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I agree 100%, Sam! The CIA is totally incompetent and CORRUPT. I don't understand why Trump hasn't dismantled the CIA already in February 2017. Big mistake.

The CIA is the Heart of the Deep State.

or, to put it in a different way: The USA is a Colony of the CIA.

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What chaps my a&& is that this crap has been going on since Army Intel out'd the FDR/Truman Admins as full of commies. The Venora Papers are available online for reading and the damage that the US Gruberment has been inflicting on the American People started with Wilson and continuing today.

Congress is as corrupt as a Mexicali cop.

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To be fair to the Mexicali cop he is at least fully transparent in his corruption!

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Very true. Seen them in action in Tijuana!

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Why, it appears we have Sen. Joe McCarthy reincarnated right here on the message boards. Congrats, senator, for your heroic struggle against communists infiltrating all corners of the federal government. You were NOT a laughingstock or an alcoholic like the liberal media portrayed. When conservatives like Ron DeSantis get the White House, all the history books will be re-written and your status as a hero will be cemented!


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Trump implemented JFK EO57 to place CIA under Executive oversight. That happened in 2019. Whatever that may or may not mean today under bidan.

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Was that part of the plan for JFK Jr. to reappear from hiding, so as to assume the vice-presidency, after Mike Pence was hung by Antifa-posing-as-MAGA at the U.S. Capitol? Why didn't junior reveal himself in Dallas, anyway?

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He did, it’s not public yet. Haspel was a figure head of an inactive agency. Much like Betsy DeVos.

The earliest indication I could find of his intent was Operation Jagged Knife. That’s when I was 100% of their immediate demise.

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On point!

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It appears that the. CIA has been engaged in illegal activities for a very long time. It would be very easy to seize all their records and fire everyone and defund them NOW.

Then have a task force comprised of very good investigators from the military and other gov't. agencies overseen by HONEST individuals who will sift everything and determine just what this agency has been up to. Then reconstitute a NEW security agency with strict oversight by a bipartisan Senate Committee that issues an annual report that addresses their budget funding and their compliance with domestic spying laws.

As with all powerful agencies there is always the problem of "mission creep" and the bureaucracies inevitable tendency to expand and protect itself. Given their immense power that tendency needs to be very well monitored and strict enforcement (trials and jail) for violations, for whatever reason, of the laws and guidelines that relate directly to that NEW agency. Won't be foolproof but the public trials will discourage wholesale violations of any rules and regulations that Congress imposes.

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"It would be very easy to seize all their records and fire everyone and defund them NOW."

Seriously? JFK was intent on merely bringing them to heel and look what that got him.

Apparent incompetence notwithstanding, they have tremendous power.

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The recent new documentary, "JFK Revisited," has new information from the records released in 2018. It's obvious that the CIA/FBI orchestrated the murder of a sitting President.

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Yes, and the conspiracy lasted for so long that JFK Jr. had no choice but to fake a plane crash in the ocean; otherwise the CIA was coming next for him. What I don't understand is why JFK Jr. did not reveal himself in Dallas for the big unveiling. He must have learned of a NEW threat that prevented the announcement.

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MarkLane said that years ago...last word ..was the book.It is a good one especially chapter 6 and 7

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I thought Ted Cruz's dad killed JFK. That's what Trump said, and he never lies.

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"Then have a task force comprised of...HONEST individuals..." honest??? I know Q said that there really are patriots in D.C., but at the moment "honest" seems like an oxymoron!! lol

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Gotta get them from OUTSIDE the D.C. swamp.

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Remember what Q Intel said, this is not for everyone. Q is not talking only about America. It is about the population of the world. That world population is at war with the globalists - whoever they are. I think we don't understand that full picture yet.

Think about it. Moving forward into a greater future can only be done through honesty, integrity and fearlessness, the hallmarks of this once great nation. America, the beacon of the future. Each of us must find these qualities within ourselves going forward. That is what DJT and MAGA are all about. It is not for everyone.

As we rise with integrity to truly embrace freedom with all our mind and heart, we will not need any intelligence agency because it is humanity that is rising. Freedom cannot be known without love, the glue that binds us. It is love that will lift us and require of us to demand the return of Donald Trump to leadership. Not because he is a saint, but because he is one of us who has put his life on the line for Liberty!

That new era will see us through to a new world beyond the imagination of most. We are destined for the stars. DJT knows this and this is one of the founding cornerstones of why he created Space Force. He knows we are already there, in space and participating. To think we will be creating a new intelligence agency is not about the level of change Q Intel is talking about. That is thinking from the Past. We are changing the World for all futures to come. Nothing can stop what is coming.

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"Remember what Q Intel said."

This is the line that tells you we need to eliminate everyone who doesn't believe the Q Intel. The problem is, the shapeshifting reptiles are very clever at portraying humans. It is difficult to tell them apart. Before we slaughter all the alien usurpers, we need a way of identifying ourselves.

I believe a 2-inch by 2-inch black Q, tattooed on the hand or the forehead, will suffice so that we don't mistakenly kill allies in the movement.

I look forward to the day where nobody can get a job or make a purchase without his Q stamp!

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Moving forward into the future, the MAGA movement needs a convenient and easy way to distinguish patriots from saboteurs (who make up the bulwark of the federal bureaucracy). I suggest all true MAGA patriots be tattooed, or perhaps branded, with a 2-inch by -2-inch black Q on their hands or foreheads. Then we can tell them apart from the evildoers.

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If we are to move into the future as a unified nation it might have to be with someone else as our leader. Trump did have many good ideas but seemed to lack the ability to bring everyone into his tent. His age mitigates against him and his "enemies" have poisoned the well. He will spend his time fighting off the jackals within D.C. and the radical leftists so it will fall to another to lead the way. It is too bad but it is reality.

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Surely you're not serious. We cannot just "move on" with "another leader." All of us watched as the Democrats pulled off the greatest crime in the history of America, in the 2020 election. It victimized the greatest president of my lifetime -- some have claimed he was greater that Lincoln and George Washington combined. I'm still not sure about that, but Trump was GREAT!

We cannot brush off such perfidy. The perpetrators of the outrage need to be heeled, and Trump needs to be restored to his rightful place in the White House. That and only that would be justice.

Following their conviction before MAGA courts staffed with MAGA jurors, all the perpetrators (especially Hillary) should be slowly and agonizingly tortured to death on the Washington Mall, to deter future presidential election thefts.

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Do you really believe that will happen with our corrupt voting systems? The algorithms are unanimous. There is no savior. But a call for the return of Trump is a path because (1) it is known #MAGA and (2) it would be the Will Of The People to put a stop to the warmongering and money laundering. By declaring NO more.

It would give us a chance to catch our breath as we move as one mind and one heart in liberating ourselves and declaring our freedom. Not as one nation but as a global humanity. It starts with us because we are the only ones who can lead the people of the world toward that liberation for all. Regardless of how corrupt we are told we are (rotten 3 letter agencies) the world still looks to America for hope.

Trump gave us back our country. Red pilled our nation. It is up to us. to take it home and find the will within each of us to stand in courage and shout from rooftops NO MORE. We ARE ALREADY a nation of FREE people. NO matter what the globalists think or say. We demand it!

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You are being improperly insincere. This is a serious question about the greatest crime in history, and all you can do is utter silly uppercase exclamations? Where is your patriotism?

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They are many levels of an intel agency.

The intel agencies were created to control the people, not to collect foreign intel!

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I believe all of them are working against the American people. They have been rogue a long time, especially given that we have corrupt Presidents like the Bushes, Clinton and Obama who were selling out America and then good ole Hillary was selling us out as Secretary of State under Obama, and John Kerry meeting with Iran when Trump was President! Now we have China Obiden, it just keeps getting worse. All of these agencies need disbanded period! We had one President in all those years who truly loves America and that is President Trump!

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I agree with you 100%. Also, Habitat for Humanity is run by the CIA. That's why Jimmy Carter joined HFH after he left office in 1981. The CIA is still protecting him there.

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The CIA and most all other members of the I.C. are bureaucracies first and fore most. Their "mission" is to preserve their power and keep growing themselves by utilizing EVERY trick in the bureaucrat's book The fact that they are charted to provide "intelligence" is way secondary. They, through bogus publicity, overstated accomplishments and public's consumption of "spy novels" have created a myth in which they are guardians of Democracy and freedom.

They are in fact a caricature of an actual intelligence operation. Just observe the two heads of our intelligence agencies. Brennen and Clapper. Two paper pushing uber- bureaucrats who mumble through their Congressional appearances and like overgrown little boys they posture and pose imitating what they think a "spymaster" should be.

Their appearance on CNN and other cable outlets is embarrassing. These agencies are just another form of the Department of Motor Vehicles. Forms are created and filled out with mind numbing regularity. Analysis's create 'Briefing Books" for Congress loaded with ambiguous word salads that are all but indecipherable -as they are meant to be. Like every bureaucracy they create and and turn out reams of written crap that fills scores of file cabinets that in the end no one actually reads.

The only solution to this morass is to disband these operationally useless agencies and turn over their functions to different military branches who usually actually assess the results of their intelligence agencies effectiveness. Their lives depend on accuracy and timeliness and not creation of dust gathering reports and impenetrable catch phrases and obfuscating B.S.

But alas these bureaucracies are so entrenched and like a cancer so widespread that removing them has become all but impossible. Like most other Federal agencies they are born, keep growing and seem to live forever. Bloated useless gov't bureaus and agencies are the norm and not the exception --- just how it is.

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I hope that when Trump gets re-elected in 2024, or appointed House Speaker in 2023, that he abolishes all the DMVs. They are truly the most evil bureaucracy.

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Sad but true. The Swamp needs draining bad!

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They're competent when they want to be. Trump did lose (sort of) in 2020 didn't he? The CIA created Charlie Manson (read Chaos), they have over thrown countless countries. You only think they are incompetent because you assume they want what's best for America.

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Even a blind squirrel finds a nut from time to time. Given the multitude of plots and harebrained schemes that go array against their successes my opinion is they are wasting dollars and are pretty inefficient.

No oversight, no accountability, no evaluation of their actions. All typical of gov't bureaucracies that have power and influence. They have become a law unto themselves and need to have their very wide wings clipped.

The KGB under the Soviet system was the enforcement arm of the Communist Party. Even they got too powerful and Stalin truncated their power by lopping of heads. Not our way but same problem different solution.

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You think Charlie Manson was behind the election theft? That's a new one for me. Can you elaborate? Sounds chilling. We should be very scared!

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I though you were assassinated by Hillary. Or, did you go into hiding like JFK Jr. did following his "plane crash in the ocean?"

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Why the hell would you think Trump "sort of" lost in 2020? What the hell does "sort of lost" even mean, in the context of elections, for which the outcomes are binary?

Trump WON the election, convincingly, and anyone who doubts that needs to listen more to Mike Lindell and Patrick Byrne, the two greatest patriots of our generation. Each of them has invested MILLIONS in auditing the 2020 elections in states,.

They know how many votes China flipped in the Dominion voting machines, county-by-county, in each state, and how the Chinese did it for Biden using a devious algorithm. They know how many dead Democrats voted, and where (there were lots in Maricopa County). They know how the ghost of Hugo Chavez infected the Smartmatic machines, to flip votes for Trump to Biden.

It's all documented! Gateway Pundit has the best coverage.

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Go ask JFK how easy and safe it is to disband the CIA.

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I know! And JFK Jr. is still in hiding because of that! Weird that he canceled the big reveal in Dallas.

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No kidding there. Add that he wanted to WITHDRAW from Vietnam (late Oct 63) and it was a foregone conclusion that the CIA and the Mafia (JFK reneged on taking back Cuba for them since Sam Giancana cheated for JFK) were gonna whack him.

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I just LOVE how the 2016-2020 Plot Against MAGA has reinvigorated the Kennedy Assassination crowd. It's about time, because the Kennedy Assassination and Big Steal are inextricably intertwined. Nazis, whom the CIA rescued from crumbling Germany in the mid-1940s, have controlled us ever since. There is a SWAMP, and it's full of Nazis. I hope we can deNazify ourselves, but we might need to formally request help from Putin. Maybe he can help us when he's finished helping Ukraine.

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They get it right. They get what their bosses want. They just aren't doing what WE are told they're doing.

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We KNOW there's a deep and devious plot against MAGA. Look at how the Deep State politically castrated the uber-patriot, Rep. Madison Cawthorn!

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Wow. Your chat with Marcinko in 1994 is extraordinary evidence of Trump's innocence in 2020.

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That's what MIke Flynn was trying to do from before he joined the administration, and they came after him.

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Indeed. They hate Trump and Flynn for totally exposing teh Deep Swamp critters.

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And Flynn was 100% within his rights to lie to the FBI, too.

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I know!

Flynn was entirely within his rights to be communicating on an unsecure cell phone a month before Trump took office, with the Russian ambassador, for the purpose of undermining sanctions imposed by Obama, who was still (technically) president.

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May he RIP, or rest in his case.

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Indeed. He took the time out to chat with me when he didn't have to. A down to earth guy.

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I enjoyed his books, recommended to me by a MGySgt. Re: your screen name. I, as a civilian, worked at a command center and the last exercise we did had a Marine involved who chose Sam Adams for his role playing name. Fun times.

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Sam Adams, the Father of the Revolution, has been a personal hero since I was a kid.

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Semper fi!

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Whoever is the Republican nominee needs to commit to reforming all US Intelligence Agencies and getting completely rid of some. That is what they feered General Flynn planned, which is why they took him out immediately.

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A word of caution. There is no "whoever is the Republican nominee." The next Republican nominee MUST be Trump, and only Trump. All of the others have been compromised through honeypot and other blackmail scheme. Trump is the ONLY leader they've been unable to touch.

I hope he chooses Flynn as his next VP. Or perhaps Don Jr. We don't need a milquetoast like Mike Pence, who refused to do the right thing Jan. 6 because he was afraid the Deep State would expose his homosexual liaisons.

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Agree totally. I don't think anyone, but Trump would make this commitment, but even if they do, Trump is the only one we can trust to fulfill the promise. A Trump/Flynn ticket is exactly what we need.

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Honey, thank you for liking my comments, but I was being facetious. Do you understand what that means?

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I do know what facetious means. Obviously, you aren't very good at making facetious comments. "Honey" is also not an appropriate way to start your condescending comment. Take care, sweety.

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Honey, you should hire someone to think for you. Your entire brain's been polluted with MAGA nonsense.

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fuck mossad

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Indeed. The Jews are the REAL Nazis. I mean, good grief, just look how they handled Hitler and how how they've unfairly tarnished his name for all eternity.

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Seig Heil Herr Reichfuhrer!

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Great article, thank you, TechnoFog! - Correct, the CIA is NOT allowed to spy or operate on the US territory, on US citizens. So what the CIA does? it outsources the Spy Operations to the British GCHQ, which IS allowed to spy on US citizens (GCHQ = British NSA).

GCHQ does the spying job, then it sends back the info and data to the NSA, the CIA has access to the NSA data, and can gather any data it wants from the NSA (and from the GCHQ).

Easy peasy. This is routine, for the CIA. This is how the CIA circumvents laws and regulations. It is called "Outsourcing".

There is an undersea cable connecting directly the GCHQ Station in Bude (Cornwall) to the NSA Headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland. In 2010, the NSA paid to the GCHQ $20 Million for improvements of the GCHQ Station in Bude.

By the way: John Brennan (CIA Director) met with the GCHQ Director, Robert Hannigan in early August 2016.

Robert Hannigan resigned on January 23, 2017: 3 days after Trump Inauguration.

Coincidence? I don't think so.

John Brennan was the Mastermind behind all the Spy Operations on Trump.

* * *

Another way the CIA uses to circumvent the law: the CIA contracts HAKLUYT, a private British Spy Agency (founded by two fmr MI6 Agents), HAKLUTY does the dirty job of spying on US citizens, then sends back the info to the CIA. No FOIA: HAKLUYT is a private company.

Interesting to note that the HAKLUYT office in New York City is at 540, Madison Avenue: a 3 minutes walk from Trump Tower.

I've been there.

Will Durham find this out?

I don't know. There are classified UK/USA agreements. I doubt Durham will be given access. The Sussmann/Joffe affair is just scratching the surface of what really happened with the Spy Operations on Trump. Durham interviewed John Brennan on August 21, 2020. For 8 hours: quite a long interview. I would have liked to be a fly on the wall at Langley.

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Your post just goes to show the hall of mirrors and obfuscating smoke machine that protects those engaged in the usual skullduggery and disinformation prevalent in the world of spies and gov't. created mis- information.

The media was a bit of a brake on these agencies but now seem all in on working with them to achieve whatever political narratives they wish to spin. Is the media actually "the enemy of the people?" That question is one that has become ambiguous and open to question with many Americans. The media seems to have self destructed when it climbed into bed with the very people it was created to expose and question. What a putrid stew has been created over the last 20 years or so by the control freaks produced by American Universities, political Parties and just plain run of the mill tyrants.

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It is easy to explain: The CIA controls all the TV Networks and all the major newspapers - since the 1950's. (New York Times, WaPo, LA Times, SF Chronicle, Chicago Tribune, etc.)

It is all documented. Church Committee, Carl Bernstein. In 1975 there were 400 journalists and editors under CIA payroll.

How many today?

4,000? 40,000 under CIA payroll?

The so-called "Media" are just the CIA Propaganda Machine.

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Exposed by Carl Bernstein? He has become a real tool and hysteric on the cable stations. Guess he likes the spotlight and the additional income from his masters in the I.C.

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at that time (1977), Carl Bernstein did a great job on the CIA issues. If later he flipped, or was bought by the CIA, is not my fault. I look at the message, not at the messenger.

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Not blaming you. I've read the Church Report too. Guess over 45 years, removed from his time his prime as an investigative journalist, has addled the old dudes mind.

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Trump derangement syndrome and group think has overcome him.

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Carl Bernstein is an agent of George Soros. And actually, Carl Bernstein was aiming the Soros space lasers that started the California wildfires.

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I swear, this is JUST LIKE the trials in Salem, Masschusetts in the 1600s!

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We live under a Fascist regime. Government, Big Corporations (Big Media), and NGO's work together to repress people's freedom. Definition of Facism. We're living it.

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Agree. Once the Republicans win the Senate & House, and the House Republicans appoint Trump as Speaker in Jan. '23, the Nazis in the Deep State, the Techo State, Big Media and Big Corporations will be gunning for him like never before.

For that reason, as House Speaker, Trump's first act should be an appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin, for military help to suppress American Nazis.

By then, Putin will have conquered Ukraine in his rout of Nazis there, so his troops will be very skilled at taking out Nazis.

It will be historic: The two democratically elected leaders of the world's greatest two superpowers, joining forces to rout the Nazis everywhere. The Earth will be far better off!

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"I doubt Durham will be given access."

I've had a hunch for a long time that Durham is a personification of Military Intelligence and the Military Police working together to destroy the cabaal. The fact that foreign entities have been at play from the beginning transfers it from criminal law to military law from my understanding. If I'm right, then Durham (they) will have access.

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I suspect this also comes under the Espionage Act; something about "Conspiring with a foreign agent to subvert the US Government".

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It is interesting how much ya'll place your faith in Military Intelligence, considering how much of an oxymoron that term is.

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hope that's right but seems very wishful thinking to me

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it's an interesting theory... I hope you are right!

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LOL. Your tone echoes Ginni Thomas' texts to Mark Meadows in the wake of the Big Steal. Are you Ginni in drag?

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Allowed? The "laws" only matter if there is people to answer to. That doesn't exist because these people don't answer to anyone. It's like foreign policy. Foreign policy is a state of anarchy. The apex predator are the sovereign. The sovereign is he who makes the exception.

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I agree, dojee

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There's also the Five Eyes Alliance, which lets the UK, Canada, New Zealand & Australia spy on the US for the CIA. (And us for them)

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yes, but the UK/USA agreements are OUTSIDE and separated from the Five Eyes agreements.

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I did not know that. Make that Four Eyes? Sounds derogatory.

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no, it is separate.

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Back in the day, former Australian Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer was also the UN special envoy to Cyprus, and appointed to Hakluyt’s advisory board.

Wouldn't be surprised if he had John Brennan on speed dial.

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Probably not possible but Durham should question Downer under oath. His reporting of the conversation with Popadoplious (ph) smells of a set up. His coyly reporting it to State is pretty odd since he never reported other "intelligence" in the past. Also he coordinated donations to the Clinton Foundation. Was a FOH.

As they say "remember the names." This inter-connected web of I.C. informants, diplomats, quasi-criminals, and political operatives all smack of a widespread conspiracy to achieve an objective. Namely "dumping Trump." Seems pretty straight forward in its objectives but they seem to have taken the longway around to conceal the origins of the entire enterprise. Every trick in the intelligence communities playbook was utilized to hide the players. This was NOT a random happening.

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A brilliant idea! I believe Durham should compel the testimony of all the spy chiefs from other nations. It's the only way to uncover the long line of CIA misdeeds beginning with the Kennedy Assassination and going all the way through the Big Steal.

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Don't forget. They expected Hillary to win.

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The FBLie said they opened CH because of the tip from Downer about PapaD. And what spurred Downer to report it was Trump asking Russia if they had Hitlery’s emails.

Problem is, he reported it the day BEFORE Trump asked about the emails,

FBLie strikes again

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The FBI is so accustomed to never being questioned about anything that they forgot how to effectively lie and misdirect peoples attention. Once many of their "successes" are deconstructed and closely examined they are usually either entrapments, informant enabled cases or bungled investigations that accomplished nothing.

They along with overly ambitious A.U.S.A.'s are little concerned with legal tactics when chasing a "high" profile case. With this Trump frame-up they all got in way over their heads. The actual investigative journalists overmatched them at every turn. The media thought they could swing the public opinion for the FBI/AUSA's but committed suicide in their quest to cover-up the conspiracy. They all had one thing in common and that was the worship of Queen Hillary who had to be protected at any cost. That cost has turned out to be very high indeed.

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Greg, thank you for all your wonderful articles on Substack.

I wholeheartedly believe that our government is ruled by shape-shifting alien reptiles who kidnap infants and drink their blood for the life-sustaining hormone adrenochrome.

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I can’t remember whom right now, but one of the strong investigative reporters is on the link to London. real clear politics?

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While a third party (such as a private business) holds data, it is not disclosable. But as soon as it comes into the possession of the government, it becomes disclosable (as far as its classification will allow) as is any other government data. Government-held data is government-held data, regardless of its source. Maybe the law needs to be changed to make it illegal for the CIA to be in possession of such data, regardless of its source. That should close the loophole. Or was the loophole left there on purpose (as many government loopholes are)?

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I remember you, Mr. Rubini. I used to follow your work. Yeah, you would know the details of this disaster.

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Jeremy Fleming replaced GCHQ director Hannigan in March 2017 and subsequently FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe flew to UK to meet with Fleming.

Where is John Brennan?

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I can't tell you how much I continue to appreciate your proper framing of these issues. I hope at some point enough evidence comes to light that it will be dealt with. While I lost my twitter account the same day as Dr Malone et al (for the same reason), I continue to share your posts on telegram and locals. Thank you ~

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None of this matters as long as powerful men don't go to prison. Brennan, Clapper, Comey, etc.

We have roughly half the country who don't care. There is no objective truth. Might makes right, the ends justify the means.

The older I get the more I understand the meaning of "a republic, if you can keep it."

Of course if you committed a misdemeanor on January 6 of 2021 in the nation's capital, YOU'RE the problem.

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You hit the nail on the head. Most of this will be brushed off as “right wing conspiracy” regardless of the amount of evidence. The average American - who was easily turned into a meek 🐑 during the “pandemic” is certainly not intellectually capable of even understanding why these people are absolutely traitors to the Constitution and the country. No harm will come to them but we will certainly continue to lose our rights.

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It will matter to them someday, when the government drops all pretense and turns on them.

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I'm rebutting my own comment. I should not have written that "None of this matters as long as powerful men don't go to prison. Brennan, Clapper, Comey, etc."

It does matter because Techno Fog, Margot Cleveland, Devin Nunes and others have done yeoman's work exposing the corruption. My frustration boiled over because the mainstream media will never admit the corruption.

In my haste, I ignored a key fact. The LORD sees all. I hope that in His time, the truth comes out and the perpetrators are made to answer for their crimes, lies and distortions.

Thank you, Techno Fog, and all lovers of the truth.

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The Lord God sees ALL through OUR eyes, We are the witnesses of it all. As we observe, steadfast is the vision of what needs to change. And steadfast, the gale winds do not un-moor our truth. The truth has set free our spirit in the momentum of deliverance to that beautiful future awaiting. The best is yet to come. Stay strong patriots.

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Yes! We are God's agents, so WE ARE JUSTIFIED in ANYTHING we do.

Just like we were on Jan. 6, when we broke into the U.S. Capitol, injuring dozens of Satanic police, killing one, trampling to death at least one of our own. Just like the shooter in Uvalde!

Our leader's loss all by itself justifies our claim that the election was stolen, and ANY means to right that wrong..

All elections that don't go the way you want are stolen. The "proof" is the loss!

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What I don't understand is that Devin Nunes is batting exactly ZERO in all of his slander and libel suits against Twitter, the Washington Post, CNN and other news media.

How could ALL of those lawsuits be dismissed, with the historic number of MAGA appointees Trump put on the federal bench? The authorities are treating his claims as meritless, when we know otherwise.

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The half who might care numbers over 180 million. Might be able to move the needle if time does not sap their will on this matter. An old media trick is to mach time until they start their publishing stories entitled "Nothing to see here, old news lets move on." We might be getting into that territory.

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Thanks for your wise comments. I hope that you are correct. I do see some evidence. Evidence, not just about the Russia Hoax, but the people of San Francisco recalling three progressive school board members, the turnover in VA from blue to red, the near miss in the NJ governor race and the pivot away from mandates and masks. The Left might've pushed too hard. I hope they get the spanking that they so richly deserve.

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Hey Techno! Great work as always!

Not sure if you read the comments so I’ll be as brief as possible. (DM sent in Twatter)

Durham Healthcare Provider = Watch: 2008 Joffe congressional testimony re: the Conficker worm. Pay close attention as he mentions it was found in 300 MRI machines.

(Committee chairman important due to “Insurance Folder”)

Next, MRI Contrast 1988 FDA Approved Gadolinium.

Next, Google- “DARPA” “DREaM” “Gadolinium” “Transistors”

Next, the recently reported secret CIA bulk surveillance program and page 20 of the 3rd Carter Page FISA warrant application and you’ll just about have enough.

Glad I can finally toss the lob assist for another Techno Fog slam dunk!

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I wrote these down and am about to look this up.

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Take a deep breath, you are going a rabbit hole

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Dude. Can you say scrubbed? Everything is 404'd.


I'm doing a dig today and woah... woah, woah, woah. Medical devices are infected. Holy shit.

That's where I'm at.


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Don't worry. Q will restore them all. The storm is coming.

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Well thats what happened when you got FBI agents (Strozk) working for the CIA as well.

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Seems like the light at the end of the tunnel is starting to appear on the horizon

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Nice work Patriot. Techno Fog is paying attention!

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Please tell me John Durham / Whomever won't just ignore 27 corrupt Democrat partisan attorneys working for slimeball Weismann (Mueller face) erasing 27 Federal government smart phones.

Want a tsunami? Disbar and prosecute 27 hack attorneys from Ivy League (liberal) schools. How many will flip to keep their license?

Prima facia guilt?

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Why disbar and prosecute only 27 hack attorneys? Why not all of them?

Our justice system has been perverted and controlled ever since the end of World War II, first by Nazis secretly spirited from Germany to the USA. Then in the 1950s it was taken over by the Communists that Sen. Joe McCarthy warned us about. All organized by the CIA. The America Bar Association is a spook subsidiary.

ALL American attorneys should be disbarred and prosecuted, and in their stead should be appointed the commenters on TechnoFog, who understand what's been happening!

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Sounds good to me, my friend!!!

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Techno Fog, I believe the CIA do have more than a lot of explaining to do. Let's go back to Obama requesting the surveillance system the "HAMMER" spelling incorrect. Implemented and used by John Brennan & James Clapper 2014 for the use protecting the USA of foreign interference. When in fact it was designed for the sole purpose of spying on the American people and anyone who would jeopardize these corrupt entities such as the CIA,FBI and DOJ plan to overthrow a duly elected President Trump and his team! Framing General Flynn as their first obvious strike. wire tapping Trump tower & we cannot forgett the murder of Seth Rich who had Intel from Berny Sanders campaign to be given to Julian Esssange aka. Wikileaks. This corruption is Treason at the highest levels and I can only pray justice does come. We The People need to remember we are the majority and they are the minority!!! They are going to clog all news cycles to prevent the American people from finding out how they've been lied to, robbed and used for years!!! Local Action has national impacts as GF keeps encouraging all of us! Thank you again Techno Fog for your research and opinions.

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Seth Rich.... it's now been 6 years of 'investigation'... and they just can't seem to crack the case..

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I'm thinking the Big Picture. Surveillance started before President Trump was elected. I can't imagine something won't come out about Seth Rich linking all these crimes together.

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I grieve for the "good old days" when Fox News would broadcast such evidence. Now, alas, the CIA has effectively "silenced" Rupert Murdoch, lest the agency reveal his homosexual past, too.

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Sharleta, is it you? Sharleta2468 on Twitter? Greg Rubini here...

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Yes! It's me. Hello Greg! 👋

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now I write on Substack, too... you can read my articles (I began on Substack just 20 days ago)

I have 8 books published now...

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Hi Sharleta! Happy to find you again, here on Substack!... in the TechnoFog pub...

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One question for TechnoFog:

who do you think will be indicted next, by Durham?

Marc Elias? Jake Sullivan? Fiona Hill?

If Jake Sullivan is indicted by Durham, it will be a HUGE mess for the Biden Cabal (admin.): Jake Sullivan is now the "National Security Advisor" of the demented guy (Joe Biden). Sullivan is one of those who are pulling the strings in the Biden admin (with DNI Avril Haines, fmr CIA).

Marc Elias (Perkins Coie) has been one of the architects of the Election Fraud. If Elias gets indicted by Durham, that will open a can of worms...

Fiona Hill: huge fan of George Soros, Brookings Institution (DNC connected). Fiona Hill introduced Igor Danchenko to Christopher Steele... Fiona Hill was one of the key witnesses in the Trump Impeachment hoax (with Vindman and Marie Yovanovitch)

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Hard to say. Offhand guess? Joffe, but don't hold me to it. Elias and Sullivan and Hill are tougher.

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Garrett Ziegler posted that Joffe put his home in a trust somewhere toward the beginning of Durham's investigation.

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I tried to post a Telegram link, but I'm new here and it didn't work. It was posted yesterday, I believe. Lot's of other Joffe connections posted, he's a good follow for tidbits.

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Thank you, TechnoFog! yes, Joffe is scr*wed (unless he flipped and is now cooperating with Durham to get the higher ups...) Since Sussmann has already been indicted, I think Durham is not far from Marc Elias (who resigned from Perkins Coie).

Kash Patel, who knows personally John Durham, hinted something (laughing) about Marc Elias: "Elias is gone..."

I heard that Jake Sullivan lawyered up last October...

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I live my every breath to see Elias in a noose

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He may be too smart for his own good. He certainly has outmaneuvered a lot of other smart guys in his court filings. He must have a particularly devious, creative mind. Those types typically trip up on themselves if their protection evaporates. It isn't his money at risk.

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Wow, that's dedication. (But seriously, you might as well stop breathing now.)

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Elias was sanctioned by Texas in March 2021, in case anyone missed it.


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Obviously, the next Durham indictment should be Hillary. I'm just not sure that we can build a jail that will contain that shape-shifting alien lizard. She cannot be executed because she's immortal.

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When is MAGA going to execute the Vindaman brothers?

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I vote for Fiona.

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Greg, simple question. If the IC is so powerful and all knowing, why didn't they get anything on Trump (either truthful or engineered)?

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Are you kidding? They engineer mountain of fake evidence. All of it is going to be on display, in Prime Time, Thursday night. On all the channels except Fox News, naturally.

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Because there is nothing there. And the people who helped him get into office, they knew that. Because they knew they were going to be doing this.

My 2 cents.

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I will never forget when Chuck Schumer stated this about President Trump: “Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,”

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Yeah, and Schumer is a pussy which is why he was scared.

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The only way to rid the nation of the CIA is to ensnare the organization in an operation to try and completely take over the nation. This is exactly what has happened. The CIA was smack dab in the middle of the Hillary Clinton conspiracy to spy on President Trump. The entire organization has operated lawlessly for just about as long as it has existed. It is not necessary in the age of our current technology. It killed JFK. It caused 9/11. Its days are numbered.

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Good point. I agree 100%

JFK, 9/11, SpyOps on Trump (outsourced), 2020 Election Fraud, January 6 Trap.

All CIA operations (plus targeted assassinations, Coup's in 86 countries, and more).

The CIA is the worst Criminal Organization ever existed.

(the FBI comes second).

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Ridding the nation of the CIA is not that simple. The agency is FAR too entrenched in the federal government, all the way back to the mid 1940s, when they spirited Nazis out of Germany and to the USA.

The only EFFECTIVE way to eliminate the CIA would be for Trump, after he returns to office in 2025, to invite the Russian Army to America so it can rout all the Nazi traitors, like Putin is now doing in Ukraine.

Then and only then JFK Jr. will be able to acknowledge that his is alive, and has been in hiding, and he's ready to assume his rightful place as Trump's vice president.

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Most of the 5 Eyes Countries if not all, use each other's laws to circumvent their counterparts' own laws, so in as much that they can get away with the spying locally....this is most likely why 5 Eyes was established

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yes, this is how it works

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CIA Director held Trump's hand through Trump's exit from the White House. Tricked Trump into believing the CIA was Trump's last friend.

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you mean Gina Haspel, the snake?

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I disagree. Trump has always known the CIA is full of traitors. Why do you think Q called them clowns??

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Q is NEVER wrong!

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Any connection between this and the unmaskings that occurred during the transition?

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good question, Sandra!

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