Do you really believe that will happen with our corrupt voting systems? The algorithms are unanimous. There is no savior. But a call for the return of Trump is a path because (1) it is known #MAGA and (2) it would be the Will Of The People to put a stop to the warmongering and money laundering. By declaring NO more.
Do you really believe that will happen with our corrupt voting systems? The algorithms are unanimous. There is no savior. But a call for the return of Trump is a path because (1) it is known #MAGA and (2) it would be the Will Of The People to put a stop to the warmongering and money laundering. By declaring NO more.
It would give us a chance to catch our breath as we move as one mind and one heart in liberating ourselves and declaring our freedom. Not as one nation but as a global humanity. It starts with us because we are the only ones who can lead the people of the world toward that liberation for all. Regardless of how corrupt we are told we are (rotten 3 letter agencies) the world still looks to America for hope.
Trump gave us back our country. Red pilled our nation. It is up to us. to take it home and find the will within each of us to stand in courage and shout from rooftops NO MORE. We ARE ALREADY a nation of FREE people. NO matter what the globalists think or say. We demand it!
Do you really believe that will happen with our corrupt voting systems? The algorithms are unanimous. There is no savior. But a call for the return of Trump is a path because (1) it is known #MAGA and (2) it would be the Will Of The People to put a stop to the warmongering and money laundering. By declaring NO more.
It would give us a chance to catch our breath as we move as one mind and one heart in liberating ourselves and declaring our freedom. Not as one nation but as a global humanity. It starts with us because we are the only ones who can lead the people of the world toward that liberation for all. Regardless of how corrupt we are told we are (rotten 3 letter agencies) the world still looks to America for hope.
Trump gave us back our country. Red pilled our nation. It is up to us. to take it home and find the will within each of us to stand in courage and shout from rooftops NO MORE. We ARE ALREADY a nation of FREE people. NO matter what the globalists think or say. We demand it!