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It appears that the. CIA has been engaged in illegal activities for a very long time. It would be very easy to seize all their records and fire everyone and defund them NOW.

Then have a task force comprised of very good investigators from the military and other gov't. agencies overseen by HONEST individuals who will sift everything and determine just what this agency has been up to. Then reconstitute a NEW security agency with strict oversight by a bipartisan Senate Committee that issues an annual report that addresses their budget funding and their compliance with domestic spying laws.

As with all powerful agencies there is always the problem of "mission creep" and the bureaucracies inevitable tendency to expand and protect itself. Given their immense power that tendency needs to be very well monitored and strict enforcement (trials and jail) for violations, for whatever reason, of the laws and guidelines that relate directly to that NEW agency. Won't be foolproof but the public trials will discourage wholesale violations of any rules and regulations that Congress imposes.

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"It would be very easy to seize all their records and fire everyone and defund them NOW."

Seriously? JFK was intent on merely bringing them to heel and look what that got him.

Apparent incompetence notwithstanding, they have tremendous power.

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The recent new documentary, "JFK Revisited," has new information from the records released in 2018. It's obvious that the CIA/FBI orchestrated the murder of a sitting President.

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Yes, and the conspiracy lasted for so long that JFK Jr. had no choice but to fake a plane crash in the ocean; otherwise the CIA was coming next for him. What I don't understand is why JFK Jr. did not reveal himself in Dallas for the big unveiling. He must have learned of a NEW threat that prevented the announcement.

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MarkLane said that years ago...last word ..was the book.It is a good one especially chapter 6 and 7

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I thought Ted Cruz's dad killed JFK. That's what Trump said, and he never lies.

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"Then have a task force comprised of...HONEST individuals..." honest??? I know Q said that there really are patriots in D.C., but at the moment "honest" seems like an oxymoron!! lol

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Gotta get them from OUTSIDE the D.C. swamp.

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Remember what Q Intel said, this is not for everyone. Q is not talking only about America. It is about the population of the world. That world population is at war with the globalists - whoever they are. I think we don't understand that full picture yet.

Think about it. Moving forward into a greater future can only be done through honesty, integrity and fearlessness, the hallmarks of this once great nation. America, the beacon of the future. Each of us must find these qualities within ourselves going forward. That is what DJT and MAGA are all about. It is not for everyone.

As we rise with integrity to truly embrace freedom with all our mind and heart, we will not need any intelligence agency because it is humanity that is rising. Freedom cannot be known without love, the glue that binds us. It is love that will lift us and require of us to demand the return of Donald Trump to leadership. Not because he is a saint, but because he is one of us who has put his life on the line for Liberty!

That new era will see us through to a new world beyond the imagination of most. We are destined for the stars. DJT knows this and this is one of the founding cornerstones of why he created Space Force. He knows we are already there, in space and participating. To think we will be creating a new intelligence agency is not about the level of change Q Intel is talking about. That is thinking from the Past. We are changing the World for all futures to come. Nothing can stop what is coming.

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"Remember what Q Intel said."

This is the line that tells you we need to eliminate everyone who doesn't believe the Q Intel. The problem is, the shapeshifting reptiles are very clever at portraying humans. It is difficult to tell them apart. Before we slaughter all the alien usurpers, we need a way of identifying ourselves.

I believe a 2-inch by 2-inch black Q, tattooed on the hand or the forehead, will suffice so that we don't mistakenly kill allies in the movement.

I look forward to the day where nobody can get a job or make a purchase without his Q stamp!

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Moving forward into the future, the MAGA movement needs a convenient and easy way to distinguish patriots from saboteurs (who make up the bulwark of the federal bureaucracy). I suggest all true MAGA patriots be tattooed, or perhaps branded, with a 2-inch by -2-inch black Q on their hands or foreheads. Then we can tell them apart from the evildoers.

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If we are to move into the future as a unified nation it might have to be with someone else as our leader. Trump did have many good ideas but seemed to lack the ability to bring everyone into his tent. His age mitigates against him and his "enemies" have poisoned the well. He will spend his time fighting off the jackals within D.C. and the radical leftists so it will fall to another to lead the way. It is too bad but it is reality.

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Surely you're not serious. We cannot just "move on" with "another leader." All of us watched as the Democrats pulled off the greatest crime in the history of America, in the 2020 election. It victimized the greatest president of my lifetime -- some have claimed he was greater that Lincoln and George Washington combined. I'm still not sure about that, but Trump was GREAT!

We cannot brush off such perfidy. The perpetrators of the outrage need to be heeled, and Trump needs to be restored to his rightful place in the White House. That and only that would be justice.

Following their conviction before MAGA courts staffed with MAGA jurors, all the perpetrators (especially Hillary) should be slowly and agonizingly tortured to death on the Washington Mall, to deter future presidential election thefts.

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Do you really believe that will happen with our corrupt voting systems? The algorithms are unanimous. There is no savior. But a call for the return of Trump is a path because (1) it is known #MAGA and (2) it would be the Will Of The People to put a stop to the warmongering and money laundering. By declaring NO more.

It would give us a chance to catch our breath as we move as one mind and one heart in liberating ourselves and declaring our freedom. Not as one nation but as a global humanity. It starts with us because we are the only ones who can lead the people of the world toward that liberation for all. Regardless of how corrupt we are told we are (rotten 3 letter agencies) the world still looks to America for hope.

Trump gave us back our country. Red pilled our nation. It is up to us. to take it home and find the will within each of us to stand in courage and shout from rooftops NO MORE. We ARE ALREADY a nation of FREE people. NO matter what the globalists think or say. We demand it!

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You are being improperly insincere. This is a serious question about the greatest crime in history, and all you can do is utter silly uppercase exclamations? Where is your patriotism?

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