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The CIA and most all other members of the I.C. are bureaucracies first and fore most. Their "mission" is to preserve their power and keep growing themselves by utilizing EVERY trick in the bureaucrat's book The fact that they are charted to provide "intelligence" is way secondary. They, through bogus publicity, overstated accomplishments and public's consumption of "spy novels" have created a myth in which they are guardians of Democracy and freedom.

They are in fact a caricature of an actual intelligence operation. Just observe the two heads of our intelligence agencies. Brennen and Clapper. Two paper pushing uber- bureaucrats who mumble through their Congressional appearances and like overgrown little boys they posture and pose imitating what they think a "spymaster" should be.

Their appearance on CNN and other cable outlets is embarrassing. These agencies are just another form of the Department of Motor Vehicles. Forms are created and filled out with mind numbing regularity. Analysis's create 'Briefing Books" for Congress loaded with ambiguous word salads that are all but indecipherable -as they are meant to be. Like every bureaucracy they create and and turn out reams of written crap that fills scores of file cabinets that in the end no one actually reads.

The only solution to this morass is to disband these operationally useless agencies and turn over their functions to different military branches who usually actually assess the results of their intelligence agencies effectiveness. Their lives depend on accuracy and timeliness and not creation of dust gathering reports and impenetrable catch phrases and obfuscating B.S.

But alas these bureaucracies are so entrenched and like a cancer so widespread that removing them has become all but impossible. Like most other Federal agencies they are born, keep growing and seem to live forever. Bloated useless gov't bureaus and agencies are the norm and not the exception --- just how it is.

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I hope that when Trump gets re-elected in 2024, or appointed House Speaker in 2023, that he abolishes all the DMVs. They are truly the most evil bureaucracy.

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Sad but true. The Swamp needs draining bad!

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