There is so much we still do not know about the Covid vaccines and the consequences of being vaccinated or not vaccinated. But the research in other country shows that men between the ages of 22 and 35 are dying at higher rates after being vaccinated especially from heart attacks than those who are not vaccinated.
And the death rates of individuals who are not vaccinated are the same as those who were vaccinated as is reported in Palestine, Israel, Sweden and other countries. So I don't know what to make of these statistics.
Other research shows that those who are vaccinated with Covid vaccinations have higher rates of infections than those who are not vaccinated. And children do not get Covid so why is the government pushing children to be vaccinated especially when it shows in some countries that people who are vaccinated are infected more often than people who are not vaccinated?
It is Interesting that the US government's propaganda machine simply cannot quash all the research in foreign countries reaching the US public that shows the direct opposite of what the US government Propaganda liars want the American public to believe.
It is no wonder that the Biden administration & the US government has the lowest rating of believability and credibility, than at any time in US history... end it is across-the-board whether it is the IRS, the department of justice, the FBI, and especially the CDC, the American public no longer believes the US government or any government official about anything they state or want us to believe.
No, Hawaii isn’t having an anomalously high number of excess deaths and it has the lowest natural immunity with high vaxxed immunity and Covid is running rampant through the state.
No, they weren’t in the initial wave and were able to restrict travel and then they got vaccinated. Arizona has the worst Covid death rate because people travelled there for winter 2020/21 and they had some of the fewest mitigation measures and then they didn’t get vaccinated enough. Any state that had people traveling through even if it wasn’t the final destination would have had Covid introduced into the population.
Minimun truth there. A lot of that death rate, like NM, was among segments of the population involving cultural factors - people living in close family groups, generally poorer with poorer nutrition.
Worse, males under 39 are being diagnosed with higher instances of myocarditis. Also, Military has seen a spike in all sorts of illnesses; cancers, fertility issues, palsies, strokes, migraines. Sometimes up to 700% increase over the first 9 months of the vaccine rollout. These are young healthy people. Many doctors were ordered to not talk about it, which they stated in court. The pentagon was also caught ERASING data being used to report these issues.
Vaccines are if anything poisons. We can't tell what is in each vial as they are not tested immediately prior to each injection.
Poisons will cause harm and sometimes death all depending on strength and individuals immune system status.
Anybody can get Covid/the 'flu if they are poisoned by vaccines etc, children, adults even animals.
The 'flu is toxic poisoning, the internal toxicosis of the body, mainly via urea, partly due to metabolism of food and partly due to the many poisons in our environment which can and do enter our bodies in the air, food and water. The ‘flu cannot be transmitted to someone else as it is individual to each person.
Unless your blood is given to someone in a blood transfusion, for example.'re being watched....Within a 30 min window....I opened this in completely....opened many other windows...came back the tickety tock link was active...then showed error message...then now is totally blank....
I did notice that Gene, under that nym, had gone missing. OTOH, Gene's contrarian, troll-like, nature seemed to reappear under other nyms. The alternate nyms haven't gone back to the Bush inspired theory of the universe so far.
I’m not a troll because I found these Substack communities through Taibbi and I truly wanted Taibbi’s perspective and initially nobody characterized me as a “troll” because we were in agreement. I think Trump was the victim of a coup attempt and MSNBC was insane about Russia Collusion and the senators that sent lethal aid to Ukraine are warmongers…so we were probably all in agreement in February 2022 when I subscribed to Taibbi’s Substack.
I have had the same problem numerous times and it is obvious that somebody is working very very hard at censorship of what we see and read on the Internet.
DeSantis killed more Americans than Osama Bin Laden! That makes up for his torturing a few Muslims we kidnapped off street corners. All praise to Allah!!
I think it’s more—great minds think alike! I’ve already been banned by Berenson for commenting that he is the Jewish Hitler and Substack is his Mein Kampf and Covid is his gas chamber…Substack writers are so touchy. ;)
Meh, Taibbi has a direct line to the Substack founders and got them to delete Gene Frenkle’s Substack account and all of his comments…what did Taibbi fear??
How are you defining excessive death. I understand it as a concept where actuarially deaths exceed a norm for a cohort that has been measured over time. I follow several blogs that track this and it has been an issue in highly vaccinated populations such as several countries in Europe and compared to Africa and other countries that trend younger and had low vaccination rates.
Some blame it on the vaccine along with the drop in birth rates and issues related to changes in women’s menses and a drop in male fertility that some speculate may be related to the vaccine
We are Americans that are very knowledgeable about America…why would we look at Europe?? Especially when America has 50 states that did things differently during the pandemic??
Sure that’s a factor. But it is also a factor that anyone in a nursing home or assisted living facility is generally relatively near death or extremely vulnerable and most likely to have several medical issues so it is difficult to diss out whether someone died of Covid or with covid
Then you simply look at excess deaths. And NY is the state with the 93,000 nursing home patients and FL has 67,000. And FL and NY now have virtually the same Covid death rate even though in January 2021 Florida had roughly half as many Covid deaths as NY.
What do they mean by “private messaging apps” exactly? What is the legal justification used for monitoring content on domestic private messages without a warrant?
So if the vaccines are so crappy why hasn’t Hawaii been ravaged by Covid these last 12 months as millions of Covid infected mainlanders have travelled there and infected the low natural immunity Hawaiians?? And Florida and Arizona still have high levels of excess deaths these last 12 months even with their Republican governors essentially promoting natural immunity.
What you said about Florida is not true and just more BS & lies slandering Gov DeSantis and a Democrat talking point attempting to cover up it's massive failure of handling the Covid infections.
Florida kept its schools and businesses open and there was no mandatory laws that required the wearing of masks and yet Florida had the same mortality rates as other states in which the schools and businesses were closed and there was mandatory sheltering in place and wearing of masks and in some states mandatory Covid vaccinations.
Finally it comes out that the research that what we first heard from Dr. "flip-flop" Fauci, was that "wearing masks was useless" was true. Why?
Because of the mucus of breathing warm air in an out just creates a petri dish in which the Covid virus actually increases and grows in the warm
& wet environment of the mask unless you changed your mask every 20 minutes which most people do not do.
Governor DeSantis in Florida followed the research in Europe that showed that masks not only did not work, but sunshine was the best disinfectant and that is why he kept the schools and businesses open so people could travel around and breathe fresh air.
Whether or not you get Covid also depends on your immune system, smoking, obesity, and a number of other health factors in which the Florida health department researched and did not listen to the lies told by Dr Fauci and his toadies in the CDC... who by the way were linked into big Pharma making billions if not trillions of dollars of profit selling the Covid vaccines.
You are a liar and obviously a Democrat and know nothing about the statistics in Florida.
What Governor DeSantis also did was set up clinics in which anyone who contracted Covid were treated immediately with recombinant DNA treatments which the hostile Biden administration eventually shut down because they like to kill people Who were able to live longer and have better statistical results ruin the propaganda and the inconsequential and worthless methods used by the CDC such as 100% quarantine of businesses, schools and every human being on the planet that simply did not work.
The biggest and most obvious studies noted by the Swedes, Israel and other Europeans was that the Palestinians had the exactly the same infection and mortality rates as other countries although the Palestinians had practically zero individuals who were vaccinated for Covid. This was followed up by the same research and results in many African countries in which their populations were not vaccinated for Covid (simply because they did not have the money, or the personnel to buy, transport or immunized their populations.) And yet again their Covid mortality rates were the same as the more developed countries who vaccinated for Covid 95 to 100% of their populations.
So now let's hear your excuses about how Covid vaccinations work to prevent Covid infections! They certainly do not according to the European studies.
Let's add that assertions that no one had any immunity to covid are horseshit. General immunity to coronaviruses is formed by tcell and nk cells responses to functionally constrained proteins expressed through mhc receptors during infection. Since coronaviruses share homologous proteins that do not mutate frequently (n protein, RNA dependent RNA polymerase) if you got exposed to any coronaviruses in the past you have likely some general immune memory that would be recalled during covid infection. The mRNA transfections only code for the spike which is not functionally constrained and thus not the preferred targe of the immune system. Asserting that these products are what stop you from having a severe infection is baseless and not based on well known immunology.
The UK Challenge study showed that nearly half those exposed directly did not become infected. And the Princess cruise had elderly passengers who never became infected. We don't know if that mucosal ability was able to resist later variants. OTOH, routine mouth/nose sanitation (bleach, not quite) via salt water of simple iodine washes are protective to many.
You're right. Many people either have very robust but not overactive mucosal immunity or they just never got a sufficient viral load. I used rinses when I got covid but I got a whopping load so it wasnt enough. That said I do use the rinse now and then when I get a sniffle and that's all I've had since covid (over a year ago). The other thing that works well for those who get chest infections more easily is a nebulizer with some saline solution.
I use the "rinses" as routine every time I go into the public. Just like brushing my teeth. Don't allow replication to begin - knock on wood. How does one get a "whopping" load?
So the fever arrived after the virus was allowed to replicate for the 3-4 days and take over. Are you doing routine sanitation of mouth and nose? We all have some degree of mucosal protection so that nominal viral entry is managed well. That protection has a degree of limitation that gets aided by the sanitation steps, no matter how many pathogens arrive.
All things being equal a population’s % below poverty level determines its Covid death rate in America and so Florida could have a Covid death rate similar to North Carolina’s had DeSantis been more aggressive with masking. So Florida’s death rate is 404 per 100k and NC’s is 283 per 100k…so that’s around 20,000 people that died unnecessarily in Florida.
What primarily determines Covid death is age and obesity related issues. Florida ranked 13 th in population adjusted deaths despite having such a large population of elderly people. As someone that spent a great deal of time going between Michigan and Florida due to relocation I can tell you Florida had a much better outcome without the drama. Michigan was much more restrictive and had a much higher death rate when adjusted for population. This is the place 1000 people a day moved to, in many cases to get their kids in school and to live their lives with some sense of normalcy. They actually followed the data here as opposed to shouting slogans like follow the science
Maine has the oldest population and yet it has a relatively low Covid death rate. And during the Delta death surge the median age of death declined in Florida. Adjusting for age with respect to Covid is dumb because we literally transformed society to protect the elderly and then the vaccine became available. So Florida’s peak death days were months after the vaccines became available.
Yes I know Maine has the oldest population, however Florida has an order of magnitude number of people who due to age are in the highest risk category due to age. So there is really no comparison. If you have a huge number of people in their 80’s their risk profile is the same as a state with a higher mean age. Given that there are limits to the degree that people can be protected against a respiratory illness the age of those most vulnerable is not dumb ignoring it is. Florida had a pretty typical response to the vaccine most people got it. Much of the excess death came as a result of the Second variant. The vaccine was pretty useless against that variation and this it became the death of the vaccinated.
No Florida doesn’t. I looked it up a while ago and it is slightly higher in Florida and not a “magnitude” higher which you should know is ridiculous.
Btw, if I told you two states with around 20 million people each in which one had 93,000 nursing home patients and the other had 67,000 would you say that would be a significant factor with respect to Covid death rate??
We have reams of data in America and so looking at how other countries did is dumb. And we have excess deaths data in America which is the gold standard and so we can compare Covid deaths to excess deaths. Furthermore different states did different things and so we can compare data between different states. Which state do you believe should have the lowest excess deaths since March 2020??
The data in America is crap though and everyone knows it. Look to small countries in Europe if you want any close to accurate. You won’t like what you see…
Keep believing what the CDC, FDA, Fauxci & his cabal say NOW; bc it changes back & forth.
None of these so-called geniuses/experts saved one life. But I know personally many who were saved by doctors who upheld their Hippocratic Oaths as opposed to bowing to Big Pharma controlled messaging.
I also know two people who died bc of wrong treatments; delayed treatment in 1st place, then sedation & vent, Remdesivir which set in motion kidney damage (ultimately failure) & fluid in chest cavity. Neither should have died; each was denied Ivermectin. Families had doctor’s authorization but hospitals & hospitalists denied use.
If they had been home, I believe IVM would have saved them as it did others I know.
The so-called vaccines were being guarded for emergency use authorization. If hospitals & doctors had used any existing treatments that worked NO EUA’s would have been possible. Lots of deaths & blood in their hands for playing that game.
Masks cause one to breathe into his/her lungs body waste! Bacteria, viruses, carbon dioxide. And vastly restricts needed oxygen! We don’t eat our feces or drink our urine. So many of us didn’t want to breath any other bodily wastes.
Deprivation of oxygen in adults is bad enough but children!!!! Their developing brains NEED oxygen. Already teachers are seeing effects from such a stupid mandate. Many children will pay for years to come. Society too.
As for those experimental shots; I’ve lost 3 longtime friends who suddenly collapsed with “cardiac episodes.” None were candidates for the grave until......
Add the young athletes (& other young folks who aren’t in the news) who’ve died suddenly. One thing in common; experimental shots. Crimes against Humanity.
Florida’s death rate is 404 per 100k. Hawaii’s death rate is 130 per 100k. Berenson said there was nothing anyone could do about Covid and masking and vaccines simply delayed the inevitable…so if that were true Hawaii would have been ravaged by Covid the last 12 months as all of their mitigation measures would have merely delayed a Covid death surge.
Source please.. something better than Alex said.. interactive map shows California, Texas, New York & Florida all in the mega-death zones.. Hawaii as good as Africa w lots in between.. We knew from the Princess cruise even a ship of old foggies had few deaths & many not infected.. bad flu nothing more invisible enemy psyop.
Just look at death rates per state…if everything Berenson said was correct then Hawaii would be being ravaged by Covid right now because of low natural immunity and Omicron sweeping through its population as mainlanders visited the last 12 months. Berenson banned me because I pointed this out on a public post of his.
Thanks for more detail on the censorship effort. I'm now firmly convinced that we got sold this notion of dis/mis/mal-information as part of the HRC Russia adventure. By stifling debate we have harmed the public. Our public health officials are incapable of simply saying "we don't know". And when their pronouncements are discovered to be in error, like politicians they can't admit error or apologize.
Pity that the discussion of the issue has been sidetracked by trolling about another entire agenda. The issue of our government trying to evade our foundational principles is serious stuff and needs ever more exposure. But it goes hand in hand with media that has become blindly one-sided no longer interested in holding power to account.
Hawaii did the best during Covid …and they haven’t been ravaged by the virus these last 12 months due to low natural immunity. Fauci and public health officials got more things right than wrong. And RussiaGate was a Bush Republican operation to install Pence as president…why would Democrats want Pence as president?? One of Trump’s best qualities was admitting mistakes like Tillerson and escalating Afghanistan and Syria and giving Paul Ryan and McConnell so much power in his first two years.
You have to go by percentages. What about one 20,000,000 population state having 93,000 nursing home patients and the other 20 million having 67,000…would that be a factor??
It is almost like they are Communists!
Oh wait... yeah, that is what they are
They are emulating the Nazi Party:
Yes. 2 sides of the same coin. Both came out of Germany (communists via Marxists).
Yep, the Nationalist SOCIALIST Party
There is so much we still do not know about the Covid vaccines and the consequences of being vaccinated or not vaccinated. But the research in other country shows that men between the ages of 22 and 35 are dying at higher rates after being vaccinated especially from heart attacks than those who are not vaccinated.
And the death rates of individuals who are not vaccinated are the same as those who were vaccinated as is reported in Palestine, Israel, Sweden and other countries. So I don't know what to make of these statistics.
Other research shows that those who are vaccinated with Covid vaccinations have higher rates of infections than those who are not vaccinated. And children do not get Covid so why is the government pushing children to be vaccinated especially when it shows in some countries that people who are vaccinated are infected more often than people who are not vaccinated?
It is Interesting that the US government's propaganda machine simply cannot quash all the research in foreign countries reaching the US public that shows the direct opposite of what the US government Propaganda liars want the American public to believe.
It is no wonder that the Biden administration & the US government has the lowest rating of believability and credibility, than at any time in US history... end it is across-the-board whether it is the IRS, the department of justice, the FBI, and especially the CDC, the American public no longer believes the US government or any government official about anything they state or want us to believe.
No, Hawaii isn’t having an anomalously high number of excess deaths and it has the lowest natural immunity with high vaxxed immunity and Covid is running rampant through the state.
Perhaps an excess of that D Vitamin in Hawaii? But the state seems somewhat unique.
No, they weren’t in the initial wave and were able to restrict travel and then they got vaccinated. Arizona has the worst Covid death rate because people travelled there for winter 2020/21 and they had some of the fewest mitigation measures and then they didn’t get vaccinated enough. Any state that had people traveling through even if it wasn’t the final destination would have had Covid introduced into the population.
Do get a grip, Covid is the 'flu and not transmissible. I worked this out in 2020 and thought by now most people would.
Minimun truth there. A lot of that death rate, like NM, was among segments of the population involving cultural factors - people living in close family groups, generally poorer with poorer nutrition.
That’s covered by % below poverty level.
Vaccines cause harm and death and always have. Covid is the 'flu caused by vaccines, big p-harm-a drugs, poisoned food and water etc.
Sadly Hawaiians must be rather dim if they took the vaxxes in large numbers.
Worse, males under 39 are being diagnosed with higher instances of myocarditis. Also, Military has seen a spike in all sorts of illnesses; cancers, fertility issues, palsies, strokes, migraines. Sometimes up to 700% increase over the first 9 months of the vaccine rollout. These are young healthy people. Many doctors were ordered to not talk about it, which they stated in court. The pentagon was also caught ERASING data being used to report these issues.
Vaccines are if anything poisons. We can't tell what is in each vial as they are not tested immediately prior to each injection.
Poisons will cause harm and sometimes death all depending on strength and individuals immune system status.
Anybody can get Covid/the 'flu if they are poisoned by vaccines etc, children, adults even animals.
The 'flu is toxic poisoning, the internal toxicosis of the body, mainly via urea, partly due to metabolism of food and partly due to the many poisons in our environment which can and do enter our bodies in the air, food and water. The ‘flu cannot be transmitted to someone else as it is individual to each person.
Unless your blood is given to someone in a blood transfusion, for example.'re being watched....Within a 30 min window....I opened this in completely....opened many other windows...came back the tickety tock link was active...then showed error message...then now is totally blank....
I had to make a small correction, not sure if that was the reason... but v concerning...
Are you concerned about Taibbi getting Gene Frenkle cancelled from Substack??
I did notice that Gene, under that nym, had gone missing. OTOH, Gene's contrarian, troll-like, nature seemed to reappear under other nyms. The alternate nyms haven't gone back to the Bush inspired theory of the universe so far.
I’m not a troll because I found these Substack communities through Taibbi and I truly wanted Taibbi’s perspective and initially nobody characterized me as a “troll” because we were in agreement. I think Trump was the victim of a coup attempt and MSNBC was insane about Russia Collusion and the senators that sent lethal aid to Ukraine are warmongers…so we were probably all in agreement in February 2022 when I subscribed to Taibbi’s Substack.
No. Who's that?
A Substacker that was doing investigative journalism on Taibbi and so Taibbi had the founders of Substack cancel him.
Mehhhh there was likely a little more to that.
Lol, you support censorship! You are a Nazi!
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 well, you just told everyone what you are. 😊
I have had the same problem numerous times and it is obvious that somebody is working very very hard at censorship of what we see and read on the Internet.
Substack cancelled an author’s account and deleted all of his comments because he was doing investigative journalism on Taibbi.
Is that you Gene????
You can go to the comments under Techo’s “Shoot it Down” post and see how Substack deleted all of his comments…it’s pretty crazy.
People deserve to hang for this.
DeSantis killed more Americans than Osama Bin Laden! That makes up for his torturing a few Muslims we kidnapped off street corners. All praise to Allah!!
Yep it's Gene.
I think it’s more—great minds think alike! I’ve already been banned by Berenson for commenting that he is the Jewish Hitler and Substack is his Mein Kampf and Covid is his gas chamber…Substack writers are so touchy. ;)
Hahaha, you give yourself to much credit.
If Gene and I are getting banned by Substackers like Taibbi and Berenson then we must be doing something right! Why did Twatter ban Trump??
Well, you and Gene are the same person.
Definitely has the Gene Frenkel style down. Multiple posts repeating the same point over, and over, and over...
This was the first time seeing this person post anything and that was the vibe I had. I was just waiting for the Dennis Hassert comments.
Stasi USA.
Meh, Taibbi has a direct line to the Substack founders and got them to delete Gene Frenkle’s Substack account and all of his comments…what did Taibbi fear??
Being put on this list would be more of an honor than a Nobel prize
How are you defining excessive death. I understand it as a concept where actuarially deaths exceed a norm for a cohort that has been measured over time. I follow several blogs that track this and it has been an issue in highly vaccinated populations such as several countries in Europe and compared to Africa and other countries that trend younger and had low vaccination rates.
Some blame it on the vaccine along with the drop in birth rates and issues related to changes in women’s menses and a drop in male fertility that some speculate may be related to the vaccine
We are Americans that are very knowledgeable about America…why would we look at Europe?? Especially when America has 50 states that did things differently during the pandemic??
Sure that’s a factor. But it is also a factor that anyone in a nursing home or assisted living facility is generally relatively near death or extremely vulnerable and most likely to have several medical issues so it is difficult to diss out whether someone died of Covid or with covid
Then you simply look at excess deaths. And NY is the state with the 93,000 nursing home patients and FL has 67,000. And FL and NY now have virtually the same Covid death rate even though in January 2021 Florida had roughly half as many Covid deaths as NY.
What do they mean by “private messaging apps” exactly? What is the legal justification used for monitoring content on domestic private messages without a warrant?
So if the vaccines are so crappy why hasn’t Hawaii been ravaged by Covid these last 12 months as millions of Covid infected mainlanders have travelled there and infected the low natural immunity Hawaiians?? And Florida and Arizona still have high levels of excess deaths these last 12 months even with their Republican governors essentially promoting natural immunity.
What you said about Florida is not true and just more BS & lies slandering Gov DeSantis and a Democrat talking point attempting to cover up it's massive failure of handling the Covid infections.
Florida kept its schools and businesses open and there was no mandatory laws that required the wearing of masks and yet Florida had the same mortality rates as other states in which the schools and businesses were closed and there was mandatory sheltering in place and wearing of masks and in some states mandatory Covid vaccinations.
Finally it comes out that the research that what we first heard from Dr. "flip-flop" Fauci, was that "wearing masks was useless" was true. Why?
Because of the mucus of breathing warm air in an out just creates a petri dish in which the Covid virus actually increases and grows in the warm
& wet environment of the mask unless you changed your mask every 20 minutes which most people do not do.
Governor DeSantis in Florida followed the research in Europe that showed that masks not only did not work, but sunshine was the best disinfectant and that is why he kept the schools and businesses open so people could travel around and breathe fresh air.
Whether or not you get Covid also depends on your immune system, smoking, obesity, and a number of other health factors in which the Florida health department researched and did not listen to the lies told by Dr Fauci and his toadies in the CDC... who by the way were linked into big Pharma making billions if not trillions of dollars of profit selling the Covid vaccines.
You are a liar and obviously a Democrat and know nothing about the statistics in Florida.
What Governor DeSantis also did was set up clinics in which anyone who contracted Covid were treated immediately with recombinant DNA treatments which the hostile Biden administration eventually shut down because they like to kill people Who were able to live longer and have better statistical results ruin the propaganda and the inconsequential and worthless methods used by the CDC such as 100% quarantine of businesses, schools and every human being on the planet that simply did not work.
The biggest and most obvious studies noted by the Swedes, Israel and other Europeans was that the Palestinians had the exactly the same infection and mortality rates as other countries although the Palestinians had practically zero individuals who were vaccinated for Covid. This was followed up by the same research and results in many African countries in which their populations were not vaccinated for Covid (simply because they did not have the money, or the personnel to buy, transport or immunized their populations.) And yet again their Covid mortality rates were the same as the more developed countries who vaccinated for Covid 95 to 100% of their populations.
So now let's hear your excuses about how Covid vaccinations work to prevent Covid infections! They certainly do not according to the European studies.
Let's add that assertions that no one had any immunity to covid are horseshit. General immunity to coronaviruses is formed by tcell and nk cells responses to functionally constrained proteins expressed through mhc receptors during infection. Since coronaviruses share homologous proteins that do not mutate frequently (n protein, RNA dependent RNA polymerase) if you got exposed to any coronaviruses in the past you have likely some general immune memory that would be recalled during covid infection. The mRNA transfections only code for the spike which is not functionally constrained and thus not the preferred targe of the immune system. Asserting that these products are what stop you from having a severe infection is baseless and not based on well known immunology.
The UK Challenge study showed that nearly half those exposed directly did not become infected. And the Princess cruise had elderly passengers who never became infected. We don't know if that mucosal ability was able to resist later variants. OTOH, routine mouth/nose sanitation (bleach, not quite) via salt water of simple iodine washes are protective to many.
You're right. Many people either have very robust but not overactive mucosal immunity or they just never got a sufficient viral load. I used rinses when I got covid but I got a whopping load so it wasnt enough. That said I do use the rinse now and then when I get a sniffle and that's all I've had since covid (over a year ago). The other thing that works well for those who get chest infections more easily is a nebulizer with some saline solution.
I use the "rinses" as routine every time I go into the public. Just like brushing my teeth. Don't allow replication to begin - knock on wood. How does one get a "whopping" load?
Haha a whopping load is when you go from completely fine to full blown fever and chest infection in a day with no cough or sniffles in-between.
So the fever arrived after the virus was allowed to replicate for the 3-4 days and take over. Are you doing routine sanitation of mouth and nose? We all have some degree of mucosal protection so that nominal viral entry is managed well. That protection has a degree of limitation that gets aided by the sanitation steps, no matter how many pathogens arrive.
Your grandmother already knew this stuff.
All things being equal a population’s % below poverty level determines its Covid death rate in America and so Florida could have a Covid death rate similar to North Carolina’s had DeSantis been more aggressive with masking. So Florida’s death rate is 404 per 100k and NC’s is 283 per 100k…so that’s around 20,000 people that died unnecessarily in Florida.
Ignore him Judy. He's a troll.
The relationships between poverty level and covid death rate are EXACTLY those that have been cited by Gene Frenkel in the past.
There's no room for doubt- Pangolin Chow Mein is a Gene Frenkel alias.
What primarily determines Covid death is age and obesity related issues. Florida ranked 13 th in population adjusted deaths despite having such a large population of elderly people. As someone that spent a great deal of time going between Michigan and Florida due to relocation I can tell you Florida had a much better outcome without the drama. Michigan was much more restrictive and had a much higher death rate when adjusted for population. This is the place 1000 people a day moved to, in many cases to get their kids in school and to live their lives with some sense of normalcy. They actually followed the data here as opposed to shouting slogans like follow the science
Maine has the oldest population and yet it has a relatively low Covid death rate. And during the Delta death surge the median age of death declined in Florida. Adjusting for age with respect to Covid is dumb because we literally transformed society to protect the elderly and then the vaccine became available. So Florida’s peak death days were months after the vaccines became available.
Yes I know Maine has the oldest population, however Florida has an order of magnitude number of people who due to age are in the highest risk category due to age. So there is really no comparison. If you have a huge number of people in their 80’s their risk profile is the same as a state with a higher mean age. Given that there are limits to the degree that people can be protected against a respiratory illness the age of those most vulnerable is not dumb ignoring it is. Florida had a pretty typical response to the vaccine most people got it. Much of the excess death came as a result of the Second variant. The vaccine was pretty useless against that variation and this it became the death of the vaccinated.
No Florida doesn’t. I looked it up a while ago and it is slightly higher in Florida and not a “magnitude” higher which you should know is ridiculous.
Btw, if I told you two states with around 20 million people each in which one had 93,000 nursing home patients and the other had 67,000 would you say that would be a significant factor with respect to Covid death rate??
Then most of the world should have died
We have reams of data in America and so looking at how other countries did is dumb. And we have excess deaths data in America which is the gold standard and so we can compare Covid deaths to excess deaths. Furthermore different states did different things and so we can compare data between different states. Which state do you believe should have the lowest excess deaths since March 2020??
The data in America is crap though and everyone knows it. Look to small countries in Europe if you want any close to accurate. You won’t like what you see…
No it isn’t. We know how many people die every day.
Keep believing what the CDC, FDA, Fauxci & his cabal say NOW; bc it changes back & forth.
None of these so-called geniuses/experts saved one life. But I know personally many who were saved by doctors who upheld their Hippocratic Oaths as opposed to bowing to Big Pharma controlled messaging.
I also know two people who died bc of wrong treatments; delayed treatment in 1st place, then sedation & vent, Remdesivir which set in motion kidney damage (ultimately failure) & fluid in chest cavity. Neither should have died; each was denied Ivermectin. Families had doctor’s authorization but hospitals & hospitalists denied use.
If they had been home, I believe IVM would have saved them as it did others I know.
The so-called vaccines were being guarded for emergency use authorization. If hospitals & doctors had used any existing treatments that worked NO EUA’s would have been possible. Lots of deaths & blood in their hands for playing that game.
Masks cause one to breathe into his/her lungs body waste! Bacteria, viruses, carbon dioxide. And vastly restricts needed oxygen! We don’t eat our feces or drink our urine. So many of us didn’t want to breath any other bodily wastes.
Deprivation of oxygen in adults is bad enough but children!!!! Their developing brains NEED oxygen. Already teachers are seeing effects from such a stupid mandate. Many children will pay for years to come. Society too.
As for those experimental shots; I’ve lost 3 longtime friends who suddenly collapsed with “cardiac episodes.” None were candidates for the grave until......
Add the young athletes (& other young folks who aren’t in the news) who’ve died suddenly. One thing in common; experimental shots. Crimes against Humanity.
Ivermectin prescriptions peaked during the Florida Delta death surge because DeSantis made it accessible—it’s clearly ineffective.
What statistics support that claim? Link please; it's contrary for all the stats I've seen.
Florida’s death rate is 404 per 100k. Hawaii’s death rate is 130 per 100k. Berenson said there was nothing anyone could do about Covid and masking and vaccines simply delayed the inevitable…so if that were true Hawaii would have been ravaged by Covid the last 12 months as all of their mitigation measures would have merely delayed a Covid death surge.
Source please.. something better than Alex said.. interactive map shows California, Texas, New York & Florida all in the mega-death zones.. Hawaii as good as Africa w lots in between.. We knew from the Princess cruise even a ship of old foggies had few deaths & many not infected.. bad flu nothing more invisible enemy psyop.[]=36&chart_type=map
Just look at death rates per state…if everything Berenson said was correct then Hawaii would be being ravaged by Covid right now because of low natural immunity and Omicron sweeping through its population as mainlanders visited the last 12 months. Berenson banned me because I pointed this out on a public post of his.
Well he's an idiot barely different from erstwhile NYT presstitites.
Let them! They have targets on themselves! 🎯
Big Brother is evil. Democrats are Big Brother.
Thanks for more detail on the censorship effort. I'm now firmly convinced that we got sold this notion of dis/mis/mal-information as part of the HRC Russia adventure. By stifling debate we have harmed the public. Our public health officials are incapable of simply saying "we don't know". And when their pronouncements are discovered to be in error, like politicians they can't admit error or apologize.
Pity that the discussion of the issue has been sidetracked by trolling about another entire agenda. The issue of our government trying to evade our foundational principles is serious stuff and needs ever more exposure. But it goes hand in hand with media that has become blindly one-sided no longer interested in holding power to account.
Hawaii did the best during Covid …and they haven’t been ravaged by the virus these last 12 months due to low natural immunity. Fauci and public health officials got more things right than wrong. And RussiaGate was a Bush Republican operation to install Pence as president…why would Democrats want Pence as president?? One of Trump’s best qualities was admitting mistakes like Tillerson and escalating Afghanistan and Syria and giving Paul Ryan and McConnell so much power in his first two years.
There are 294,000 people over 70 in Maine there are 4,638,000 over 70 in Florida. If that’s not order of magnitude I don’t know what is
You have to go by percentages. What about one 20,000,000 population state having 93,000 nursing home patients and the other 20 million having 67,000…would that be a factor??
'new online covid test" theyflyblog
published before anyone else in the world
40 different times