Hawaii did the best during Covid …and they haven’t been ravaged by the virus these last 12 months due to low natural immunity. Fauci and public health officials got more things right than wrong. And RussiaGate was a Bush Republican operation to install Pence as president…why would Democrats want Pence as president?? One of Trump’s best q…
Hawaii did the best during Covid …and they haven’t been ravaged by the virus these last 12 months due to low natural immunity. Fauci and public health officials got more things right than wrong. And RussiaGate was a Bush Republican operation to install Pence as president…why would Democrats want Pence as president?? One of Trump’s best qualities was admitting mistakes like Tillerson and escalating Afghanistan and Syria and giving Paul Ryan and McConnell so much power in his first two years.
Hawaii did the best during Covid …and they haven’t been ravaged by the virus these last 12 months due to low natural immunity. Fauci and public health officials got more things right than wrong. And RussiaGate was a Bush Republican operation to install Pence as president…why would Democrats want Pence as president?? One of Trump’s best qualities was admitting mistakes like Tillerson and escalating Afghanistan and Syria and giving Paul Ryan and McConnell so much power in his first two years.