They are terrified of running against Donald J. Trump

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They are not terrified of anything and that’s the problem. They don’t care who runs in 2024. They STOLE THE 2020 ELECTION. And zero consequences.

This is basically the Ottomans taking your young sons for anal sex. They are fucking with us because they can and we can’t do anything about it.

Why would they be terrified of anything? Obama spied on Trump and what happened? All of the shit Hillary did and what happened? Steele dossier and what happened? Stole a presidential election and what happened?

The only thing that is going to happen is more of what is happening. More grooming of our children. Billy gets his dick chopped off and gets estrogen at 12 and gets a dick up the ass from the drag queen at the school, that’s what’s going to happen. Some Mexican tranny goes to shoot up a school and the cops jack each other off for an hour, that’s what’s going to happen.

Or doesn’t matter what happens with the midterms. Even if the RINOS take the house, NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. Who had the house in 2020 and what happened to Hillary?

There will be no real elections in 2024. Trump can run or he can be in prison and it won’t matter. They will just steal the election again because they already did and what happened exactly? Some former crack head who sells pillows spent millions of dollars to make himself look like a dumbass and some faggots in Arizona kept telling us to just wait 2 more weeks.

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** They are fucking with us because they can and we can’t**


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This isn’t 1776 anymore. The playing field was a lot closer to level then, it’s not like that at all now. It’s going to take a hell of a lot more than 3%.

I’m really hoping for massive food shortages and mass starving. For one, there are way too many fat asses who could do with skipping a few months of meals. Second, that’s probably the only way enough people get totally pissed and have zero fucks left to give. If that happens then all bets are off.

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Wow, Curtis! You don't understand this war at all. Do you really think Donald Trump would take on the Presidency and subject himself and his family to all of this if he didn't have some strong military backing and know what he is doing?

You need some new sources of information. What you're pedaling just sounds like a trashy, shock version of the fake media.

How many States have passed new voting rights laws?

How many countries have farmers & truckers protesting?

How many candidates that Trump endorsed have won their primary? All except GA.

Yes, the deep state is deep and wide, but there are a lot more of us than them.

Are you truly unaware of how many millions and millions of people have awakened (not woke) worldwide?

How much power does Biden really have? Sometimes he makes statements and the military does the opposite. Why is that? Is he really the President or is he merely the resident?

Do you know that Putin invaded Ukraine to destroy bio-weapon factories there and collect the evidence which he has been presenting to the UN. Media doesn't tell you that, do they?

They also don't tell you the Ukraine Azov Battalion are Nazis, complete with the emblems on their jackets and carrying Nazi flags and Zolenskyy was photographed wearing the Nazi emblem on his jacket as well.

Why is Biden sending so much money to Zolenskyy? Could it be blackmail? Could it have anything to do with Ukraine being the money laundering center of the world for the deep state? How much of those billions and billions and billions are coming back to line the pockets of corrupt politicians? How much is being passed through to the likes of Soros?

Stop being so negative and angry. We are all angry about these things but it is important to look at the War, not only the battle, to see what is going on and who is winning. How else can you know HOW to fight?

Brian Ahier is correct! They are terrified. How do we know? Because they know they overthrew the legitimate government of the United States and they know Trump & the real military not only know, but as Trump has said many times, they have all the evidence. We know they are terrified because they are behaving like cornered, rabid dogs fighting for their lives which they are. What is the penalty for Treason? Is it tried in a Civil Court of Military Tribunal? How quickly is the sentence carried out under a Military Tribunal. I bet Techno_Fog would know and you can too if you look it up. Btw, why did Trump pour so much money into rebuilding Gitmo? Did you know it was renamed "Camp Justice?"

This raid on Trump's home was in incite anger in patriots. Their goal is to start a civil war.

Expect Antifa, BLM & illegals to show up rioting dressed in Trump gear like they did on Jan 6. They are hoping to make you mad enough to join in. You're a fool if you do and will be walking right into their plan.

Perhaps it is time to put your anger to good use and start helping good people get elected instead of this rant you are putting out there. The fake media wants you to believe the left is bigger and stronger. That is one more really Big Lie. Biden didn't get 81 M votes; he got 81 M ballots many fake ones. Patriots are Strong and stand for the US Constitution including the Rule of Law. I hope you will join in that movement. We're a lot more than 3%!

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Gotta stop listening to the hoax that is X22. Your comments run right down the line with old Dave. How many times are you going to move the yardstick when things don’t happen that he is so darn sure that they will. So many of you need to open your eyes. You fell for a classic socialist propaganda campaign. How do you think the globalists were ready for you on 1/6? Because they were goaded you to do what you did! They set the trap and you fell right in it.

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There is a lot there, and much of it I agree with. Yes, of course the election was stolen. Everyone knows this. And who is in office right now anyway? Biden. So a Presidential Election is blatantly and obviously stolen and that’s not enough to start 1776 again? All of the rights that were stripped away during COVID lockdowns and everyone basically took it.

The US military is a joke. The good rank and file are being purged and replaced with trannies. Zero is being done to stop this.

As you correctly say, Biden has zero power - this is obvious. That does not matter at all, the oligarchs run the show. They are now and they did this when Obama was POTUS. There was at least 1 stolen election there as well, just better hidden.

The media is run by Jews, which is the main problem. Russia invaded Ukraine because we pretty much made them. Now we are using the failed state to launder even more money, stolen from taxpayers, to the oligarchs. Fake Jew Zelenski is part of the club. And no, nobody cares about Azov NAZI’s because it doesn’t fit the Jew narrative.

Lastly I’m not at all angry. I’m a realist. I see the state of the nation and we are in the dying stages. We’re terminal, stage 5. It’s over. We can’t vote our way out of this and even if we could, you think Republicans would actually do anything? What did they do in 2016? What happened to Hillary? Nothing and nothing. And that’s what will continue to happen. There will be no tribunals. There will be no anything except more drag queens and more gay anal for 12 year olds. I’m not guessing about this, it is LITERALLY happening right now and no one is doing jack shit about it. If you blatantly steal an election and then start molesting kids and grooming them and nothing happens then nothing is going to happen.

So I’ve basically accepted this reality. Nothing lasts forever and we had a nice run, sort of. I’m just working on being able to survive the coming apocalypse, stocking up on supplies and growing my own food. That’s all that’s left.

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Your anti-semitism is blatantly ridiculous and does not merit discussion.

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There is a reason why people keep getting tired of the Jews. It’s happened over and over for more than 2,000 years. Nobody seems to be learning from history.

Most of the problems are caused by Jews. That’s just a fact.

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Mighty scared.

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trump is a crook...

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When will Soros get investigated for funding deadly rioters across the country resulting in over a dozen homicides and $2billion+ in damage??? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔.

We live in a 3rd world country. Wait until we see our cities in January with soaring energy and food prices.

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When will Soros get investigated? I don’t know if that’s a rhetorical question but the obvious answer is right after Hillary does for all of the shit she did. So...never.

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BIDEN and Wray.. Clean sweep in 2024 and let's not forget the tomorrow!

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You are joking Right. Where did you come from?

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about what? Virginia.. yup right in the DC Bubble.. grew up here.

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No wonder you got it wrong. Youngkin not corrupt Terry McAuliffe. Terry already

had his turn in screwing up Virginia.

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what are you talking about. we are not even talking about the same thing. I voted for Youngkin and I lived here when McAuliffe was Governor before and I am familiar with state politics.. I am posting stuff right now about the latest disgusting lawlessness of the DOJ and FBI.. who raided Donald Trump's home.. I will look at what you are talking about. If I said that. and I will go back an look at that: I must have mistyped. I never said Youngkin corrupted Terry McAuliffe. that does not even make sense. I was a GOP delegate.. who voted for Youngkin.. never a Dem.. never will be one ever.. take care.

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OK...That's outstanding. Happy to hear that you are on the Right Side :-)

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The 2020 election was stolen and there wasn’t even much effort to conceal it. If you’re not black pilled by that I don’t know what you need exactly.

It’s over dude. The Rubicon has been crossed and there is no going back. Everything now is best viewed through the lens of a ritual of humiliation, all of this actually makes sense of you just frame it properly.

Think Ottoman Empire. Someone just came and took your young boys to have anal sex with them at the palace. And there isn’t anything you can do about it. That’s what’s happening now. The Ottomans didn’t do that because they were fags, they did it because they could.

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Aug 9, 2022
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Yep. They must be getting close.

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The New York Times is nothing but a mouthpiece for the 4th branch of government and the industrial complexes to which our earnings are reallocated under the guise of taxing the “rich” to help the “poor” - poor people apparently being arms dealers around the globe and big pharma executives.

It’s been this way at least my entire adult life, and I’m 40, and I suspect for much longer. Same for WaPo, Fox, and basically the entire msm.

They lied about nuclear weapons in Iraq. We all know that. What many seem to forget us they never admitting wrong doing or changed their ways.

This is why Hillary walks free with crack head Hunter but the FBI raids Trump.

By the time the woke wake to the h*ll they were conned into demanding, it may be too late for all of us. 😩.

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Sundance at “The Conservative Treehouse” is perhaps the most penetrating chronicler of the Borg - Swamp/Press Enablers/RINO Decepticons.

One of his gems:

FBI leaks to the NYT;

CIA to the WaPo;

State Dept to CNN.

White House to either WaPo or CNN.

I wore my “Molon Labe” shirt today. Terrorizing the bejesus out of stuff.

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Molon Labe is going on my truck tomorrow. That and my black American flag will put me even deeper on the terrorist list according to the MFing FBI. These guys are a joke.

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Banana Republic is actually a step up from this so called Federal bureau of INVESTIGATION. not a joke, just pathetic losers who don't even realize that what they have done until they do realize it. gotta go watching now.

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There are more of us then there are of them. The New IRS agents - 87,000 - are there to Ab-Gray our Uns-Gay.

Rock on!

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How do we know where these people will come from. These 87,000 can be

illegals. With the open Southern Border, who knows how many have invaded

our Country. The biggest joke is that the taxpayers pay the Bill to house and

provide for Illegal Aliens.

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Thank you. I hadn’t heard of it. I’ll pick it up. Neocons are evil. They are bipartisan too, but at least we have a chance to rid the Republican Party of them. The totalitarian Democrats are lost for good.

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Aug 9, 2022
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Chris Christie did. Wray was Christie's lawyer who defended him in the Bridgegate investigation.

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I haven’t a clue but I am very curious. Wray comes across like the actual foreign agent for the Chinese..............

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My guess would be loser Lindsay Graham or another with secret POTUS ambitions of their own.

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Aug 9, 2022
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I agree on that. Appointing a war monger like John Bolton was also insane............. I’m not sure anyone could completely eliminate the old neocon guard in a single presidential term, and no one else running would have stopped or exposed anything, but by not doing it I fear Trump delayed the destruction we are seeing now by 4 years, but he didn’t prevent it. That will take years. Possible decades. If we stop a generations long slip into totalitarian hell at all.

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I saw this when you first posted and I heard John Solomon give more details. sounds like this is part of the leaks which were ongoing w/regard to this.. will come back.. WaPo and CNN really are disgusting.. going to watch. but will rest easy, many Patriots are online posting #FJB (lol). and also riding in Florida with their signs and flags. I will take a look at that .. again. Conservative Treehouse.

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America, we have a problem. The #FascistLeft

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Very true, the fascists were always on the left.

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The FBI has been turned into a weapon

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I think it’s been that way for a while - Donald was the first to get in the way of the program in a long time, I’d stay away from windows and slow parades in convertibles if I was him

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FBI has always been a political weapon since its founding under Hoovers leadership. Trump only exposed these tools. Just ask and historian about their illegal activities up to trying to frame MLK during the Civil Rights movement. Yet blacks still dance to the Democrat Parties tune. Civil /rights advocates still vote Democrat as they erode our basic rights on a daily basis. Cults are like that.

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Same as it ever was....

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yep, it never should have been created

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They REALLY are terrified of him and another presidency. Everyone at the top of the alphabet agencies must be fired.

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WTF???? Trump is 100% right--we are now officially a third world sh*t-hole.

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And we were not a 3rd world shit hole banana republic when the 2020 election was stolen?

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And so it begins. Will they indict and arrest President Trump in October as an “October surprise” to influence the mid terms or wait till October of 2024 to influence the presidential election? My money is on this October for two reasons. 1. To influence the midterms.

2. That gives them time to indict and arrest him and have the trial in 2024, they will convict him, there is no way he can get a fair trial in the DC courts. And today is the day Richard Nixon resigned, think that is a coincidence? Nop.

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They might be surprised. Only the True Believers would not be appalled by this. And all their beloved illegal immigrants from South & Central America will quicly recognize this for what it is. They didn't "walk" 4,000 miles to sneak across our border (for $5,000 a head) just to live in the same kind of shit hole they just left.

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It’s the DC FBI that executed the raid on MaraLago. Q: Where did the DC field office director come from? A: MI where he ran the bogus Whitmer kidnapping scam. He was transferred to DC as a “promotion”.

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He had to be promoted to keep him quiet . That bogus investigation was coordinated from D.C. with the cooperation of the DNC to try to portray the right as political assassins. That would justify a nationwide all out attack on anyone not toeing the D.C. line. When he was caught and exposed suddenly he is promoted to the D.C. field office. What a group of treasonous creeps.

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Aug 9, 2022
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Wray was supported for appointment by BUSH Republicans who are behind many of the anti-Trump activities. The entire Lincoln Project was a grift supported by neo-cons who are Cheney butt boys. They are all in on dumping Trump for his exposing Jeb as a ZERO.

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They don’t need to influence anything. You think Biden actually got the most votes of any candidate in history? They obviously stole the 2020 election and nothing happened. They don’t need to influence any elections, they can just steal them.

They are doing this for the same reason a cat toys with a mouse before it kills the mouse. Because it can.

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I’m done with these worthless POS. I’m so mad right now.

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Think the system will allow another election? Risk of payback is too great, no more elections I bet - expect Donald to be arrested soon

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And yet elections at every level are our only hope. We must vote, check the addresses of everyone in our precinct and report issues, and be visible. If we just throw up our hands defeat is assured. Our children deserve better from us. They deserve to know we fought and we need to maintain the hope that we can win.

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Can you smell that in the air? That is the smell of fear. And like a cornered, wounded animal, the Left will lash out and claw your eyeballs lest you see the truth.

Expect more of these stunts as November approaches.

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Actually, I don't think its fear, but over-confidence, arrogance and a growing sense of invincibility.

Think about it? Who or what (other than Trump--who will soon be politically neutralized) has even remotely threatened the Ruling Class? The only thing that gave them pause was J6, which has since been harshly and provocatively punished.

No, they aren't so much afraid as they are mesmerized with their growing power and control. It's an aphrodisiac. Their growing power intoxicates them.

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This exactly. There is no fear, it’s an expression of power over a helpless populace. Steal an election and what happens? It’s the cat toying with the dying mouse (we are not the cat).

The State has a monopoly on violence and will clearly use it. There is really nothing to be afraid of. Afraid of some people with a “come and take it” tshirt on? Nah, not at all.

All of this is just to humiliate us. The trannies, the grooming, the double standards, AOC and her fake arrest...all of this is nothing more than a ritual of humiliation by the powerful over the weak. The government is the powerful and we are the weak. And they are just getting started. Wait until the food runs out.

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Kash Patel spoke about those documents for the National Archives. First, Trump people were in touch with NA, and second - the documents were all declassified ones. Those boxes were transported MONTHS ago. NA worked out what it was they had to have months ago.

Troubling is the NYT and CNN taking about Trump's safe AS IT WAS BEING BROKEN INTO.

Ala Roger Stone? CNN was speculating about the safe as the agents are breaking in. All they had to do was ask to have it opened, Trump would have told his people to go ahead and unlock it. FBLie/DOJ waited to have Trump not present.

I was my county's prosecutor for a few years. This makes me very angry.

I'm watching Jovan right now. He is emphasizing how this was planned, political theatre, of course they are going to charge Trump with obstruction, etc. He is pointing out AZ, CPAC, etc. and how straw polls show Trump's popularity is tremendous, so it was time for all the desperation psyop. Trump is We The People. And like he always says, THEY are really after US.

We knew this would come!

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Aug 9, 2022
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Really. It would help me understand if you would elaborate further. I'm a retired attorney, worked at my county prosecutor, have done state and federal level criminal defense work, among other things. If this wasn't criminally oriented, DOJ could have gotten a civil order for the Archives if Archives was having pushback getting access. However, even though the Trump office worked closely with the National Archives, the documents were all declassified, and National Archives had full access, DOJ/FBLie pulls this crap. Then, after confronting an empty safe, they went through Trump's home just grabbing boxes as they pleased. They didn't do Trump the courtesy of calling and asking for the safe to be unlocked, which Trump would have authorized. This agencies as a rule, do not put resources into getting warrants for raids without planning to do something. I very much would like to hear the probable cause hearing and read the documents submitted for the warrant. Ultimately Trump's lawyers will get those.

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Aug 9, 2022
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So you have to ask does this have anything to do with Trumps lawsuit about a vast conspiracy against him that also names the former FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

The first judge assigned was Judge Ryon M. McCabe who eventually recuses himself and replace him with Bruce E Reinhart, who also recused himself and is the one that signed the search warrant last week after Trump filed a motion that he has evidence against Hillary and McCabe? Coincidence?


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Is this judge related to Andy McCabe?

I saw some of Reinhart's posts - fairly recent. Judges are not to trot their politics out like that. I haven't the time because of other projects but I hope here are ethics complaints against him. Not that much of anything happens but a cautionary letter to Reinhart would be nice to see.

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Aug 10, 2022
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How do you know it to be true that Trump has not been cooperative? NA says he has been.

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Aug 9, 2022
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Wow, that's facile. Unfortunately, Trump made some really bad appointments based upon advisors bad recs. Wray's conflicts, biased performance, and evasiveness while claiming to be unaware of problems is self-serving. Why would Wray resign on his own initiative unless told to? How is it that Wray would have to resign if abusing power? Are you claiming these agency heads all have integrity? How to you know your assertion to be true? Please explain further for my edification. Appointees serve at the pleasure of the President. It apparently pleases the current president to have flat out lying, flat out abusive agency heads who are caught publicly under oath even, contradicting themselves. There is plenty of video testimony by these people that documents their malfeasances, and FOIA releases that are damning.

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The STORM is rolling in & they r nervous...today marks the day Nixon resigned!!! Infiltration 😳😳😳

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Dan Scavino tweet....DO IT ....,45!

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Apparently, this isn't about the supposed 15 missing boxes. National Archives transferred them in February, 2022. It must be about some Jan 6 BS.


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Thanks for info, lots of conflicting reports. Crazy day…

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Indeed! Too many crazy things for you to report on! Too many legal issues just in the last week alone. Exhausting to think about.

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Apparently there were still some records that were being negotiated between the archives and the President's staff. That was breaking down as the staff were "being uncooperative".

Reminds me "Go outside and bring me a rock". "Nope, wrong rock. Bring me another." Without some reporting and transparency who knows?

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I read a lot of reports saying that wasn’t true. The boxes were also supposedly returned in February. And everything was declassified by Trump when he was president.

I’ll believe these people when they go hunting for Hillary’s 30-thousand deleted emails from her illegal private server. Or Eric Holder. Or the entire Bush II administration.

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Friends who live in the area are also telling me it’s J6 and looking for anything they can spin, not the boxes of declassified “classified” information.

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The only solution is one day voting with paper ballots that are counted the same night. If France can do it, the USA can too. Except the USA needs green thumbs because of our 3rd world status.

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Didn’t cash talk about this in an interview month or two ago? Is this some confirmation on something big is about to go down. Also isn’t this a way to get evidence entered into an investigation?

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In a recent Kash's Korner on Epoch TV, he spoke about the failed Pelosi Stalinist Show Trial and how they desperately wanted the DOJ to do something to cook up a charge against President Trump.

Kash noted they were delirious to find something they could try and wrap around his neck and that it was not a mere urging but a coordinated action between the Democrats and DOJ.

This would appear to satisfy that prediction.

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They don’t need evidence, they just make up evidence.

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They ARE setting a precedent for other former presidents to be raised. Hmmm

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Except that will never happened. Time to wake up to the fact that those behind this globalists’ plot have people on both sides of our government among them.

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I’m holding onto my faith that justice will prevail.

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Remember the election was stolen and Trump knew it and was prepared for it. Continuity of government was put in place along with Devolution so technically Trump is still currently the president. You have to have eyes to see and ears to hear what’s really going on that was just being reported on the news. Also Breitbart put out a piece on May 5 that proves all those boxes they took tomorrow Lago we’re already declassified. 

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Stop with the Q nonsense. Trump is not going to be out back in the WH. The military white horses aren’t coming to “take back our country.” Time to stop believing in fairy tales. You fell for a classic socialist’s propaganda campaign. People falling for the trap is what led people into the capitol on 1/6.

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I believe this is all coordinated by the boss himself. This was not a surprise! 

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Sure, if you believe that Merrick Garland coordinates investigations with President Trump against mommies speaking out against Marxist CRT at school board meetings.

You're likely then to believe almost anything. SMH

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These are people believing the X22 report, et al. They are believing that the military is going to come in and out Trump back in the WH. It was a classic socialist’s propaganda campaign. I fell for it for about 1 month until things started not making sense (like Trump planned this all along and out all of us through hell for 4 years only to spring a trap! (No joke.)

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