Molon Labe is going on my truck tomorrow. That and my black American flag will put me even deeper on the terrorist list according to the MFing FBI. These guys are a joke.
Molon Labe is going on my truck tomorrow. That and my black American flag will put me even deeper on the terrorist list according to the MFing FBI. These guys are a joke.
Banana Republic is actually a step up from this so called Federal bureau of INVESTIGATION. not a joke, just pathetic losers who don't even realize that what they have done until they do realize it. gotta go watching now.
Molon Labe is going on my truck tomorrow. That and my black American flag will put me even deeper on the terrorist list according to the MFing FBI. These guys are a joke.
Banana Republic is actually a step up from this so called Federal bureau of INVESTIGATION. not a joke, just pathetic losers who don't even realize that what they have done until they do realize it. gotta go watching now.
There are more of us then there are of them. The New IRS agents - 87,000 - are there to Ab-Gray our Uns-Gay.
Rock on!
How do we know where these people will come from. These 87,000 can be
illegals. With the open Southern Border, who knows how many have invaded
our Country. The biggest joke is that the taxpayers pay the Bill to house and
provide for Illegal Aliens.