Molon Labe is going on my truck tomorrow. That and my black American flag will put me even deeper on the terrorist list according to the MFing FBI. These guys are a joke.
Banana Republic is actually a step up from this so called Federal bureau of INVESTIGATION. not a joke, just pathetic losers who don't even realize that what they have done until they do realize it. gotta go watching now.
Thank you. I hadn’t heard of it. I’ll pick it up. Neocons are evil. They are bipartisan too, but at least we have a chance to rid the Republican Party of them. The totalitarian Democrats are lost for good.
I agree on that. Appointing a war monger like John Bolton was also insane............. I’m not sure anyone could completely eliminate the old neocon guard in a single presidential term, and no one else running would have stopped or exposed anything, but by not doing it I fear Trump delayed the destruction we are seeing now by 4 years, but he didn’t prevent it. That will take years. Possible decades. If we stop a generations long slip into totalitarian hell at all.
The military industrial complex also supports poorly conceived “interventions” that do nothing more than kill people. Living breathing people. Increasingly every complex meant to serve Americans is being turned on us. Chinese slaves also create value for the leaders of the CCP. I’m not so lost and sad as human as to think the way to create value in is to literally kill or torture living humans.
And after yesterday I’m 100% in support of Trump. He’s the only person with both the balls and motivation to end the 4th branch of government. He’s the only one willing to stand up to the complexes.
How lost one must be to point out that a group of companies that lobbies to intervene in small conflicts for no other reason than to make them larger and cause more actual living people to die creates “good jobs.” Hard pass on that logic for me. I’m still human.
I saw this when you first posted and I heard John Solomon give more details. sounds like this is part of the leaks which were ongoing w/regard to this.. will come back.. WaPo and CNN really are disgusting.. going to watch. but will rest easy, many Patriots are online posting #FJB (lol). and also riding in Florida with their signs and flags. I will take a look at that .. again. Conservative Treehouse.
Sundance at “The Conservative Treehouse” is perhaps the most penetrating chronicler of the Borg - Swamp/Press Enablers/RINO Decepticons.
One of his gems:
FBI leaks to the NYT;
CIA to the WaPo;
State Dept to CNN.
White House to either WaPo or CNN.
I wore my “Molon Labe” shirt today. Terrorizing the bejesus out of stuff.
Molon Labe is going on my truck tomorrow. That and my black American flag will put me even deeper on the terrorist list according to the MFing FBI. These guys are a joke.
Banana Republic is actually a step up from this so called Federal bureau of INVESTIGATION. not a joke, just pathetic losers who don't even realize that what they have done until they do realize it. gotta go watching now.
There are more of us then there are of them. The New IRS agents - 87,000 - are there to Ab-Gray our Uns-Gay.
Rock on!
How do we know where these people will come from. These 87,000 can be
illegals. With the open Southern Border, who knows how many have invaded
our Country. The biggest joke is that the taxpayers pay the Bill to house and
provide for Illegal Aliens.
Thank you. I hadn’t heard of it. I’ll pick it up. Neocons are evil. They are bipartisan too, but at least we have a chance to rid the Republican Party of them. The totalitarian Democrats are lost for good.
Chris Christie did. Wray was Christie's lawyer who defended him in the Bridgegate investigation.
I haven’t a clue but I am very curious. Wray comes across like the actual foreign agent for the Chinese..............
My guess would be loser Lindsay Graham or another with secret POTUS ambitions of their own.
I agree on that. Appointing a war monger like John Bolton was also insane............. I’m not sure anyone could completely eliminate the old neocon guard in a single presidential term, and no one else running would have stopped or exposed anything, but by not doing it I fear Trump delayed the destruction we are seeing now by 4 years, but he didn’t prevent it. That will take years. Possible decades. If we stop a generations long slip into totalitarian hell at all.
The military industrial complex also supports poorly conceived “interventions” that do nothing more than kill people. Living breathing people. Increasingly every complex meant to serve Americans is being turned on us. Chinese slaves also create value for the leaders of the CCP. I’m not so lost and sad as human as to think the way to create value in is to literally kill or torture living humans.
And after yesterday I’m 100% in support of Trump. He’s the only person with both the balls and motivation to end the 4th branch of government. He’s the only one willing to stand up to the complexes.
How lost one must be to point out that a group of companies that lobbies to intervene in small conflicts for no other reason than to make them larger and cause more actual living people to die creates “good jobs.” Hard pass on that logic for me. I’m still human.
I saw this when you first posted and I heard John Solomon give more details. sounds like this is part of the leaks which were ongoing w/regard to this.. will come back.. WaPo and CNN really are disgusting.. going to watch. but will rest easy, many Patriots are online posting #FJB (lol). and also riding in Florida with their signs and flags. I will take a look at that .. again. Conservative Treehouse.