Hi TechnoFog! I think that the glorification of sexual perversions is the plan of the Communists to Destroy the USA from the inside. Exactly like Yuri Bezmenov predicted 30 years ago. The goal of The Enemy is to destroy the moral compass of our Nation.

The Communists took over the CIA - in 1999, with John Brennan, then they took over the White House - in 2008, with Obama, then the Communists took over the Pentagon - from 2010 to 2014, with the Great Purge of Patriotic Generals. 190 Patriotic Generals were purged. Ask Gen. McInerney and Gen. Paul Vallely. Adm. Ace Lyons knew about it, too. The Great Purge of the Pentagon was organized by Obama, Brennan and Clapper. Now even our Pentagon is a cesspool of perverts, snowflakes and Traitors: look at "Gen" Mark Milley, and Lloyd Austin.

What a disgusting spectacle.

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It was a key program of the Nazi's. They had children sent to camps, where they were sexualized, and they then became subject's of the State and spies against their own parents.

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I'm an American of Puerto Rican descent and a Combat Veteran of 24yrs of Service and I took an Oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America and for the Bill of Rights and that Oath has never expired 🇱🇷 Semper Fi 🇱🇷

I so happy that I retired from the military with the leadership now, I would have been Court Marshaled and dishonorable discharged in the Marine Corps!

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Hi Greg. Love your work. I think you should check out Perloff's Shadows of Power. The CIA was corrupt since inception, basically the action arm of the CFR.

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I don’t refer to “public schools” anymore, only “government schools”, as they do not serve the public. Like all government institutions, government schools have no incentive to innovate or improve as they can never go broke, nor can they fire incompetent teachers due to union regs, so they continue to suck for decades. Enrollment dropped substantially during the pandemic, while homeschooling and co-ops skyrocketed, a trend which I encourage at every opportunity, along with school vouchers in place of funding government schools.

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I really hate to slap a racial label onto things (as we've seen these just usually lead to anger and hatred) but I just can't help notice from looking at these pics and at the names of the authors in the footnotes (from among many others) that Woke seems to be a new fundamentalist religion for White Women.

I think White Women (generally upscale secular liberal-arts grads) are often most uncomfortable with inequality, perceived injustice and with the idea that they may have what others lack. It seems to be rampant maternalism or toxic femininity: everyone gets a cookie, everyone feels special and included, no one under any circumstances may feel less-than or have their feelings hurt, and if Lil Joey says he's a unicorn we all must pretend he's a unicorn.

Woke is as if your grade school were run by the Stasi...so it makes sense they wanna start with the kids (all fundamentalist fanatics do).

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That’s only true of atheist white women. They need another religion.

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yeah i went in and added 'secular' thx

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RFOL :) yeah

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I, a white woman, totally agree.

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You are 💯 over the target. Radical feminism has been a long game part of establishing their control over a populace by destroying core foundations of humanity. It’s crazy women offering up their own children to Moloch willingly. Madness.

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Good stuff as usual CP!

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thanks and right back atcha!

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Remember the Symbionese Liberation Army and their kidnapping of Patty Hearst… they made sure she fit in. You can be conditioned to conform to brutality if it is exacted upon you enough. The polar shift is instantaneous. It becomes all about survival in the “real” world.

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Abusing their sensibilities of fairness? Many of us seem to accept some form of guilt for the troubles of society. Those experiencing the troubles don't feel that guilt but are quite happy to blame others for their failures. The only fairness in life comes from what you put in; it never is fair to always take out. Much of these new woke concepts can only arrive in a society of plenty where life has become too easy and few struggle. Worse those that do struggle are used to place guilt on all. Celebrate success not failure. Becoming a victim is not the goal of life.

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The Christian churches have been split by LGBTQ taking over. The woman priest who runs the church of the presidents down near the White House encourage that BLM burn it down.

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As a father of two, 23 and 28, I never had any concerns about these things when they were younger. Fortunately, both attended Catholic school until 7th grade. However, as a “new” father of a 1 year old, between this and forcing COVID shots (I live in CA, so definitely a reality for him to even attend school) I’m terrified to the point of constant anxiety. I pray things turn around in the next couple of years and people wake up from this dream (that is actually a nightmare)that they’re being sold.

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You’re going to have to move to a new State.

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No, I’m too old and a stubborn Marine. Lots of others are gonna need to move.

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Yours truly has the answers:

The Cult is pushing for a sexless posthuman slave that is the ward of the State from the test tube to the tomb, with the former centrally planned as well as the latter.

Technofascism wants to destroy the essence of humanity, and rebuild it in the image of a genetically engineered helot functioning within the A.I. parameters of population distribution, compliance, and lifespan.

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More like a bunch of subversives, pederasts and pedophiles want to rape your kids and turn them against you.

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Brave New World

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Nailed it. Warfare indeed. Home schooling. The only way.

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Underneath this covert operation is social engineering so that young children grow up without the ability to mentally think in differences and similarities, unable to see right from wrong, it is a direct target of their IQ. There is a definition of "reasonableness". One who cannot correct their own unethical behavior, and do not have the discipline to correct others follwing this mental incapacity. This person ends up with diversions from truth in all areas of life.

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Hard for me to comprehend any president of Disney pushing this on our kids. Disgusting!

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Pushing her views and propaganda on the majority is not a bright move but what do I know? But it's really up to the parents to not play. If they keep sticking their kids in front of the TV watching Disney then it's their own fault for not protecting their family. If they don't care, then so be it. It's tough. Disney is so ingrained into the fabric of our culture (even though I'm in Canada. I've been several times and took my daughter when she was a child) so it's going to take time before people finally come to the realization Disney's values may not match their own.

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Yeah, it is a bizarre agenda, that makes one wonder what benefit Disney sees in pushing this agenda for the far Left. I was just driving in my car and Mark Levine was reading from a School Board directive to start teaching gender identity to First Graders, this agenda is beyond "rights" it is now becoming child abuse to subject them to these ideas.

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I was looking forward to bringing my 2-year-old granddaughter to Disney World when she's 4, as I did with her father when he was 4, and 5, and 7, and 10... Those were my favorite family vacations. Nope, will NOT be going unless this woke crap is reversed.

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I agree 100%. They have gone WOKE, no longer family centered entertainment business. Disney has been hi-jacked. I would not want to take a chance of letting my children near the park. I could see Disney offing live-steam subscriptions from their thousands of video surveillance cameras to pedophile perverts. SICK

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I shared this information with my son, who was planning to take my grandchild to Disney next year. His reply: "I am so disheartened." It's so sad that these degenerates have done this.

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I am thankful that my children were raised in a period where this crap was forbidden in schools. I home schooled my kids in their 5th and 8th grade years. These were the best years for them in terms of education. If I had children in school today I would home school them. I know that not everyone is fortunate to be able to home school their kids. There are co-ops that maybe can help. Pray for our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Parents MUST have the final say in our children's education. May God bless the children and may He protect them and keep them safe.

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I would homeschool as well. Sadly, many parents who could manage it are unwilling to make the sacrifices necessary to do so. They'd rather do nothing but complain.

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Not good, it’s been obvious they desired to control the schools since the 90s (removal of prayer, pledge, intelligent design), since then they have been on a mission to destroy the “authority and sovereignty ” of the traditional / nuclear family; as that is the immune system of a society. Since they cannot do it in “our homes”, they must set our kids against the family, as well as traditional morality and ethics; while at school. (We homeschool, and we actively filter Hollywood, entertainment & advertisements)

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The Great Reset...I've told my kids for so long the type of governance in the west, especially the American Experiment, is not the norm throughout history. Rule of the masses by the elite few is what mankind has experienced for most of its existence. The return of the masse's subservience to the latter is the end goal of the new society.

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The Owners of these schools.... the property taxpayers.. have to understand who they're dealing with. Most of these insanely radical leftist 'teachers' are too dysfunctional to have a spouse (of the opposite gender)... and certainly no children of their own. All of the teachers share one trait in common: they are all products of these leftist gulags known as... "higher education"... and therein lies a solution to the problem.

1. Stop demanding that all teachers have college degrees. The notion that the only folks capable of 'teaching' children thru K-12 are people who have spent 4-5 years sitting on their posteriors instead of working or serving in the military is patently ridiculous. It is becoming increasingly apparent that many of these brainwashed, America-Hating graduates are a threat to our society.

2. Allow parents to direct the education portion of their property tax to be directed to the school of their choice instead of forcing them to support a corrupt money-sucking unionized 'public education' system. That system would immediately start to improve... or die.

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I have pondered what the thought-process might be that supported the grooming of children - as it does not seem to align with the classical liberal tendency toward compassion. Then I read the Circulation of the Elites substack and I saw this -


Gender Studies Professor Openly Admits Democrats' Endgame For American Children

It all makes sense now.

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LOL! Mark Dice did some good trolling.

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'Illiberal Reformers' explains very well the history of the progressive movement. They are deliberate and they are patient. We ceded all the levers of culture to them. Education, media, Wall St., Hollywood etc.. The family was the final institution to conquer. We always react. They're pro-active. Always in control. Parents finally woke up but then the government labels them a threat. It either ends in a fight or it all collapses but we don't have the luxury of time given they've been at it for 100 years diligently plotting. They're master plotters as you can with the Covid hysterics. The question is how to we reverse course?

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You are right: it has been planned for decades long. In our family we have had long conversations about what we call the "hyper-sexualization" of children. Many teachers today who the educational result from a broken education and social School system are passing their poison onto the next generation: I have said this in the past but I didn't know how true it was: those who can do, those who can't teach what they can't do. I know that is rough, but I sat in class with people who changed majors because they couldn't deal with the STEM requirements and finally ended up in Social Studies: at least those people had the benefit of phonics, reading and writing. Grandparents and parents will stand up to this: we saw that in Virginia, my home state.

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