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Hard for me to comprehend any president of Disney pushing this on our kids. Disgusting!

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Pushing her views and propaganda on the majority is not a bright move but what do I know? But it's really up to the parents to not play. If they keep sticking their kids in front of the TV watching Disney then it's their own fault for not protecting their family. If they don't care, then so be it. It's tough. Disney is so ingrained into the fabric of our culture (even though I'm in Canada. I've been several times and took my daughter when she was a child) so it's going to take time before people finally come to the realization Disney's values may not match their own.

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Yeah, it is a bizarre agenda, that makes one wonder what benefit Disney sees in pushing this agenda for the far Left. I was just driving in my car and Mark Levine was reading from a School Board directive to start teaching gender identity to First Graders, this agenda is beyond "rights" it is now becoming child abuse to subject them to these ideas.

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I was looking forward to bringing my 2-year-old granddaughter to Disney World when she's 4, as I did with her father when he was 4, and 5, and 7, and 10... Those were my favorite family vacations. Nope, will NOT be going unless this woke crap is reversed.

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I agree 100%. They have gone WOKE, no longer family centered entertainment business. Disney has been hi-jacked. I would not want to take a chance of letting my children near the park. I could see Disney offing live-steam subscriptions from their thousands of video surveillance cameras to pedophile perverts. SICK

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I shared this information with my son, who was planning to take my grandchild to Disney next year. His reply: "I am so disheartened." It's so sad that these degenerates have done this.

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