I worked at the same company as Tech Exec 1 and spoke with him re working for him on a project to track American citizens’ physical and online data in order to establish associative networks ostensibly to track terrorists. Of course we know who these people consider to be terrorists - anyone who doesn’t vote Democrat. I turned the opport…
I worked at the same company as Tech Exec 1 and spoke with him re working for him on a project to track American citizens’ physical and online data in order to establish associative networks ostensibly to track terrorists. Of course we know who these people consider to be terrorists - anyone who doesn’t vote Democrat. I turned the opportunity down and left to work for another firm. The amazing thing about this guy is he considers himself a super patriot, protecting the country from bad guys. And apparently he’s ok with blatant lies about a presidential candidate in order to do it. He’s actually not even from the US- moved here from South Africa.
I worked at the same company as Tech Exec 1 and spoke with him re working for him on a project to track American citizens’ physical and online data in order to establish associative networks ostensibly to track terrorists. Of course we know who these people consider to be terrorists - anyone who doesn’t vote Democrat. I turned the opportunity down and left to work for another firm. The amazing thing about this guy is he considers himself a super patriot, protecting the country from bad guys. And apparently he’s ok with blatant lies about a presidential candidate in order to do it. He’s actually not even from the US- moved here from South Africa.
Mr Smith - got time to talk a bit more? thetechnofog@gmail.com
He knows EXACTLY what he is doing. NO Super Patriot can be that stupid. Its all an act. They know they are corrupting the system.