Nov 4, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

The DOJ and FBI allowed themselves to become an enforcement arm of the Clinton campaign. The I.C. fell in line too. Most thought that the Clinton candidacy was a sure bet and they were looking for Administration jobs and favors. That is normal bureautic game playing but in the case of Trump two things happened. First they went way too far in their dirty tricks and polarized the nation with their lies and accusations, and second Trump won so they had to keep up the facade lest they become exposed. The expansion of the faux collusion into a SPO investigation was close to treason against a duly elected POTUS. Media and Democrats cared nothing for the truth, each for their own reasons. They sowed chaos and crippled our gov't during the four years of investigations and false impeachments. There should be a political and criminal price to be paid for such reckless actions regardless of anyone's motives or their personal hatred of Trump. Hopefully this will not be a template for future campaigns. Nixon was guilty of this type of action and the Clintons did worse on steroids to further wreck our elections and politically cripple Trump's time in office. The wounds will be a long time in healing as evidenced by the Soviet like prosecutions and incarcerations of the Jan 6th rioters by a very vindictive political machine under Biden/Harris.

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Nov 4, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

In 2017- which means the clown show at the FBI/DOJ KNEW this was crap when they did the dirty with the FISC!

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Thanks, Techno Fog, for unfogging so much of this dismal and disgusting affair. I shudder to imagine what future generations will make of all this.

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Nov 4, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

... and down the ladder we go. Well shucks ... the FBI done got bamboozled again.

Until someone can explain to me why Clinesmith was allowed to walk without so much as a cooperation agreement after Horowitz served the entire Spygate case up to Durham on a silver platter with a big loopy bow on it, I'm not going to buy into this being a serious investigation. They're punching down, not up ... this is a whitewashing for the FBI, DOJ, and Obama administration.

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Nov 4, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

So glad you have the ability to sift through all this stuff and make it make sense to the rest of us. Thank you for your hard work.

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State Department "Putin expert", Fiona Hill of the Impeachment fame, is in the mix. She was with Brookings and knew Danchenko and at least was aware of Christopher. Steele. She testified that she assessed the Steele dossier as Russian disinformation when she first read it. Then much later I read that she recommended Steele to Danchenko.

Her poor girl from the wrong side of town who didn't speak the Queen's English to the State Department is rather shadowy.

Her so called definitive work on Putin's mind. Read a review. Her book had lots and lots of pages. Many citations. Looked very scholarly. The reviewer actually read it. This is what he found:

Fiona Hill never interviewed Putin. Never met Putin. Never interviewed anyone who knows Putin. Never went to his childhood home to talk to people who knew him. None of her book is original source material. Her book was stating what other people wrote in their books.

Yet, she as expert on Putin!

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Nov 4, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Note the key role of Obama's top executives and operatives !

And -- a bit more on St. Obama and his CIA, FBI and NSA executives: Barack Obama was/is a spook (i.e., CIA operative/spy ), from a spook family, and his political campaigns were financed by spooks… ). Snowden disclosed the all-encompassing surveillance of US population under St. Obama after Clapper directly lied about it in Senate and to all of us.

In 1965 CIA organized a coup against Indonesia founding president Sukarno by CIA-trained generals. The US considered Sukarno too progressive (he implemented land-reform – same reason for CIA coup in Guatemala which resulted with a genocide of high-land Mayas). CIA installed one of the most murderous military regime (under Suharto dictatorship) on Earth which killed more than two millions ( 2M ) civilians – the massacres are known as “The Jakarta Method” (see book by Vincent Bevins) used subsequently in Africa (Angola, Mozambique) and throughout Latin and Central America.

What is VERY important here is that Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, worked for U.S. government agencies and allied NGOs—the Ford Foundation, Asia Foundation, Development Alternatives Inc., and United States Agency for International Development (USAID)—in Indonesia in the 1960s and 1970s as well as later in Ghana, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, and Thailand.

Obama’s mother married Indonesian Lt. Col. Lolo Soetoro; they had a daughter Maya Soetoro when Barack Obama was four. The colonel was from an aristocratic family which lost out in Sukarno’s land reform; the marriage was likely arranged, Obama’s mother may have acted as a female “honeypot” for the CIA whose job was to recruit assets

Obama always lied and claimed that his mother did not know about the countless atrocities that were committed by the Suharto government, which is implausible given her CIA background and the fact that they were much reported on by mainstream newspapers at the time (although mostly favorably by right-wing media). Of significance, Obama underplayed his stepfather Lolo’s army rank in his 2006 book, The Audacity of Hope.

Soetoro went on to become an executive at Mobil Oil and its liaison to Suharto, whose policies Obama’s mother praised. And – Obama became a labor and community “organizer” – while he actually worked for a large corporate foundation.

A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA

By Jeremy Kuzmarov - October 1, 2021 ( Note: Photos themselves are truly fascinating )

A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA - CovertAction Magazine


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Nov 4, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Can you say 'PURGE'? Clean house at the FBI, DOJ, CIA and State Department. All are compromised. And while you're at it clean up the Joint Chiefs and military

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Somewhere in the evil universe of Hillary, there had to be an evil assistant henchman named Igor. There just had to be

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Nov 4, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Great analysis. Many thanks Techno Fog!!

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Nov 5, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Remember the meeting on the tarmac. This was a heads up to Loretta lynch regarding the bad faith attempt to shelter bad information to predicate an investigation and the weaponization of the DOJ. Bill wanted to make sure that the information wasn’t looked at too closely for obvious errors which completely made up stories will always have such as embassies claimed to be where there are actually no embassies And other such red flags. Durham should look for electronica messages in the DOJ for such obstacle-clearing.

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Nov 5, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

I'm hoping all this ties together to formulate a Conspiracy Indictment that snares a couple hundred of the scum!

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This whole Durham BS is being revealed now to exonerate the FBI and their role in spying on the Trump campaign, his transition team and his administration that started the whole Russian collusion hoax that wasted two years and 30 million dollars. They can now say they were duped.

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Nov 4, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Good thing SC Mueller uncovered all of this.

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Nov 6, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Thank you and God Bless and keep you!

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Nov 4, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Doesn't Trump have a justified lawsuit here?

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