These two get in and America is done. Period. End of story. Walz served in the military? He is a DISGRACE to the uniform.

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And the one with 3 muslim names must be absolutely giddy.

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What makes anyone think Harris made this decision herself? If there is anything the last month has made clear, it's that our government is run by a cabal, whoever or whatever it is, not by its elected constitutional authorities. If you still need proof, the defenestration of Joe and the anointing of Harris, complete with the wholesale re-writing of her record and character (well-known even to Democrats until five minutes ago) by the party organs known as the media, should put any doubts to rest. Post-constitutionally, we are no longer living in a republic but, if it may be put this way, a depublic.

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Obam a

Rearrange the letters as the satanists are habit too.

To confuse the gOlYmS -- you know, USa beasts the KM's refer to in the Kaballa big book.

And just for fun, looked up golem def:


(Jewish folklore) an artificially created human being that is given life by supernatural means

(As in gOLYMpic athelete)

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I would suggest that it is the UAW leadership that supports Walz. The membership has differing ideas and different voting records.

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Looks like an old time nazi to me.

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Harris picked this guy for sure. B’s & C’s don’t hire A’s to work for them. Harris is a C & she ain’t picking anything above that to outperform her. This is the perfect example of what happens when meritocracy is thrown out the window - a race to the bottom.

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I wasn't even aware of this Walz guy, but obviously he is deep state, UniParty Left. He has no loyalty to the people of MN, but to the global left agenda. Instead of fighting back against the muslim invasion in MN, he condones it and, like Kackela, excuses and promotes it.

This shows just how out of touch theses Dems are with America. But of course, they hate America and their goal is to destroy it, so no surprise here.

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Aug 6Edited

Kamala will be ahead until after the DNC Convention...and then we'll see what happens thereafter...Trump remains ahead on RCP in SIX battleground states - Kamala barely ahead in Michigan...

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Trump is the clear front runner in all states, The fake media lie to the public, because that's their job for the deep state.

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I wouldn't be surprised to see them both pushed aside after the convention and Hillary and one of the Obama men switched in after a backroom deal. They need some ticket that's reasonably popular to cheat.

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The Wookie. Bet on it.

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Dumb and Dumber. Eyes on the prize. Keep registering voters and chase ballots. Failure is not an option.

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Just a stand-in for an obama.

It's makes no difference,

they are slaves to their MasterRace.

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Thanks once again Techno for covering all the bases related to this selection. While I don't follow Dem politics, I watched Walz's "neighborly values" interview last week and thought he'd be the selection. He pushes the progressive values across via the Wilfred Brimley folksy manner that makes them appear "nice". I've thought that Kamala is probably losing (baby) boomer support which is critical for a good turn-out and it's my opinion that's what Walz is for.

I could be wrong but I think the polling has been and will be wrong until the election. As has been their want for the last decade, the media is ignoring how bad the economy is. If you're living in the poor or middle class, it's been this way since Covid and it's only gotten worse. If you're living in the upper class, you don't see it. Media lives there as do most professional pundits. Kamala is too tied to the country's current circumstances to win. Trump might be divisive but at the end of the day, people will vote for their economic health.

I think they placed Kamala into this position with Walz so that the Dem base will at least vote. Shapiro would have peeled away some of the base. They need robust participation or they're going to lose the down ballot races. In my humble estimation, that's why it's Kamala (not Joe) and Walz.

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Remember, this is a Hussein and deep state move, by an illegitimate admin that committed treason by stealing the election. They are liars, and hate America.

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The biggest vulnerability - one that Repubs should seize upon as a direct contrast to Vance - is the legitimate charge of stolen valor against Walz.


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Good article, thanks for sharing!

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He identifies as a war hero!

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Harris pick of Waltz another left wing progressive shows all the efforts by the rebranding efforts by media to paint her as a moderate are nothing but lies as she showed her true colors that she is as radical leftest. Now the race is Harris record as a VP and Harris and waltz plans to change America vs Trump record of making America great.

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Imagine a candidate for president who needs a running mate who doesn't shine brighter than the top-of-the-ticket. Now imagine that candidate is so dull, she needs a running mate even less impressive...

And here we are...

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Stigmatizing conservatives, Republicans, Maga, traditionalist, or just normal voters as "weird"--as Walz is now doing too--is shaping up to be a major strategy of the Harris campaign. Watching the relentless consolidation of a technocratic managerial despotism is one thing, and it’s not unique to our generation. But being surrounded and endlessly assaulted with post-modern insanity is altogether peculiar to us. I don’t think the ancient Romans in their most corrupt phase would have celebrated this kind of perversity as normality, or normality as “weirdness.”

They are trying to "kill all the normies" before our very eyes. It’s a post-modern trick: Deny the very idea of normality, then accuse your enemy of being abnormal. This was a feature of 19th century anti-semitism too, the mobilization of unspecified disgust. It also, ironically, reflects something Freudian--people who are "repressed" are suspicious. Repression is the source of neurosis, a self-behind-the-self. Radical Freudianism means repression must be abolished.

There’s more. This technique—oblique and vague rather than direct--of stigmatization is characteristic of "mean girls.” It has nothing specific to identify as weird yet anything becomes suspect, as with someone who is bullied. Everything becomes a pretext of mockery. It corresponds to what one might almost call the eschatological import of the Harris moment as either the last act or the final triumph of woke feminism in its bid to destroy civilization, i.e., everything past.

There is no engagement with issues, facts, policies. It’s more like a TikTok pile-on. If C.S. Lewis or Rene Girard were alive today, they’d see instantly just how evil this strategy is. It’s as if the whole Democrat platform is now literally (left-wing) conformism. That’s their policy! The sum of it! Do you want to be part of the in-group, or a wierdo like that guy over there? NOKD. Not Our Kind Dear.

Entirely in keeping with the character and intelligence of Harris—and in our world, it could actually work, so debased have Americans become.

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"He shut down the state and put children in masks during the pandemic. He established a “snitch line” for citizens to rat out their neighbors for violating his COVID orders. He’s all in favor of gender transitions for young children."

Kamala ads have been running w Olympics and big emphasis is on "reproductive rights" which boils down to a promise to fight for freedoms for private parts only.. dream on for bodily autonomy.. not even dumping decades old tag line "My Body My Choice" because free choice ends in our panties seems to embarrass them in its hypocrisy!

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