The highest military honors await for you, Techno. Thank you for your service.

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The problem is really the speed at which the data breech download happened. There isn't a web connection on earth that could take that much data, that quickly. It was a direct off the server to a solid state device (data fob). This is where Crowd Strike is obfuscating, and conflating information to the uninitiated data folk. They may as well be asserting they can drive from Ny to LA in 20 minutes.

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Who is Seth Rich??

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Seth Rich was a data analyst for the DNC and had access to the DNC server. He was shot in the back of the head about two weeks after the DNC discovered their servers had been breached. Nothing was taken from Seth Rich when he was assassinated, not his wallet, phone or Apple watch.

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Not shot in the head, chest area. Was very drunk, but talking when collected by emergency personnel. Died about an hour later in hospital. All body cam data, the toxicology report, and other data has been suppressed completely since then.

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Thanks Hawaii Rod....I knew that. I was actually being facetious to bring attention to Seth Rich. I believe he may have been the person who hacked the DNC server and was murdered because of that act. His murder has still not been solved.

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Correct Maggie, well done. You get to select our next question. Uhtred, I'll take connections between the DNC and MS13 for $1000

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Seth Rich was a data analyst for the DNC and had access to the DNC server. He was shot in the back of the head about two weeks after the DNC discovered their servers had been breached. Nothing was taken from Seth Rich when he was assassinated, not his wallet, phone or Apple watch.

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The Data Fob that Rich always carried was missing. That's the one thing nobody ever references.

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Where did you learn about Rich's missing fob? I thought I'd read every article published about Rich's murder, but never read a single word about a fob.

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That isn’t certain. The data was copied at some point at a high speed, but it isn’t definite that the copy operation was the same as the exfiltration option. It could have happened at a later point in the whole operation, for example creating the compressed file from the initial download device to an external memory device.

The copy speed is a good point, but unfortunately not definitive enough.

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Because people always copy the data and then leave it in place...happens all the time...

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It’s a case of wanting to be accurate when you make allegations. If you include unproven statements, your whole set of allegations can often be dismissed on that basis. The Forensicator’s analysis is correct in that at some point the data in question was copied at a speed incompatible with international data transfer rates at the time. What however is not able to be proven is that the copy was the only time the data was copied. It is quite feasible that the data was first exfiltrated via a remote link to one location, and then copied to a second location and it is that second copy that we have a record of. The second copy was probably to a USB stick as the location pretty certainly uses FAT and few devices other than USB type storage use that now, though of course it could be an older machine or device still using FAT.

I believe in sticking with what can be demonstrated, not with speculation. We simply don’t know at this stage how the DNC data was extracted.

One interesting point though is that the DNC emails are basically completely uninteresting. None of the people who might have real information worth having were copied, only a few mainly finance and admin staff. The real “meat” of the email drop was in the entirely separately obtained Podesta emails. It does make me wonder - purely speculative and by no means an assertion - that the DNC emails were purposely released as part of the frame up. Similarly G2’s stuff was really bland, biggest thing was the oppo research doc on Trump, and that was mostly old and already known rumours which really worked to get those rumours out into the public again rather than against the DNC.

Be interesting to see if Durham does get into the whole possible conspiracy to push out fake and faked data.

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How many have gone to prison with this Kabuki Theater crapulence? Oh yeah, ZERO.

Any faith I had in the US Gruberment disappeared faster than an anti-narrative story from the Fake News (Useless Idiots) after the stolen election and Barr's covering for the Deep Swamp.

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Trump and his team are just starting to fight back. Have patience. This was the biggest crime in world history. Did you think it would be over quickly?

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And this new release clearly indicates the false statements charge is a place-holder for more significant indictments.

Now, I think the Merrick DoJ will close this down before the end of the year- probably on the Friday after Thanksgiving.

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Not sure the DOJ can take the heat from such a move. Biden's tanking numbers portend a public that is becoming concerned.

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They have the press in their back pockets- if and when they do decide to pull the plug on Durham, all the major newspapers everywhere, including the WSJ, will have the stories written about how Durham was out of control, or how Durham has his own ethical problems- they will go so far as to actually make stuff up out of whole cloth.

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DOJ can only remove a special counsel for: misconduct, dereliction of duty, incapacity, conflict of interest, or for other good cause including violation of departmental policies. Look for a new policy "thou shalt not prosecute or indict any democrat within the confines of the United States of America"

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They will say he smoked a joint in collage even though its legal now in some states... THE HORROR

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Doesn’t matter Durham will hand the evidence to the injured parties who will sue and expose the crimes in the court room.

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One can infer that the Alfa-Bank/Trump hoax was initiated primarily as a backup to the DNC/Russian hackers hoax.

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The thing that is most disheartening ... Sussman is charged with Lying to Federal Investigators. That charge can only be brought if the lie is material (i.e. the investigators were misdirected by the lie). Anyone that remembers back to the Flynn case, the same charge never made any sense because they had the transcript of the phone call. Flynn couldn't have possibly misled them because they could read what was read for themselves.

The entire Sussman indictment is predicated the FBI and DOJ only did what they did because Sussman tricked them into opening a counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign. That is laughably absurd based on what is already spelled out in the Nunes Memo and elsewhere. FBI lawyer James Baker apparently is already being given a walk. No indication anyone in the FBI or DOJ is being looked at for anything.

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FBI DOJ get to say they were duped, not corrupt.

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its the backdrop of the wider conspiracy. sussman isnt the main target

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The game with Sussman is in the facts laid out in the indictment. Durham spells out all the elements of "Conspiracy to Defraud the United States" without ever mentioning that crime. That brings a five-year statute of limitations following the final criminal act of the conspiracy. I would guess he's trying to be sure everyone involved understands the jeopardy they're in and is trying to flip a few more cooperating witnesses before putting his cards on the table.

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Cooperating witness testimonies in FOIA documents. See Judicial Watch. Lisa Page " Mueller probe was to cover up Democratic crimes and bring down a duly elected President we had nothing"

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They've already documented the material lie made by Sussman. The lie being, when he contacted the FBI originally with the "dossier", he claimed when directly asked, he wasn't there on the behalf of anyone else, when he was there on the behest of the DNC.

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Sundance at Conservative Treehouse believes Durham is part of a cover-up, just like Bill Barr. Sundance is respected by many, but sometimes gets past his skis on legal matters.

Non-lawyer here, but given the 27-page speaking indictment, 6,000 documents, and assertions of lots more documents coming, it doesn't look like a cover-up to me. It appears much more is coming, whether the Swamp stops it, another matter. If Durham was a cover-up 'cleaner', he could have closed shop after the Clinesmith indictment, and retired.

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81,000 pages! And we all know there's more to come. Elias, Sussman and the Hillary Crew all know what's coming. Can't wait until that circular firing squad starts shooting.

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Absolutely BRILLIANT! And beautifully written in language that regulars can understand, even me.

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Oh, and meanwhile Mengele-Fauci LIED to Congress, just like Hanoi John Fonda Kerry did in his false Winter Soldier BS but once again, a (D) doesn't go to prison unless they've outlived their usefulness, i.e., Blago.

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I don’t want dems to go to jail. I want them to go to the morgue.

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His name was Seth Rich……who from Hillary’s campaign sent the email:” an embarrassment of pandas”?

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Great writeup !

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Wonder how Crowd Strike feels about their involvement with the DNC based on a personal friendship? Friends don't mistreat each other and remain friends. Crowd Strike has many business interests beyond politics whereas Fusion GPS exists solely as a political operative. That lawyers are caught speaks to their inability to sense vulnerability. Durham has buried them in discovery dramatically increasing the costs to defend. Do we expect a settlement? Obviously Durham won't be trifled with.

The infinite resources of the government unravelled the Manafort tangle. We can hope that the same set of resources will lay bare the 2016 farce.

Pity that the resources can't be focused on Elias and the 2020 election. The Republicans were asleep as the courts changed laws and need to wake up going forward. They don't seem to have the money to counter the likes of Elias's team.

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There is plenty of money, tens of Millions fundraised on President Trump's name! The GOPe, UniParty, Ronna McDaniel and China-Mitch McConnell are working against President Trump and Conservatives.

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his name was seth rich

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I'm beginning to wonder if this is all part of an elaborate scheme to cover up his murder. Accusing Trump of "Russian collusion" may be just a useful side effect of a plan to throw investigators off the track of Rich's killing.

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"What if Crowdstrike was a patsy, there to unknowingly reach false conclusions..."

You posit that and, maybe, but HIGHLY unlikely....

for this reason:

Assuming competency, no pro worth anything would consider the discovery of Russian text in a virus as anything other than intentional misdirection. Crowdstrike either played along or is less competent than a bunch of 11 yr. olds.

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Re: CrowdStrike- in his closed testimony to congress, which was hidden from the public for more than two years, Shawn Henry admitted that they only had "circumstantial evidence," and "no concrete evidence" that data on the (supposedly) hacked servers was ever exfiltrated; it merely looked like it might have been exfiltrated, but they could not confirm that it ever was.

--> https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2020/05/13/hidden_over_2_years_dem_cyber-firms_sworn_testimony_it_had_no_proof_of_russian_hack_of_dnc_123596.html <--

In addition, in his testimony to congress, Comey acknowledged that despite their multiple requests, the DNC never provided the FBI with the actual server(s) in question, meaning the FBI never conducted their own forensic analysis and merely relied on the DNC/PC/CrowdStrike's redacted report on the supposed hacking.

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Yeah, where are those servers……Remember when, out of the blue, Trump would tweet: “where are the servers?”I miss those days: Trump in office & on Twitter.

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What I believe Crowdstrike found was somebody verifying the info that was downloaded off the server (IE Podesta's Emails) and had already been dispersed. And that entire thing was the red herring they used to avoid the "internal breech" narrative while they murdered Seth Rich.

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Podesta’s emails were on Gmail, and access was made via a successful phishing attack whereby Podesta was conned into changing his password. Nothing to do with the DNC server or the attacks on the DNC systems and email at all, though there are supposedly some similarities in the attacks.

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