The assumption that the pretender in chief doesn't have cancer is a pretty big leap.

I've watched that clip several times.

I think he let it slip he has cancer.

And my money is that the "vaccine" and his 4 doses caused his cancer.

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Xiden IS cancer.

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Perhaps he’s trying to get out ahead of the next narrative, a pandemic of cancer due to “climate change”...

For sure it has nothing to do with experimental injections 😂

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Unfortunately, demented ChiCom Joe lies so frequently, it can be intentional or inadvertent at this point.

So, I wouldn't conclude he had cancer. It's more likely he was just doing his usual routine.

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I think it's more that the vaxes accelerated any cancer people might have had previously. It could also be causing some too. Since the vax seems to inhibit natural immune responses.

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It is wonderful to see Christians continue to apply aid to a creature that is clearly dying (politically).

Biden once had a benign skin cancer and he no longer has it. Give it up.

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Not sure how Christianity has anything to do with biden admitting he has cancer. He had always been dead politically and now is dying physically.

Regurgitating propaganda the regime panicked and threw out to protect the house of cards falling around the dementia patient in chief does not promote critical thinking.

Give it up.

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You misunderstand me. I was assuming that YOU were a Christian and that was why you were willing to give He Who Shakes Hands With Ghosts the benefit of the doubt.

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Assuming a certain religion has poor character judgement doesn’t help any of us. We need to work together against Biden and his regime, not arguing with each other.

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We need to work against the puppeteers behind Obiden. This is going to start going sideways soon.

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Are you a censor of others assumptions?

Are you suggesting others have no right to opinions and assumptions?

And you desire us to "all get along"??

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No, no, and we should try if we are going to stand up against the tyranny and the deep state.


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How can a religion have "poor character judgement"?

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Thank you!

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I thought you 2 were doing well together. Just coming at the same idea from different vantage points. :)

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We can only hope. And it would absolutely be karmic if he did.

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People are getting sick around here for the 3rd time and some are boosted. I don’t know any unvaccinated getting sick again..🤧🧐

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None of my family have been vaccinated. My husband caught Delta and was pretty sick but recovered without hospitalization (although it was touch and go for a bit). My son (who has severe asthma) and I were around my husband the entire time and have never so much as caught a sniffle. Three years into the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" and we've had one case in the entire family who lives in a town dependent on both national and international tourism.

I wonder how many vaccinated families can say the same?

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New England Journal of Medicine... the vaccine in fact inhibits the immune response and wipes out natural immunity. The unvaccinated who come down with covid have significantly stronger lasting immunity against contracting it again. Those who are vaccinated, boosted, etc. see a declining and "NEGATIVE EFFICACY", meaning they're actually MORE LIKELY to contract covid if exposed again.

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We have all had to navigate the dirty looks and attempts to remove people from their jobs for being unclean unvaccinated savages. Excellent health responses and outlooks for everyone who remained unclean and unvaccinated. I humored them by getting extra pneumonia shots to prove I was not anti-vax just not stupid enough to believe Joe Biden was mandating something GOOD in his lifetime.

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Thank You Techno 🙏💪

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Great insight however his diagnosis could be complete BS to give excuse to vacate DC and go back to Obama's bunker.

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Four more vaccines!

Four more vaccines!

Four more vaccines!

It’s for the children!

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I think they want to vaccinate the unborn next. It's either that or kill them. This is a sadistic administration. :(

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The vaxed mother's to be, have already been miscarrying in way higher numbers than the norm. Although I've not seen the effects on newborns, except those breast feeding have sudden unexplained death's. In way higher numbers too.

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He is used to getting a pass after telling the most brazen lies that he doesn't even notice them anymore.

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Well none of us saw this coming lol.. This movie is getting interesting again. God Bless

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Biden is 4x jabbed and still got covid. And here I am, a federal employee, being told to get the jab or get fired. Since his 4 jabs didn't prevent him from getting covid why should I be forced to get the jab or get fired? It makes no sense! I don't think it's supposed to make sense but the courts should throw out all lawsuits forcing employees to get jabbed because they don't work. Period. Now I have to test when community levels are medium or high. Why only test the unvaccinated? This is discrimination. The "vaccinated" are more likely to have and transmit covid but they aren't being forced to stick a cancer stick up their nose - just the unjabbed. It's sickening!

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Wonder if Biden's cancer is an excuse for him to go into hiding. His "Treatments" will be blamed for his confused and idiotic statements. He will be kept under wraps until he can be removed from office. Invoking the 25th will be easy and magically we will have the new "laugher in chief." Country will be run by a committee of totally unelected leftists scampering from crises to crises. left always wanted a government run by elites, academics and "experts." Well they will be getting their wish. Hopefully when this scam is exposed a large group of these professional government employees and elites will be tried and convicted for this power grab.

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Biden warns of winter of 'severe illness and death' for …


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Best. Movie. Ever.

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Too damn long for me.... LOL

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Get some more popcorn!

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Tell about Hunter BidenHo, please , dear Techno...

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Will do once more info comes out about federal investigation and potential charges...

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I don't believe it. I don't believe that Biden has corona. I don't believe he ever had the vax or ever will, never mind boosted. And I don't believe he had Paxlovid or ever will.

This is just yet another mendacious advertising campaign for big pharma.

It's all about, "See, even an 80 yr old did it and is fine. Now, release your doubt, and go do likewise."

Good rule of thumb: If they're saying anything, it's probably a lie. One way or another. You just gotta figure out the angle.

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Does he really have the CCP virus or is this another administration lie? Does the administration want to put him away in a basement to cover up his gaffes and lies before the mid-terms? Is this the beginning of the transition to Cackles?

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He seems to be working more WITH Covid than before he was put in quarantine …

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I guess Joe is headed for a very bleak and dangerous summer of COVID despair for himself, his family, and the hospital in which he'll be treated (heard that phrase somewhere in the news...)

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You might call it a;

"Winter sorry summer of severe illness and death"

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Maybe he just had saline injections?

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I think it entirely possible, and probable, that he and members of Congress had saline shots, if any 'actual' shots at all; likely public shots were done with movie prop style needles. That doesn't help with the issue of their catching the coof; since they are on record as having had the jab, they have to stick to that lie.

Not that it changes the reality that more and more studies show that the effectiveness of the jab is quite low (even Fauxci admitted that), and that Original Antigenic Sin is real, not a conspiracy theory. Sure, they'll go with the excuse of "it coulda been worse", but even that rings hollow; the vaxxed have been shown to have longer, worse contagions, to be contagious to others longer, and suffer all kinds of 'completely unrelated' health issues, some of which kill them outright.

Never got the jab, never will.

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