President Biden has tested positive for COVID-19, despite being fully vaccinated and double boosted. Or perhaps it was because he’s vaccinated and boosted.
In July of 2021 he said this was impossible, lying to the American public about the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines.

That guarantee from Biden was significant. After that statement, there was a multi-pronged effort to scapegoat the continuation of the “pandemic” on the unvaccinated. Dr. Fauci blamed the unvaccinated for “propagating” the latest outbreak, saying we need to “do something to get them to be vaccinated.”
That term do something suggested action. State governments and cities began issuing their own vaccination requirements. New York City led the way, requiring “proof of at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine for a variety of activities for workers and customers — indoor dining, gyms and performances — to put pressure on people to get vaccinated.”
The media called for more extreme measures, demanding Biden institute a “no-fly list for unvaccinated adults.” They called for mandates. They begged for the federal government to raise “the costs of remaining unvaccinated.” Thankfully, they didn’t get much of what they asked for. COVID-19 cases are rising in many of the most vaccinated states, including California. The mandates and the vaccines haven’t stopped the spread.
As to Biden’s current COVID-19 diagnosis?
At least it isn’t cancer. The remarkable thing about Biden’s purported cancer “gaffe” - apart from (incorrectly?) saying he has cancer - is that he didn’t notice he said he has cancer. A normal mind might correct itself after making such a seismic error. Biden didn’t comprehend the significance of his statement. He just continued mumbling along, reading words off a screen as fast as he could before getting out of that riverfront hellscape.

Anyways, who gave President Biden COVID-19? You better believe the person had their shots and was boosted.
It’s a pandemic of the vaccinated.
The assumption that the pretender in chief doesn't have cancer is a pretty big leap.
I've watched that clip several times.
I think he let it slip he has cancer.
And my money is that the "vaccine" and his 4 doses caused his cancer.
People are getting sick around here for the 3rd time and some are boosted. I don’t know any unvaccinated getting sick again..🤧🧐