Funny how that Afghanistan story just largely seemed to go away

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As did the AZ audit. But that’s exactly the designed purpose of the COVID Plandemic. To allow the Deep State Communists to scare everyone into forgetting that their country is being stolen out from under our feet. Wake up and smell the corruption!

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My trust is in Jesus. The battle has already been won. What can man do to me?

Thanks for what you do, Technofog 😎

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If Kav is key then we are screwed.

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Well let me just say this about OSHA. It is required that any and all mask be fit tested on each individual. Beards are not acceptable. Clean shaven face is required. Fit test shall require a test to insure that particulate matter cannot entire any gaps allowing dangerous contaminates to enter. Also to be measured is any stress put upon the individual abilities to breath without undue stress on heart or lungs. I’d find the code for you but I don’t want to lose this page. Look under respiratory fit testing

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I simply REFUSE to comply. My good old-fashioned American common sense flagged the entire Covid thing as 100% PURE unadulterated US Gruberment BS!

The Aussies are revolting now at Bondi beach and if one looks at the World, the Deep Staters/Deep Swampers/EU Nanny Staters are losing ground more and more.

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We need to have 1 place where we can all communicate with people who are in the same situation and believe what we believe. Where can we do that?

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This is not why it is unconstitutional. Statutes apply to persons, not people, and only those persons subject to federal jurisdiction, ie, federal corporations etc. Article l, sec 8 clause 17. It is unconstitutional because it violates the protections of the 4th amendment. The created, a fiction, cannot order around its creators, the people. Simple as that.

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The only current available vaccines are still under EUA and therefore can not be mandated. The vaccine with FDA approval has not even been manufactured yet!

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I thought the Pfizer Cominternasty jab had received full approval, and thus could be mandated, as well as be liable to lawsuit, which is why Pfizer will continue to sell its EUA jabs in parallel with Cominternasty, even though they are chemically identical.

Get the mandate with one, jab with the other which has no liability. Very clever. I could be wrong, though..

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No, Pfizer Cominternasty jab has NOT received full approval. It has been approved as an EUA product - see vaccine fact sheet here and just read the last sentence:


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Corminty has not passed final FDA requirements (they have to provide vials, labeling etc.) and is not expected to before October.

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How government claims to justify “vaccines are super effective” while also claiming “we need to protect the vaccinated from unvaccinated” is beyond me. Orwellian doublethink.

A mandate makes no sense because the vaccine doesn’t prevent you from catching and spreading covid.

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I think the real goal is get people to quit or for their employers to fire them so their jobs can be given to woke minorities, illegal immigrants and refugees thereby further assuring the destruction of the systemically racist white culture. Wicked.

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Cloward Piven - create the crisis - overwhelm the citizenry - get citizens addicted to handouts, welfare - overwhelm financial institutions - trap people in living arrangements where paying rent and mortgages no longer required - destroy private industry - build upon chaos - allow the chaos to destroy the country - government comes in with temporary fixes that later become mandates and laws - welcome to socialism/communism.

Alinsky giggles...

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I haven’t heard any discussion of remote workers. I work from home. How is that a threat to anyone? Thanks for this analysis.

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Kavanaugh has already shown a tendency to be feckless; while he may be the best able to construct the reason that the mandate is unconstitutional, it is more a question of whether HE has the personal constitution to not buckle under political pressure.

From what I've seen, I tend to think not...

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Unconstitutional or not, is not stopping the woke companies from mandating the employees. 🤬🤬🤬

I just got department head’s email, if not vaccinated by 10/31, will be terminated on 11/1.

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Here is another way to look at things

40 million nine year old,s and younger who are not subject to vaccination or at least should not be because they are the lowest risk group. And 35 million are 70 years and older who should and probably have been vaccinated. These two groups total 75 million. 180 million fully vaccinated. How could their be 80 million who refuse to the get the vaccine. It’s a lie.

Total population of 323 million.

96% of those over 70 have been vaccinated and the lowest risk group are children under 10 years of age so these two groups do not constitute a large public risk. This is about 107 million people.

Biden and the media are ignoring those who have recovered from infection and have natural immunity. It has been recently proven that natural immunity is superior to the vaccine and therefore these people do not need to be vaccinated. It is estimated that 40-60 million people have natural immunity. Call it 50 million. Therefor the real number of unvaccinated people is 328-180 - 107- 50 = -9 million.

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not until immunity from personal injury is lifted from the EUA and the FDA conditional approval should employers be required by OSHA to force employees to take the vaccine.

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Thursday my company came out with the requirement, that all US employees must be fully vaccinated by 12/8 or they will be put on unpaid leave of absence, until they comply. We can file for religious or medical exemptions, but I just don't feel like they will approve them. We're also required to complete our status in a Covid Passport system...I don't even want to do this. We have over 350K employees, and in the email, it said that already 20K employees had registered their vaccinations there. That is around 5% of our employees. I'm trying to figure out a way to determine how many other employees feel the same way I do...and don't think it's any of their business if we are or aren't vaccinated. I also will not comply, and I also don't feel like I should have to submit a religious or medical exemption to them. Anyone have any suggestions on how to reach out to others within our own companies who may feel the same way we do? If we all standup to them, and they stand to lose most of their employees... maybe they will understand how serious this is.

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Here's why the mandate is unconstitutional: it is not a power given the government in the Constitution.

This article talks about precedent and not the underlying issue. There is no authority to do so.

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