I am simply appalled at the crapulence and Kabuki Theater going on in DC. As a former prisoner chaser in the USMC, I sat through MORE than my fair share of Courts-Martials and military justice was swift and punishing, to the Enlisted Ranks of course.
The OPS (Officer Protection Society) is well-entrenched and I witnessed dozens of Officers aka Zeros, dodge deployments, scam out of humps, and pretty much lead from behind, much like we're seeing in DC.
Apparently the Zeros that rode the gravytrain on biscuit wheels moved into the Pentagon and DC and added to the infestation of vermin and maggots to the DC cesspool.
If America had the Rule of Law AND equal justice, varmints like Thoroughly Incompetent Milley would have been broken in rank and stood against a wall as the traitor he is, along with many others in and out DC, i.e., Schumer, Pelosi, Swalweel and Fang-Fang, Feinswine and HER Chinese spy driver covering a 20 year span...
Thank you for your service, first and foremost. I love what you wrote, but now We The People need true leaders to force those under our employment (Dems & Reps) to follow equal justice under the law, because nobody in DC seems to up to the job on either side of the aisle.
The corruption in DC started with Wilson in 1913 and FDR simply ran with the ball. The Democrats AND their RINO enablers like Cheney, Bush 43, etc., have been lying to the American People since the CIA/FBI/MIC whacked JFK. Indeed, they covered for the FBI sniper, Lon Horiuchi, after he murdered members of the Weaver family and they covered for him again at Waco, along with Reno and Holder!
I'll never again trust anything that comes out of DC unless it is purged, 535 Congcritters and their enablers put on trial, and their assets seized and they're exiled to Mongolia.
Trump saw all the corruption and why they did a color revolution right here in our own country. All those involved need to be lined up and shot for treason, pure and simple. But who will round them up????
I agree. The fuse is lit, it is just burning down to the powder keg. If you read about the beginnings of the American Revolution, you'll see how the things that led up to that revolt are the same today.
For one, taxation w/o representation (Congress ignores the will of the People, i.e., ObamaKare).
Another is the list of usurpations and incidents like the border crisis, that go on and on.
Read the DoI and you'll see history repeating.
To answer your question, just like the last time, the 3%ers.
There in lies why the federal government is targeting "right wing extremists" as the biggest threat to our nation, so they can start putting anyone who resists in federal prison, kind of like those rotting in DC cells with no bail and many without even charges yet from the fake insurrection. I watched that entire thing unfold on live TV and knew from the timing that it was all preplanned to stop the decent people elected to office from showing the world that our elections are a fraud.
Now it's looking like the FBI was involved in staging the entire thing, and the FBI alongside every other federal agency are corrupt as hell. What to do, what to do???
Patience. There are over 23 million trained Veterans in this country, many with experience.
We have been patiently waiting in the midst until it’s our time to shine. January 6 didn’t scare or intimidate us, it just pissed us off and strengthened our resolve.
These fuckers lied about 9/11 too and because of it my buddies died for nothing. It’s about time for every corrupt scumbag in our government to pay the piper.
Remember Swallowell saying they have planes tanks and nukes, or whatever he said? Yeah, we Veterans know how to operate them too.
Techno - on Saturday Sara Carter reported that the Alpha Bank pings originated from within the US. Your article references the individuals. What exposure do they and their organizations face?
P.S. praying for real accountability by Durham. He’s the last vigilant soldier.
I’ll check that out. If they originated here, then we are looking at the unraveling of a conspiracy. Curious as to how high it goes at the Clinton campaign or Perkins Coie.
I didn't find a story to the effect on Sara's website or on Fox News. Not saying this tip is wrong. Just trying to pin it down and haven't been able to.
This seems to be a straight up conspiracy case that should be very easy to unravel IF the parties involved are facing actual jail time. The lies to the FISA Ct. were not simple mistakes but constructed falsehoods and misrepresentations. That is purjury and can be punishable by actual jail time.
Once this ship starts to take on water and listing seriously the rats will evacuate quickly. Durham might just have to open a few Grand Juries to accommodate the testimony of the cream puffs for whom jail is terrifying. Most are NOT hardened criminals but just immoral, lying lawyers and politicians. That is very acceptable in D.C. and not even worth talking about. Suddenly the rules are changing and Durham might be calling out the culture of the FBI, political class and lawyers who have played by their own set of rules and laws for far too long.
Then again IF he reaches too deeply into the inner circle or includes Hillary in his investigation every corrupt and powerful power center in D.C. just might find a way to sending him to visit Vince Foster. The fact is that deep down in the bowels of the D.C. power structure are actual criminals for whom no law or action is too extreme including murder. After all when all is said and done there are billions of dollars involved in the outcomes of many of these political wars. Trump surly kicked over a very big apple cart with his election and that is not soon forgotten or forgiven.
When it comes to structured criminality the Mafia cannot hold a candle to the D.C. cabal of lawyers, politicians and corporate interests who have started wars for profit and killed tens if not hundreds of thousands of people to keep the military/industrial complex's profits flowing. American families have lost thousands of their sons and daughters based on gov't lies since the Viet Nam conflict up to and including the latest shit show.
But I'm not sure why they decided to deploy me to Afghanistan immediately after 9/11 for that war for profit.
And I can't figure out how to rid myself of the stench and cancer that is the military industrial complex invention, the Internet, and the persuasive military industrial complex invention, GPS and all the location based services that use that cancer.
And... all those satellites! Weather or whatever! Oh my God... the cancer of the products of the industrial military complex surrounds so much of what we do!
Maybe we need to become some sort of a religion, where we avow all use of anything resulting from the Evil Industrial Military Complex!
I'm guessing there will suddenly be a "What????? Wait a minute... hold on there! We're not down with that!"
I was going to Afcrapistan in Jan 2002 as Comm Chief but suffered a service-connected injury two weeks before deploying. At one time I was sorry and pissed off that I did not go but now, after all of the LIES of the Gruberment, I'm NOT sorry I did not go.
PS: A very good friend of mine lost his son over there and I knew that lad from the time he was 5. DAMN ALL WARMONGERS!
The FISA Ct is a created Court that actually violates the Constitution in the name of national security. this faux court is a star chamber like court that does what it wants without any input or opposition by defense lawyers. It is a rubber stamp when the magic words "national security" are uttered. They are the secret type of Court that should have been outlawed or never formed. They just don't want to make waves or rock any boats lest they lose their do nothing jobs. They give the enforcement agencies a fig leaf for their mostly unlawful spying and wiretapping in the name of --- WHAT!
I was told by someone who worked pretty closely with Rodney Joffe for the past several years that it was Rodney who supposedly traced the DNC hack back to Russia. If true he has been in the middle of the Trump Russia garbage from the get go.
I assume they leveraged the same DNS data they used for the fake AlfaBank story to “trace” the DNC hack. Neustar’s Security Solutions division which includes the DNS service was not included in the recent sale to TU which may or may not be relevant. Rodney heads up another entity owned by GGC which performs similar services to Neustar but dedicated solely to government contracts. As of about six months ago they were working on a product for government clients which would essentially be an associative graph of individuals within and outside the US, basically so they can get an idea of who everyone associates with. So if your friend is a bad guy you might be guy too…. Basically they saw it as a way to help the government get around constitutional/legal restrictions preventing government surveillance of citizens and they saw no problem with this. Rodney specifically told me that the great thing about working on that project would be that we would be protecting America. Super Patriots.
Golden Gate Capital - a private equity firm based in Singapore - Neustar parent company at the time. I don’t remember the name of the govt services company or if it was ever told to me. It wasn’t widely known about within Neustar, intentionally. I went to another company and haven’t kept up. Sorry I don’t have more detailed information.
Mr. Smith, I'm working on a project, any chance you could go into more detail about this person who worked with Joffe? Thanks foolnelson@protonmail.com
Thanks for such a detailed viewpoint. We can hope Durham is above the fray and remains a honest broker. From the details, we see a deep investigation that may someday bring a modicum of justice to systemic corruption. Someday the Clinton crime syndicate will collapse and HRC will be exposed with poor Bill mumbling in the corner. Pity the Biden syndicate expose will take many more years.
It will. Ngp Van was designed to allow Hillary to spy on all democrat challengers then down finally to Bernie. Ngp Van is the key to how to use a software database as a weapon AGAINST your chosen victim. Uretsky and Rich were both known to each other. Both knew that the DNC (Hillary) were actually doing what they later accused Uretsky of Dec 16 2015. The open doors to each others data was reported in October. Seth found those "open doors" and documented them, downloaded data to thumb drives. Bernie filed suit on 18th. Then SUDDENLY within days "logs" were produced that was used as evidence to the crime that supposedly Uretsky committed. However it also dawned on the DNC and Ngp Van....oh look...we have a bigger problem the whole DNC realized they had LEAKERS within their own ranks and all Bernie supporters knew Hillary was RIGGING the election and people within.
8/3/16 Miranda, Marshall and Dacey resign, Dacey was Seth's boss.
The whole DNC leadership left by August 3 2016...the leaker was neutralized, leaving Sussmann as clean up person. He got Bernie to drop the suit. HOWEVER others filed suit against the DNC on Bernie's behalf.
Sussman was juggling the original crime scene of VGP VAN DNC LEAKERS, a murder, then slowly turned that crap show of DNC leaks of Ngp Van employees into "outside hacking" job, then the media eagerly looked to banging the Russia Russia Russia drum with Alfa & Trump.
It is so transparent now. Vgp Van set the hit on Seth Rich he had the evidence of how only "their" chosen democrat gets a super duper version of their database and the other guy, not so much. They rely on the WHOLE democrat party for their company's survival, however if democrats learn their software only works "perfectly" for the chosen, not equally for everyone, no one will buy their spyware product.
READ THIS LATEST ANNOUNCEMENT BY VGP VAN - they clearly state the obvious as I outlined it.
This was a HUGE version of the children’s game, called Gossip! Unbelievable what this has cost our nation. A simple child’s game! Scary these idiots are running this country.
For what it's worth, it's exceptionally commonplace for corporate entities performing internal reviews of anything to have law firms engage third party consultants, from accounting firms, data security firms, employee investigators. The reason is, as you state, to maintain A-C privilege over the product, but it's also such an ordinary thing that I think it's a mistake to assume the DNC did it to assist in covering up a fraud the HRC campaign would/did undertake in the future.
I am simply appalled at the crapulence and Kabuki Theater going on in DC. As a former prisoner chaser in the USMC, I sat through MORE than my fair share of Courts-Martials and military justice was swift and punishing, to the Enlisted Ranks of course.
The OPS (Officer Protection Society) is well-entrenched and I witnessed dozens of Officers aka Zeros, dodge deployments, scam out of humps, and pretty much lead from behind, much like we're seeing in DC.
Apparently the Zeros that rode the gravytrain on biscuit wheels moved into the Pentagon and DC and added to the infestation of vermin and maggots to the DC cesspool.
If America had the Rule of Law AND equal justice, varmints like Thoroughly Incompetent Milley would have been broken in rank and stood against a wall as the traitor he is, along with many others in and out DC, i.e., Schumer, Pelosi, Swalweel and Fang-Fang, Feinswine and HER Chinese spy driver covering a 20 year span...
Well stated!
Thank you for your service, first and foremost. I love what you wrote, but now We The People need true leaders to force those under our employment (Dems & Reps) to follow equal justice under the law, because nobody in DC seems to up to the job on either side of the aisle.
The corruption in DC started with Wilson in 1913 and FDR simply ran with the ball. The Democrats AND their RINO enablers like Cheney, Bush 43, etc., have been lying to the American People since the CIA/FBI/MIC whacked JFK. Indeed, they covered for the FBI sniper, Lon Horiuchi, after he murdered members of the Weaver family and they covered for him again at Waco, along with Reno and Holder!
I'll never again trust anything that comes out of DC unless it is purged, 535 Congcritters and their enablers put on trial, and their assets seized and they're exiled to Mongolia.
Trump saw all the corruption and why they did a color revolution right here in our own country. All those involved need to be lined up and shot for treason, pure and simple. But who will round them up????
I agree. The fuse is lit, it is just burning down to the powder keg. If you read about the beginnings of the American Revolution, you'll see how the things that led up to that revolt are the same today.
For one, taxation w/o representation (Congress ignores the will of the People, i.e., ObamaKare).
Another is the list of usurpations and incidents like the border crisis, that go on and on.
Read the DoI and you'll see history repeating.
To answer your question, just like the last time, the 3%ers.
There in lies why the federal government is targeting "right wing extremists" as the biggest threat to our nation, so they can start putting anyone who resists in federal prison, kind of like those rotting in DC cells with no bail and many without even charges yet from the fake insurrection. I watched that entire thing unfold on live TV and knew from the timing that it was all preplanned to stop the decent people elected to office from showing the world that our elections are a fraud.
Now it's looking like the FBI was involved in staging the entire thing, and the FBI alongside every other federal agency are corrupt as hell. What to do, what to do???
Patience. There are over 23 million trained Veterans in this country, many with experience.
We have been patiently waiting in the midst until it’s our time to shine. January 6 didn’t scare or intimidate us, it just pissed us off and strengthened our resolve.
These fuckers lied about 9/11 too and because of it my buddies died for nothing. It’s about time for every corrupt scumbag in our government to pay the piper.
Remember Swallowell saying they have planes tanks and nukes, or whatever he said? Yeah, we Veterans know how to operate them too.
Si vis pacem para bellum
Semper Fi
We’ll stated
They need to give Perkins the Arthur Andersen treatment. That Rot cannot be allowed to continue.
Every law firm in DC that ever worked for the Clintons or worked to defend or protect Perkins Coie scum.
Techno - on Saturday Sara Carter reported that the Alpha Bank pings originated from within the US. Your article references the individuals. What exposure do they and their organizations face?
P.S. praying for real accountability by Durham. He’s the last vigilant soldier.
I’ll check that out. If they originated here, then we are looking at the unraveling of a conspiracy. Curious as to how high it goes at the Clinton campaign or Perkins Coie.
We know how high don’t we? Just gotta be able to prove it.
I didn't find a story to the effect on Sara's website or on Fox News. Not saying this tip is wrong. Just trying to pin it down and haven't been able to.
Will a dozen FBI agents armed with automatic weapons show up at Sussman's house before dawn?
This seems to be a straight up conspiracy case that should be very easy to unravel IF the parties involved are facing actual jail time. The lies to the FISA Ct. were not simple mistakes but constructed falsehoods and misrepresentations. That is purjury and can be punishable by actual jail time.
Once this ship starts to take on water and listing seriously the rats will evacuate quickly. Durham might just have to open a few Grand Juries to accommodate the testimony of the cream puffs for whom jail is terrifying. Most are NOT hardened criminals but just immoral, lying lawyers and politicians. That is very acceptable in D.C. and not even worth talking about. Suddenly the rules are changing and Durham might be calling out the culture of the FBI, political class and lawyers who have played by their own set of rules and laws for far too long.
Then again IF he reaches too deeply into the inner circle or includes Hillary in his investigation every corrupt and powerful power center in D.C. just might find a way to sending him to visit Vince Foster. The fact is that deep down in the bowels of the D.C. power structure are actual criminals for whom no law or action is too extreme including murder. After all when all is said and done there are billions of dollars involved in the outcomes of many of these political wars. Trump surly kicked over a very big apple cart with his election and that is not soon forgotten or forgiven.
When it comes to structured criminality the Mafia cannot hold a candle to the D.C. cabal of lawyers, politicians and corporate interests who have started wars for profit and killed tens if not hundreds of thousands of people to keep the military/industrial complex's profits flowing. American families have lost thousands of their sons and daughters based on gov't lies since the Viet Nam conflict up to and including the latest shit show.
Rosemary Collier or Collyer had to be in on it. There is not other way but to look the other way,
So much good there.
But I'm not sure why they decided to deploy me to Afghanistan immediately after 9/11 for that war for profit.
And I can't figure out how to rid myself of the stench and cancer that is the military industrial complex invention, the Internet, and the persuasive military industrial complex invention, GPS and all the location based services that use that cancer.
And... all those satellites! Weather or whatever! Oh my God... the cancer of the products of the industrial military complex surrounds so much of what we do!
Maybe we need to become some sort of a religion, where we avow all use of anything resulting from the Evil Industrial Military Complex!
I'm guessing there will suddenly be a "What????? Wait a minute... hold on there! We're not down with that!"
I was going to Afcrapistan in Jan 2002 as Comm Chief but suffered a service-connected injury two weeks before deploying. At one time I was sorry and pissed off that I did not go but now, after all of the LIES of the Gruberment, I'm NOT sorry I did not go.
PS: A very good friend of mine lost his son over there and I knew that lad from the time he was 5. DAMN ALL WARMONGERS!
Read sussmans Dec 18 2017 testimony...he laid it on thick. Knowing what we know now...your eyebrows will get stuck up.
The FISA Ct is a created Court that actually violates the Constitution in the name of national security. this faux court is a star chamber like court that does what it wants without any input or opposition by defense lawyers. It is a rubber stamp when the magic words "national security" are uttered. They are the secret type of Court that should have been outlawed or never formed. They just don't want to make waves or rock any boats lest they lose their do nothing jobs. They give the enforcement agencies a fig leaf for their mostly unlawful spying and wiretapping in the name of --- WHAT!
I was told by someone who worked pretty closely with Rodney Joffe for the past several years that it was Rodney who supposedly traced the DNC hack back to Russia. If true he has been in the middle of the Trump Russia garbage from the get go.
Go on king 👑
Go on...
I assume they leveraged the same DNS data they used for the fake AlfaBank story to “trace” the DNC hack. Neustar’s Security Solutions division which includes the DNS service was not included in the recent sale to TU which may or may not be relevant. Rodney heads up another entity owned by GGC which performs similar services to Neustar but dedicated solely to government contracts. As of about six months ago they were working on a product for government clients which would essentially be an associative graph of individuals within and outside the US, basically so they can get an idea of who everyone associates with. So if your friend is a bad guy you might be guy too…. Basically they saw it as a way to help the government get around constitutional/legal restrictions preventing government surveillance of citizens and they saw no problem with this. Rodney specifically told me that the great thing about working on that project would be that we would be protecting America. Super Patriots.
GGC? And can I get names of the companies? Vostrom, Packet Forensics, etc?
Golden Gate Capital - a private equity firm based in Singapore - Neustar parent company at the time. I don’t remember the name of the govt services company or if it was ever told to me. It wasn’t widely known about within Neustar, intentionally. I went to another company and haven’t kept up. Sorry I don’t have more detailed information.
Got it, thanks!
Thanks for the incredible work you are doing!
Can we reconnect again? Some developments...
Mr. Smith, I'm working on a project, any chance you could go into more detail about this person who worked with Joffe? Thanks foolnelson@protonmail.com
I just keep praying. Thank you for your diligent work, Techno!!! ❤️🙏🇺🇸
Thanks for such a detailed viewpoint. We can hope Durham is above the fray and remains a honest broker. From the details, we see a deep investigation that may someday bring a modicum of justice to systemic corruption. Someday the Clinton crime syndicate will collapse and HRC will be exposed with poor Bill mumbling in the corner. Pity the Biden syndicate expose will take many more years.
It’s far bigger than the Clintons at this point, it is the entire Democrat establishment and the mainstream media.
They are the proverbial metal spike that the US government has grown around. How do you get rid of the spike without killing the tree?
Look up DAVID WEISS. And then take note that he was sworn in the same day as Durham 😇
Best summary of this epic tale I’ve ever read. Cudos
This also may lead back to the murder of Seth Rich. That will interesting to see.
I found a video of Seth himself questioning the validity of mail in ballots and used it in one of my videos: https://videos.files.wordpress.com/VHMQs1fx/mcstitchedvideohd1080p-2-1_hd.mp4
Rest in Peace Seth.
It will. Ngp Van was designed to allow Hillary to spy on all democrat challengers then down finally to Bernie. Ngp Van is the key to how to use a software database as a weapon AGAINST your chosen victim. Uretsky and Rich were both known to each other. Both knew that the DNC (Hillary) were actually doing what they later accused Uretsky of Dec 16 2015. The open doors to each others data was reported in October. Seth found those "open doors" and documented them, downloaded data to thumb drives. Bernie filed suit on 18th. Then SUDDENLY within days "logs" were produced that was used as evidence to the crime that supposedly Uretsky committed. However it also dawned on the DNC and Ngp Van....oh look...we have a bigger problem the whole DNC realized they had LEAKERS within their own ranks and all Bernie supporters knew Hillary was RIGGING the election and people within.
Damning Evidence pouring out, horrific damning evidence!
Seth Rich murdered 7/10/16
DW Schultz resigns 7/28/16
8/3/16 Miranda, Marshall and Dacey resign, Dacey was Seth's boss.
The whole DNC leadership left by August 3 2016...the leaker was neutralized, leaving Sussmann as clean up person. He got Bernie to drop the suit. HOWEVER others filed suit against the DNC on Bernie's behalf.
Sussman was juggling the original crime scene of VGP VAN DNC LEAKERS, a murder, then slowly turned that crap show of DNC leaks of Ngp Van employees into "outside hacking" job, then the media eagerly looked to banging the Russia Russia Russia drum with Alfa & Trump.
It is so transparent now. Vgp Van set the hit on Seth Rich he had the evidence of how only "their" chosen democrat gets a super duper version of their database and the other guy, not so much. They rely on the WHOLE democrat party for their company's survival, however if democrats learn their software only works "perfectly" for the chosen, not equally for everyone, no one will buy their spyware product.
READ THIS LATEST ANNOUNCEMENT BY VGP VAN - they clearly state the obvious as I outlined it.
This was a HUGE version of the children’s game, called Gossip! Unbelievable what this has cost our nation. A simple child’s game! Scary these idiots are running this country.
Thank you for putting great effort into getting the information out there
Straight out of Tom Clancy or something! Great to have you to summarize it for us and keep us focused. Perp walks....that is what I wait for.
For what it's worth, it's exceptionally commonplace for corporate entities performing internal reviews of anything to have law firms engage third party consultants, from accounting firms, data security firms, employee investigators. The reason is, as you state, to maintain A-C privilege over the product, but it's also such an ordinary thing that I think it's a mistake to assume the DNC did it to assist in covering up a fraud the HRC campaign would/did undertake in the future.
Sussman most likely will commit suicide by the Clintons and warrants protection.