Yes- it is now impossible for them to claim to have actually believed Danchenko in 2017. I think this is largely why the Mueller Report ignored the Steele Dossier nearly completely- to have mentioned it all would have required them to either admit it was all bullshit, or to have continued the lie itself.
Yes- it is now impossible for them to claim to have actually believed Danchenko in 2017. I think this is largely why the Mueller Report ignored the Steele Dossier nearly completely- to have mentioned it all would have required them to either admit it was all bullshit, or to have continued the lie itself.
Yes- it is now impossible for them to claim to have actually believed Danchenko in 2017. I think this is largely why the Mueller Report ignored the Steele Dossier nearly completely- to have mentioned it all would have required them to either admit it was all bullshit, or to have continued the lie itself.