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HAHA! Another brainwashed PMSLSD watching fool. It is a proven fact but like all Liberals, it is didn't come from the Fake News pukes, its not real!

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Clearly your reading comprehension skills are sorely lacking, and your debate 'skills' appear to be limited to immature invective.

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No, just someone who knows not only the truth but disinformation stooges like you.

The Ukraine is as corrupt as DC, which is why Putin acted.


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So Canada should invade the US? Or Mexico maybe should, by your logic, since DC is is as corrupt as Ukraine. And its Ukraine, not THE Ukraine. You deny that Putin has been interfering in UKR for decades, he even tried to poison a presidential candidate! You're the stooge, and apologist. Putin has a bad track record you conveniently ignore, a history of brutality and silencing opponents whilst Ukraine actually has elections and threw out Yanukovich's first election because it was CORRUPT, something the US won't even contemplate.

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So, chances are they're both corrupt, they both tried to install their puppets, and both succeeded at different times.

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