Could the judge's behavior be a sign of frustration that the prosecution basically has nothing to prove their case?

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One would hope the jury thinks so. Big question is how anti-Trump the jury really is.

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Dershowitz commented on the clown world decorum of the judge from yesterday’s antics. I think it is likely that Bragg and the DOJ will buy off this jury for a guilty verdict using Judge Merchan’s daughter's money she received from Dan Goldman and his political cronies. Would be a fitting end to this shit show. Truly made for Netflix.

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How will they be bought off?

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Through NDA agreements. In the same way that Cohen had Stormy sign for Trump. It’s clear you aren’t a Netflix producer.

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I saw Dershowitz comment. I cannot believe that this "SHOW TRIAL" continues to continue or even is happening in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. When Trump wins... something must be done with the participants in New York.. the entire trial has made up and cut out of WHOLE CLOTH. Synthesis of fake law.. I can't think of any real way to describe how deeply reviled I am by this trail in NY. I hate NETFLIX btw.

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This was just another train wreck trial with appeal automatically written into the script.

Appeals will pile up like unclaimed baggage on a revolving treadmill, a proud moment for all law and judiciary.

Democrats and RINO's have pledged (said those words out loud and proud) that if Trump is elected - they will use judiciary to tie him up in biased courts (i.e. DC) to effectively keep his term as President continuously impeded. All this is clearly on display now as the Democrats continue to tie up Trump in court, keeping him off the campaign trail and doing their best to knock him down a notch or two financially.

Stupid idiots.

People see your true colors shining through, and that's why we'll NEVER love you.

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Can't these parties be sued as "vexatious litigants" or sued for Conspiracy? Quit playing Defense. PLAY OFFENSE!

Vexatious litigants = A vexatious litigant is someone who files court proceedings to annoy, harass, or upset the other party. This is also known as litigation abuse... Vexatious litigation is intended to bother, embarrass, or cause legal expenses to the defendant. A plaintiff who starts such litigation either knows or should reasonably know that no legal basis for the lawsuit exists.

We have potentially 4 years of sanity with President Trump, and maybe 4 with Vivek or another Conservative? While he was a solid President, he didn't drain the Swamp. Government continued to grow. Could Trump downgrade some Departments - say, Energy Dept? Cut the Federal workforce? Move some departments out of DC?

More difficult- how to work with a utterly corrupt to FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA and State Dept?

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Right.. I know that is possible.. there are all kinds of laws are on the books somewhere.. Techno is an attorney. I have been involved in lawsuits.. and I know for sure that in Virginia "exists" IN THEORY: but I have personally heard PERJURY in a courtroom; JUDGE just yawned. So bloody what; Trumps team needs to COMB the law and figure out how to to on the OFFENSE. Judge Marchen is totally out there.. and w. the links of his daughter to the DNC.. I just am in awe of what hell is going on here?

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The real train wreck is coming. Hope you live long enough to see it.

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I have lived long enough to see many train wrecks get back on track - unfortunately the same track most times. I wish I could live long enough to witness change for the better. Life on this planet is so darn short really.

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who are you talking to?

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Well, this judge is going to do his best to drag the prosecution across the finish line, but don't forget, the jury foreman is an out-of-work waiter and green card carrier from Ireland. Blue collar men are Trump's base, and moreover I suspect that many green card carriers aren't exactly looking to do the bidding of the White House occupant who has overseen the importation of millions of unskilled immigrant workers, many of whom can be expected to seek employment in the restaurant sector.

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Your comment makes sense

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I look forward to the conclusion of this mess. ALL THE JURORS.. NY RESIDENTS...are being carefully watched and monitored,, believe it by many agencies.. who knows? Maybe even their bank accounts are being monitored and from what I gathered there may be a couple of people on there who are not totally stupid or Co-opted.. but I do know ONE THING.. after that Bronx Rally and Trump Wins ... Judge Marchen will wipe that smirk off his face and I would not want to be one of those JURORS. I personally have turned down jury duty. (legally) three times.. Could you imagine being a JUROR in this trail. welll I need to go. (excuse lack of punctuation and grammar). long day.. and I am always tired these days.

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Out of curiosity, with 8 days or so of freedom, could a juror “accidentally” see Costello’s House testimony? With 2 attorneys, an accountant and a wealth manager on the jury, what are the chances one of them would be familiar with federal election law? At least enough to know a personal NDA paid with personal money is not a problem, only a personal NDA paid with campaign funds would be a problem.

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Yes, I am curious if jurors were eliminated based on familiarity with the John Edwards case. After all, it was just a few years ago that the feds were arguing that using campaign funds for a hush money payment was a violation of campaign finance law! And that case had some modest publicity at the time.

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I can't imagine a more ridiculous prosecution act than having a witness with a history of deceit being the star witness. And then he claims that he kept details secret from his client, while also claiming that he lied to his client about the "legal services" he was performing on behalf of his client.

This entire act of ridiculousness should earn Alvin Bragg a well-deserved dressing-down by the New York State Bar Association. I also can't see any way that the judge could do anything other than issue a directed verdict in favor of the defendant.

I'm not going to point out all the other irregularities with this trial; they've already been detailed here.

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I see the judge is allowing plenty of time for Dem operatives to get to all the jury members.

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Thank you Techno. I remain mystified on how a state convened jury can be deliberating on the determination of a federal campaign finance violation? Doesn't federal law require a federal court and a federal prosecutor.

Or are they perhaps sort of pushing the jury into tacitly deciding there's a campaign finance violation and that decision allows the jury to jump to the state felony crime?

If that's their strategy, how is that even possible? This just seems like a really bad Rube Goldberg gadget.

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The destruction of the justice system is difficult to watch. It appears as if anyone fighting for the sovereignty of the country is marked as an enemy, and bankrupting them will be the accepted weapon. Trump has the money to continue . Many do not. Giuliani appears to be struggling to keep his head above water with his legal fights.

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Thessalonians 2:3–12

Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming. The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but what pleasure in unrighteousness.

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This judge needs to be disbarred 🔥 PERIOD! This case, if convicted will be reversed on appeal!

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With regard to Costello, everybody seems to be saying he was an own goal for the defense after the Cohen debacle. But with regard to the honest jurors on that panel, I think he’s gonna resonate.

They are likely noticing the disparity between the way the judge is treating the state and the defense with regard to sustained objections and won’t fault him too much for pushing back.

Also they are going to be curious about what happened during the 20 minutes or so they were excused. They can find that out easily enough over the next week and it’s not a good look for the judge. Clearing the courtroom for “security” reasons and threatening to strike the entire testimony is a beta male move.

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It appears to me the judge, rather than Trump, should go to jail

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I would expect un-bias-ness from the Judge, not favors.

And I know, I can safely assume it will not be given.

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Too bad the jury is as bent as a corkscrew.

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TechnoFog--Summations followed by jury deliberation on Wednesday the 22nd, or next Wednesday the 29th?

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