Excellent piece. Thank you for writing this.

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Thanks for isolating the senior datum here which is the use of our justice and education systems to enslave society under the pretense of doing what is right. Well said, as always.

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Our peasant blood is the price for their progressive utopia

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“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

- Solzhenitsyn

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Great article! The citizens of Wisconsin need to show up at John Chisholm's home and stage a 24/7 a week protest and demand that he resign from office. John Chisholm is no different than any other Soros-funded DA's, Rachael Rollins, Kim Foxx, Larry Krasner, and John Creazot. An increase in violent crime and doesn't impact you until you are the actual victim.

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No truer words ~ the Heartland of America is breaking

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Only if we stay as seperate individuals. That can know longer be the case, we must get out of our comfy zone, and protect each other, if not you'll Die cause No faith in God, Pray then organize then pray before every meeting every event, every parade. God did not give us fear. Pray before everything you do. Bask in the light of Christ, and be service to God and others. I hope that helps. In Jesus name, I'm covered in the blood of Christ.

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No different than in Russia in the years before 1917. The “Kadets”…a radical chic Duma party mostly made up of “intellectuals”, usually with family money openly supported bombings and assassinations. It was edgy. I was cool. Unfortunately for the Kadets, they fared poorly under the Bolsheviks, who were perfectly happy to liquidate these useful idiots.

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Thanks for the history. This does all sound familiar.

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This is the key statement - “ We should also be aware that God’s judgment can be delivered by giving the public what they want.” Until we turn back to Him and His word, our country will suffer greatly.

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Tech, “Criminal justice reform” & “Bail reform” in Wiz-Cons-In has been in the news, just not in most stories.

Justin Blake had open warrants for his arrest

Maurice Freeland aka - 'Jump Kick Man', with repeated violated terms probation & long criminal record, out on Bail.

Darell E. Brooks Jr., a man with a record of several violent crimes, released on a $1000 bond on November 19 – just two days before the attack.

Joseph Rosenbaum, a registered sex offender, had an open case for misdemeanor bail jumping that was filed on July 30, 2020.

Judges & DA's thinking people are going to change on their own.

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My daughter is a lawyer in Sacramento, Ca., and those progressive ideas are super prominent. I feel we must still try to come toggle as a people, even though we have very different perspectives.❣️

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I'm sorry but that's extremely PC

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How do we stop this rot and destruction? A small minority of socialist utopians is imposing their destructive vision of America on all of us. How do we stop it?

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Where does moral code come from does it come from science is it come from education does it come from evolution or does it come from what the Bible says is the sinful nature of man we have to break the cycle of the sinful nature of man and we certainly can't do that with science there's absolutely no proof that we can do it at all without the help of the Lord Jesus Christ who died for our sins are some people may not want to believe that that's okay but nothing is ever going to change on Earth here until we change our hearts in the only way to change our hearts is through Christ that's it

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We all have to get involved & do something. Write letters, make calls, talk to friends & strangers, volunteer for pro-American, pro-liberty groups & campaigns, attend meetings & speak up, donate to worthy causes, be a poll worker, support a conservative, family values church. Etc & so on.

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While they cloak these policies shifts in the mantle of criminal justice reform, this isn't about reform at all. They are hard-pressed, push-forward-at-all-costs militant tactics designed to destroy a major thread that holds our society together -- law and order. It is backed by deviants who take glee in trying to make free people bend to their control. They are insane and we are in shell shock -- living in a nightmare of their making. We'd better wake up. They are well organized and well funded. We are struggling to catch up and hindered by elected government leaders who no longer abide by a sacred oath to represent the best interests of we the people. There is a reason nations have banned George Soros from their borders and their banking institutions.

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What's vital to understand is that this is precisely "social justice."

"Social Justice" is a euphemism, a perversion of actual justice. It says that any statistical discrepancy between 2 groups of people is automatically and exclusively due to one group oppressing the other, directly or indirectly (via The System™, which is why "anti-racists" tend to be communist). From getting rid of gifted programs and standardized testing, to freeing more criminals, the solution is to arbitrarily punish people in one group and boost people in the other group, regardless of consequences, regardless of individual justice.

A black repeat violent offender murdering a bunch of white people is considered a success story in the service of ultimately narrowing the statistic of black vs white prison populations. They won't explicitly say that in the aftermath of such a horrific scene, but as you point out, they conceded it from the get-go.

Social Justice, Equity, Anti-racism... powerful because they sound righteous and uplifting. I think LEVELING would be a better word. It implies destruction.

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The problem in America is that we no longer have swift and terrible justice for criminals. In fact, the US Gruberment itself is nothing but organized crime.

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