if the vaccines work, what are the vaccinated people worried about????

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They don't work. Israel has a 91% vaccination rate and 85% of the people in the hospital with COVID have had at least one shot. 64% of people with COVID in the U.K. are vaccinated. If vaccines worked you wouldn't need a booster already. Try some critical thinking.

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Worse, they are “leaky” and do not confer mucosal immunity.

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Well technically its not a vaccine, its a "Gene Therapy" and a synthetic one at that, they were never able to isolate the Cov2 virus from what I hear so they created a synthetic spike protein to stimulate your immune system to create antibodies, problem is its too hyper focused, and as with any pathogen that wants to survive, if it hits a road block(vaccinated person) since the antibodies are NOT broad spectrum(as with a natural infection survivor) and the vaccinated person was only introduced to one spike protein so it mutates quite easily and becomes a variant, from what I have researched its the VACCINATED that are creating the variants, And why they are having breakthrough cases....because the "Vaccine" only works (in my opinion doesn't work at all since you can still get the original ad all variants)supposedly on the original virus.

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My independent (from you) research shows exactly the same thing. Its amazing how half the country believes the exact opposite. The enemy runs a good disinformation campaign.

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J&J is a true flu vaccine. The others are MRNA stuff, notice no mention of a booster for J&J. Flu vaccine versus voodoo vaccines.

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Well turns out it doesn't make you immune at all, matter of fact it doesn't even keep you from contracting it OR the variants, NOR does it keep you from from spreading the Virus OR the variants!!!


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Apparently, it will make your great-granddaughters sterile!!! This video is long but it is very informative!!! https://odysee.com/@keyholejourney:7/Depopulation-By-Any-Means-Dr.-Bryan-Ardis,-Dr.-Reiner-Fuellmich-and-Dr.-Wolfgang-Wodarg:a

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It’s called nano for tracking and being able to control you with 5 G if they don’t like what you do. Shut down anything digital or electronic you have. Money. Credit cards and so much more.

Again people look past what you have been taught your whole life. You’ve been lied to!! We’ve all been lied to and we are just realizing it.

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I'm almost 70 and I've always said that the internet was the worst thing invented along with cellphones and computers!!! Our privacy was stolen the moment those things went live!!! I am so glad I didn't grow up in that generation, life was so much more entertaining just living your life with friends and family!!

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Exactly. But it takes common sense to see that. There is no common sense on the left. AND we don’t force them to answer these questions. The right is at fault, we have let them get away with everything we’re complaining about right now.

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Unfortunately, those who took the "jab" in the beginning did so out of fear, which is what the left wanted us to do!! I do feel sorry for them in some way because they are too trusting of our government and also ignorant of our government and what they have been doing for decades. I am especially surprised though, with the older generation, (like myself) they should have been warier of what was going on since their educations included history that today's educators are not teaching!!

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Great point!! It’s the unvaccinated that need to run from the vac!! Spike proteins and shedding!! Stay away from the vax. They are the dangerous ones!!!

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Thanks Technofog, you have been a solid source for a very long time now!

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As a retiree, it will be pretty difficult to force a scenario in which it can be argued that I 'must be' vaxxed, but my wife still works, and we expect that her employer will absolutely follow through with this. Sure, it 'may' turn out to be unconstitutional, but that hasn't stopped Xiden yet; this isn't the first, second, or even third time he has tried to simply run through blatantly unconstitutional mandates/schemes; at some point, he will probably break through, and it will be game over. (As it is, I don't have much faith in the courts; they are clearly filled with plenty of activist/actively anti-American judges.)

We will fight against the jab, and neither of us will take it without being strapped down first. But in the meantime, it will cost us money. Luckily, I've seen trouble brewing for some time, and have prepared somewhat, but that is unlikely to be the case for many, who may well just give in and take the shot, just to pay the bills.

Are there any law firms/lawyers that are setting up to deal with the probably avalanche of lawsuits that will come from this...?

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https://defendingtherepublic.org/ Sidney Powell has a lot of information about "getting the facts before you vax"!!

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Xiden.......🤣🤣🤣 love it!!

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Thank you Technofog for another great article as well as your request for a FOIA. Interesting to see how an employer reacts to those who had covid and have natural immunity or claim a religious exemption.

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Or a medical one

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Biden is but a hood ornament for the vehicle that is currently destroying the US constitution and what is left of decent American society...WHO are the people planning and writing Biden's tyrannical mandates? Who is driving this vehicle? These people must be exposed...they are using Biden's image and presidential powers to destroy America.

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Claus Schwab and George Soros.

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The Who are just another puppet arm James. The ruling class are the puppet masters.

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Understood...Let's boil that down until we have the handful of individuals in Washington DC, with their names. We can start with Jill Biden, George Soros. There are others connected to Big Pharma...and with that, there is Chinese influence.

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Rothschilds scwab gates and a few more. The good thing is there’s a whole lot more of us than there are of them. We have to pray that our military will follow their oath “foreign and domestic”.

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How? How do the citizens "go after 'a force more powerful' than Biden or Trump". With water balloons? Flame throwers? Stealth fighters? Tanks?

C'mon man

SO it is now "time"... what is the plan?

Fact is...we're all realizing we were frogs in a warm pot of water that has sealed our fate and there is nothing to do other than start complaining about the water temp.

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>Decide for yourself (be free from outside opinion).

>Decide for yourself (be objective in your conclusions).

>Decide for yourself (be true in your own beliefs).

>Decide for yourself (be open to following the facts).

>Decide for yourself (be strong in defending your beliefs).

>Decide for yourself (be resistant to blindly accepting fact-less statements).

Those who attack you.

Those who mock you.

Those who cull you.

Those who control you.

Those who label you.

Do they represent you?

Or, do they represent themselves (in some form)?

Mental Enslavement.

The Great AWAKENING ('Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).

When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable.

When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.

"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.

When you are awake, you are able to clearly see.

The choice is yours, and yours alone.

Trust and put faith in yourself.

You are not alone and you are not in the minority.

Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.



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Irony : Protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated. Let that absurd statement sink in. What the Administration and CDC are ignoring are the 40 million people who have natural immunity that is 8-13 times more effective than the vaccine according to a recent Israeli study of over 6 hundred thousand cases. Approximately 180 million are fully vaccinated combined with the 40 million with natural immunity gives us 220 million or 67 % that are protected. With new cases everyday fighting off the delta variant with natural antibodies that the leaky vaccine cannot protect against in every case because of evolutionary biology and virus mutants, the unvaccinated are our only hope of reaching "heard immunity" or at least stopping the virus. Instead of being persecuted they should be celebrated as hero's fro braving the virus by building natural immunity. The vaccines only use at this point is to reduce the effects of the virus on the elderly and people with infirm or pre-existing conditions. If we had not restricted the use of HCQ and ivermectin we could have save hundreds of thousands of lives and could stop the virus. Fauci and Biden are guilty of murder or worse.

The only word for all of this is INSANE.

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You are working hard! I can barely keep up with you! Thank you, again for all you do!

Prayers for you, Patriot! 🙏❤️🇺🇸

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I can’t believe these stupid stupid people think this is a good idea! Come at me with a needle it won’t end well for you. They call us Fascists and they think forcing vaccines isn’t fascist? Their hypocrisy is only surpassed by their stupidity. What is Luciferase? What is MIS-C? What is shedding? Why did congress have two bills introduced. HR666 and HR6666? What’s this patent Bill Gates got W02020060606? I think the vaccinated are making everyone else sick! Shedding!

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Shedding - natures way of achieving herd immunity...

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Yeah but not with unnatural poisons.

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What about the fact that thousands have died and even more have been injured by this vaccine??? Even Trump will not acknowledge that fact!!! I hope lawyers who take this up will make that public since MSM apparently has not. China is behind all of this. Biden is getting his orders from them. They want to destroy our military by inflicting them with the "jab" or by them surrendering their commissions or just walking out like I heard some already have so that we cannot defend ourselves or anyone else from China. Is there anyone in this government that has the balls to stop this madness???

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This is unconsituational based off of fear mongering and lies. When do the American people stand for freedoms. Biden is unfit to be president and fauci helped create the virus. Why are we listening as they try to turn Americans against each other. When do we fight back.

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And from the GOP? Crickets!

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Great Article Technofog! I am VA employee and a veteran. I took the vaccine back in January because Trump was pushing the vaccine as a good thing. (And he still is today). I regret that decision, even though doing so I believed I was doing the right thing for my veteran brothers and sisters, you know, "keeping them safe" and all! There is nothing in the constitution that says the government needs to keep us safe from anything other than an outside attack. So the federal government just confirmed this was an outside attack from a foreign enemy. We literally should be declaring war on China. But instead the Biden Administration declares war on America and its businesses, giving aid and comfort to the enemy by weakening our workforce infrastructure. This is an attack on the American people. The Democrats denial that Biden was paid off by China during his stint as VP is the only reason they are coverong up that one fact and turning inward against their fellow citizens and using them as scapegoats, while allowing nearly a million unvaxxed illigal aliens to enter the country and authorizing ivermectin for these illegals, rather than forcing them to be vaxxed. This is Administration, its big picture as you look in from the outside, is plain-out commiting treason!

Oh yeah and lets not forget the treason in Afghanistan!

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It’s not just USPS donations of cash. USPS personnel transported hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots across state lines to facilitate the steal. “Hey Joe. Do you want to give us an exemption, or do you want us to admit publicly what we did?”

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Probably closer to the truth than you think. Union bosses are as corrupt as Congress.

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Thanks for the heads up.

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