Remember the Cold War?

When Americans would scoff and sneer at the show trials in the Soviet Union?

We are no better, now.

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Yeah but this is hilarious 😂

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I think it’s time to take your meds.

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I think it's time you come up with a different comment.

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Rule of law is dead

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It’s been dead for a while. This is the final nail in the coffin.

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Bill we do get a say in the final verdict by voting Biden and his ilk out of office in Nov and making Trump the next President so he can stop this madness. Time to get engaged not give up

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If these Bolsheviks do THIS, do you honestly think we have legitimate elections???? What a complete joke.

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Get empowered vote in Nov if you want to save your country in sending the left that Nov will be the final verdict

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Voting is illegitimate. Voting also says I give consent to what is transpiring. Ain't gonna happen!

I’ve been empowered for YEARS! Unfortunately, most people are sound asleep. After losing my 23 year job for non-CONvid compliance, surviving cancer, and the breakup of a 9 year relationship, I’M VERY EMPOWERED-lol! 😉

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If voting worked they'd make it illegal.

If you believe voting makes a difference then you're a part of the problem.

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The MOST important part: GOD

My Hightower…

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Yes, and God empowers us to use our agency to do something, the prayers are to help figure out what that is.

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R, We The People follow rule of law first. If, more likely when, we find they've rigged the elections, that opens the gate for WTP to take our parasitic, mafia employees to the woodshed with pitchforks, torches, & hanging ropes.

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I follow Natural Law. What these maniacs have done, is tell the Universe to go fuck itself. The Universe is God.

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Ain’t gonna happen. Look at how dumbed down people are. The evil ones brainwashed the masses…sound familiar?

I’m not one of those people.

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"This is the time to focus, it's going to take elbow grease, hard work, get out the vote, ballot chasing, become a force multiplier, explain exactly what happened (this substack is a perfect reference.) This is a sad day for America but it puts everything on the table, everything is very clear now, there's no middle ground here, it's either our way to save this Constitutional Republic to hand on to future generations what was bequeathed to us or are you going to live in a neo-Marxist, Stalinist type of country. It has been clarified."


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This is an awakening moment.

It's now up to you if you'll continue to follow this psyop or follow the pied piper right off the cliff

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Never existed

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There will be so many people celebrating this, and they have no idea how terrifying all this crap should be. Doesn’t matter if you love him or hate him, this kind of lawfare will be coming for EVERYONE.

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It only took seven minutes for the "Snowflake" to prove your point.

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I've been telling all the indoctrinated this was going to happen.

Hes not coming to save you.

Psyops 101. Lmfao.

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It's hilarious!

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It kinda is🤣. In a very dark humor kinda way.

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The country I thought I lived in, is not the country I actually live in, at all. Straight up fascists.

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And you haven't even scratched the surface of the truth.

Imagine that.

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Go down that rabbit hole…I dare ya! Once you go down it, you’ll never be the same!

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America July 4. 1776 - May 30, 2024, we are no longer a democracy and land of the free. Today America died as a country, the Dems finally finished destroying a once great country, are we beyond saving, November 5, 2024 will decide. Today is one of the worst days in our history!

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Hilarious 😂

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What is hilarious about this?

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Banana Republic 🍌 1000%

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If I were a person of means, I would be divesting myself of any assets subject to NY state laws.

or any blue jurisdiction, frankly.

Not a real judge not real laws

Watch the movie nothing but trouble ... jUdge Merchant --- judge Valkanheiser. nut job

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I hate these people destroying our country.

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Try not to hate. I know it’s hard. Don’t allow these evil entities to take your Love away. That’s exactly what evil craves. It takes prayer and love of God, if you believe in God.

And I understand.

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They didn't destroy it. The citizens of this country allowed it.

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Election interference.

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People I am in England but America is in my soul. It's not just that it's the free world. I'm afraid writing isn't enough anymore. What are you willing to give up?

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There's nothing to give up.

Everything has been taken already.

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No, it hasn’t all been taken! If all of us, around the world showed our Light, evil wouldn’t stand ANY chance! We ALL need to keep our energy and vibration loving!

I was a cop for 23 years, ask me how I got through that…GOD!!!! I know what I’m talking about!

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I'm so glad our forefathers didn't feel that way. Too many think history was all in the past. No, it is evolving. Remember, "Is a Republic if you can keep it." Now is the time for us to show up.

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As usual, the proponents of this prosecution have ignored the fact that there WILL be a reaction that they won't anticipate or like to this weaponization of the legal system. Anybody remember Harry Reid's Judge appointment machinations? Ultimately, it doesn't matter who fires the first shot, only who fires the last one.

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For decades, Americans have been tolerant and forgiving of all the damage Democrats have done to this country.

That ended with the political show trial guilty verdict against Trump.

And it should end.

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Even now you think it was the sole work of the demonrats. Smh.

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No, there is this thing called the Uniparty.

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The only way evil succeeds is when good people do nothing to stop them.

It's called look in the mirror and take some accountability.

It's time to stop the blame game and do something about it.

The first step would be to stop thinking Trump is coming to save you.

If he really cared for you he would have never forced the vaxx on us or locked the country down.

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Exactly! TPTB want all of humanity separated! Don’t fall for it! LOVE!

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History does rhyming again?

Ian: “What do we do about being under Crown law?”

Jack Winthrop: “l believe if they set aside their law as and when they wish, their law no longer has rightful authority over us. All they have over us then is tyranny. And l will not live under that yoke.”

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I’m so disgusted with New York

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It's epic comedy! 🤣

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Great read! This is my favorite quote:

"Trump was charged with violating the false business records law by attempting to violate the election law, which he tried to violate by attempting to violate three other laws. It’s like Inception, but incoherent and in a New York courthouse: a law within a law within three laws."

Gonna post a link to this on X :)

Thanks :)

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Thank you Techno. This must have been very hard for you to write - documenting and acknowledging in detail how corrupt the legal system has become.

While I assumed the trial was stacked against Trump, I must have secretly harbored a niave belief in "Justice and the American Way" and "Right always triumphing over wrong" because I find myself, tonight, more bereft than I anticipated.

My young 24 year old daughter - who knows very little of the details of the case but is very aware of local crime and the bad economy that has overcome her daily life since Biden began his reign - she feels like the country she had been promised as an inheritance has been pulled out from underneath her and taken away. These are not the kind of politics she understands.

I most appreciate your discussion on the sentencing. It's very sobering. Suddenly I find myself seeing the future much differently and understanding at last why the Dems/Biden haven't been campaigning, panicking, etc.

Finally, I suspected during Covid that somehow "it" was really all about getting Trump out of office - but I thought "that's crazy". I suspected that the election was stolen but I didn't want to go down the software/machines rabbit hole because I thought "that's crazy". I suspected the Ukraine War wasn't on the level and might be a money laundering operations but again I thought "that's crazy". But now after raid on an ex-President's home, a faux rape trial conviction, the GA Rico case, the case with Judge Cannon, the gag orders, etc. I've come to realize, these people are CRAZY and they will do anything to stay in power.

Another America - perhaps the one that bravely went off to Iraq and Afganistan - would throw these people out of power. I don't have alot of faith this America has the cajones to right this ship.

Please write something hopeful soon.

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Given the enormity of the thumb on the scale I expected the conviction. But when I read the headlines I felt a deep sadness. Yet another strut undergirding America kicked away. Several over the last 20 years. The people in control are not elected. Trump knows this and is immune to their traps and deceits. This is why they must take him down. The enormity of his popular support proves the great many of Americans also understand this. This is the truth that sustains me. Most Americans now know our gov't is out of control and does not represent Americans at all. The MSM does not represent the population at all. But as long as we the people can talk to each other, and find information like Techno here, we will endure.

Trustworthy elections are critical.

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Get use to it.

Just wait till Biden "wins" again.

You'll be crying even more then.

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Your 24 y.o. daughter is very perceptive. A few days ago while discussing the economy and the struggle with my sister that she and her daughter are experiencing, thinking that certainly they gave now seen the error of their ways in supporting Biden, I was shocked when she scoffed when I mentioned the

importance of voting for Trump.

I find listening to Steve Bannon helps me stay hopeful. This, ftom discussion last night.

"This is the time to focus, it's going to take elbow grease, hard work, get out the vote, ballot chasing, become a force multiplier, explain exactly what happened (this substack is a perfect reference.) This is a sad day for America but it puts everything on the table, everything is very clear now, there's no middle ground here, it's either our way to save this Constitutional Republic to hand on to future generations what was bequeathed to us or are you going to live in a neo-Marxist, Stalinist type of country. It has been clarified." Steve Bannon


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Steve Bannon. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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