The whole d__n system is so hopelessly corrupted ... every institution we always assumed would protect us.

Outstanding piece ... world-class as always.

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Always appreciated... ready for something to happen in Ekim case...

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Techno you are a patriot of the highest order. Once the storm passes, and it will, heroes like you will be awarded full military awards for valor. You are fighting the greatest war in history from the very front. Thank you for your service.

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I no longer believe ANYTHING coming out the mouths of anyone in this present government.

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And btw, what happened to the control group. The vax companies, et al, including the head of "Operation Warp Speed," Moncref Slaoui, Ph.D. (quoted saying he thinks “it’s very important that we unblind the trial at once and offer the placebo group vaccines” because trial participants “should be rewarded” for their participation), "decided" that it wasn't justifiable, with the "outstanding results" up to that point of their "vaccinations" -- the "outstanding results" I mentioned above, which are ANYTHING but outstanding -- to withhold the vaxxes from the control group! So essentially ALL the control group were injected w/the same as the active!!! ... ie, end of control group!! All of this violates the very basics of what a safety trial needs, which is a control group against which you can compare the effects of the drug or vaccine in question over the long term. It's inconceivable that unblinding was even a consideration at that point, seeing how the core studies had not even concluded yet. The only purpose of this unblinding was to conceal the fraud that these vaccines are safe. It removed the ability to do ANY longterm follow-up studies of the controls. Why would the drug companies want to allow that, knowing that people like me and other doctors and scientists would call them on it? Because they had no choice! -- they were already seeing the immediate horrific rise of numbers of side effects and deaths on VAERS and EudraVigilance, and they knew that were that control group to continue UN-vaccinated, the difference between the two groups would soon have become so MASSIVE as to be impossible to cover up!! In other words, it was simply another of the unbelievably frequent acts of deceit that have become the norm in the PigFarma industry when it comes to their "trials" and anything that could stand in the way of profits. And that's not even talking about the FDA's [Fasttrack $$$Drugs Administration] initial statement/promise that they would require a full 2 years before considering full license approval. And all of the above is just the tip of the iceberg from hell.

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It’s already done, Pfizer unblinded theirs in July. To me, that blows the whole study especially when they have determined not to do animal trials too. Why no animal trials?? Because they know how that’s going to turn out!

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I was in pharam for 30 years as a scientist and consultant. Everything you say is spot on

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We have no need for mandates...seems first-- WE have to re-define pandemic.

Initially this pandemic was supposed to knock out a minimum of 3% of the world's population. Why isn't anyone revisiting that number -- even with all of the nursing home mistakes and lack of utilization of preventative drugs...WE HAVENT HIT 1 PERCENT.

A mandated vaxxine is also only necessary when there are NO drugs that clearly work as preventatives....and that MARKER has also been destroyed by hydroxy and Ivermectin in thousands of successful scenarios in many countries.

Finally, The ratio of damage/ side effects for the under 25s seems to be worse for the vaxxine then from the Covid. Why would you mandate these healthy people to get an untested shot when they clearly do not fit into the co- morbidity profile?

We are so broken

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Not all are receiving the real shot. Some are just getting a saline solution. Plus view all videos showing people getting the shot and you will find some shots are being faked. This is all about depopulation. Look at it this way, you have a people taking a shortcut across you lawn. You would not see the damage for a while. Now, you have a person take a shovel in the same area where people took the shortcut, you would see the damage immediately. That’s why these booster shots a done in stages, to prevent the people from what’s really going on. Each stage the real injection is increased until they get 95% of the world population injected with the shot. The reason for the 90% is that they can only control 5% of the world population. Please wake up to what’s really going on!

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The reason these mandates are being instituted is because the very OLD and uninformed politicians are taking the easy way out to cover their butts. No real data on masks but they all insist everyone wear the things 24/7 and that we suffocate our kids without ANY real studies or data on their efficacy. These morons could not run a newspaper route but we allow them to dictate our kids and our own medical treatments. Individuals should do what is best for them and stop with all the "you are killing grandma" B.S. Took the vaccine and got pretty sick and now we are being told it does not really prevent much of anything. Delta will get you. In a few months it will be another strain with more confusing instructions by people who can't put their kids Tonka Toys together.

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Stinks is an understatement. It's worse than you think. You need to investigate a little further. Quoting you -- "How effective? They state (~6 months after dose 2) that it is “91% effective in preventing COVID-19 disease,” citing to a study where Pfizer observed “77 cases of COVID-19 occurring in the vaccine group.” Actually, first of all, "effective" has nothing to do with immunity or prevention of transmission, neither of which ANY of these toxic shots do! Most just don't seem to understand that. Efficacy was based simply on reduction of symptoms!! And the reduction was a "relative reduction" only. When it comes to "absolute reduction," which is what we REALLY want to know about, the reduction for ALL of them was only ~1%!! A totally useless reduction in view of the horrendous side effects and deaths we all see happening (VAERS and EudraVigilance). See this study: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanmic/article/PIIS2666-5247(21)00069-0/fulltext

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They also threw out some of the #s in the jabbed group and the testing protocols were not the same. Exactly what they are doing now in reporting differences bt the jab/unjab groups re: hospitalization and infection rates. There is fraud at every step that enables them to run with false narratives galore.

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thanks for the write up. Dr Robert Malone has been very insightful about this turn of events, as is this post.

in terms of losing effectiveness:

https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3909743 - paper looks at the Pfizer BioNtech not comirnity...BNT162B2

Findings: For fully vaccinated individuals, effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 infections was 73% (95%CI: 72‒74) and against COVID-19-related hospitalizations was 90% (89‒92). Effectiveness against infections declined from 88% (86‒89) during the first month after full vaccination to 47% (43‒51) after ≥5 months.

so if you are on pfizers, roll up that sleeve for jab 3 if you are worried about contracting delta - which is showing greater infectiousness but seemingly less lethality.

now even J&J's single shot is calling for a booster. it uses different tech. a good read on the J&J shot is here: https://physiciansforinformedconsent.org/education-janssen-covid-19-vaccine-risk-statement/

key note: (Ad26.COV2.S) is made from inactivated adenovirus viral particles that are modified to include genetic material that codes for part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the virus that can cause COVID-19. More specifically, DNA that codes for a mutated spike (S) protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is embedded into inactivated adenovirus viral particles and grown in a fetal cell line. The drug is administered in one intramuscular dose of 50 billion viral particles.

the slight of hand they are playing with this BLA acceptance is VERY odd. why approve the shot that is not available in the USA? The FDA fact sheet (created/written by Pfizer) says the formulations are the same, but it still is odd to approve the shot that is not being distributed in country.

Chris Martinson- has also been outstanding (in my opinion) on covid and public health response. he did a vid on the approval - hitting may of the same chords as Techno & Malone:


thanks again techno!

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WHY the sleight of hand on a so-called approval for a vaccine that isn't available on the market? Mandates and law suits. Corminaty, if and when it actually becomes available on the market, will in all likelihood lack the legal immunity the current injections enjoy. So they can mandate vaccinations while calling them FDA approved, continue injecting the unsuspecting public with experimental EUA gene therapy, relax, and keep counting the money, knowing that they are immune from any and all legal consequences for adverse affects.

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Thank you for a wonderful breakdown of the 2 FDA letters - I read them in disbelief when they came out & took a long time to digest the technical language. God bless you!

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Stinks so bad...

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Thank you. I have shared this with friends.

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Step 1: establish that government can violate individual rights during a "public health crisis"

Step 2: declare gun deaths a "public health crisis"

unelected bureaucrats are entirely too comfortable talking to Americans this way

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They hate us and want us dead.

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The end result of 108 years of unfettered Progressivism. Progressivism is in its death throes but like a cornered beast, it won't die easy. In the meantime, the vultures like Big Pharma use their myrmidons like the CDC and the FDA to their own advantage. The list of drugs that the FDA has approved and then later had to recall because of the wicked side effects/death is a laundry list.

What Gruberment agency is believable? Capable? Honest? Apparently none of them.

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This guy Fauci seems nothing more than a gov't shill. He says anything he is told as the story changes like the weather. Just his mask two or three step was enough for me to look elsewhere for reliable medical information. He is getting more shrill and draconian as time goes by. The censors have removed anything but Dr. God's recommendations.

The gov't almost never gets anything right but because they trot out this comforting old Grandpa with many degrees and huge conflicts of interest we are all supposed to suspend our own judgment and never ask for a second opinion. Time for the DOJ to investigate just what his part in this mess really was. The individuals putting the fox in the hen house should have their political careers ENDED asap.

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DOJ? LMFAO! Where you been the last 4 years? The DOJ works for *them*...don't count on any assistance from the DOJ, or any other govt agency. They are all captured, bought, and paid for with lucrative jobs and books deals awaiting them on the other side of their phony govt 'service' creds...in fact, now, govt work and escalating to high position seems to be a prerequisite for entry into the globalist elite cabal running all this nonsense.

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PREGNANCY: Hallo, Techno Fog, consider the footnotes to Table 4 in https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2104983,

and ask: in calculating the percent of participants dosed in/around the first trimester who lost their baby, why did they add in 700 participants dosed in the third trimester?

"Data on pregnancy loss are based on 827 participants in the v-safe pregnancy registry who received an mRNA Covid-19 vaccine (BNT162b2 [Pfizer–BioNTech] or mRNA-1273 [Moderna]) from December 14, 2020, to February 28, 2021, and who reported a completed pregnancy. A total of 700 participants (84.6%) received their first eligible dose in the third trimester. Data on neonatal outcomes are based on 724 live-born infants, including 12 sets of multiples."

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CA bill AB 455 is up for vote in the CA senate 8/30. This is a vax passport bill disguised as a transportation bill. Call your CA senators. Stop vax passports which have very few exceptions including religious.

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