Two impeachments and years of Russia collusion persecution all based on media intentional lies. Sad state of affairs.

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As likely as not there were NO sources at all. Much easier to make it up and hope the recording never sees the light of day; but even if it does, the damage caused by the falsehood is NEVER undone by retractions, which at best are buried where they’ll have no impact.

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Well the problem is the media is corrupt. Period. If they can't find dirt, they will have any number of anonymous sources (some probably on the payroll) to make it up AND never be divulged to the public. There is never anything to lose other than credibility with the half of the nation they don't like and they'll worry about that later.

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These are obvious mischaracterisations DESIGNED to vilify and humiliate the former president. Everyone can see it. The "darkness" WaPo mentions is what behaviour specialists call the "duper's delight" -- the MEDIA do not merely know about the "darkness," they CREATED it, all the better to sluice the public with brainwash. They are filth. I do not know how they live with themselves.

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The Georgia SoS should be sued for defamation by Trump. He edited the audio, lied about it and then smeared Trump. How would this not be an easy case to prove for Trump?

I also think the SoS broke the law and can be charged - but never will of course.

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WaPo: Democracy Dies in Darkness - Google: Don't Be Evil... seems to be a sort of pattern here

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With so many so called "journalists" out there, there is only so much "news" to go around. Factual reporting has only one story line, but because of the 24/7/365 programs that are committed to delivering the "truth" to its readers, they have to make up garbage to fill their empty lives and keep their jobs. I have more respect for tumbleweed than I do for most "reporters".

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Sadly, I don't think the media has been played. I believe they are complicit. These stories fit their agendas and they know that the weak corrections buried months later will go unnoticed. If they felt that they have been played, they would stop relying on unverified anonymous sources for most stories.

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Does anybody still follow these old, lying news sources? Why?

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Greg Miller was a willing participant the FBI scheme to entrapment Flynn.

On January 23rd, the day before the White House meeting with Flynn, Miller along with Ellen Nakashima dropped an article in The Washington Post. The article stated the reporters had experts review the Flynn-Kislyak transcripts and there was nothing to the 'Logan Act' allegations. Flynn did nothing wrong and committed no crimes. Word spread throughout the day in D.C. that Flynn was innocent and he must've breathed a huge sigh of relief. It was part of a coordinated effort with the FBI to get Gen. Flynn “relaxed and unguarded” in the interview so he would not suspect or question whether he was being interrogated as part of a criminal investigation.

These are overt acts in advance of a criminal conspiracy and they are a crime (18 U.S.C. § 371 of the US Criminal Code).


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Only confirms what we have known about legacy media: enemy of the people.

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Made up stories based on un-named sources are usually false. If you damage someone by by this, you should face a law suit.

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Oh crap. You guys had a "source" that lied. Hmph, that seems to happen very often.

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If a correction is ever published, very few see it and people remember the original lie.

The mainstream media has destroyed and divided this country horribly.

Most days I feel like the little Who on the clover that Horton carries around, trying to get some people I know to listen to what we know are truths.

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>The press publishes the lies and is forced to issue a correction once the the truth is discovered.

Unfortunately, this isn't the case at all. In many (if not most) cases, the press publishes lies and never issues a correction even when their story is exposed as a pack of lies.


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Great article. I believe there are numerous examples for all sides of the political spectrum that could be used. In the old days, reporters attributed quotes and comments in their articles. By hiding behind “anonymous sources” the spin doctors have nothing to lose and everything to gain by spreading self-serving falsehoods. The cure is easy, make everyone speak on the record, and if they won’t, then reporters should verify the statements, rumors, etc. before publishing, broadcasting or spreading unsubstantiated claims.

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