Oct 14, 2022·edited Oct 14, 2022Liked by Techno Fog

Like myself, I imagine the majority of your readers have become numb to the prospect of Justice regarding Russiagate and all the seemingly incomprehensible events that continue to unfold daily.

But you are a gift of information to us, TF, and give us hope for the outcome these evil bastards richly deserve.

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I'm not nearly so optimistic. So far, nobody from FBI/DOJ has been prosecuted, much less indicted, so we're a long way from an outcome the evil bastards richly deserve. In fact, the malfeasance on display in the testimony highlighted above makes the FBI complicit in Danchenko's fabrications. Like the Sussman trial, why would the jury convict, as the FBI used the "stories" it was told as window dressing to the perspective already imbedded in their "investigation." Any effort by the FBI to corroborate these "stories" might/would derail the investigation, making the pretext (theory) suspect, or even invalid.

Maybe Techno Fog can elaborate on the prosecutorial theory of working the way up the investigative hierarchy in order to "get" the evil bastards--but I'm not seeing it. So far, Durham seems to have indicted small fry whose evidence doesn't climb the hierarchy.

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You go after the low fruit, including ones you may not get a conviction on, to set the stage for the really, really high ranks. It’s kind of like an investigation; you pretty much interview the subject last. Then you know everything and can leverage it against the higher subjects. I’m with you on this though. I was an FBI agent for over 16 years. I know a lot of the higher ranks, especially McCabe. I want that bastard to go to prison. I’m also a whistleblower against him and my life has been a living hell for well over ten years. So I want JUSTICE!

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I hope you can find some peace of mind in all of this--for you efforts and contributions--because that's a long road you've traveled down that's been short on satisfaction. Cheers.

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Wow, you really are personally invested in this. As a simple American, I appreciate you stepping forward. I'm guessing a lot of your former male co-workers don't have your cojones.

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They definitely don’t. I was discriminated against, retaliated against, marginalized and any other cruel thing they could think of. I was highly dedicated and decorated. Flynn and many other high ranks outside the FBI tried to fight for me and continue to support me. NOT ONE FBI EMPLOYEE openly supported me. Some, who I had worked with for years and always had their back, don’t even talk to me now. F Them. Bunch of Pu$$*€$

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You are definitely on the wrong side of our two-tiered "Justice" system. I'll tell you, of ALL the crap going on, the actions of the FBI over the last few years has been stunningly disappointing to me. Kind of like learning Superman has died ...

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Worse, it's like learning Superman is really just Clark Kent in a cape.

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I’m their worst nightmare!

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I pray they can't wake up. I want them to see the ending of the nightmare, in living color.

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. . . from my perspective, "small fry" Danschenko may be the name on the docket, but the FBI is ON TRIAL here. Whatever comes of this, the Truth is coming out for those who choose to see. For those who don't see, they're not worth our time ...

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There's a semantic construct that needs dismantling--those blind to what has occurred will not (in fact, cannot) see it when the responsible parties never appear in the dock. To ignore "those who don't see" is to rationalize their blindness, and gives them a way out. Until it's been demonstrated, for all to see, with a fact-finding jury verdict, what truth can they be expected to comprehend? The people written-off as "not worth our time" are voters, and they are dismissed at some peril. Cheers.

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I didn't suggest I was optimistic; that is an emotion left far behind. Although you may be absolutely spot-on, I reserve the right to hope. Barack Obama may be evil, he's not stupid. His campaign slogan "Hope" understood implicitly that people need a reason to believe in their future.

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Wisely spoken!

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NYT spent a lot of time, effort, and $ doing a recount of every vote cast in the FL 2000 presidential election. Not just the four counties Gore wanted to recount (then and later lying that "he just wanted every vote counted"), but every vote statewide. NYT was obviously hoping for a big bombshell that Gore had in fact won.

They would be disappointed. Their recount showed Bush in fact won the state by 60-something votes.

Gene Frenkie, what do you base your claim on that Bush stole the 2000 election?

For clarity, my own opinion is Bush is a sleazy scumbag. But I'm not going to stay quiet while you tell a flat-out lie about him. Or anybody.

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Well said, Evil. Frenklestein's uninformed comments get real old, real fast.

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Oct 15, 2022·edited Oct 15, 2022

First, what's your basis for saying voting machines have a "fairly high error rate"? What % of error do you call a high error rate? What was the margin of error over the 6.6 million votes cast in FL? I expect you'll evade this question.

Second, the NYT recount was a hand count.

I did a search on "university chicago recount of 2000 FL election" Found nothing on University of Chicago. But did find this Fact Check article:


Fact Check. Boy, there's a reliable source. They laid down a stream of fog, arguing Gore should have pursued disputed votes. You know, like LBJ finding votes in the trunk of a car. Or Al Franken losing by 7,000 votes on election night, but over a period of months finding a couple of votes here, a dozen votes there, and ultimately pulling ahead of Norm Coleman. Their study was in 2008, eight years after the fact.

There were other MSM news organization raising the question, like CNN: "Did Gore win the 2000 election?" A news story with a title in the form of a question never has solid facts.

At the end of it, even Fact Check had to say, we can never know. Fair enough. You wrote that yourself, didn't you? That doesn't provide grounds for you to say Bush stole the election. Does it?

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BUSH stole the 2000 election ... ? You give him too much credit.

You see what you want to see.

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She liked that! Lizard. Lol

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I like that nickname. I have a friend who comes up with those and they crack me up.

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Sounds like Fiona Hill, Brookings, Dolan and Danchenko all work with FIB toward one objective: “Get Trump.”

There’s a major RICO case here.

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Yes there is. Now, what was done off site, after inauguration, what they discussed in meetings should constitute sedition. Now we see the foreign element that should end in treason charges. I’m trying to stay optimistic but it’s just frustrating!

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Whether it’s Durham or Military Tribunals…I have faith that eventually Justice will be served upon the leaders and their players in the criminal infiltration of our Justice system. They’ve been “exposed” and now we have the “disclosure” phase.

(For more on that and for an uplifting take, BurningBright substack helps)

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I'm told RICO has a 4 year Statute of Limitations, is that correct?

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Not if it was Seditious Conspiracy or an ongoing criminal operation

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RICO is made up of several violations. But Sedition and Treason are fair game as well.

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Many, many republicans are anti-Trump, so what's your point?

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One trick pony, doesn’t want discussion about the Russia Collusion Hoax and the Dems and Obama’s role in it. Always hijacks the comments complaining that Al Gore won in 2000. It’s an obsessive search. The search for Al Gore votes continues. 🫠

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Great post, great analysis. I look forward to much more tomorrow and Monday. Thanks

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Oct 14, 2022·edited Oct 14, 2022

the FBI agents are arrogant because they know what this really is - this is Durham covering up for the deep state and throwing some red meat by getting an indictment on Danchenko. Does anyone at all really care about Danchenko? If I were to ask any reader here - do you care that Danchenko goes to jail or Helson and Auten go to jail - what would be your answer? These FBI agents literally assisted a coup of the government and no one seems to really care. They knew the info was bunk, they passed it on to people who wanted to believe it and basically made Trumps term completely ineffective. As a voter I feel cheated, I don't know about you. Imagine if there was no Russiagate or Mueller what Trump could have accomplished. Maybe that wall would be complete by now :) or who knows what could have been. I am also going to guess that these FBI agents are either still employed or still getting paid by my tax dollars and will get a pension until they die, paid by my tax dollars. Funny how that works. Why aren't they the defendants?

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Spot on Gulag. A Russian stooge is going to be the fall guy for the arrogant FBI coup? No, this is not satisfactory in any sense. Let's Go Brandon!

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It’s a strategic trial to introduce the misconduct and intent, plus knowing better. Moffa is still employed and he was at the heart of all of it. I’d say these agents are employed. Where’s OIG in all this for investigations on policy violations that result in termination of the agents or the inept FBI’s OPR. Oh snap, OIG and OPR were both sent complaints regarding McCabe’s unethical etc behavior. What I got back from OPR was a nasty letter from Candice Will tearing me apart. What I and Senator Grassley got from OIG is the information didn’t warrant further investigation. THIS WAS IN 2013!!! Both are culpable. But Durham hates Mueller and would love to lock him up, embarrass him and/or lock up the “leadership” that was behind all this. This trial has opened a lot of eyes. Will it result in anything substantial on Danchenko? Probably not. But it’s making a bunch of corrupt FBI and DOJ corrupt higher ups (current and former) sh*+ their pants. They are next!

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Durham does not "hate Mueller". Durham is part of the same exact club that we here are not in. It's a big club :) Look up his role in the Whitey Bulger case. He is not knew to this.

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Techno Fog

TF, your account of trial day v. WSJ article is amazing (Aruna).

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Techno Fog, your posts are addictive. I look forward to them and I'm never disappointed. Since I live on a restrictive income, I only subscribe to one paid Substack at a time & will become a paid supporter when my subscription to Robert Malone's (excellent but repetitive) Substack expires.

I found today's account of the Danchenko Trial the most interesting. The name Fiona Hill and the Brookings Institute seem synonymous with Satan and His kingdom.

Keep up the great work.

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The hat tip from Trump on TruthSocial!

Well deserved, Technofog!! ❤️🇺🇸

I think the DeepState counts on a certain mental overload on the part of the average American trying to keep up with the complexity of their criminal deception and that, coupled with the two-tiered system of Justice glaringly rampant across our land, will add up to an equation of powerless apathy. Ha! We are more versed in The Art of War than we have ever been! Thanks in no small part to our hard-working, diligent, devoted, highly intelligent Anons keeping us well informed.

Thank You ❤️🇺🇸

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Congrats on being Re-Truthed by the Boss!

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Will there be any justice, or is this the end of the road?

Either Kingmaker III or Climate Audit says Durham is fighting to keep some Danchenko emails (defense production) hidden, which they deem as proof Durham has no Act 3 or hidden indictments (my terms). This would prove Sundance's point - Barr was the Bondo, Durham the spray paint.

Prior to President Trump I thought most gov't law enforcement agencies, DOJ, State Dept were commendable. They might have a rouge unit or individual, but overall, everyone was doing honorable work. My opinion has now changed 180 degrees. I don't trust the DOJ (27 erased phones), CIA, FIB, State Dept, NSA (where is General Rogers?), courts (where is Rosemary Collyer?), or Intell community. I don't trust our elections or election officials. I don't trust the CDC, either. (FWIW, I take the flu vaccine.)

We're going in the wrong direction, and everyone knows that. If the GOP doesn't win the House in a landslide, we'll know we're totally corrupt. Midterm election, record inflation, proxy war w Russia, gas over $6 a gallon, and talk of nuclear war. It should be a blowout, no complex analysis needed.

Does Durham have another Act, or is he the Cleaner?

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Sealed indictments. Note the other attorney in this trial has the title Special Prosecutor. Are they able to pass it on?

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Robyn, IMHO the eye on the ball now is no more funding for Durham and his small team beyond 2022.

Garland is the tool atop the Dept of Just Us and he will be told don’t sign for any more budget. Garland is garbage and won’t bat an eye.

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Techno Fog

Thank You Techno 🙏

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JC - he was just re-truthed by Trump.

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Techno Fog

Thanks for Keeping me updated and informed. This trial appears to be conveniently lacking on many journalist's radar..imagine that.

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Excellent post, thank you for everything you cover and write about in order to keep us informed.

People have to remember, the government has no way to make money. (yes, they can print it, but that's a different topic).

The ONLY source of money for this government is from the American taxpayer. These unelected bureaucrats using OUR money for these operations, which do not benefit anyone but them, is a class of criminality on a level which we have never seen in this country.

Will it continue? The answer lies within you and me - are we as strong as those who went before us in this ongoing battle between, essentially, good v evil? Only time will tell.

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Techno Fog

Thanks for the recap. Good article.

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Thanks for the update. Sussmann had a scif and FBI terminal. HQ would not give Heide info about the ALFA bank source. Seems to me plenty of fodder for odd inferences.The Steele Dossier migrates into the FBI from the Clinton campaign like the ALFA bank canard--lots of investigation and lots of money spent---no facts proven, much negligence and paper generated. Millian is implicated as knowing something, but the case is not advanced. Again the inferences are peculiar.

Maybe Durham is knocking down one potential scapegoat after another? It's not clear to me what Danchenko's alleged lies have to do with presenting the uncorroborated Steele Dossier to the FISA Court. Maybe someone thought all the investigative trappings would give rumor the color of legitimacy?

Looks like Danchenko may have sent the FBI on a fool's errand with the finger pointing at Millian, true enough, though it seems they may have been predisposed to it. Who knows? Oh yeah and Millian was already in the FBI rolodex. What luck. If only Carter Page were just a phone call away. There you have it. A bit part and $200,000! Hello Hollywood! What do they do in DC again? Meanwhile, the pursuit of a case against Donald Trump continues.

Wonder when we'll hear from Kevin Clinesmith, or will we? And I don't mean in this trial. Still so many unknowns.

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I have a lot of the same questions. I do like the analysis that Durham is knocking down scapegoats. That’s huge. Danchenko was not bound by policy & each of the FBI employees were. And they knowingly and wittingly put false information into FISA packages. These packages are signed by the affiant going before the court under the threat of perjury.... I took that very seriously when I was the FISA Queen in CTD. Each and every fact had corroboration and I did not use one source more that 4-5 times, unless it was a technical source (wiretap). If these FBI employees are currently still employed by the FBI, they need to be fired immediately. Unfortunately, they can appeal, like McCabe did and everything against him was wiped off the slate and he now gets his monthly pension on taxpayers dime.

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I don't understand what Danchenko's lies have to do with the uncorroborated dossier either other than just lies...I want to get to who paid for what, when and where (Hillary) and how they used it not only for the FISA's but how they tapped into the Oval Office as well. This is such small fish and every day I get more disillusioned with Durham. He was supposed to be my savior in all this. But, something still isn't sitting right in all this...as in it's as though Durham is defending the FBI in a roundabout way in that they (the FBI) ordered certain things be done but these hacks like Helson just didn't follow through on them.

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"Durham is defending the FBI in a roundabout way" - I see it more like the agents and sources were quite happy to develop negatives about Trump assisting them in Trump's downfall. The agents ignored normal procedures because they were getting their needed materials. That implies the lack of any supervision or more likely specific instruction to press on, procedures be damned. Not clear if this ground work leads to upper level failures because Durham is not asking the agents about what their assigned directions were.

Wonder if Danchenko gained information from his handlers useful to others. He seems happy to collect from all who pay.

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I don't really mean to come off as dissing Durham. He's done a lot already in these trials to lay some things bare. And TF does a great service in acquiring these transcripts and briefing them and publishing his briefings, as it were. I am very thankful. Am seeing some interesting chatter about the location of the Dolan/Galinka meeting that has to come to the fore in this trial. What will this foundation be used to uphold? More will be revealed I suppose.

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The Durham Investigation would make a fine movie in the manner of Ben Afleck's ARGO. Of course, Disney would never consider producing it: they are too busy entertaining children with their endless and repetitious Marvel Avengers' crap. Maybe there is an independent film maker somewhere that is not under the spell or control of the Obiden Administration.

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It really is a struggle for hearts and minds. It's interesting to me how the media script seems to be the currency the players play to. Dolan crafts a fabrication from news stories to court Danchenko. The wagons circle around Corey Lewandowski based on an article in the notoriously sketchy NYT. Durham brings the righteous indignation. Meanwhile the new pipelines servicing Europe are coming online.

No country for old men indeed. I like the drift of your comment. I have been pitching a script for years concerning a post-apocalyptic tale of redemption. No takers. Businesses need customers not yeoman farmers.

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Daaaammmnnn. This agent majorly F’ed up. There are very specific items you need to do to open and vet a CHS. He ignored ALL of them. He opened the FBI to a total double agent operation. What I’m wondering is why is no one discussing the fact that McCabe and Bruce Ohr worked Eurasian OC when in NYC? Why are they concentrating on the small players. Do note that the second attorney, with Durham, is designated a Special Counsel. Possibly, since Durham is rumored to be retiring, this dude is taking over. Also, KEEP HOPE ALIVE! There are likely plea deals that have already been struck (probably by the two who have already testified and a couple key players, not McCabe, Strzok , Comey), also there are most likely already sealed indictments. Remember the USAO not prosecuting the McCabe False Statements? Strategic. If they prosecuted that, he’d be able to request discovery covering ALL DOJ cases.... Durham probably had a lot to do with that declination. I’m still beyond PISSED that these cats are in corporate VP and media/school/indoctrination/propaganda positions making a sh*t load of cash. But hopefully the arrogant bastards will end up in the Crow Bar Motel for a significant time. If not, I will go public with the information I pushed forward!

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Dude, all judges are Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama or Trump judges, now Biden judges. So your response is not off but Duh! I have a lawsuit and the original judge was an Obama judge, the current is a Biden appointed judge. The first judge did not appear to be biased on my case. So, while they are appointed by a certain POTUS, that doesn’t mean they are in bed with them, well not until recently and still, they mostly aren’t. Judge Sullivan I have huge issues with though. He’s a Clinton appointed judge. So basically, blah blah blah.

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OMG -- I litigated way too many cases before Sullivan. He wasn't terrible 9-10 yrs ago, but his handling of Flynn's case was absurd. He lost any semblance of disinterest and fairness. Most of the judges in the D.C. District Court had been decent, but it seems that since I retired from practice about 8 yrs ago, some of the newer ones are not up to standards.

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He’s always on that rant. Always. Wishing you all the best and some justice, Robyn.

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Does the clinton campaign have to report that $200,000 as a campaign contribution from the fbi?

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There are so many things they should have done... omg this is nuts!

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