Epstein Island was a CIA blackmail operation. There ... I said it.

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Covid is a bioweapon funded by the US government.

We are the bad guys.

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Covid hysteria was the deep state political weapon. Covid was just a bad flu season.

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Covid is a smoke screen for radiation sickness (5G)

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I view it as a World Economic Forum and Bill Gates and Fauci political weapon.

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True in the sense that it was Fauci, but he didn't work on the behalf of the USA, he worked for himself and Globalists, though paid by the taxpayers of the USA. What American, of even average intelligence, would allow or approve of such bioweapon research being deliberately placed under the control of the Chinese Communist military in Wuhan? (That's just a little factoid that is little mentioned, this lab was a CCP MILITARY facility.) It should be grounds for charges of treason, and all who participated should be charged, BUT the Globalist anti-Americans have been running our country for a very long time, as Americans have let slip away our freedoms. Just think about what they are doing with words like 'nationalist', wanting to retain American sovereignty is being cast as negative terrorist desire.

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You raise a lot of good questions. Covid is a bioweapon and so are the shots.

One thing that puzzled me was why did only certain areas have super high death rates? Like N. Italy, New York City, and Wuhan. There is some speculation that these areas were targeted perhaps by aerosol spray. Who knows?

Part of the problem was the medical establishment telling people to stay home until they couldn't breathe anymore, then come to the ER. The use of Remdesivir has proven to be a death sentence. And Fauci and the NIH came up with the protocol for Remdesivir. Fauci, the man who has never treated one covid positive patient in a hospital setting.

Some of the true heroes were Drs. McCullough, Kory, Marik, and Zelenko just to name a few. The doctors who decided to buck the corrupt medical system to keep their patients alive.

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There were a lot of videos posted online in late 2019 early 2020 of Chin. people dumping vials of liquid on door handles and elevator buttons in hotels.

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Katherine Austin Fitts speaks to different batches sent to different geographical areas purposely to "make quota" for specific demographics. Worth the listen... Del BigTree comes to similar conclusion

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No,it was an israeli mossad blackmail operation, involving children and phedophiles in our govt and others. Ghislaine maxwells father robert maxwell is mossad. They both used children. Bill gates mom was a maxwell. She is related. Bill gates is also a pedo.

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It's likely the mossad also got rid of Maxwell throiwng him overboard. So assuming the Epstein had loyalty to anyone but himself and possibly his brother is likely a mistake.

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in fact an ex- top mossad guy, of which many of his claims have been corroborated, said epstein and ghislaine were arms dealers for mossad at one time

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Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 10, 2022

what does the State of Israel have to gain by spending time on this when Iran and its proxies are plotting to destroy it? Arabs on the inside are killing innocents and Israel is supposed to care about Epstein's island? It doesn't make sense.

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They compromise and blackmail politicians so they support aid to Israel. CIA does this as well, they conspire on this.

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Stupid Westerners pay the Jizya in billions and billions of dollars to Muslims for nothing. No accounting. No follow up. They're the ones controlling energy and commanded to conquer you.

Israel buys aerospace and defense items for billions and billions and that pays American salaries. Israel puts food on the table and clothing on the back of Americans. Senators and Representatives are kind to Israel because they want the money to go their state. Israel doesn't cheat and bleed politicians. Israel helps America when it helps themselves. Then there's the belief of the God of Israel and his goodness.

Millions of people who live on the Northern, Southern and Eastern border of Israel don't just want land. They want to kill each and every Jew. The Epstein BS is nothing. Obama and his crew want to control and destroy America and Jew haters want to pin it on Jews and Israel. For every Soros there are 10 Rockefellers. For every Epstein there are 10 Bidens. Stop your libel.

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The next decade is going to be very painful for you, I don't envy you (or even wish it on you).

"There's only one real sin in all of existence: To willfully turn from the truth and embrace the lie instead" -Mark Passio (activist raised by Satanists who rejected his parents)

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The pain may or may not be as great as it may be in America if millions of military age non-English speaking migrants become armed, organized and motivated by a Leftist oligarch or demigod. Jews may be the first to suffer, true, but not the last. Jews are the canary in the coal mine.

"All things are mortal but the Jews. All other forces pass but he remains." Mark Twain

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there are literally israeli intelligence on record saying they are mossad dude

> A recent interview given by a former high-ranking official in Israeli military intelligence has claimed that Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual blackmail enterprise was an Israel intelligence operation run for the purpose of entrapping powerful individuals and politicians in the United States and abroad.

> In [an interview](https://narativ.org/2019/09/26/blackmailing-america/) with Zev Shalev, former _CBS News_ executive producer and award-winning investigative journalist for _Narativ_, the former senior executive for Israel’s Directorate of Military Intelligence, Ari Ben-Menashe, claimed not only to have met Jeffrey Epstein and his alleged madam, Ghislaine Maxwell, back in the 1980s, but that both Epstein and Maxwell were _already_ working with Israeli intelligence during that time period.

> Ben-Menashe says that well after the introduction, though again he does not specify what year, Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein began a sexual blackmail operation with the purpose of extorting U.S. political and public figures on behalf of Israeli military intelligence. He stated: 

> > In this case what really happened, my take on it, in the later thing, is that these guys were seen as agents. They weren’t really competent to do very much. And so they found a niche for themselves — blackmailing American and other political figures.” 


> He then confirmed, when prompted, that they were blackmailing Americans on behalf of Israeli intelligence.

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You tell me what NSO group gains by selling terror-spy tools to gangs.

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Mossad honeypot trap used by the wef davos1%er globalist communist tribal bankster crew to keep politicos in line.

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More like run by the Mossad ?

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And Mossad.

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If only they were capable enough to run something like that.

Not CIA--Mossad.

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Trust me, took 6 years to get my overly redacted personnel records but they did show they are liars. To be shown in court, which I have been waiting for 10 years to get my day. It’s awful but it’s the right thing to do!! Stay the course!!

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I bet those records were redacted due to "national security" more appropriately termed national insecurity as the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and U.S Armed Services, which is the primary entity running the COVID19 genocide through the Pentagon. Cathy O'Brien's testimony to Congress about being a Project Monarch Presidential sex slave model is unavailable due to reasons of national Insecurity. It would expose much of D.C. as the creepy fucks they all are.

Denny Hastert was the longest serving U.S. House Speaker in history because he sexually abused boys. That was his MAIN qualification. Other than that he was not much more than a dishonest, creepy closeted homosexual who spawned really creepy children, I met one of his deeply disturbed sons, and he was a high school wresting coach so he could gain access to other people's children to sexually abuse them. Schools are full of creepy scum as Project Veritas is revealing.

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It must have been a living nightmare to be sexually harassed by a creepy fuck with weirdo hair, so common for sexual deviants, like Andy McCabe has, as does Crissy prissy Wray in even greater quantity. McCabe, and Wray appear to also be a mouth breather complete dumb dumbs, which all makes them both highly qualified to be FBI director as I don't think there's ever not been one who was not a completely worthless POS weirdo, or hardened criminal, Wray included.

Is it a requirement established by closet case, cross-dressing, sexual abuser of little boys, J. Edgar Hoover, a hardened POS criminal, that the director of the FBI, and many of its male employees be sexual deviants? There have been some well publicized arrests of some creepers at the FBI for sexually inappropriate behavior and child porn. I've met a few FBI agents. They were tightly wound humorless creepy AF. I wouldn't trust them alone with my girlfriend let alone a child.

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So sick of hearing about how upstanding"the rank and file" agents are. Open your freaking mouths to some of our best congress people. I only know if it was me watching from the inside as this agency operates as the Democrat gestapo would be eating my innards to shreds.

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They're not upstanding. They're cowards who wouldn't say shit if they had a mouthful of it because they are afraid of losing their jobs. They're losers.

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It was actually discrimination on a few fronts. But yes, he’s a creep

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Thank you for having the courage to take on the thugs at the FBI. Sigel Edmonds took them on too. Under closeted homosexual CIA stooge Obama the number of prosecutions of government whistle-blowers using, I think it was the Espionage Act, or maybe something more obscure in the federal code, increased dramatically. Obama, and his backers in Chicago the Kosher Nostra Pritzkers, are total low life filth.

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FBI polygraphers = trustworthy.

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Speak of the (not a) devil ... Tracy Beanz and I put out a column yesterday where we referenced you. Say "Hi" to Robert Barnes for me.


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Robert Barnes remains my attorney. He is personally handling my case now. It’s still pending. I filed the discrimination and retaliation complaint 10 years ago.

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If y’all ever want to chat, let me know.

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I’d listen to that podcast if you went on. These people have to be held accountable.

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I might have to take you up on that

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I was proud of General Flynn defending you. Good luck with your case.

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Good luck! It is the right thing to do, it’s also the hardest thing to do in times such as these. We’ll be rooting for you.

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You share a common problem with Judy A. Mikovits, Ph.D. She submitted hard drives and testimony to the FBI field office in Nevada for Fauci's crimes back around 2011-2014, and she's still waiting for her day in court.

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Consider hiring bodyguards.

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I have. I’m also pretty tactically sound.

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“Might embarrass the fbi”

They’ve proven they’re incapable of embarrassment. Depraved and reckless.

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Where’s the client list/black book/ledger, etc.? And, are there investigations/inquiries into those (unnamed)names? After all this time, I don’t think so. This is a “sweep it under the rug” operation-par for the course with this current FBI/DOJ.

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Agreed. The only two people brought before a U.S. court were two Brits - Andrew and Maxwell. Just when you you think your contempt for these people couldn’t go any lower....

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It can go much lower...watch.

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As I commented below, Techno Fog should submit a FOIA to the FBI for any investigative documents of those named in Epstein's black book. Either they respond saying "no documents found" which means there is no investigation, or they confirm there might be records.

It would certainly rattle some cages.

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True, but only if the gatekeepers were honest. I’d expect a reply that insinuated there were “active” investigations ongoing, therefore we cannot comment. Between you and me, those investigations may wrap up around 2035 or, some elected representatives grew some nuts, or, we have a whistleblower. Hallelujah, amen to that one.

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They will take like 6 years to respond. Join forces with Judicial Watch. They get the records or they file a lawsuit. And win.

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Well this headline oughta draw a click or two

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But literally true :) I'm betting there will be more than one 302.

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You may want to review your life insurance policy, just in case it draws the wrong type of "attention".

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Techno didn't offline himself

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We are becoming desensitized to this crap! As if Epstein and Hunter's laptop aren't public interest. Just keep putting up obstacles. We the people are awake and nothing can stop what is coming.

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Thanks again Techno, sharing on my show. Imagine if one sheriff somewhere started locking up these secret society types? Just one walking tall guy...

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Wexner lives in Florida because the cops are all owned there. That’s the concept, no 50f nights, no dogooder prosecutors.

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No one was more surprised by the 'suicide' of Jeffery Epstein than... Jeffery Epstein.

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...except maybe Vince Foster.

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Ron Brown was unavailable for comment.

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Techno Fog

Can't wait to see how this unfolds!

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Epstein ran a covert op to accumulate compromising information on global elites. Yeah, some underaged girls were needed (okay, a LOT of them), but the trove of video has been (and continues to be) priceless. Many of the perps are doing what they’ve been told to do. In exchange for non-disclosure, the compromised politicians promote this thing and oppose that thing. What they or their constituents want is immaterial. An agenda is being enacted for the low low price of a bunch of expendable hotties.

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Pizza and hot dogs.

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Techno Fog


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Crush em. Show no mercy.

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Great work time all of us that give a shit about the ROL doing their parts to expose this governmental corruption if Left alone will destroy the fabric of this nation

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Of course the FBI is hiding them. And think of the names that the files contain. Quite possibly the FBI believed Trump had copies at Mar a Lago . . . and maybe he did.

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Hopefully. And, if push comes to shove, he should have set up an automatic document mailing.

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Lefties are dum dums by far the stupidest voters around the globe.

Trump donated 100% of his Prez salary to charity.

He made the US energy independent - something your hero ruined his first day in office.

Trump improved foreign relations, made NATO nations to start paying their share. Your hero Brandon started the proxy war with Russia.

Trump improved military morale. Your hero Brandon is destroying our military, even telling them to sign up for welfare.

Trump improved our economy immensely creating more jobs for minorities than ever before in history. Your hero Brandon has done irreparable harm to the economy. Your Brandon caused INFLATION, and has setup the IRS to go after the middle and lower class while aiding the billionaires

Name even one single thing the left has improved - there is nothing. The left destroy e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. it touches.

It was soo fitting that Brandon announced yesterday the anniversary of 9/11 that he and his people are negotiating with the leader of the terrorists of 9/11.


Robert Gates: Biden has been on the wrong side of almost every major political decision in over 4 decades. Your hero, chump.

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Wrong again.

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....because Jeffrey is alive and well. Check his bank accounts.

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Epstein is likely living far from anywhere he ever lived before and would be unrecognizeable today. His voice may be different. As for finances his brother always took care of that. Likely he still does.

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Yeah where are the client lists for Epstein's "Lolita" island? Did the FBI manage to "lose" them?

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