Good article as always at some point there has to be some sort of legal accountability as over one million people died

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What did one million people die from, John, and from where were they? Serious question. I'm not being condescending. Thank you.

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Its on the csc website and its over 22 million dead globally and well over 2.1 billion injured

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A bit of history: Why should we hate China and Chinese people even more…


China's "Century of Humiliation" & US-Chinese Tensions Today with Carl Zha – Dec 6, 2022

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Dec 5, 2022
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Lol, what are you doing here with your scientific opinion?

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Dec 5, 2022
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Here's the problem with your narcissistic arrogance, Gene. You've just proved that you are "low-information." Are you a Trump supporter, or simply a dumbass liberal? I say the latter considering you continually use the term "Democratic" when what you actually mean is Democrat. This happens a lot with Dems and RINOs. The masks were NEVER about keeping the virus in or out as a viral molecule is much smaller than the makeup and weave of any mask outside of a HAZMAT, head to toe, suit. And Einstein, the fact that the surgical masks don't help is written on the boxes they come in. Finally, Gene, the virus everyone was so afraid of has a 99.7% survival rate, so what's the big scare for? It was for the jabs that were intended to kill everyone who got at least one. Recall how the vaxes were pushed down our throats? And how the evil elite tried to make us feel guilty for refusing the jab thereby killing Grandma? THEY ALL LIED AND YOU, GENE, HAVE ZERO SUPPORT FOR YOUR IGNORANT CLAIMS. THE JABS KILLED PEOPLE, NOT THE SEASONAL FLU, WHICH IS WHAT CV-19 IS/WAS EVEN THOUGH IT WAS MAN-MADE.

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Thank you for nailing the fool with truth...at this point I believe the genes in the world will never do the necessary research and follow the players to know the truth...this was and is a plan of global genocide and is written in ther agenda 21 and the WEF Klaus schwab has his globalist leaders follow the agenda...all g7 countries and governors here and mayors and DAS and the lost goes on...all planned and all written for those that care to research and read

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Marina, it's great meeting another who is wide awake. Every single person in my bloodline took the jab except for my firstborn son and me. If they were all given the poison drugs, we will lose them all. Thanks for the support. God Bless.

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Dec 6, 2022
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The vaccine makers, along with U.S. government, are the mas murderers. 9-11 was an inside job with Israeli Mossad. That was under the traitor George W. Bush, and it was a False Flag operation. The Iraqis having WMDs was also a lie from the start. All wars, that have killed Americans, and others around the world, were purposely set up for evil purposes, which were SRA sacrifices, for money, power, and the worship of Satan. They don't give a fig about you Democrat, butt-snorkeling, fatheads.

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Is that sarcasm, Gene? You're going to feel so stupid when all is laid at the feet of liberals and you ignoramuses. I'm going to give you a hand here and tell you to look up Derek Johnson who tells the entire story of who, what, when, and where of the deep states, the global elites, and the DUMBs worldwide. You're very far behind, but at least you can get a peak of reality juxtaposed to the matrix you are in. Good luck.

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Dec 5, 2022
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What is it that you do not seem to comprehend? There never were a ‘pandemic’.

Governments so called solutions ie restrictions around the world caused people to die, state sanctioned murder of the disabled, either mentally or psychically, people where their livelihoods were taken away ( meaning the non necessity workers as they have been called) social isolation and real poverty as we have seen the worlds biggest wealth transfer in our present history. All human rights have been violated across the globe.

And it has been made possible with continuous propaganda of FEAR and extreme censorship of people that did not buy the narrative.

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Could you please cite a source for that little factoid: "All things being equal a population’s Covid death rate is determined by % below poverty level...".


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Nope...fool wrong again...our nation denied all early therapeutics that were all that was needed...we have the largest kill rate or should insay murder rate as we had the biggest medical tyranny in the world and we used remdisivir exclusively as ordered by Dr. Fauci and that killed hundreds of thousands and we silenced the good doctors trying to practice and be true to their oath of do no harm...we simply murdered more than other countries for a damn flu! Don't be a empty headed drone...do the damn research and ask yourself why arenyou beholden to the most corrupt government in the world...america...sad but true...the elites, NGOs, and these oligarchs want you dead! Period

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We might now need to worry a lot about those that have received the vaccine that has weakened their immune systems. Perhaps the short term gain fails in the long term. The excess death numbers are still rising and the vaccine could be implicated. Sort of horrible to imagine.

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"DeSantis" led Florida to fewer deaths per capita than California who locked down, had mask mandates longer than most and arrested people who were walking *alone* on the beach or surfing. People who have had at least one round of #CCPVirus vaccination have higher hospitalization and death rates than people did *before* the "vaccines" existed. The more CCP Virus shots people have had, the higher the likelihood of hospitalization, CCP Virus deaths and deaths for other reasons like myocarditis. Those are the facts. You can pretend it was a Republican thing all you want if that helps you sleep at night, but you might want to keep quiet about it as you're ignorance is glaring and a little bit pitiful.


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Dec 6, 2022
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No state is locked down now, genius. Policies from governments aren't effecting COVID deaths anymore with the exception of the withholding of certain medications, but that's a Federal thing.

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Now you are plain stupid...all the information is there and this is what you believe...? Happy survival to you and this regime...oh and don't forget your booster

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Gene Frenkle should continue to follow "the narrative" and take a booster every TWO months. LOL. Because the bureaucrats who got it all wrong from the beginning (it stops transmission and you won't get Covid, they said!) now urge the ever-trusting sheeple to keep on getting jabbed. (TAKE MORE JABS BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T DIED YET is the underlying message.) https://www.wndnewscenter.org/hhs-secretary-urges-covid-booster-every-2-months/

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"DeSantis" led Florida to fewer deaths per capita than California who locked down, had mask mandates longer than most and arrested people who were walking *alone* on the beach or surfing. People who have had at least one round of #CCPVirus vaccination have higher hospitalization and death rates than people did *before* the "vaccines" existed. The more CCP Virus shots people have had, the higher the likelihood of hospitalization, CCP Virus deaths and deaths for other reasons like myocarditis. Those are the facts. You can pretend it was a Republican thing all you want if that helps you sleep at night, but you might want to keep quiet about it as you're ignorance is glaring and a little bit pitiful.

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Gene, you have to stop. If I don't stop laughing, I'll never get back to work.

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Go away.

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so apparently you don't see a problem with "public health" officials giving conflicting advise throughout the "pandemic"

numbers were also exaggerated

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You are a tds fool and need to go back to your basement as the brainwashing propaganda worked and your psychosis is now your norm...enjoy your empty headed nonsense and stay stuck

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Love how you intolerance people on the left love to call people names because some how you believe your opinion matters. Since you folks claim science is the final arbiter you should take your own advice and quite denying the fact this was man made in a lab and covered up by the CDC. As far as the vaccines when the adverse reactions are now killing more people than protecting them from Covid they’re a problem.

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Our paid DNC troll Gene at “work” again

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Have to disagree especially on AF as I spent three years there so read this which is all based on facts https://jseaman.substack.com/p/one-year-anniversity-the-afghanistan

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Dec 6, 2022
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A bit of history: Why should we hate China and Chinese people even more…


China's "Century of Humiliation" & US-Chinese Tensions Today with Carl Zha – Dec 6, 2022

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What is a cult member like yourself doing outside your cult?

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Florida "Vaccine Hesitancy" REDUCED Infant Mortality in 2021


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Warp Speed had been underway before Trump ‘introduced’ it.

How many experimental injections did you take?

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Great to get some breakdown on 174 of criminal Tony Fauci's inability to recall much as the Father of the Wuhan ChiCom virus. Thank you Techno Fog!

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Thanks for providing this..... very much appreciated.

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He should be charged with obstruction of justice, when it can be proven that he gave substantially the same answers in the media and before congress, and he's resorting to "I don't recall."

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If Fauci can't recall over a 174 times ...how the hell is he the head of CDC ??

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He's not head of the CDC. He's in charge of the NIAID. Rachel Welensky is the con artist running the CDC.

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Dr. Hot Mess

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Close enough :)

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Techno Fog,

Thank you for your stamina, you are a hero.

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Techno needs to put out a speed-reading course ... he'd make a mint

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Experience from reading thousands of depositions. I just wish we had more room on here…

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TWP is always at your disposal. No character limit ... just for you.

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Pt. II of Techno Fog on Fauci's deposition would be epic.

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They should have hooked up the lie detector test. Then we would get answers!

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I think an “enhanced” lie detector test would produce more answers. By enhanced, well…

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Waterboarding would do the trick. :-\

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😂 I like your thinking!

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Bravo !! Glenn Greenwald Shows Record (2022 -- ):

Dec 2 -- Third GG pre-launch show

https://rumble.com/v1yjc4a-secret-twitter-files-on-censorship-of-hunter-biden-story.html -- Secret Twitter Files on Censorship of Hunter Biden Story – (episode STARTS at 20 minute – IMPORTANT)

https://greenwald.locals.com/post/3148900/system-update-watch-tonight-12-2 -- two episodes:

-- Elon Musk Bans Kanye West: What Principles Govern Twitter?


-- An OUTSTANDING interview -- the Assange case with WIkiLeaks' editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson


Tucker Carlson: -- https://youtu.be/9RsedoC_PN4 - James Woods: “Elon Musk may have saved America” – Dec. 2, 2022

-- https://youtu.be/fzc7o1zdhYw -- Twitter was permanently censoring users at the request of the DNC and Biden campaign

-- https://youtu.be/vDtUVkmm-oY -- Tucker Carlson Tonight 12/2/22 (not full – full is 45 minutres)

-- Tucker Carlson Tonight – Oct. 4 ( OUTSTANDING interview with Biden’s family former business partner – Tony Bobulinski) -- Oct. 4 -- https://odysee.com/@TheRepository:f/tucker-bobulinski2-1:d

-- Bitcoin Is The Biggest Financial Fraud Of All Time… And Illegal (Yes, Illegal) – Nov. 25

https://thedreizinreport.com/2022/11/25/dreizin-retires/ NOTE: This could be true and VERY important

Nov 29 -- Third GG pre-launch show

https://rumble.com/v1y5672-how-many-different-countries-should-the-us-now-be-fixing-changing-and-inter.html - How Many Different Countries Should the US Now Be Fixing, Changing, and Interfering In?

Q&A -- https://greenwald.locals.com/upost/3134215/post-show-q-a

Unedited (1.5 hour long) - https://greenwald.locals.com/upost/3132537/system-update-join-us-tonight-at-7pm-et

Nov 25 – Second GG pre-launch show

https://rumble.com/v1xbl8g-the-medias-deranged-hysteria-over-elon-musks-restoration-of-free-speech.html -- The Media’s Deranged Hysteria Over Elon Musk’s Restoration of Free Speech

Sub-stack transcript -- https://substack.com/inbox/post/87024368

Nov. 16 -- First GG pre-launch show


Q&A -- https://greenwald.locals.com/upost/3069918/pre-launch-q-a

NO transcripts

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The article on Musk, and Tesla is true. Musk is a criminal. He's a front, as are Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and a host of other cons who HAD/HAVE ALMOST NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with starting or running their companies.

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Thanks, I look forward to reading it!

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Dec 7, 2022
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Yes, indeed. Catherine Austin Fitts (Solari.com) stated that Musk is working with the Chinese to usher in the social credit system. She said "That's his job."

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I would never be able to sit on a jury for this man because I would be screaming GUILTY!!! before any questions could be asked. I could never be impartial when it comes to this man.

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Fauci's email show he is highly aware of Peter Daszak's work, including a Feb 27, 2020 email from Julie Pavlin regarding a co-chair Vaccine Hesitancy program that included Dorit Reiss's concept that forced vaccinations was acceptable coercion.

The first article is long - but has 160+ citations. I had to put the PDFs at the end.

My DCFPress.com links will be unavailable.

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You had me from “malignant”.

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Even giving him the benefit of the doubt, it is just not credible that he didn't have these conversations, and even worse, that he didn't remember them. Hell, we can all remember him publicly discussing, shooting down theories, discrediting concerns that were later found to be true.

Before my personal physician went to med school, she had a PhD in epidemiology, had spent a year in Africa, and a year at the Wuhan lab. She said it was notorious for being a dirty lab, falsifying research, shoddy. She also confirmed that it was not run like a CAT 4 lab should be, much less CAT5. She said this was known. Notorious. I told her that I read a report that it was dirtier than an ordinary dentist office. She said, "That is not an exaggeration."

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According to Nichols Wade in his Medium article the work was being done as BSL-2 because BSL-4 was too cumbersome. There was a period early about the lab needing a serious cleaning and decontamination just prior to the outbreak. The lab managers even sought advice from the US in the effort.

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He’s just borrowing from the Hillary Clinton playbook….

“I don’t remember.”

“I can’t recall.”

It’s an endless loop, going nowhere.

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Good summary. Thanks!

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And down goes Fauci the fraud, arrest this MoFo!

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