Thank you for TRUE reporting Techno’

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Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,

A tale of a fateful trip

That started at this New York airport

Aboard this tiny jet.


Gates was a mighty molesting man,

A gimper sick and queer.

Five pederasts took flight that day

For a three hour screw, a three hour screw.


The pedos started getting rough,

The tiny kid was tossed,

If not for the courage of the Disney crew

The Lolita would be lost, the Lolita would be lost.


The jet touched down on the shore of this secret tropic isle

With Jeffrey And Brunel too,

The Microsoft billionaire and his wife,

The movie stars

Paul Pelosi and Ghislai-anne

Here on Epstein's Isle.



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Now this is the tale of our convictaway,

She's here for a long, long time,

She'll have to make the best of things,

It's for a long, long time.


The first inmate and this pimper too,

Will do their very best,

To make the others comfortable,

In their federal prison nest.


No phone, no flights, no motor car,

Not a single luxury,

Like Bill Cosby,

It's primitive as can be.


So join us here each week my friend,

You're sure to never smile,

For the one sentenced convictaway,

Here from Epstein's Isle.



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Thanks Techno! Keep up the good work!

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Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Robert Maxwell, and Jon-Luc Brunel were all employees of the Israeli government . . .



The Vatican and Westminster are invested heavily in child trafficking and laundering money for opium cartels . . .



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Is this being timed to distract us?

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Ding. This is all just a big distraction.

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Child rape,

and child rapists,

are neither "scandalous"

nor "a distraction".

Death penalty for pedofiles -

Are you not distracted now?

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No deals.

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❝In order that the masses themselves may not guess what they are about we further distract them with amusements, games, pastimes, passions, people’s palaces, competitions in art, in sports of all kinds: these interests will finally distract their minds from questions in which we should find ourselves compelled to oppose them.❞


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Have they made those charges against anyone yet? Didn’t see that in this article or the last? Not even a tiny chance they will get Bill for anything

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Ghslaine Noelle Maxwell charged, found guilty, and imprisoned for child trafficking.

Bill the rapist will be suicided, and receive a closed casket send off.

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Disney . . . Of the Magic Kingdom of Darkness . . .



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Figures, pimps hire pimps.


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Sure, I’d be skeptical of the timing... the DOJ always should be treated with skepticism. So keep looking around! Don’t just focus on this. 👀

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With Billy Bob front and center you have to wonder if it's a warning to Hillary not to get any ideas about replacing Biden.

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Oooh nice point

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https://controligarchsbook.com/2024/01/03/epstein-docs/ -

Here's the link Techno mentioned - It's all 944 pages combined from the 30+ new Jan. 3rd documents, in a single searchable PDF. Thank you Seamus Bruner & Techno!

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Isn't it awesome to know things 1, 2, or 5 years sooner than most people? Thank you Techno!

What about Rachel Chandler? She supplied horrific lookin "models" for Epstein & others, so much she should earn quantity credits. former LA Times family, so might not be a squealer.. but someone will.

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Excellent write-up. You gave the important info without sensationalizing it. Not easy to do with this kind of filth! Thank you for making it easier to read without graphic descriptions. I now know 1) what happened, 2) who it happened to, and 3) who did it. People need to know not to let Bill Clinton anywhere near their daughters.

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I have a question that no one seems to want or can answer: has there been any evidence that these girls were kidnapped or held against their will? Epstein was a snake and how nice that Maxwell sits in prison not having to divulge a thing, but many of these girls including Guiffre solicited girls for these two slugs and their friends. They were just as much accomplices as everyone else involved yet no one wants to discuss that.

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Children are unable to make decisions regarding sex because they are mentally and emotionally immature.

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Other countries have a lower age of consent.

Seventeen year olds are probably astute, unless they are mentally defective.

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Depends on the state. Age of consent/adulthood varies. Age 18 is not uniform, many are 16, 17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_the_United_States

Wiki, so use advisedly.

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Kike-ipedia . . .

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One thing that Wiki does is make sure that they source all their content.* When you first read anything on Wiki, go to the source that is provided, then credit that source in your own research and opinion shaping (i.e. "The Washington Times" via Wikipedia).

*The opinions of much of Wiki content itself may be biased, but not the point.

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While under the age of 18, these girls were hardly children especially the past 20 years. And it still doesn't address my point - no one forced them to be there and many acted as co-conspirators for Epstein and Maxwell procuring girls for them.

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The blacked out names in the police report are minors. And there was one that it said she was 14 years old. That's a child.

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Jan 5, 2024
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Girl was 17. One day, she's 17, the next 18 & becomes mature? All the noise around this case you'd think they were 12, 13 years old. Anyway, all the talk has been about flight logs of his aircraft. This doesn't seem to be them, unless they're still to come. Anyway, just some thoughts.

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I agree. Dershowitz was able to prove conclusively that Guiffre was lying about him. Others just settled with her immediately. How many other lies did she tell? And again, she was an accomplice to the entire operation.

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Douche-o-witz . . .

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Maxwell held a girls passport, I'd consider that been held against her will. It may have been more than one. If they were at his island, there is no way of leaving. They also have security. Those girls don't get to come & go as they please. I say girls not adults, they don't have the ability to think & make decisions like an adult. They easy to trap, due to their innocence. They also went after girls from poor families, usually broken homes. Tempted by the thought of having nice things & money, I'm sure.

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Thank you I found that information.

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Reasonable question but needs a deeper answer. In some cases I saw that lawyers for the types of Epstein go after the character of the witness. I think there is evidence, but the selatious news is what gets clicks. So keep searching and don’t rely on one or two sources.

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I totally agree which is why I have kept asking my question. The majority of the time I don't get a single answer in multiple places. Dershowitz fought Guiffre and proved conclusively that she was lying about him.

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Always good to read the real truth from Techno, thank you. I look forward to additional info as it is released.

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Thank you

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Thanks for your highly trustworthy reporting. X22 has quoted you for years, and since you've been accurate for years, your input is highly valued.

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Hes reporting a psyop? So what?

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Your input, not highly valued.

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Your nescience, not highly valued.

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Thank you for the breakdown. As bad as human trafficking is, along with pedophilia and child rape, Epstein was equally conniving as a financial extortionists and social networker.

He kidnapped people (often underaged), but he also hijacked companies and influential people through "investments" and he was a social fixer.

Sometimes the efforts overlapped. Sometime not.

Given the possible connection to the intelligence community it's worth the time and effort to dissect and understand.

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Epstein, Maxwell, her father and Brunel were Israeli operatives.

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Yeah... Such a small world. To many connections; with the elites who try to run our world, it is not a game of, "3 Degrees of Separation" but "3 Degrees of Connection".

Epstein - suicide.

Brunel - suicide.

R. Maxwell - suicide / heart attack (but each contested).

I'm surprised G. Maxwell hasn't committed suicide.

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Maxwell was found floating in the ocean.

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Yes off the Canary Islands and the medical experts have conflicting evaluations over cause of death. Drowning was not a cause provided though. Heart attack and suicide were proposed and discounted.

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There is definitely a good case for that. The connections between Barr and Epstein are disturbing. Not diminishing the fact that all of Epsteins connections are disturbing even when Epstein lied to inflate his influence. With Barr though there seems to be a lot of smoke.

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Thank you Techno as always . Will anything ever happen to these disgusting perverts. We all know who and what they are and their depravity. Will they ever be held accountable .

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Love facts and accuracy over hysteria and hyperbole. Thank you.

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Thank you!

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Thank you Techno

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Good header photo of Epstein looking like he's snared someone and Clinton looking like the cat that's gotten the cream.

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