Sadly, I must agree. The DC Swamp is infested with slimy creatures -- many of whom have never held a real job, and most those who did are lawyers, lobbyists, or others who are "spin centered," and not much worried about truth or creating value.
Our Elections are being rigged. Some in key offices now are simply puppets (e.g. Biden), run by…
Sadly, I must agree. The DC Swamp is infested with slimy creatures -- many of whom have never held a real job, and most those who did are lawyers, lobbyists, or others who are "spin centered," and not much worried about truth or creating value.
Our Elections are being rigged. Some in key offices now are simply puppets (e.g. Biden), run by un-elected minders from "behind the curtain" or corrupted by foreign donations (both parties), from oligarchs or enemy states. China is quite successful at "unrestricted war."
Hence the "OBiden Administration." We have an increasing number of "elected officials" who get "elected" without even having to campaign. Not just Biden. Senators, Governors.
When was the last time a Member of Congress went to Prison? What, exactly is the current body count for Hillary? We need more Justice and fewer crooks in Congress if we are to survive.
Trump was a rare populist. The Swamp Creatures hated him and they still do.
Sadly, I must agree. The DC Swamp is infested with slimy creatures -- many of whom have never held a real job, and most those who did are lawyers, lobbyists, or others who are "spin centered," and not much worried about truth or creating value.
Our Elections are being rigged. Some in key offices now are simply puppets (e.g. Biden), run by un-elected minders from "behind the curtain" or corrupted by foreign donations (both parties), from oligarchs or enemy states. China is quite successful at "unrestricted war."
Hence the "OBiden Administration." We have an increasing number of "elected officials" who get "elected" without even having to campaign. Not just Biden. Senators, Governors.
When was the last time a Member of Congress went to Prison? What, exactly is the current body count for Hillary? We need more Justice and fewer crooks in Congress if we are to survive.
Trump was a rare populist. The Swamp Creatures hated him and they still do.