It’s so discouraging that they’re so corrupt and nothing ever happens to them. At some point, we have to accept living in a corrupt USSR type nation or revolt.
Having watched enough history, I know that revolts seldom end well, even when they’re well deserved.
It’s so discouraging that they’re so corrupt and nothing ever happens to them. At some point, we have to accept living in a corrupt USSR type nation or revolt.
Having watched enough history, I know that revolts seldom end well, even when they’re well deserved.
We The People must NEVER EVER EVER accept living in a corrupt USSR type nation. Otherwise, we fully DESERVE to be ruled by tyrants, treated like slaves and suffer every deadly consequence!
We HAVE to make sure President Trump is reelected. ALL of this was done to force him out of office, block him from accomplishing what he had in mind, and forcing their view of democracy on the American people. 1) Vote for Trump, 2) Get out there in the meantime and register Republicans to vote, 3) register evangelicals to vote by sitting outside of an evangelical church in your town/city with a table that says, "Register to Vote Here".
All of this is our fault. It is the fault of the American people, including myself, who could not have been bothered to do anything about this for so many years. We have been complacent and allowed rotten people to take control. Now we must act by voting, by joining our county central committee, by volunteering, and by registering people to vote and making sure they get their ballots filled out and turned in.
I was a precinct captain before Dan ever thought of starting the precinct strategy. It’s a nice idea, but compared to the bribery and blackmail that’s ruining the country, it’s a fart in a whirlwind.
Vote anyway. Get your ballot in as soon as you get it, and don't dilly-dally. Join your county's Republican central committee, go to their monthly meetings, and when they ask for volunteers, raise your hand. The way out of complacency and inaction is through action and enthusiasm.
Our forefathers went through HELL to formulate this country. Many died. Soldiers fought literally in their underwear with no shoes on in the cold winter. People were drawn and quartered. They starved. Men had their entire lives upended and rather than living their desired lives, wound up working for the rest of their lives to put together a government.
Now we may lose this country through our own complacency and inaction. The answer? Certainly not more complacency and inaction, Queen. When I got sober in 1987 I never thought I could do it, because getting and remaining sober is a challenge that is daunting beyond belief, but here I am 36 years later and still doing it day by day. No matter how lost things seem, we can always come back from it.
Sometimes problems seem overwhelming, but that is where attitude comes into play. We don't lay down to this. We don't sit in our recliners and grouse about it - we get up on our hind legs and get into action! You can do it, kiddo!
It’s so discouraging that they’re so corrupt and nothing ever happens to them. At some point, we have to accept living in a corrupt USSR type nation or revolt.
Having watched enough history, I know that revolts seldom end well, even when they’re well deserved.
We The People must NEVER EVER EVER accept living in a corrupt USSR type nation. Otherwise, we fully DESERVE to be ruled by tyrants, treated like slaves and suffer every deadly consequence!
You get what you allow.
The name of Metallica's first album keeps coming to mind. Let who or whatever is on the other side sort 'em out. It's gotten that bad...
1775 cures 2020, 2022, 2024.
We HAVE to make sure President Trump is reelected. ALL of this was done to force him out of office, block him from accomplishing what he had in mind, and forcing their view of democracy on the American people. 1) Vote for Trump, 2) Get out there in the meantime and register Republicans to vote, 3) register evangelicals to vote by sitting outside of an evangelical church in your town/city with a table that says, "Register to Vote Here".
All of this is our fault. It is the fault of the American people, including myself, who could not have been bothered to do anything about this for so many years. We have been complacent and allowed rotten people to take control. Now we must act by voting, by joining our county central committee, by volunteering, and by registering people to vote and making sure they get their ballots filled out and turned in.
Ballots don’t decide the “winner.” They proved that in 2020 and 2022.
get involved if you want change -
I was a precinct captain before Dan ever thought of starting the precinct strategy. It’s a nice idea, but compared to the bribery and blackmail that’s ruining the country, it’s a fart in a whirlwind.
many farts might mess things up. we need more grassroot involvement and greater transparency.
So what is your alternative plan, if not to attempt to overwhelm their cheating with valid ballots?
I don’t know. That’s why I said it’s so discouraging. It’s too late to vote our way out and too soon to start shooting.
I wish I had an answer.
Vote anyway. Get your ballot in as soon as you get it, and don't dilly-dally. Join your county's Republican central committee, go to their monthly meetings, and when they ask for volunteers, raise your hand. The way out of complacency and inaction is through action and enthusiasm.
Our forefathers went through HELL to formulate this country. Many died. Soldiers fought literally in their underwear with no shoes on in the cold winter. People were drawn and quartered. They starved. Men had their entire lives upended and rather than living their desired lives, wound up working for the rest of their lives to put together a government.
Now we may lose this country through our own complacency and inaction. The answer? Certainly not more complacency and inaction, Queen. When I got sober in 1987 I never thought I could do it, because getting and remaining sober is a challenge that is daunting beyond belief, but here I am 36 years later and still doing it day by day. No matter how lost things seem, we can always come back from it.
Sometimes problems seem overwhelming, but that is where attitude comes into play. We don't lay down to this. We don't sit in our recliners and grouse about it - we get up on our hind legs and get into action! You can do it, kiddo!