As a former DDA (1978-1985) and Judge (1985-2018)...I prosecuted and then sentenced numerous groups who engaged in "Grooming" then it was a crime. Then the slippery slope...I saw that our then Chief Justice chose to attend a dinner event in SF where guests wore masks and were greeted on the red carpet by topless men dressed in leather S&M gear. Inside pictures were never released. "Eyes wide Shut"????

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So the flight log of the Lolita Express really is him and not someone with the same name. I figured he was compromised from his inexplicable decisions. The rumors of his pedo problem must be true. SMDH

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Feinstein had a Chinese driver (spy) for 20 years, and the powerful-and-connected WilliecBrown just happens to date a decades younger Russian woman for years. Humm. (His last public girlfriend was a staffer he paid over $400,000 per year for fundraising; the ultimate fundraiser hiring an inexperienced Consultant?)

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We reach the tipping point in this country where now the battleground for our children in the lefts attempt to sexualize them and censorship of morality

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Thanks Techno Fog.

I just emailed MLB. If we all do our small part, we can effect change. That, and prayer, too. In fact, prayer first!!!

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Email address for MLB?

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B Carlson,

Sorry for the delay in responding. Navigate to this page, https://www.mlb.com/official-information/contact Scroll down to the box titled "Contact us by email through a form"

No surprise that I never heard back from them.

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Great points and illustrations. Thinking our entire culture could have a groomer problem. That being said anyone like the Dodgers who can taint a sport like baseball with such images must be on quite a roll.

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Sodom and Gomorrah.

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The NFL was captured by Marxism under the guise of BLM. MLB is captured by Marxism under the guise of the gay mafia. One by one the Marxists are picking off treasured American institutions. It's not about race or sex, but rather about the deliberate dismantling of our nation. These issues are just the means.

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I’m currently reading The Devil and Karl Marx. Once you connect satanism with communism and social justice, and then you read the Bible, everything makes sense.

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Brave New World-- but on steroids. Praying for national repentance and that some of these folks would turn from their wicked and debauched ways and to the Lord before it’s too late.

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i happened upon the folsom street fair once when my kids were young. you can't unsee that crap. men in chaps fisting each other right there. um, let's walk this way kids, close your eyes.

sf has long had public nudity policies or lack thereof. i decided to close my business in the city when I rolled up with my kids in the car and a guy came right up to the window masterbating, and later shit on the sidewalk.

I'm not one who believes you need religion for morality, but it is clear, there is zero morality in that city. it has just been overrun with debauchery and now criminality and growing violence. Native SFns regularly told me how they hate what happened to the city they loved so much.

I was one of the many that fled california, my home since birth. i remember watching the rose parade one day with my dad in the mid 80's and him telling me california would be overrun with out of state incomers. when I asked how he knew, he asked, "what is everyone wearing at the parade?" shorts and t-shirts... in january being broadcasted to the rest of the nation who were snowed in. he was right, and when they came, they brought their politics. libs destroyed it. $1.6 trillion in debt, just defaulted on $20b loan. rip my beautiful state.

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I also left. Born and raised in the Bay Area. Still visit family and friends once or twice a year. It’s somehow worse every time. Truly disgusting conditions in SF. I lived in many different neighborhoods there in my 20s and 30s. You couldn’t pay me enough money to move back. Heartbreaking but also fuck those degenerates. If we can only contain them there and prevent this amoral contagion from spreading to the rest of the country. California is lost. Praying for an earthquake to drag it into the Pacific.

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It is demonic. Satanists love to mock God, Christianity, and especially the Catholic Church. The Freemasons Satanists infiltrated the Catholic Church decades ago and now we have a counterfeit pope that goes against the Church's traditions and teachings. Satanists have also taken over other institutions such as our military (Michael Aquino Army Psychology Operations), government (look at biden's cabinet), the schools, hollyweird, the music industry, corporations etc...

If you look up Baphomet, an occult icon, you will notice it has both female and male sexual organs. Like the trans folks.

They are targeting the kids on purpose. We HAVE to protect the kids during this spiritual war.

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Arrest Parents/Guardians and incarcerate for child abuse.

Arrest and incarcerate SF City Officials for child abuse.

Arrest and provide Death Penalty for Pedofiles/Groomers and Promoters.

IF the Govt can not,


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I used to laugh at people for saying, "We are half a heartbeat away from pedophilia as a right."

But we are half a heartbeat away from pedophilia as a right.

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I would argue that we are there. Celebrating those who insist on performing sex acts in the presence of children has, through those actions, essentially endorsed pedophilia as a right.

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As a former Brooklynite, I’m really glad the Dodgers moved to Los Angeles. Brooklyn has enough problems.

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Sodom and Gommorah, just waiting for the big earthquake

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so where are the former Dodger greats (Garvey / Cey / etc) - havent heard a peep from anybody on this ??

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If ever there was an organization that desperately needed to be shunned, it is this one. I hope and pray it comes to pass.

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