Because it was an agent of the Deep State attempting to lay blame on DJT and we Deplorables but they got caught with their own surveillance system and now can't hurt DJT, patriots,
or advance the false narrative of "Jan.6 Insurrection"
Same with BLM supporter and capitol police murderer Lt. Michael Leroy Byrd who they haven't named as Ashli Babbit's assassin.
The public should be aware that the FBI is mostly all hat and no cattle. They are the most overrated investigative agency in America. They missed so many red flags over the last few years and the media just this fluffs off. Even when getting direct warnings and information like the Boston Marathon bomber they fail to do a hard-nosed follow up or at times even leave the office. These guys are "hothouse orchids" who have never really did or do actual police work. They are like smart college professors who know all about history but can't change a flat tire or operate an electric screwdriver.
Hoover spent his entire career doing P.R. for this agency and the FBI has gotten over by sitting behind a desk (mostly) and perusing files like analysts at the CIA. They missed the Parkland shooter and the nightclub terrorist in Orlando. Most Police agencies with their failure record would be overhauled on a yearly basis. After the Spygate train wreck no one should expect much from this political hit squad.
Most of their "big" take downs are sting operations. The Whitmer kidnappers for example. They infiltrate a group of incompetent extremists & propose actions that they can assist with. Like supplying them with the weapons, plans & necessary connections. Then before they go through with it, they arrest them. If the FBI hadn't been involved there never would have been a plot. This is done to Muslim extremists as well. It's much easier to create a terroristic plot than it is to actually uncover one.
The "entrapment" trick is just one of their methods of operation. Thing is when teamed up with the DOJ sharks and this "lying to the FBI is a crime" routine they can create leverage against anyone. That is then parlayed into creating paid informants who can at times be the catalyst for any number of crimes and offenses. All spilled into the agencies lap and trumpeted by the media as some great investigative coup. To be fair they have done some very good work on occasion but even a blind mouse gets the cheesy from time to time.
Or when they egged on three jihadis at the 2015 Jihadi Watch Draw Mohammed Contest in Dallas and almost got people killed. These aren't just "mistakes" they are making.
That is pretty much the M.O. of the FBI. They are experts in gleaning credit for other peoples work. Then getting the media to pump up the routine investigative work of others into some great FBI coup.
The symbiosis between the FBI and the agenda driven media is toxic in the extreme. Putting innocent individuals "under the gun" and even in jail is not unheard of. Mike Flynn and Carter Page are just high profile examples of what the FBI is capable of when led by corrupt and politically driven individuals.
At a time in the past they were focused on "organized crime" to get their headlines. Now political investigations and acting as enforcement arms for political operatives has become the order of the day. James Comey was just the "pretty face" for a very ugly organization. They have never been reformed during the history of their existence. That alone is a sure sign of insidious and deep seated institutional rot at the core of any powerful organization and goes double for an enforcement group with police powers.
My grandfather’s first cousin was famous FBI agent Jelly Bryce. He rose from game ranger to Oklahoma City police officer to FBI agent. He was recruited by Hoover in the 1930s when it was realized the FBI needed gunslingers as well as accountants. On his first day on the job as a police officer, a car thief tried to pull a gun. Jelly outdrew him and shot him between the eyes. He’s likely spinning in his grave over what the bureau has become.
Has there been 1 credible domestic attack of Muslims on our soil. 9/11 Saudi and isreal operation duh. But since then .NOTHING. WITH OUT fbi entrapped, and motivated and sponsored. Minor league stuff. Our fbi is a arm of a propaganda beast?? Seen hover preforming felatshio on a cat at a hotel owed by Jewish mobsters??blackmailed . Or modern day epstiened. Black mail by Israel our biggest untalked about issue.
Save your Jew hating conspiracy theories for the Arabs who believe them. Israel's main threat is Iran which funds and supplies weapons to Hamas and Hezbollah. If Israel was going to risk pissing off the USA, it would be to get America to attack Iran, not Afghanistan.
The FBI is now clearly partisan. Like the IC they have been infiltrated by the same types of anti government ideologues they have investigated for years. You could tell when you see a photo of their officers taking a knee to BLM- a self admitted Marxist Organization. The FBI gathers evidence against the powerful and blackmails them with it. They trade it for political power. No more good guys in charge. America was sold out by swamp. Even William Barr. Mueller etc. We were sold out to China.
You can tell the dude is Black from the first photo showing him standing on South Capitol St. If he is part of Black Lives Matter or possibly a Black Antifa agitator the FBI probably isn't too interested in catching him. Yes, they went through the motions of posting a few pics and offering a sizable reward but that's just to appease the general public most likely. Also if the dude lives in D.C. he could be a relative of one of the prominent Democrat politicians who reside in D.C. or the surrounding area. My own personal opinion is that dude is most likely a radical Left Democrat and he planted the pipe bombs as a way to further damage president Trump and his supporters and to solidify the post election administration of Joe Biden. Even many Republicans blamed Trump for the Capitol riot (Democrats called it an insurrection, NO WAY!). The pipe bombs may have been a devious orchestrated plan to try and prevent Trump from running again in 2024. If the Dems actually succeeded in irretrievably tarnishing Trump's reputation going forward. But of course they didn't and evidence after the fact has essentially exonerated Trump from any involvement in the riot in any way, shape or form and Trump actually wanted the National Guard called up to prevent any potential violence during or after his speech on Jan. 6th. Dems tried every way conceivable to blame Trump and make it stick and they continue to parrot the same fake news to this very day because they're terrified he'll run again in 2024. And if Trump becomes President again all of the Dems shady dealings, including stealing the 2020 election and all the other nefarious criminal activity they participated in will hopefully be brought to light and hopefully Joe Biden and his son Hunter will finally face the music for their family crime syndicate which made the Biden family very wealthy at the expense of the American citizenry who are now watching America go down in flames as a direct result of Biden's horrible America LAST policies which prop up our adversaries and our enemies while ripping our nation apart fiscally, morally, racially and socially making Barack Obama look quite tame by comparison. Even if the FBI catches that dude they'll probably give him a very lenient sentence especially if he supports BLM & Antifa in my opinion.
They know who planted those pipe bombs. If they don't, they are the most amateur detectives on the planet. All of the information is at their fingertips. It probably WAS THE FBI that planted the bomb
D.C. police are just as corrupt as the FBI. With those two working together, they weave their own narrative and bury what is necessary... just like Seth Rich. Where's the videos??? Come on, man.
Everything just about in Obummer's reign was a false flag so it's not surprising this Democrat attack on Trump supporters was too. Anything for Democrats and friends to "act". Everything becomes a stage with Democrats and their alphabet organizations. When it comes to events from Ferguson to January 6th, Democrats turn reality to a movie. Everything has to be set by them up to the narrative.
If Covid has taught me anything, it has opened my eyes to a degree of corruption within our alphabet agencies far beyond what I imagined. I have been white-pilled. Depressing and scary at the same time. As corrupt as Obama Admin was, he is not unique- although he may win the prize.
LBJ, Bush and Clinton, among others, tricked the American public into supporting unnecessary wars that cost us our sons and daughters lives and futures. The survivors were left broken as they wrecked countless lives for their own political purposes. How much worse does it get? When lives and children become disposable to the will of political trolls it might be time to stop our self deception that is manufactured by our media to cover these monsters disguised as national leaders.
Just observe Obama's "Greek columns" acceptance speech. Could anything be more "created for effect?" The Dems have mastered the art of political theater and artifice to a point that the pathetic media is now a theatrical prop or coconspirator for their deceitful narratives and stories. What a world we live in!
It seems likely that they know precisely who this individual is, and that person has family or professional ties to someone with clout. For example, he or she could be one of the younger and more radical staff members of a Democratic rep or Senator. Remember when the kid who worked in Maggie Hassan’s office who doxxed a bunch of Republicans in 2018? Alternately, might be the wastrel son or daughter of a big Dem donor.
Less likely. If it were a Republican, it could be added to the Republicans-are-insurrectionists narrative. The FBI isn't particularly supportive of Republicans anyway.
Just recall how sure the FBI and all the accompanying "professional profilers" were in framing the hapless Mr. Jewell. He fit perfectly the powerless individual who could be used as a foil for the incompetent and unconscionable individuals needing a sacrificial lamb to bolster their collective egos and the facade of competence they needed to project. Any individual with an ounce of sense could have determined that Jewell had neither the ability or proclivity to create this type of attack. But the "experts" in our government are not close to being as intelligent most honest citizens. The anthrax investigation was just as botched, yet no one is fired or even held to account for their stupidity and vacuous reasoning. Pay checks are issued and live goes on to the next predictable disaster.
Just like the arrests on 1/6 and the unindicted co-conspirators as written about in amazing piece! The corrupt IC have arrested many Patriots who simply entered and strolled through the halls while not arresting those who were the planners and or instigators (as seen in texts)
The FBI and KGB are kissing cousins. Both utilize age old tricks to imprison citizens who don't toe the gov't line. Most all the legal protesters on 1/6 were just curious people caught up in the moment. No guns and no insurrection.
Except of course when a gov't employee shot and killed an UNARMED female protester. How in the name of God does this killer have his identity protected by the DOJ and no explanation is offered or investigation conducted into this murder of a woman who seemed NOT to be a threat to ANYBODY. I didn't think they could get away with this in any civilized nation on earth. This government is fast becoming a collection of criminals and are losing citizen support by the day. Legal MURDER is now the order of the day. This was a warning to every America that you better not even consider legally protesting any future actions except of course if you are BLM or Antifa. Then burn, pillage and murder is okay with the D.C. criminals.
We cannot trust any of the 3 letter analogy government organizations anymore. They only go after those the democrats tell them to go after and hands off those who support the Communist, Socialist, Marxists, all under the Globalist New World Order agenda. On the news last night, we have many CCP operatives in our government. No wonder DC is a mess....
It’s obvious they are waiting to form a political narrative to use in 2022 election. This once great institution has been taken over by kooks who want nothing more than a job for life. When you get a taste of the tax payer money and benefits it’s hard to shake off. The amount of pay for work is like no other. With no one to answer to and the impossibility of getting fired, who wouldn’t want that job? Government workers are all spoiled. Got a headache in the morning? Call off and get paid to play golf as a reason for healing.
Because it was an agent of the Deep State attempting to lay blame on DJT and we Deplorables but they got caught with their own surveillance system and now can't hurt DJT, patriots,
or advance the false narrative of "Jan.6 Insurrection"
Same with BLM supporter and capitol police murderer Lt. Michael Leroy Byrd who they haven't named as Ashli Babbit's assassin.
Yes. We are WINNING all over the place!
If this is winning, I’m thankful we’re not losing.
You have to be paying attention to real journalists to know it.
The public should be aware that the FBI is mostly all hat and no cattle. They are the most overrated investigative agency in America. They missed so many red flags over the last few years and the media just this fluffs off. Even when getting direct warnings and information like the Boston Marathon bomber they fail to do a hard-nosed follow up or at times even leave the office. These guys are "hothouse orchids" who have never really did or do actual police work. They are like smart college professors who know all about history but can't change a flat tire or operate an electric screwdriver.
Hoover spent his entire career doing P.R. for this agency and the FBI has gotten over by sitting behind a desk (mostly) and perusing files like analysts at the CIA. They missed the Parkland shooter and the nightclub terrorist in Orlando. Most Police agencies with their failure record would be overhauled on a yearly basis. After the Spygate train wreck no one should expect much from this political hit squad.
Most of their "big" take downs are sting operations. The Whitmer kidnappers for example. They infiltrate a group of incompetent extremists & propose actions that they can assist with. Like supplying them with the weapons, plans & necessary connections. Then before they go through with it, they arrest them. If the FBI hadn't been involved there never would have been a plot. This is done to Muslim extremists as well. It's much easier to create a terroristic plot than it is to actually uncover one.
The "entrapment" trick is just one of their methods of operation. Thing is when teamed up with the DOJ sharks and this "lying to the FBI is a crime" routine they can create leverage against anyone. That is then parlayed into creating paid informants who can at times be the catalyst for any number of crimes and offenses. All spilled into the agencies lap and trumpeted by the media as some great investigative coup. To be fair they have done some very good work on occasion but even a blind mouse gets the cheesy from time to time.
Or when they egged on three jihadis at the 2015 Jihadi Watch Draw Mohammed Contest in Dallas and almost got people killed. These aren't just "mistakes" they are making.
They found a garage door pull.
13 agents solved it.
That is pretty much the M.O. of the FBI. They are experts in gleaning credit for other peoples work. Then getting the media to pump up the routine investigative work of others into some great FBI coup.
The symbiosis between the FBI and the agenda driven media is toxic in the extreme. Putting innocent individuals "under the gun" and even in jail is not unheard of. Mike Flynn and Carter Page are just high profile examples of what the FBI is capable of when led by corrupt and politically driven individuals.
At a time in the past they were focused on "organized crime" to get their headlines. Now political investigations and acting as enforcement arms for political operatives has become the order of the day. James Comey was just the "pretty face" for a very ugly organization. They have never been reformed during the history of their existence. That alone is a sure sign of insidious and deep seated institutional rot at the core of any powerful organization and goes double for an enforcement group with police powers.
My grandfather’s first cousin was famous FBI agent Jelly Bryce. He rose from game ranger to Oklahoma City police officer to FBI agent. He was recruited by Hoover in the 1930s when it was realized the FBI needed gunslingers as well as accountants. On his first day on the job as a police officer, a car thief tried to pull a gun. Jelly outdrew him and shot him between the eyes. He’s likely spinning in his grave over what the bureau has become.
I would just add that their analysts, contractors, IT experts and task force officers do the vast majority of the heavy lifting.
Has there been 1 credible domestic attack of Muslims on our soil. 9/11 Saudi and isreal operation duh. But since then .NOTHING. WITH OUT fbi entrapped, and motivated and sponsored. Minor league stuff. Our fbi is a arm of a propaganda beast?? Seen hover preforming felatshio on a cat at a hotel owed by Jewish mobsters??blackmailed . Or modern day epstiened. Black mail by Israel our biggest untalked about issue.
Save your Jew hating conspiracy theories for the Arabs who believe them. Israel's main threat is Iran which funds and supplies weapons to Hamas and Hezbollah. If Israel was going to risk pissing off the USA, it would be to get America to attack Iran, not Afghanistan.
Jew is a simpleton buzz word sheep. We are talking the state of israel
Not jews. Uss liberty is all need be said. .
The FBI is now clearly partisan. Like the IC they have been infiltrated by the same types of anti government ideologues they have investigated for years. You could tell when you see a photo of their officers taking a knee to BLM- a self admitted Marxist Organization. The FBI gathers evidence against the powerful and blackmails them with it. They trade it for political power. No more good guys in charge. America was sold out by swamp. Even William Barr. Mueller etc. We were sold out to China.
You can tell the dude is Black from the first photo showing him standing on South Capitol St. If he is part of Black Lives Matter or possibly a Black Antifa agitator the FBI probably isn't too interested in catching him. Yes, they went through the motions of posting a few pics and offering a sizable reward but that's just to appease the general public most likely. Also if the dude lives in D.C. he could be a relative of one of the prominent Democrat politicians who reside in D.C. or the surrounding area. My own personal opinion is that dude is most likely a radical Left Democrat and he planted the pipe bombs as a way to further damage president Trump and his supporters and to solidify the post election administration of Joe Biden. Even many Republicans blamed Trump for the Capitol riot (Democrats called it an insurrection, NO WAY!). The pipe bombs may have been a devious orchestrated plan to try and prevent Trump from running again in 2024. If the Dems actually succeeded in irretrievably tarnishing Trump's reputation going forward. But of course they didn't and evidence after the fact has essentially exonerated Trump from any involvement in the riot in any way, shape or form and Trump actually wanted the National Guard called up to prevent any potential violence during or after his speech on Jan. 6th. Dems tried every way conceivable to blame Trump and make it stick and they continue to parrot the same fake news to this very day because they're terrified he'll run again in 2024. And if Trump becomes President again all of the Dems shady dealings, including stealing the 2020 election and all the other nefarious criminal activity they participated in will hopefully be brought to light and hopefully Joe Biden and his son Hunter will finally face the music for their family crime syndicate which made the Biden family very wealthy at the expense of the American citizenry who are now watching America go down in flames as a direct result of Biden's horrible America LAST policies which prop up our adversaries and our enemies while ripping our nation apart fiscally, morally, racially and socially making Barack Obama look quite tame by comparison. Even if the FBI catches that dude they'll probably give him a very lenient sentence especially if he supports BLM & Antifa in my opinion.
I think the person is Caucasian, look at the third pic in seeking information series
They know who planted those pipe bombs. If they don't, they are the most amateur detectives on the planet. All of the information is at their fingertips. It probably WAS THE FBI that planted the bomb
D.C. police are just as corrupt as the FBI. With those two working together, they weave their own narrative and bury what is necessary... just like Seth Rich. Where's the videos??? Come on, man.
Guys! This isn’t really a dangerous deplorable bomber. It is a plant and just one part of a mostly false flag event.
Everything just about in Obummer's reign was a false flag so it's not surprising this Democrat attack on Trump supporters was too. Anything for Democrats and friends to "act". Everything becomes a stage with Democrats and their alphabet organizations. When it comes to events from Ferguson to January 6th, Democrats turn reality to a movie. Everything has to be set by them up to the narrative.
If Covid has taught me anything, it has opened my eyes to a degree of corruption within our alphabet agencies far beyond what I imagined. I have been white-pilled. Depressing and scary at the same time. As corrupt as Obama Admin was, he is not unique- although he may win the prize.
LBJ, Bush and Clinton, among others, tricked the American public into supporting unnecessary wars that cost us our sons and daughters lives and futures. The survivors were left broken as they wrecked countless lives for their own political purposes. How much worse does it get? When lives and children become disposable to the will of political trolls it might be time to stop our self deception that is manufactured by our media to cover these monsters disguised as national leaders.
Just observe Obama's "Greek columns" acceptance speech. Could anything be more "created for effect?" The Dems have mastered the art of political theater and artifice to a point that the pathetic media is now a theatrical prop or coconspirator for their deceitful narratives and stories. What a world we live in!
It seems likely that they know precisely who this individual is, and that person has family or professional ties to someone with clout. For example, he or she could be one of the younger and more radical staff members of a Democratic rep or Senator. Remember when the kid who worked in Maggie Hassan’s office who doxxed a bunch of Republicans in 2018? Alternately, might be the wastrel son or daughter of a big Dem donor.
I, too, believe the ID is being withheld for this reason. Though, it can just as easily be a Republican rep or senator, yeah?
Less likely. If it were a Republican, it could be added to the Republicans-are-insurrectionists narrative. The FBI isn't particularly supportive of Republicans anyway.
It’s a female
who identifies as nonbinary
We know it wasn't Richard Jewell.
Just recall how sure the FBI and all the accompanying "professional profilers" were in framing the hapless Mr. Jewell. He fit perfectly the powerless individual who could be used as a foil for the incompetent and unconscionable individuals needing a sacrificial lamb to bolster their collective egos and the facade of competence they needed to project. Any individual with an ounce of sense could have determined that Jewell had neither the ability or proclivity to create this type of attack. But the "experts" in our government are not close to being as intelligent most honest citizens. The anthrax investigation was just as botched, yet no one is fired or even held to account for their stupidity and vacuous reasoning. Pay checks are issued and live goes on to the next predictable disaster.
Just like the arrests on 1/6 and the unindicted co-conspirators as written about in amazing piece! The corrupt IC have arrested many Patriots who simply entered and strolled through the halls while not arresting those who were the planners and or instigators (as seen in texts)
The FBI and KGB are kissing cousins. Both utilize age old tricks to imprison citizens who don't toe the gov't line. Most all the legal protesters on 1/6 were just curious people caught up in the moment. No guns and no insurrection.
Except of course when a gov't employee shot and killed an UNARMED female protester. How in the name of God does this killer have his identity protected by the DOJ and no explanation is offered or investigation conducted into this murder of a woman who seemed NOT to be a threat to ANYBODY. I didn't think they could get away with this in any civilized nation on earth. This government is fast becoming a collection of criminals and are losing citizen support by the day. Legal MURDER is now the order of the day. This was a warning to every America that you better not even consider legally protesting any future actions except of course if you are BLM or Antifa. Then burn, pillage and murder is okay with the D.C. criminals.
or he's a member of the three letter agencies, and they don't want to follow up on the matter till they have a scapegoat.
Because he, the bomber is most likely connected to the FBI
We cannot trust any of the 3 letter analogy government organizations anymore. They only go after those the democrats tell them to go after and hands off those who support the Communist, Socialist, Marxists, all under the Globalist New World Order agenda. On the news last night, we have many CCP operatives in our government. No wonder DC is a mess....
It’s obvious they are waiting to form a political narrative to use in 2022 election. This once great institution has been taken over by kooks who want nothing more than a job for life. When you get a taste of the tax payer money and benefits it’s hard to shake off. The amount of pay for work is like no other. With no one to answer to and the impossibility of getting fired, who wouldn’t want that job? Government workers are all spoiled. Got a headache in the morning? Call off and get paid to play golf as a reason for healing.
"Kooks"? Oh, no, we WISH they were just "kooks."
Kooks not spooks! LOL
It is a woman and the FBI is too busy investigating ropes in garages to worry about this.
The FBI is an embarrassment to this country, so corrupt