Zero consequences for Biden's clear, corrupt and criminal behavior.......We all know nothing will be done.....More Congressional Theater......

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And he was VP at that time. If I'm not mistaken, the VP doesn't have the same rights to classified documents as the president has. Briben has an infinite number of "get out of jail free" cards.

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Blair, the issue of VP is critical. As President Donald Trump was protected by the Presidential Records Act--and Jack Smith knows it. Worse, Hur and Biden both agree an outgoing President when they leave office what's in their possession is their PRIVATE property. 10 articles and growing on Classified at danbutterfield.substack.com that exonerate Trump.

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Thanks, Dan! I'll check it out! Much appreciated!

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Exactly. Just another horse and pony show.

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I read a post the other day and it summarizes what we see each and every day! Great article.

Once you realize that the entire federal government is literally one giant crime syndicate, the world starts making perfect sense.

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Scott Ritter says our C-A runs a parallel government - abroad, military, etc.

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The hardest thing to swallow next is that satanist criminals rule the world and always will.

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The media seizing upon an attack of Hur and his findings. For God’s sake, ANYONE who has ever had a grandparent with dementia, sees and understands what’s going on with Biden. Perhaps the only regret as that we didn’t have access to the same drugs that would have made them more ‘normal’ for a few hours. In any event, this is all meaningless…..the rest of the world, the DNC, the media, etc., etc., all know that Biden is compromised. He will not be the candidate in 2024, despite how much Jill wants to remain First Lady.

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Of course they know! This is a sideshow for the masses. Getting people riled up. It is one giant play and the the entire thing--entire thing--is staged.

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So well put Inisfad. I most assuredly would have wished for those same "cocktails" that they feed to Biden would have been available to my mom who has since passed.

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Those drugs (amphetamines such as Adderal and Ritalin) are extremely addictive. Not sure you'd have wanted to put your mother through that. You saw how Biden was the next day - if anything, his cognitive abilities were worse than usual.

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In her late 80's and early 90's I do believe completely they would have made her last 10 years or so much more beneficial. Addiction at that point in your life is not much of a consideration.

I worked in neurology research for over 20 years. Addiction vs. a much more enjoyable end of life would have been a benefit to her and to her family caretakers.

Balancing the pros and cons are always a thought out consideration Anne!

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Sundance at Conservative Treehouse has said they just need a candidate to make things appear close - for the next steal.

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Inisfad, You hit it perfectly. It is not his age rather his aging. Worse, every American knows a family member or friend who has not aged well. Read: Biden's issue isn't age--it's aging, Rolodex Joe and The Liberal Media desperately wants to make 2024 all about age--at danbutterfield.substack.com

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Talk about chutzpah!

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., accused special counsel Robert Hur of being "deeply prejudicial" with his report on President Biden and that he was "naive" to think it wouldn't be used in a partisan way.


View this farce in the context of the avalanche of lies from Schiff's mouth!

There are no words strong enough to express my loathing of Schiff and California will install him in the US Senate!

Newly released documents show he, Schiff, knew there was no proof of Russia-Trump collusion.


'Evidence in plain sight' of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says


So much more but, did Schiff ever show this evidence? Nope! He’s a lying POSchiff.

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It’s frustrating that most Americans are so intellectually lazy that they will buy the MSM talking points tonight. Just as they did with COVID, the vax, Russia Gate, the laptop, Charleston, the pee-pee tape, J6…

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There is a tipping point. Mr. Biden cannot hide his condition from the average American. Worse, for President Biden his aging issue is not ABSTRACT to the general public. Read more at danbutterfield.substack.com

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You don't think there's a point of no return--or you believe the point of no return is already here?

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Psyop. Plain and simple.

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You believe you're being clever--but you're cryptic. If you wish to say something speak in plain English. Your comments do no communicate diddly squat.

Sadly, you may have something of value to input, but your approach belies any value.

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Ok. Stay with me now. One word to make it not very difficult.

Psyop - actions designed to influence the perceptions and attitudes of individuals, groups, and foreign governments.

I'm quite certain this isn't cryptic whatsoever. Maybe it is and I don't realize it yet?

Oh I have plenty of value to input. Problem is nobody wants to hear the truth.

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It still astonishes me that the default position for democrats is to lie. We know their deceit doesn’t end in a court room or congressional hearing. As M. Scott Peck writes about in his book(s), they are “People of the Lie.”

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They've been deeply infected with the post-modernist thought mind virus. Post-modernists reject the existence of objective truth. Everything to the post-modernist is simply a narrative. These are their narratives and, as crazy as they sound to normal people, they're sticking with them. It's "their truth."

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When did the post-modernist world begin?

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Well, the term itself goes back to 1870 but in its current form it pretty much started in France with philosophers like Foucault and Derrida in the 1960s-70s. But it hadn't completely infected the Left until, I'd say, the early 2000s.

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Now we're in the 'post-truth' world, dated from circa turn of the 21st century.

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Sadly, if said with confidence most people believe the lie. Is it because most people reside in the pre-modernist world?

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Has DC always been this rigged and unethical?

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Yes the corruption dates back generations but the scale has never been so imbalanced. My Washington career began in the Watergate era and by the end of Reagan's second term the corruption I saw as Beltway Bandit in computer networking contracting was far too corrupt to be a part of despite the wildly lavish lifestyle it provided. Since then it's gotten worse by the year and my skills from the dark side still my best defensive weapons! :~)

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@ShipwreckedCrew is a former career DOJ federal prosecutor (Bill Shipley). He's currently representing numerous J6 defendants and has secured some favorable results after others bubbled cases.

I believe he stated two primary reasons for the increased biased and / or corrupt institutions. He claims the DOJ used to be primarily non ideological, but then Obama & Holder started hiring from ideological sources. Second, the FBI changed from hiring a lot of ex Military (lean conservative), to hiring from college campuses (largely liberal). The new recruits are already bent one direction.

On top of this, for some reason Donald Trump drove them mad. I asked my professor friend at a DC university why he hated Trump in 2016, and I've received no answer. I know he hates him lambasting 'Fake News'.

I've never felt, nor felt in others, the discontent in our institutions we have today. Thank you for your reply.

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From my perspective Trump did a few things to rock the establishment boat.. often he blurted out inconvenient truths like US staying in Syria to steal the oil or remarks about US record of violence abroad.. Trump also put more eyes on Washington than they ever had before and just paying attention cramps the DC Mafia style.. Trump also broke the idea that Uncle Sam ran a Federal system with its parts in harmony as far as intelligence and law enforcement and the selective abuses of those were laid bare for very many too.

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Threatening a 10% cut across the board gained him no friends. A friend worked for HUD, and they were rushing the screening process in our area to add new FTEs. Same for threatening to pull out of NATO.

An acquaintance worked for the State Dept. They gave his wife a job teaching art to school children in whatever impoverished country they moved to. So I assume she has a Federal pension as well. (Her chief complaint was once you figured a country out, they transfered you to a new country.)

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In House panel hearing, AG Garland insists he and the DOJ are independent



Biden, Harris pledge to keep politics out of DOJ


Biden Taps Former Hunter Biden Colleague To Lead Office of the Special Counsel


Biden Appoints Hunter Biden Associated Lawyer to DOJ Criminal Division

“The department revealed on Inauguration Day that it had tapped Nicholas McQuaid as acting assistant attorney general overseeing the criminal division.”


“Clark, a partner at New York-based firm Latham & Watkins, worked with Nicholas McQuaid on at least four different cases when he was also a partner at the practice, court records indicate.”


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It'd immediately stop if Americans had the balls to do something about it.

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Killing satire one pathetic performance at a time.. This would be an SNL skit in 1980s.. instead the Morning Joe Maddow faithful fawn over SOTU like recycled city on the hill fluff rivals Churchill.

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Fawn? You made me recall,

(Fawing) Mika Brzezinski flirted with Donald Trump and lovingly caressed his hair when he appeared on ‘Morning Joe.’ (Image: BPR screengrab)


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Fab find thank you!! :~)

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YouTube scrubbed it, so I had to look further and found it in the one I posted, but I imagine it, too, will be "disappeared" by the Orwellians.

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More reasons Wayback has been my favorite site on the web for two decades.. see something save something & do our best to keep it free from censor paws!


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You're correct. I always forget about this.

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Pamela, It cannot be overstated when the Liberal media turns on a Democrat--it's serious. President Biden can't hide from his aging. Read about it at danbutterfield.substack.com--under Election2024

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Over decades traveling cyberspace one thing is unchanged.. comments saying 'go read my link and guess what my point is' are unhelpful and more irritating than gum on my shoe.

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PamelaDrew, I don't disagree. But before you condemn me please give my site a chance--it's free.

if you don't find value then by all means make your comments as its value.

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Sorry my successful time management strategy will not change.. if there's a comment that sparks my interest maybe I'll click the link for more but not into uninspired efforts.

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that's fine. But to condemn without cause is what is happening to Donald Trump--do you think that's fair?

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I once knew a girl named Lisa Butterface.

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Why is this classified documents thing heating up all of a sudden? I get this general feeling, as the media heat gets turned up against Biden and the media heat cools down for Trump (all these miraculous wins from the multiple Trump persecutions--rising from the ashes like a hero)--that all roads lead to Trump.

I feel that despite some necessary anti-Trump rhetoric to make it all believable, we are being steered to a Trump win. Since he still touts these "vaccines" as "miracles" and credits them for saving millions of lives" and backs obviously RINO candidates, I believe more every day that he is one of them, just playing his part exceptionally well.

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Oh my gracious. If you still are so undecided and still questioning President Trump, I'm afraid there is no hope for you.

Whoever are you receiving your crazed and inaccurate information from? "Touting the vaccine and backing RINOS". When is he saying this "still"? This is crazed!

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Mar 12·edited Mar 13

Betsy--you are clearly far out of touch.

This just happened: Donald Trump just endorsed the worst Deep State candidate this cycle.

Former Congressman Mike Rogers is a full-blown RINO. He's a NeoCon. He's part of the Romney/Cheney wing of the Republican Establishment. And perhaps most importantly, he's a self-avowed NeverTrumper.

Second, Trump has said MANY times he thinks the vaccines are the greatest thing to ever happen. He has called them "miracles" and recently on Tucker, reiterated the same garbage. His children also advertise their love for the covid vaccines. They are all bald-faced liars. Trump also tweeted just a few days ago that he is the one who should take credit for the vaccines when Biden announced that not only did the vaccines save us from covid, they are being used to cure cancer.

So, yes, "still." That's the least of it. You should investigate the EOs he pushed through when he took office. All promoting the deep state agenda. Nice and quiet.

Wake the F up.

Am I "still” questioning President Trump?" Um, yeah, I will ALWAYS stay vigilant and question everything and everyone. That is my civic duty. It is not my job to obsessively follow one man as the only savior for our planet. That's called mental illness, dubbed TDS by most most people.

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'Am I "still questioning President Trump?" Um, yeah, I will ALWAYS stay vigilant and question everything and everyone. That is my civic duty. It is not my job to obsessively follow one man as the only savior for our planet. That's called mental illness, dubbed TDS by most most people.'


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I couldn't have said it any better.

FINALLY!! Someone that's a real critical thinker.

Thank you sir.

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That's "ma'am" to you :)

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Heavens to Betsy well well. There is alot to doubt about Trump. How about still promoting the covid vax? How about him championing 5G? How about bold claims of "having it all" and "catching them all in the act" yet after 8 years nothing has happened?

If your family was murdered and immediately after the prosecuter told you don't worry we have all the evidence we need and we caught them in the act. Then 8 years later nothing had been done about it would you have doubts?

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It's the deep state method. Say all the right things and do nothing, for decades on end. Most people just want to hear him say it and don't have time to see what happens. Nothing happens. No swamp arrests, no wall, no nothing--just a lot of juicy sound bytes that get his base going.

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I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

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Not to mention Trump's statements in late summer/early fall 2021, "I think you'll have a very very Happy Christmas!" ==> Followed by horrifyingly distressing AZ election audit results.

And his & Scavino's many Truths touting the Big Beautiful 2022 Red Wave INCOMING!! ==> Followed by a disappointing 2022 midterm

And his statement last Sept. 25th: "Less than 5 months from now, we’re going to defeat crooked Joe Biden, we’re going to take back our country, and we’re going to Make America Great Again!!" ==> which, um, did NOT happen by Feb. 25th.

Trump is a showman who makes outlandish statements to keep his lower-IQ or gullible flock entertained and encouraged.

He knows that if The Big Steal is truly unbeatable -or- if his base becomes demoralized, DJT shall NOT win in November.

Trump simply does NOT know whether the Steal can be overcome. So he struggles and bluffs his way forward. He is a master at negotiating and blundering forth, with an outlying chance that he might possibly win if the Steal is not set in stone yet.

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Dear God, I hope you are wrong.

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I do too.

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Hur report is a boon for Donald Trump. Everything Trump is being charged with Biden did worse--and Hillary Clinton even worse. Read: all about it at danbutterfield.substack.com under Classified.

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Just in time for Election 2024 as it was for Election 2016

Comey-Clinton 2.0

Don’t be fooled by Robert “Ya doesn’t have to call me Ben” Hur.

This is an IC person whitewashing obvious, irrefutable criminality doing the “no reasonable prosecutor” routine to let Biden skate, just as Clinton skated before Election 2016.

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Don't forget that the lies are used to flatter the vanity of the weak-minded. They're the good people, the compassionate people, non-judgmental people, the people "we've been waiting for." It flatters them and allows them to feel good about themselves and, the arrogant asses many of them are, they easily buy into it. They're "the good guys." Even if they believe in truth, they have no reason to look for it because it may show them to be less than the stellar "Hate Has No Home Here" virtue signalers they are. As an example, a lot of them bought into the defunding the police narrative of 2020 because it made them feel good about themselves and their racial essentialism. They don't know, don't care, and would never look up the fact that it resulted in an enormous increase in black murder victims, not at the hands of police but at the hands of their fellow blacks. If they looked that up, they'd have to come face to face with the fact that they are indirectly responsible for these deaths. And then they couldn't feel good about themselves. So they don't. They want to believe the lies.

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A chance to watch the hearings and what do I see? Swallowswell acting like the shit he truly is and Jerkapal lying through her teeth saying Hur exhonerated Biden. When he replied no she said the time was hers and, of course, gave no chance for him to say anything. What a waste. If you want the truth don’t let a politician say a word.

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AFTER watching the hearing yesterday:

DEMOCRATS - Attacking Trump! Trump! Trump! Attacking Hur - Schiff -->Your entire purpose was to harm Biden's reelection chances! You knew that the remark " a well meaning elderly man with a poor memory" would harm his campaign! Johnson -->You're a Federalist! You're a republican! Raskin & Nadler --> make me want to puke!🤮

The ONLY way that Hur could justify not bringing criminal charges was by, in essence, saying Biden was not mentally fit to stand trial. Sucks to be a democrat when incompetence is the only way to avoid an indictment. Then in typical democrat fashion, they attack the man that let Biden off the hook.

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As a former military intelligence analyst, I can assure you that foreign governments and leaders, especially those hostile to the USA, pay sharp attention to any of the weaknesses of the US, especially its top leaders. This factors in a lot when they plot their nefarious doings. And now since the Chinese CCP leaders have bragged how they have compromised "the highest levels" of the US government, we know they are not just talking about Biden and friends. with Biden's obvious mental incapacity, I can tell you this: The USA is in very deep trouble and we are going to see these foreign enemies take action while the chance remains. And that will surely be before Trump gets reelected. Its better for them to have Trump come in at the end of Act 1. He'll have great trouble getting his footing.

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Do post-modernists believe each other?

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I don’t think they truly “believe” anything. Truth is malleable to them, along with facts. It’s why they can so easily switch gears and deny what they fully believed in yesterday with nary a moments hesitation. Also why they can turn on one another in a heartbeat.

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Beats me. But they shouldn't.

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