The neocon fantasies of 1945 Germany need to get thrown in the trash. Once the Nazis were deposed, Germany was able to revert back to its parliamentary pre-Nazi past. Afghanistan never had any such parallel. Additionally, the neolib fantasies about imposing New York gender norms on Afghanistan need to get thrown out. I saw an article not too long ago saying that we need to support more women entrepreneurs in Afghanistan. No, we need to start with "child rape is bad" first. Treating Kabul like it's New York or London, well, got us to exactly where we are now.

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Love him or hate him Trump at least saw the gaggle of American elected officials and their "experts" as the clowns that they are. These DEAD Americans were sacrificed at the alter of those advisors and State Dept. experts ego driven assurances.

When is the public going to "get it?" Our gov't is made up of very mediocre and ideologically driven jackasses. Individuals at every level of the military (except the D.C. bozos) could have given a better assessment for success in this country that is only a country in name only.

On and on it goes with the children of America being killed and maimed to satisfy the military/industrial's unending quest for profits and power. It is long past time that the neo-con war mongers be identified and either ignored or held responsible for their actions and "advice." Elected officials MUST feel the lash of the voters and the outrage of the citizens who are tired to death of the failed policies of both Parties. This constant utilization of the military to fulfill the dumb whim of every POTUS and lying Congressperson must be stopped.

The faux fear campaigns have already begun with predictions of new terrorist acts on American soil. When, IF EVER, will people get wise to the ghouls always calling for war to solve every problem. This is a media problem too. They seem to ignore every military mess and never out those who have a history of pushing for military action at every turn. Media cheer leading is a big part of the on going problem.

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Aug 16, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

“police and soldiers did not want to put their lives on the line for a government that was corrupt and prone to neglect them.”

Pay attention. The same will be true in the US.

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Completely agree with this. I was draft age during the Vietnam War (1960's). Never was drafted, but my opinion of American military adventures and who benefited was formed as a result. The Dems & GOP are equally at fault. Treason is, if anything, too weak a word for what the political class has done to us. If it was possible to take all the benefits from war from those who received them, and punishment to every one of them for all the dead and wounded, it still would be too little.

Thank you for this article. You also have the right solution: Turn to God.

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Aug 16, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Let's not forget former ISAF Commander General John Allen who evidently spent most of his time emailing a big-titted Tampa socialite (not his wife) while his marines and soldiers were dying in the field. 30,000 pages of emails.

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Aug 16, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

"United States has a moral and biblical obligation to protect the Afghan people from the Taliban"

I was there as reserve Civil Affairs NCO 2002-2003, 2009-10. The Taliban and people are one and the same outside Kabul, 90% of Pashtunwali. Told more than once, "You Americans will eventually leave."

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Aug 19, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

I know that Dan Bongino reads your stuff and quotes your stuff occasionally. If you didn’t watch his 8/17/2021 podcast yesterday, you probably should as he gives a good explanation of what all of those people died for. It wasn’t them who made this huge screw up. That was Biden and Company. I will add that while it seems like it was all for nothing it really wasn’t. Our soldiers saved lives and made a difference. Despite the feckless Biden administration dropping the ball.

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Great read and on point sadly.

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Hey Milley, Are you concerned with Afghan rage?

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Wish we could hold any number of these people to account for this!

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Americans did not die for this, but Americans who voted for Biden voted for this and blood is on their hands. Whether they realize it or not.

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Brutal truth in that there. Now scooch over: 30,000 ilhan omars are on their way.

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America did nothing but import corruption(its best known feature) to Afghanistan

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Free Assange now!

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"The Bush administration was in a rather bizarre bind after 9/11. They had to take out the Taliban. And they knew that to take out the Taliban, that would mean doing some rebuilding of the country. However, this should not have been a 20-year open-ended commitment. Just like an addict who can't get off the meth, you can't make someone do what you want him to do, even if it's in his own best interest. There is a saying among Afghans: you can't buy their loyalty, but you can rent it for a little while. These words are prophetic and sad — yet also so very true. Many Afghans also do not understand the concept of working together; thus, the concept of trying to make an army out of a group of people who view themselves as members of a tribe rather than as a united country was bound to fail."

Prophetic. Too bad the pinheads in DC cannot grasp such a simple set of facts.


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Why aren't we turning that palace into rubble?

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