Walz's actions are all being grouped under the general heading of "stolen valor". But really, the worst part of what he did is not the "stolen valor" part at all, i.e. his falsely claiming service he did not actually perform. By far, the worst thing he did was to abandon his brothers and sisters in arms on the eve of their going into battle. Abandoning his comrades at the moment they needed him most, at the moment of maximum danger, when he had a fiduciary duty to help protect them is something MUCH, MUCH WORSE than "stolen valor". The label "stolen valor" does not begin to express how low it was for him to walk out on his military comrades when they needed him most. The words "coward" and "traitor" come closer to the mark.

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What's worse Walz stolen valor or Vances ties to harvesting adrenachrome?

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Thank you for the post!!

Here is a link to the Google Scholar search on adrenachrome, from Democratic Underground*



* not really

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After all the actual facts have come to light and now the lies are known nationwide, walz may have been the worst pick for Harris. Trump 2024 for the truth.

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Walz is already a problem for Harris because he's no longer able to attack JD Vance with abandon. He can't even use the Democrats line that Trump is a coward. Trump got shot and walked of the stage defiant and bleeding, while Walz ducked out of deployment to Iraq through "retirement".


Regardless of what Walz thought or intended at the time, the optics do not look good in a national Presidential contest. And Walz can't make many character attacks on Trump or Vance without quickly becoming himself the focus of the debate.

That's not helpful for a campaign that is based on character attacks of Donald Trump.

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Plus Walz is such a loose cannon loud-mouth that he's a target rich oppo research team's wet dream

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What about Vances ties to adrenachrome harvesting?

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Kamala picks her "new Barbie Doll".

a) "Barbie Kelly" astronaut, military (?), China & Spy Balloons R Us

b) "Barbie Shapiro" Governor, good at ignoring stolen elections

c) "Barbie Tampon Tim" military, BLM & Antifa hostess, LOVES China

When do we get "solid citizens" back???

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Orange Jesus can even complete a sentence or a cogent thought. As a “PhD”, you should be able to recognize this failure.

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What makes sense is all his ties to China

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Harris and Walz - The Loon and the Liar

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Which is which?

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Hey, stop with the hard questions! 🤷‍♂️ Your choice!

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I wanted to say that what he did was really not too bad. But, after reading all this and seeing how he lied, I’m thinking it truly is stolen valor. As a retired active duty guy, I don’t appreciate his inflating and lying about what he did. Abhorrent! Guys that did the real stuff gave their lives. He did nothing in comparison.

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Don't be a sucker. This is a one-sided hit piece. It's called swift boating. Walz served for 24 years and deserves the chance to be heard.

The - in war - smear is total BS. He was trying to make an argument about gun control. He didn't say combat. He wasn't trying to embellish his record. He was trying to make a political argument.

The stuff about leaving the service is BS. Every soldier since 9/11 left during war. Should they all be slammed for leaving soldiers behind to continue fighting, or is it just Walz? Walz served 24 years. He deployed and left his family behind. He was honorably discharged.

The alternative is a guy that lied and tried to overthrow a legally certified election. At one point, you swore to defend your country against that.

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And you’re full of it. A guy who spent years in the military doesn’t lie about his rank and play games about where he served. I’ll never say I’m a general or tell you I went to war in Vietnam or Iraq or Afghanistan. I’ll leave that to your asshat veep wannabe.

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You're free to address what I wrote. You clearly didn't.

Walz didn't say combat and has been clear he wasn't in it. He stated the exact rank he served at. Retiring at a lower rank doesn't change that.

The stolen valor argument is a flat out lie.

Walz is infinitely better than Trump. Trump is the biggest liar on Earth. Stop pretending you give a shit about the truth.

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Aug 9Liked by Techno Fog

Thanks Techno for a good summary of the Walz biography issues.

I will direct you/others to a recent Fox & Friends Trump interview where someone asked him if he interacted with Gov Walz during Trump presidency. Trump said during Floyd riots, Walz called him because there were patriotic protestors in front of his residence waiving an American flag and Walz was very concerned that this protest was going to get out of hand because he only had one guard at the mansion. He asked Trump to put out the word that Walz was a good person. Trump obliged.

Seems to me Walz's priorities are pretty warped.

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One of Donald Trump's more interesting responses during his Mar-A-Lago press conference was on the abortion question, in which he connected Tim Walz to former Virginia governor Ralph Northam's support for infanticide.

While I have not seen Walz make a statement as loathsome as Northam's, Minnesota's PRO Act allows for abortion right up until the moment of birth. There are NO restrictions applied.

Which puts Walz at a minimum right next to Northam's infanticide position.


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Colorado has the same "unlimited" time to decide right up to the moment of birth....

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One of the paradoxical aspects of the abortion debate has always been that a victory for one side ends up empowering the other. The Dobbs decision empowered several liberal states to push through extreme abortion laws, which in turn are likely to empower pro-life advocacy this election cycle.

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Letting patients and doctors make medical decisions is not extreme. It's freedom.

Walz is right - Mind your own damn business.

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Truly disgusting. It's using people's suffering to play political games.

The late term situations are when a pregnancy has gone wrong. The baby was wanted. The family is going through a terrible time because they are losing that baby.

Walz is right - Mind your own damn business. Let the doctors and the parents decide make their own medical decisions.

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Spare me the pious virtue signalling.

The reality of abortion is that it is the intentional destruction of a unique human being.


Every abortion kills an actual person. You want to pretend it doesn't, that's on you.

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Since when are facts virtue signaling?

Your BS about "unique" is virtue signaling. Each sperm is "unique." Each egg is "unique." Go ahead and cry about them.

The pregnancy is unwanted. That person can have another "unique" pregnancy when ready. It isn't as if you give a shit. You aren't go to take any responsibility for the "unique" birth you forced. You get virtue signal and then walk away.

We just watched the right fight not to be safe and not get vaccinated so they could be Typhoid Marys carelessly spreading a deadly disease that killed well over a million "unique" people. Stop pretending you give a shit about human life.

We watch the right do nothing after every mass shooting that kills kids. Guns are the #1 killer of kids. Each kid was"unique." Stop pretending you give a shit about human life.

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The fact is that when sperm and ovum unite a unique person is created, with a unique DNA profile.

That is Biology 101.

The law has recognized for decades that a DNA profile identifies an individual person, complete with all legal, civil, and human rights. Incidentally, what has often been overlooked in Roe v Wade was Blackmun's concession that if personhood were ever established for the unborn child, all justifications for abortion collapse immediately.

The advent of DNA evidence, which has extended in the courts even to the issuance of "John Doe" arrest warrants, is exactly that establishment of personhood that Blackmun feared. After the Alabama IVF lawsuit, it is only a matter of time before this legal reality is fully expressed by a court ruling.

If you cannot defend abortion within the context of killing someone, you cannot defend abortion period.

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he's a Communist.

Traveled each year since 1995 to China, taught in China, paid by China, married in China.

Made in China??

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Trump… on his knees to pleasure Putin.

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Dem troll is all.

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Stop it Steve, you're making a fool of yourself.

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Don’t be a HO for the deranged Orange man. Watch his deranged news conference.

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You have a severe case of TDS and need serious help

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Of course, you'd still follow him if murdered someone on 5th Avenue. To most people that's an epic diss, to a blind follower not so much.

How many MAGA are now felons for following Trump and being at the Capitol on J6?

Why isn't Mike Pence on the he ticket? Oh wait, he refused to help overthrow a legally certified Presidential election.

I've learned a lot from Trump:

Don't use payoffs to a pornstar as a business expense.

If your former employer asks for their documents back, just return them.

If the election is certified, stop lying about it and respect the results. You can run again.

No, Putin wasn't smart for invading Ukraine.

No, injecting disinfectant is not a good idea.

If you ignore warnings about a Pandemic, lots of people will die and your economy will be fucked.

Tax cuts for the rich create massive deficits.

Building a wall doesn't work.

No, there weren't any good people carrying Tiki Torches.

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Biden said if Trump wins there will not be a peaceful transfer of power. Yes, we know that to senile old bag

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Womp womp. The NPC is strong in this one. What did Putin ever do to the United States?

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Steve 's got the Jones for President Trump.


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Good luck finding a Democrat voter who cares whether Walz lied about his service. It's mistake to think Democrats vote on character, substance, authenticity, morals or ethics. They are happy to obediently follow and defend anyone the celebrity du jour tells them to vote for.

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Unfortunate and possible. I was thinking similarly until we were shown the CNN ‘he lied’ clip. Dems love CNN, so…. Perhaps there’s more possible in a diff direction

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I can’t help but wonder if this is Barry’s way to take Kamala out of the political arena forever. Will they look at this as a throw away campaign and put all their cheating toward the Senate and Congressional races so they can continue to go after Trump until 2028?

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No, because they will win the election easily by just continuing what they are doing. Hide Kamala from interviews and run on vibes and cackles.

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We didn't choose Biden.

Biden didn't choose Harris.

Harris didn't choose Walz.

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Frankly, I don’t understand this. Surely the Harris campaign would have vetted Walz and seen all the issues that choosing him as VP would present. It’s almost like this was done purposefully (in my conspiratorial mind) which makes me wonder….why???

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Harris is infamous for how lazy she is and how she fails to do the necessary prep work before she sets out.

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I don't get it either. He HAD to be vetted. All the CCP connections, stolen valor, allowing the killing of full term babies. They had to know.

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We didn't choose Biden.

Biden didn't choose Harris.

Harris didn't choose Walz.

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Or are they simply more brazen?

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Walz demonstrates the type of person they value on their team.

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Joe, You are completely off base with any reference to “adrenachrome!” Take off your tin foil hat and do some real research. Get out of your basement and read a book!

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Kamala Harris Needs To Explain Why She Was At DNC Headquarters On Jan. 6, 2021 Instead Of The Capital

The DOJ took till November 2021 to "correct the mistake" and admit Harris was at the DNC. As a sitting Senator, her job was to be at the Capital validating Electoral votes.

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Key information:

"Kamala’s campaign faces its first real controversy. And it started soon after she picked Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate.

After his selection, a tweet from @KamalaHQ featured a video of Walz’s falsely claiming that he served “in war.” This statement was made in a Minnesota town hall, a fabrication of his military history - stolen valor - to promote gun confiscation and the curtailment of Second Amendment rights. "

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Walz's behavior is another example of how a weasel rises amongst all the other weasels that make up the Democrat party. Lie, con, misrepresent. Reality is what they make it for themselves. Nothing is sacred to these weasels other than their own rise in power and wealth. Narcissist behavior again on display. Disgusting not only is this behavior, but also the people of Minnesota putting up with it.

"They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate."

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How’s that koolaid Christian Nationalist?

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How’s that little boy dick, kiddie diddler?

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Showing your ( lack of) intelligence.

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Make America THINK Again.

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