Dec 4, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Seems this tangled affair is slowly being untangled. When the history of this collusion hoax is written hopefully it will serve as a warning to campaign operatives and other unscrupulous lawyers, intelligence operatives and candidates that there are some boundaries that are too risky to cross.

Currently campaign operatives and candidates are unfettered criminals doing exactly what they please regardless of the legality, damage or personal character assassination that may come from their actions. Really would be nice to see some of these criminal conspirators go to an actual prison.

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My fantasy was always to see Sally Yates and Andrew Weissmann perp-walked first. These scumbag thugs have been inflicting injustice and arrogantly hiding their crimes for decades.

And I always gagged at Weissmann's gushing over Yates.

I always thought it'd be just for Yates to be sold to her beloved "refugee" slave holders to help defray the legal costs of some who she'd falsely accused. Maybe she could then get a sense of why many of us supported the incorrectly-named "Muslim ban."

I have to pray each day not to hate these treasonous people, especially since the "secret cabal" outright stole the WH and seem desperate to destroy America as fast as they can.

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Hopefully your and many others fantasy will be realized. Those two are the a special kind of evil. Weissman knew definitively that the Russian collusion story was a hoax from very early on. He still joined the Muller's crazed investigation. Then erased ALL the cellphone texts before getting a subpoena. A jail cell would be too good for him. Just the sight of his arrogant face is revolting.

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Mueller was a hollow suit for liberal prosecution. Just like the hollow suit at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

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What is the penalty for treason? 🤔

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Does it matter? Since the only vehicle for prosecution is the corrupt DOJ these political operatives, disguised as gov't investigators, will never be called to account. For now the only route for justice to take is thru the ballot box. Overwhelming nationwide election defeats, that can't be "stolen" might lead to some reckoning down the road. Don't hold your breath since the leftists are wily snakes and usually slither out of accountability. Exposing them to sunlight is the best way for individuals to see their pernicious agenda and methods of operation. What is odd is that these actions by leftists (CRT, DOJ corruption and others) are as plain as the nose on their faces. With a subservient media running cover for them too many voters are blind to their agenda.

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Dec 4, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Great work again, thanks~!

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Dec 4, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Thank you -- in the end it will be important to resolve the role of Obama and his CIA cabal in the Russia-gate hoax.

Russia-gate's Steele Dossier

- PAID For By Clinton

- Had Clinton Operative As KEY Source

The real ‘collusion’ crime was the creation of ‘Russia-Gate’ out of absolutely nothing…

Hillary-Obama-Biden-Pelosi-Schumer-Schiff – they made it all up

During his administration St. Obama:

a) backed coups in Ukraine and Honduras;

b) pivoted the U.S. military to Asia, ramped up arms sales to Saudi Arabia and expanded military bases in Africa;

c) helped suppress evidence about CIA torture,

d) refused to pursue a criminal case against the CIA’s money laundering bank, HSBC,

e) eavesdropped on U.S. allies and a U.S. congressman (Dennis Kucinich) who opposed his administration’s illegal invasion of Libya that devastated that country,

f) stepped up surveillance and efforts to destroy Wikileaks and its founder Julian Assange, and

g) presided over the prosecution of a record number of whistleblowers under the Espionage Act of 1917."

Additionally, the Obama administration

a) protected longtime CIA assets from prosecution, like Rwandan mass murderer Paul Kagame;

b) waged war by proxy in Yemen through the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to which it sold nearly $27 billion worth of arms;

c) provided weapons to drug cartels in Mexico under the Operation Fast and the Furious while ramping up the War on Drugs through the Plan Mérida; and

d) oversaw establishment of a clandestine arms pipeline from Libya to Syria by Ambassador Chris Stevens as part of Operation Timber Sycamore

A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA

By Jeremy Kuzmarov - October 1, 2021

A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA - CovertAction Magazine


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Boris - when will you start writing? (Or, where can I read more.)

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Dec 5, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Thanks -- Remember horrors in Indonesia started shortly after CIA's JFK assassination. Unlike Vietnam -- in Indonesia the victory was total - "The Jakarta Method" -- the population is terrorized to this day...

And -- a bit more on St. Obama and his CIA, FBI and NSA executives: Barack Obama was/is a spook (i.e., CIA operative/spy ), from a spook family, and his political campaigns were financed by spooks… ).

Snowden disclosed the all-encompassing surveillance of US population under St. Obama after Clapper directly lied about it in Senate and to all of us.

In 1965 CIA organized a coup against Indonesia founding president Sukarno by CIA-trained generals. The US considered Sukarno too progressive (he implemented land-reform – same reason for CIA coup in Guatemala which resulted with a genocide of high-land Mayas). CIA installed one of the most murderous military regime (under Suharto dictatorship) on Earth which killed more than two millions ( 2M ) civilians – the massacres are known as “The Jakarta Method” (see book by Vincent Bevins) used subsequently in Africa (Angola, Mozambique) and throughout Latin and Central America.

What is important here is that Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, worked for U.S. government agencies and allied NGOs—the Ford Foundation, Asia Foundation, Development Alternatives Inc., and United States Agency for International Development (USAID)—in Indonesia in the 1960s and 1970s as well as later in Ghana, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, and Thailand.

Obama’s mother married Indonesian Lt. Col. Lolo Soetoro; they had a daughter Maya Soetoro when Barack Obama was four. The colonel was from an aristocratic family which lost out in Sukarno’s land reform; the marriage was likely arranged, Obama’s mother may have acted as a female “honeypot” for the CIA whose job was to recruit assets

Obama always lied and claimed that his mother did not know about the countless atrocities that were committed by the Suharto government, which is implausible given her CIA background and the fact that they were much reported on by mainstream newspapers at the time (although mostly favorably by right-wing media). Of significance, Obama underplayed his stepfather Lolo’s army rank in his 2006 book, The Audacity of Hope.

Soetoro went on to become an executive at Mobil Oil and its liaison to Suharto, whose policies Obama’s mother praised. And – Obama became a labor and community “organizer” – while he actually worked for a large corporate foundation.

A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA

By Jeremy Kuzmarov - October 1, 2021 ( Note: Photos themselves are truly fascinating )

A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA - CovertAction Magazine


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I think he just did! Excellent information both you and Boris.

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Fantastic work big time thanks for tracking this case. Fun reminder that secrets only protect their keepers & better chance of getting nabbed in the cover up than the crime.

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Dec 4, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

I think Durham is using speaking indictments to write history, to explain enough so that there is a clear trail to follow. The Alfa team followed the trail. If Garland and the DOJ try to shut Durham down, the indictments will always be part of the public record (or can google remove that too?)

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Dec 4, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Thanks, Technofog! I find myself always waiting for your next “out of the ballpark discovery.” Not many truth tellers left like you. Great work as always!

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Excellent summary, Techno Frog. If only the rest if the conservative media could write this concise.

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I initially followed you on Twitter. I am glad I found you on Substack.

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I was cynically expecting very little from the Durham investigations. Is he really going after the big fish?

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Cautiously optimistic - depending on the big fish.

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Dec 5, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Thank you for following and keep up with this. Especially thank you for not interjecting the gobbly gook that most do in over blowing what's all ready bad enough!!!

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Dec 4, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Thanks for this interesting info. What are your thoughts on Politico announcing a Weissmann fever dream Alternative Mueller Report to be released by the DOJ in Spring 2022 ?

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"Weissmann Report" doesn't seem to be picking up much traction even on the left. Not too concerned; his legal theories have always been an outlier, plus he was focused on Manafort. Seems Durham results may contradict broader Weissmann questions about Trump/Russia.

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this weissman is scum , i want to see durham hound him he,s POS

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Dec 4, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

You can run but you can’t hide..

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Dec 4, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

The light has been shone upon them

very brightly. They’re so done.

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Dec 5, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Great find!

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Dec 4, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

While you say that you believe that these claims of privilege on these emails will be denied, would you please address the legal position of the Alfa Bank lawyers on this, in particular their (stunning) observation (in the motion you linked to) that of these 33 newly "identified" emails, 25 are internal Fusion GPS communications with no attorney copied, and 2 are between a Fusion GPS employee and third party Rodney Jaffe. Give us the legal down low please.

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Certainly. The Fusion GPS lawyers claim their failure to list these e-mails in the privilege log was because the communications didn't match the search terms requested by Alfa Bank. They then said their failure to list the e-mails was inadvertent. The Alfa Bank attorneys call these assertions "false".

In their own words (footnote 12):

"Defendants have never provided a satisfactory explanation as to why they did not produce these documents before Plaintiffs were able to point to the Sussmann Indictment as proof that they existed. Defendants’ counsel initially claimed that these documents “were not produced or logged because they did not contain the agreed-upon search terms that Defendants used to locate responsive discovery.” (Letter from J. Levy to T. Clare, A. Phillips, & J. Oliveri, at 1 (Oct. 21, 2021) (Exhibit B).) But Defendants’ counsel’s claim was false. As Plaintiffs’ counsel pointed out in response to that claim, the list of agreed-upon search terms included “Alfa”—which is contained in the document that Defendants belatedly produced as DEFS0011826—and the search terms likewise included “@perkinscoie.com,” and Defendants’ Supplemental Privilege Log lists multiple emails in which an “@perkinscoie.com” email address is included as a recipient or a cc. (Letter from T. Clare & A. Phillips to J. Levy, at 1 (Oct. 26, 2021) (Exhibit C). Called out on his false claim, Defendants’ counsel changed his story and asserted that Defendants’ glaring failure to produce or log highly-responsive documents was “inadvertent.” (Letter from J. Levy to T. Clare and A. Phillips, at 2 (Nov. 5, 2021) (Exhibit D).) In light of Defendants’ counsel’s apparent misrepresentations about Defendants’ document production, Plaintiffs reserve their rights to challenge Defendants’ productions and, if warranted, seek sanctions."

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Dec 5, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

OK, but my question was really - how the hell - can these lawyers assert privilge over communications that don't involve counse?

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To summarize their argument, Fusion/Simpson attorneys say these communications are protected because Fusion was retained by Perkins Coie on behalf of the Perkins Coie client (Hillary/DNC). In certain circumstances, these types of communications may be protected. This case is different, and the privilege argument is very weak, because Fusion/Simpson (and Perkins Coie) went public with it all (dossier, Alfa allegations, etc.). Of course, there's nothing stopping a lawyer from making a novel (or questionable) argument to prevent the discovery of the e-mails/communications. It's up to the court to reject the arguments, determine how the law applies to these particular facts, and to require production. It's the fault of this court by not ruling on this issue sooner.

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Yes. I was hoping you would discuss how the Kovel Doctrine could possibly apply to extend the privilege where the expertise retained by the law firm on behalf of the client is a political oppo research firm and media smear merchant. As you suggest, how Fusion/Simpson then behaved vis a vis public disclosure may negate any privilege that could possibly have been established under Kovel. Is this motion a slam dunk for the Alfa Bank plaintiffs? (I am not a lawyer, rather a tax accountant who has worked under Kovel Doctrine engagements for counsel.)

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They know they can get away with it at the time they are doing it..why? Because by the time it is discovered its 4 years later. By the time the truth comes out fully its 4 or 5 years later. The amount of time it takes to expose treason and bring it forward its to late, the damage has already happened. We the people, the true patriotic DJT believers already know. We know HRC is evil and corrupt, we know about the cabol, we know. And when you know, you know. Trump told us everything. You just need to listen❤

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