This is what $13 million to the 'big guy' buys. Another $13 million and the U.S. will spy on themselves for China.

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Don't discount the possibility that the latter is already happening....

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Milley already said he'd tell them about war plans/nukes etc

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He wasn't lying you bundle of sticks

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That was before 2016, when a political family colluding with an enemy state became the worst kind of treason. Right up until that point in time, it was perfectly acceptable for, say, a Secretary of State to be going around the world asking for millions from authoritarian and enemy states for her personal foundation. This was such a priority for her that several of her key staff were simultaneously employed by both the American taxpayer and the foundation. Can’t really blame Biden for trying to sell out while in office, too.

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Not half as impactful as Billy Carter getting the Libyans into the beer business

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CCP dropping off pay checks to Biden and Trudeau.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Techno Fog

Shoot it down? Are you kidding? They paid good money to float that over our nuclear deterrent bases and pedo Peter doesn’t give refunds.

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RemovedFeb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023
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We were screwed either way in 2004, and in 2008, and in 2012, and in 2000, and ….

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You seem to have a fever. Get dome rest.

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Only shoot it down if it cannot be taken and captured intact. Try to learn with certainty what exactly is in it

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Don’t forget that the balloon could be a bug itself. If we take it to a military base for data copying we may find out that it was a big hidden camera capturing footage/location data the whole time.

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EMP balloon(s) next

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That’s a terrifying thought.

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Yeah, me too. But I am contemplating, have been that it is part of the planned handover of our country to the CCP. It's following a speech and another documents from decades ago, from the CCP. They've always known here Americans are hiding behind every blade of grass with firearms. So, they worked on bioweapons, buying and infiltration. I remember DNI Jogn Ratcliff revealing that a high placed Chinese General had defected to the U.S. and DNI had hidden him or many months. Ratcliff explained that he could not involve the CIA or FBI because they are infiltrated to the top by the CCP.

I never thought this kind of thing would happen in my lifetime.

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Yeah. It may also have anti-tamper devices, booby traps, or even be remotely commanded to self destruct. It would be risky, for sure. But worth a try to know what the hell is in it

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I agree. one doesnt need to spend a million dollar bullet on a balloon . Just take up a slow plane like one used for crop dusting and snag it by dragging one of the traffic control tire flatteners with all the sharp points and deflate the dam thing. then when they see what is in it then make a fuss. This is the problem with government. they make everything complicated using a wreaking ball to drive a nail. --------------- I, Grampa

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It’s scouting locations for Bidens presidential library...

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MT has nuclear arsenal. That's what it's looking at. It's treason.

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Of course it’s treason- but maybe Hunter left another laptop in MT...

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That’s funny right there, I don’t care who you are!

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Bring it down .... intact, and let’s take a look at all that ‘weather equipment’?

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And take it to civilian site for examination/reverse engineering b/c the balloon could be a bug that they want us to capture and take back to a military site.

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Yes. Our "weather equipment."

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Of course DOD can shoot it down! Lying compromised bastards!

Pentagon has been polishing its logistics for handing over USA to the CCP with a much infrastructure, military bases and hardware as possible, with much fewer Americans to hunt down.

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The weather balloon is a distraction. If it was a couple miles higher and in space, the event wouldn't be in the news cycle. Further, we send recon flights over hostile territory all the time (balloon, high altitude flights and satellite passes). Something else is going on and there is an effort to pull our attention away from that...

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Shoot it down. Now.

Just like Russia did years ago with the Gary Powers U2.

Satellite surveillance is legal under International Treaty. We must not allow this to become a precedent. China has hyper-sonic missiles that we can't defend against, and this will allow precise targeting of our strategic forces. China could -- and would -- take them all out with a first strike.

Also, YES, such balloons could also be platforms for EMP weapons to take down our power grid. (So might be satellites, but the advantage of a balloon platform might be that you could take down the grid without a missile strike or, perhaps, without taking out other satellites. Also, the balloon has demonstrated that it can maneuver, which allows better targeting.

My old novel Raven's Run discusses such a threat. Our newer books (non-fiction -- My co-author is MG Paul Vallely who knows this stuff, and was the head military analyst for Fox several years after he retired) discuss more modern threats, like Mind War, which has been VERY successful against America.





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Very good article however as you can see the compliant media cartel is trying to spin this that the US military has everything under control another big lie like that our borders are secure. What will it take before the public realizes they been played as fools

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I'm old enough to remember when the Eisenhower administration used the "it was just an off-course weather surveillance mission" to explain Francis Gary Powers' U-2 that was shot down over the Soviet Union. La plus ca change.

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I’m old enough to remember when Pegasus dropped Bellerophon into the Aegean for being an arrogant young good-for-nothing.

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In an article's headline at Infowars -- I'm watching the linked video now -- guest Mike Adams & Alex will suggest the freakiest thought that I'd bet countless millions along with myself have simply repressed from conscious thought.

A sort of Trojan Horse for our time might just be sojourning above us at a respectably decent, quite possibly workable-enough altitude of 60,000 ft (to do introductory damage; the perfect altitude is closer to 90,000 ft, I'm reading).

I ask that we consider the possibility of a Chinese balloon-carrying nuclear bomb, detonating with the resultant effect of its EMP's immediate disabling, prolonged disintegration, and the ultimate genocide of the American nation -- core infrastructure not included.

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Or delivery of viruses or killer drones.

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Chinese "tourists" spread it around the world.

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I gott' agree with yih! Very poor due diligence on Pence's and his own part. This trial balloon might just be the intermediate, pro-massive kill-off operation.

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It's straight up treason by those in the pentagon and the regime overseeing the US illegally. As long as people refuse to stand up and keep giving into these tyrants in congress through taxes, the US is F***d. Stand up or die as slaves. It's that simple.

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OK....all you young drone/rocket owning teens and college kids. I am sure you can figure out how to nail that balloon.

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This balloon entered US airspace over northeastern Alaska and traversed the entire eastern side of the State. I am sure we were well aware of it at that point and could have shot it down with little to no consequences as that part of the state is very sparsely populated. Why we didn't do it at that point is my question. It is almost as if we wanted it to continue. The upper steering currents jet would have carried it exactly where it did and I wonder why no one else is speaking up about this? Do the Chinese want to see what we use to get rid of it?

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Of course we could shoot it down. I suspect we want to recover the payload and there are teams frantically trying to figure that out. Most interesting is that the balloon can maneuver. That ability is wanted by the Google balloon effort for their internet in the sky dream. Thus even more reason to recover the machine. A proper sized hole will cause the balloon to descend and we do have ways of grappling it in descent but are we somewhat concerned about destructive capabilities that might harm those trying to capture it?

We can assume the payload is communicating and of course we wish to grab those signals. The crypto devices in the payload will be precious thing for the intel folk and they would want that intact. Whether the Chinese have set traps, who knows, but still critical to grab it but how?

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