Techno - I cannot tell you what it means to read my thoughts in your Substack. Such a relief to learn someone else sees the wizard behind the curtain.

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Sounds very familiar. When he says "oligarchs vs. democracies," I'm thinking, yeah, the oligarchs of NATO, the EU & US, and Ukraine vs. all the "little people."

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Yeah... 'oligarchs' for me reads 'bankster-run credit cartels and *Intelligence.'

*which they originally developed and still run

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I live in Texas. Today, I drove on the highway to a client meeting and passed several businesses that fly gigantic flags. Normally, they are a U.S. flag and Texas flag whipping in the breeze side by side. Today it was a U.S. flag and Ukrainian flag -- both half staff. These flags are the size of a football field! I, along with these zealous flag wavers, live 5 hours from the Texas border. A border that is being overrun by a mass of humanity with no meaningful oversight or respect for the legal process of entering our nation. No one cares that the Cartels have taken over, that toddlers and young children are being used as collateral for passage, sex trafficking is rampant, and fentanyl and other drugs are openly carried across from Mexico. No one is sending dollars or equipment or troops to our border to stop the invasion, defend the safety of our citizens, or protect the sovereignty of Texas and other border states -- and, by extension, the entire United States. Yet, for some reason, Ukraine is worth these fierce, passionate displays by people who, in my opinion, are either eager to see our way of life wiped out or those who don't seem to be able to grasp what is really going on. We are being hit by a tsunami of crises that seem insurmountable. It will be a miracle if we survive -- or can survive in the way we want. I know some people believe the mid-term elections can stem the tide. I pray they are right, but the assaults we live with each day are spirit crushing.

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Keep faith in Christ, pray, & keep speaking the truth. Stay strong!

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Prayer is not enough. Christ and God has abandoned us. How can you put faith in the midterms when the presidential election was stolen. Biden is a treasonous piece of crap who should not even be in office.

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Sounds more like you've abandoned Christ and God.

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I’ve been tortured for 10 years and have had my life destroyed and stolen from me. Prayer has done nothing. I have sought help from ‘Christians,’ all of whom have done nothing but offer ‘prayer’ which I now find to be nothing but spiritual laziness. True Christianity is active. People like to blame the victim

— if only you prayed harder or believed more! But God is supposed to be allpowerful and alljust and allloving and he has done nothing to halt my torture or the torture of other targeted individuals. Stop blaming the victim. What have you done to ACTUALLY HELP SOMEONE OR ARE you just offering prayer?

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Interesting. Paul prayed and wasn't healed of his affliction. Paul was tortured and eventually most likely beheaded. It sounds like your have the wrong idea about Christianity. No where in the Bible does it say you will have paradise now. If anything, the "torture" will increase until Christ comes back. People around the world have experienced far worse because of their faith than anything you or I have experienced. One of the main points of the book of Revelation is "Be faithful in adversity" because the people it was written to were suffering.

I help people all the time. I spent my life doing it overseas and here. I both pray and act. But I doubt you would believe that. God is all powerful, as you say, but he created us with free will. That came with a risk, namely some would use that free will to hurt others. Like I said, I think you have the wrong idea about Christianity. Wrong thinking leads to wrong conclusions. You and I don't know the half of what is going on behinds the scenes in the unseen realm that has an impact on what is happening here.

I hope you find what you think you're looking for. You sound very much like first century Jews under the Roman empire.

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I do not doubt you help others. I don’t know you — nor do you know me so please stop judging. I could use actual help. Prayers are not helping me. This is the only world I know. I do not know what comes afterward. I do know that this life has been stolen from me and attempts to get help from anyone — journalists, legislators, lawyers, physicians —have all fallen on deaf or indifferent ears. Techno even ignores the plights of targeted individuals who are being trafficked by the DOJ/FBI/NIH/CIA/DHS into repugnant Nazi brain and biotech experiments for the profits of Klaus Schwab & company. These experiments and this tech turns us into electronic puppets controlled remotely. YET NO ONE SEEMS EVEN SLIGHTLY INTERESTED IN STOPPING IT. My brain is being fried and HOSPITALS AND DOCTORS REFUSE TO HELP. IN FACT THEY WERE THE AGENCIES THAT ENABLED MY TORTURE. I have reached out to everyone and everyone ignores including Robert Malone whose alma mater where I was implanted. Please do not lecture me on Christianity — help me.

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Great post and to add that this is NOT God's world, for Satan is the god of this world sad to say but true :( This is why we much put on the Armor of God so we can stand up to the arrows that the king of darkness sends our way! Our war is against Spiritual wickedness, and they do sit in the high places in our corrupt world! I just wish that EC would have given reasons why her life was destroyed, some people that has bad things happen to them, they just stand up, brush it off and move on to making right decision and learn from the bad decisions in their life, it is just part of life, living and learning!

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Advanced Christians who are in the phase of discipleship in their lives are called to HELP THOSE suffering.. and Yes. I do that.. I spend most of my time helping those who need help.. family, friends and now that I am older .. doing what I can, rides, money, and most importantly, my time one of the most valuable "commodities" we as human beings have to give to others. take care.. EC.

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Prayer is required: We are not abandoned: Just remember: Christ prevailed when He ascended. I am amazed that you said that. My mother lived through.. yes. was in bomb shelter in Dresden.. lived through the bombing of Dresden before I was born. She may have suffered from PSTD and other issues but never lost her faith and we were born and her faith in God was transferred to us. That is the Great Commission: go out and share the News. #FREEGIFTOFGOD. all is good.

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Thank you! I will.

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Thank You Techno🙏

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It is past time for the US politicians to put the citizens of our country before their personal enrichment. To quote Ben Franklin “War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is revolution is when you decide that yourself “

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My brother, or maybe my sister? Techno, I don't know who you really are? Woman? Man? Ultimately, I don't care. I am only thankful for you and what you write.

I cannot vet every single thing you write, but I can vet at least 80% of it, maybe more.

It's difficult as an "everyday" human. I hope you are what I think you are...an honest human, like me.

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He is Mike! I have followed Techno Fog’s intellect and writings on many platforms…and he’s the real deal🇺🇸 Welcome aboard my friend! We are all thankful for his input!!

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I started listening to Techno Fog through Dan Bongino. I'm happy to be able to follow both of them.

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The propaganda, imagery, and framing of the story is what gives it all away. They are treating the current events in Ukraine and Russia’s intervention as if it was Act I, when in reality it’s Act IV. The conflict started with the Anglo-American sponsored color revolution in 2014, yet Russia taking action after 8 years of diplomacy and two ignored Minsk accords and we’re supposed to treat the present situation as the first act?

The US and all Five Eyes governments are even using outright hypnotic techniques in their messaging to nudge people and sway their thinking.


The choice of sequence of imagery, starting with the images of women and children being killed, throwing in a few truisms, and then suggesting the need to do more—to “close the skies”—it’s outright evil.

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Go back to the fall of the USSR in 1990/1991. The US backed nationalist groups (fascists then some even going back to WWII through Operation Aerodynamic). Through the Nunn-Lugar Act of 1991 the Defense Threat Reduction Agency was put in place. Through it bioagents were collected and stored (contrary to international law) In 2005 it was used to build a biolab in Odessa with the backing of Sen Lugar and Sen Obama. More biolabs were set up. Gain of function research was carried out among other evil research.

At the same time our leaders were setting up ties that spread corruption in the US and Ukraine. 2014 took place because the US had already spent decades fostering influence through corruption, arrogance, and naked desire for power.

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NLP! I don’t know why I didn’t recognize this, having been exposed to this years ago at a seminar. It creeped me out and did not work for me.

Since most of us can’t tolerate Biden’s voice or to look at him, we have been missing out on the cues

& anchors placed so easily into the minds of the people who are fearful of war, famine &

everything else being put out there.

This answers the question we’re always asking each other, how can people not see the truth? What is wrong with our family, friends & loved ones who we have been divided from over the last 2 years?

My question is, won’t we have to implement some type of psychological technique to repattern the brains of the programmed?

Unless we exercise deliverance through prayer, there seems to be a need to make a plan to loose all of the people in bondage through their minds!

Otherwise, how will we all live together?

Thanks for this comment.

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In my experience, what works is shifting the conversation away from whatever the ostensible subject is that people have been brainwashed on and just start talking about how behavior change actually happens, how do you change someone's thoughts or behavior without them consciously recognizing it?

I did a much longer expose here, which was published by Trialsite News (though there's a paywall), but is also available at a Canadian intel website:


That being said, the NLP and hypnotic technique can be very powerful because it's subtle, and largely operates on the unconscious mind, but once people can put a name on these techniques and consciously see them, then they're likely to become very resistant to the "suggestions" because they can recognize the forms and applied techniques. It's very formulaic, so once the basic applied concepts are understood, it's hard to unsee, and hard to notice how it saturates virtually all spheres of public messaging, from the doomsday narratives about climate change to the recent covid messaging, they've been gone hog-wild with the behavioral science nudging and NLP reframing. However, if people actually catch on, then the bad guys are in big trouble. It's not part of the script.

To quote Bertrand Russell, a descendant of the one of the oldest hereditary blue blood families of England, where much of the early psychological warfare was developed:

“The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at. First, that the influence of home is obstructive. Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten. Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark gray.”

Bertrand Russell – The Impact of Science on Society (1951)


“Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen."

Bertrand Russell – The Impact of Science on Society (1951)

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Thanks for the link. You could see this is action for the covid “crisis.” A challenge for many of us is getting past trying to tell people‘you’ve been had’ - which no one likes to hear - and moving on to a technique which might actually be effective. Another challenge is that people will often opt for the safety of the herd. They might not believe masks work, for example, but they sure don’t want to be the only one without one. It’s truly pre-rational. I’m not sure yet how to interfere with that kind of “spell.”

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I meant to say thanks. Your essay on NLP is well written. I'm personally familiar with the time and location you discuss.

I don't have a TV or watch it. I'd never heard the quote you provided. Seeing POTUS manipulate reality and the meaning of it is despicable.

I've had many interactions with people who were not familiar with the events. Yet they speak with certainty about something beyond their experience.

Now, I see why. I forwarded your essay to a number of people. Thanks again.

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What a LOSER!!! He can’t even eat pizza and look normal?!?!?! And check out the two soldiers’ faces behind him. They KNOW he’s worthless TOO!!!

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And seeing him stuff his sorry face reminds me of the warning he gave to the American people that there will be food shortages here. Betting FJB and that cabal in Washington will never miss a meal, or ever be in a position where they hope they can have an occasional meal of lentils. 😡

Pox upon him and the whole sorry bunch that created this mess.

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This President said this on the same day the Supreme Court upheld the military vax mandate, which is an unlawful mandate and they know it, yet continue to Kil, maim, coerce, abuse and discharge our service members who have volunteered to defend the Constitution and our freedoms. No FDA approved vax actually available, no Presidential waiver for EUA use, FDA/EUA use not interchangeable, all requirements for a LAWFUL mandate. There have been more military vax deaths than Covid deaths, and DMED defrauded to cover up vax injuries/health issues of our troops from this horrific experimental shot. So no, his values are NOT MINE. His disregard for our military is reprehensible.

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"Americans who enlist do so to defend their country and the Constitution, not to risk their lives to advance the beliefs of the latest liberal Regime."

Thank you for your integrity and eloquence challenging this swill. I'm old enough to remember the draft with classmates dying in Vietnam to "defend freedom" using Gulf of Tonkin, false flag excuse and non-stop bombing of Laos officially denied. In the years since Americans have seen our military and national debt explode as our quality of life has declined, our unions decimated our pensions plundered like casino chips for Wall Street.

Since 9-11 when our bloated "defense" failed to protect anything in the "Homeland" not even the Pentagon, epic failure became the excuse for a covert global empire & endless war that has destroyed more than a dozen countries and shredded the rule of law.

To claim our military defends democracy is the most vile, insulting lie when Washington protects toxic profiteers with the most corrupt and vicious Mafia in human history posing as public servants & lionized by our propaganda filled media as leaders and heroes. It's beyond Orwellian.

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Your the best, thank you for your clear honest interpretation. America has committed enough atrocities for a life time and we could have averted this war before it started. I'm not dying for liberal propaganda in order to enrich the elites. Fuck the Biden administration and all neocons in the white house. Russia is right in my eyes and we need to stay out of this war.

Our war crimes have exceeded far above and beyond and I will fight this country should they push WWIII.

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Have been enjoying your email. Thanks, but I don't know how I got on your email list.. But loving the email.

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…and Ukraine is a money laundering mat for the American elite and politicians, the more that it is in rubbles - the better…America, not Russia, will (GRRRR) finance the bill to rebuild Ukraine…brandon wants to let Ukraine go down (my god the lives of Ukrainian humans as well!)

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Ukraine isn’t a democracy...

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This is a cya moment for the adm. Gotta make everyone see Russia as pure evil and cover up all the bad stuff the u s was involved in and push the façade of goodness and triumph. True democracy does not force people to remain in homes or force vaxes.

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The picture of the soldiers looking at this Pantload of a president gumming his pizza says it all.

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