Thank you for all you do to help inform & teach many of us what is really happening behind the scenes in America & worldwide.

I appreciate how you use laymen’s terms to help me understand better.

I thank you also for sharing books & info that you find important & an honest assessment of what the “elite” tyrants have been doing & are currently doing behind the scenes to destroy our Constitutional Rights & replace it with their NWO Globalist agenda.

God bless you Techno for your tireless work in trying to inform & help us save America.


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Great points however if no one on the left is held to account for the crime of the Century the Russian hoax conspiracy then all the great reporting goes to waste exposing the corruption within the bureaucracy. What the public needs to realize that Hillary/DNC/Obama/Biden had a well design plan to deceive the public and retain power by making the Russians the responsible parties when it was the left who manufacturing the crimes to destroy Trump. If Hillary had won the country would have never known how corrupted the government is and the left whole agendas would have been implemented. 2024 election is the last election where the public will determine which fork in the road this country takes, freedom, values and restoration of rule of law or tyranny where you lose your rights. Choose wisely. Here latest sub stack and podcasts that should open your eyes on how you been deceived https://jseaman.substack.com/p/the-medias-role-in-covering-up-the


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Thanks for links!

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I wonder if he mentions that it is one of Atty General Merrick Garland's children and their spouse (I think it was a daughter and her husband) who have made a fortune from selling textbooks to schools for "Critical Race Theory." We've also found out recently that Justice Sotomayor's been selling her books as a requirement to giving a speech.

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And the only way they could usher in their diabolical plans was to steal elections through massive fraud. The US is NOT split 50/50. More like 70% freedom loving patriots and growing. Now the Marxists are OUT in the wide open, which is a good thing.

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The cornerstone of the culture wars is the sexual revolution. Leave that out, and you miss the foundational story.

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If yelling fire in a crowded theater isn’t protected speech then why are the tenants of Marxism protected while knowing quite well it has killed upwards of millions and counting? Where’s the benevolence in that? Marxism and all its disguised idiosyncrasies are the shouts of fire in a crowded theater.

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Everyone of us owes David Horowitz a giant Thank You for plowing these fields and opening the door for others.

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You bet we do. I used to read Ramparts, grew up in the Bay Area and followed much the same path he did. In about '69, it became apparent to me that "The Movement" had become a big lie perpetuated by Maoists. As university and government employment exploded in the 70's and 80's it gave a home to all those who didn't want to dirty their hands with "business" but who still wanted power.

Its no coincidence where Obama came from. Pampered upbringing, Ivy league, community organizer and Chicago. His job was to give these middle aged bureaucrats the permission to release their inner Red Guard. As Horowitz said “Inside every progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out.”

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Same here, a year or two behind. Anti-war marcher and student protestor. Read all the radical rags. Even saved a few! I awakened when I realized that most of the students on I worked with on the strike committee were just hustlers moving between UC campuses looking for sex, weed and trouble. I too was a "beneficiary" of the new crop of 70s radical professors. Eager to have their students throw themselves on the radical pyre they created while sheltering in their tenured Valhala. The Leftist long march through the educational institutions is very real.

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Perhaps someone should do an anthropological study about the intersection of adolescent male sex drive, girl’s need for thrills, and Maoism. Certainly was a lot of synergy in the 60’s.

I lived 10 miles downwind of Berkeley and used to drift in for various “events”. I was really into theoretical politics. Then the debates became arguments and the arguments got more accusatory and less intelligent. Everybody read Mao’s Little red book, some took it for an instruction manual. Often I got that strange feeling where you can’t tell whether the guy firing you up was a Red or a Fed. In any event, he always ended up in back.

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I had a copy of the little red book on my car's dashboard, cooking the little plastic cover in the sun. It was my revolutionary bona fides. One didn't need much in those days. The book, your thumb and a backpack. Long hair helped. I arrived on campus just in time for the second Bank burning in Isla Vista and the torching of the ROTC building. Lot's of revolutionary zeal mixed with sex and drugs and group "struggle sessions" Then came the National Guard and it all went to hell. I like your idea for the study. I still have my copy of the final report on the events titled "The Campus by the Sea Where the Bank Burned Down". They had no clue.

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If you ever went into Mexico, coming back, the long hair definitely did not help.

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only as a child, and MUCH later with shorter, work approved hair! Mexico was not enamored of Beards then, either. Too much Castro.

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Thanks, Techno.

One problem we have is that this from Marcuse: "“modern capitalist society had created the perfect means of repression, anesthetizing the working class with material comforts, manufactured desires, and welfare programs, which stabilized the system and allowed for the creation of external scapegoats.” is largely correct. A counter-revolution needs to offer a path of its own to correcting that.

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What better place than South Africa can we see evidence of CRT corrections. Europe by the minute resemble the early days of CRT’s South African corrections. Communism is the worst of mankind, never is it a change for good.

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No disagreement there - just saying that, at a minimum, we have to get the ‘free market’ back into the capitalist system

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Thanks for this book review & also all heartfelt comments here. I’m sorry to be negative as there’s too much of that. But it occurs to me with Rufo’s book & all the rest of our heroic writers, thinkers, and intelligent commenters here all we are doing is creating an incredibly well documented end of a civilization. So many of us know what’s happening. And we have no way to stop it? No effective counter revolution?

No warriors?

I read a story that Armenian community men recently beat up and suppressed some Antifa? Is that what we need to do? Idk

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It started with casting God out of society, which allowed Baal, moloch, and Ishtar to move in unobstructed. The destroyers are ascendant.

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Liberal democracy is not unique at all in being a slippery slope to authoritarianism. Human nature is a slippery slope to authoritarianism, when the rulers are not versed in history at least and preferably psychology as well. Democracies with universal suffrage must ensure the entire electorate knows true and complete history, or the electorate must shrink. The ideal that everyone knows enough to vote is dangerously naive.

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You guys are batshit crazy. Wow.

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Appreciate this review, Techno Fog!

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History is populated with scheming revolutionaries, expanding hordes of committed adherents, a few noted assassins, and the eventual downfall of societies and dynasties. But was there ever a massive counter movement whose ranks understood the demonic (in most cases) underpinnings of such revolts? And attacked it using spiritual methods in divinely-inspired, precision assaults? What with the globalist's intent to minimize true, morality-based religion (e.g. Christianity), seems like the stage is getting set for something like that . . .

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