A. There is no reason for a shortage of monoclonal antibodies, the stuff is cheap and can be manufactured quickly. So there's no reason to ration it at all. https://www.dailywire.com/news/chip-roy-demands-answers-offers-simple-solution-for-nationwide-shortage-of-monoclonal-antibodies

B. What is this "Rule of Law" thing you keep hinting at? I think I read about it in a history book once.

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Quite frankly, the DOJ, the FBI, and really, the entire US Gruberment are as useless as a concrete parachute.

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The plandemic is a multi-pronged attack on the Western way of life by the Chicoms and globalists who want to remake the world along the lines of The Matrix. Crucial to this is the imposition of the communist-fascist Great Reset and the completion of the already-begun Great Replacement. Both of these are really modern versions of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, developed nearly a century ago and first bankrolled by the Rothschilds and the Warburgs but now pushed by Gates and Schwab and Soros, the plan envisions replacement of responsible government by a dictatorial technocratic oligarchy, a collectivist command-and-control economy run by the oligarchs and the elimination of the caucasoid peoples and repopulation of the world by an identical and fungible brown lumpenproletariat. First the virus, then race-based restriction of medical care and forcible administration of a "vaccine" that is really a bioweapon and finally depopulation of white children through starvation, global cooling (Gates also supports a scheme to dim the sun) and whatever the soon-to-be-mandatory infant jab does that they will not tell us about for 75 years. This is the fiendish plan hatched in Seattle, Davos, Manhattan and Beijing, of which Fraudci, Daszak and the illegitimate criminal traitor regime of The Dotard and The Round-heeled Mongrel are the willing apparatchiks.

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Just another distraction as the narrative implodes. NCSWIC.

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The Biden DOJ is as likely biased as was the Obama DOJ. Not surprised at all. A Federal Suit is certain to get this into court. Sadly, many monoclonals now approved are less effective for Omicron and the one that is effective is in limited supply. Hope for quick approval of new ones.

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If you've looked at the personnel substrata within the Biden DOJ, you'll realize it IS the Barry Soetoro DOJ.

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Presumably the medicine not saving a white persons life saves a black persons life right? So it's not clear to me that the cost of health equity will be measured in lives. It will be measured in national disintegration and more immediately, continued huge loses for the Democrats - not to mention the moral costs.

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If I am reading this correctly, somebody out there still believes in something called DOJ, NIH, CDC, FDA, the WH etc....

Guys you may have been living in a cave for decades. The US was hijacked and assumed a full fledged dictatorship status decades ago. Wake up!

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Does any thinking person think for a minute that these liberal racists care one wit about Federal Law when it suits them. I will be waiting for the DOJ to conduct an investigation and deliver indictments where necessary. Don't hold your breath. This would be breathtaking if it were not normal operating procedure within the leftist world. Wonder if mixed race people like Obama would be given a half treatment. Are white Hispanics eligible? Odd when ANY study even implies that people of color are any less intelligent or different in any way it is shouted down as racist tripe. Now we learn that indeed some seem pretty frail and subject to sicknesses endemic ONLY to them and need special treatment. Wonder if they have some DNA flaw in their reasoning capacity, or might be prone to violent outbursts. -- particular when inside a McDonalds or other fast-food outlet.

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Leaving aside the legal issue (seems facially unconstitutional of course), morally speaking, how can it make sense for say Barack Obama or AOC (or any other wealthy/powerful non-white person) to be prioritized for life-saving monoclonal antibodies over say a homeless white man? How is that in any way progressive? Modern progressives appear to want a society where people are judged primarily by the color of their skin, and not the content of their character, or their individual circumstances.

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The media has perverted the meaning of Progressive by applying it to Leftists when much of the impact of their policies and positions is regressive in nature. It's no different than Antifa claiming their name means they are against fascists while exhibiting entirely fascist behavior themselves. It's just more doublespeak from the usual suspects.

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Wait, you mean the Yankees t-shirt I wear does NOT make me a Yankee. :flushed:

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Eventually it won't matter. According to Dr Malone, Omnicron is infecting everybody, causing a "super immunity" among the Vaxxed and Unvaxxed.

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Robert Malone goes full anti-science on Joe Rogan's podcast – Jan. 5, 2022


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The US has always been a predominately white/European culture along with Europe. In China it’s predominantly Chinese, in South America predominantly brown/Spanish, in Africa a predominantly black/African, in Japan a predominantly Japanese culture. Etc. How did a disgusting racist decide and get others to agree that being white is bad in a predominantly white country but the skin color of other “predominantly” countries is not? That sounds absolutely absurd. How did this happen? So does that mean more white people are needed in all these other countries so those countries are also not predominantly the same skin color? Why aren’t those countries considered racist?

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everyone was falling for the whole, only black people can have so i want it bs! they did the same scam with the clot shot! humanized mice company AND no one knows whats in it!

Monoclonal Trojan Horse? JAIME DLUX https://www.bitchute.com/video/t1II80E0mQAS/

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something to look into is the common core for hospitals. democracy collaborative is the critical race theory for hospitals. social justice ...

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Thank You Mr Fog! 🙏✌

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