The whole charade is ludicrous. Every reasonably astute adult who was paying attention (around the world) knows there is no question about the fact of systemic election fraud which became perfectly evident the minute vote counting stopped in states which were about to determine a presidential election, followed predictably by blatant ballot box stuffing. What we don't know is the full extent, exact means and identities of perpetrators and that is because there were no investigations. Now not only is the Presidency wholly illegitimate (Joe is nothing but a pitiful facade, obviously) but the "justice" system is being turned into a political weapon by self serving sociopaths who installed themselves in the Executive Branch and their ilk, hence "the law" is no longer credible or worthy of our respect either. The rule of law has been mutated into a profoundly tragic farce. Pervasive criminality and corruption of Federal institutions, not to mention foundational law of the US, will no doubt prove terminal for the United States and the American people in due course.

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My gosh that is a perfect summation of the moment we are in.

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Thanks but nothing about it is rocket science, right? Only a modicum of reasoning capacity and paying attention are required. I suspect most know but many are afraid to acknowledge that which is obvious, even in their own minds. Political and institutional (e.g. the "legal" system) realities in the United States are now so horrific some choose to avert their view and embrace fantasy as false refuge. Of course some people simply don't pay attention and believe whatever they are told by media, politicians and bureaucrats; even that which is obviously deceitful nonsense to those who keep their brains in gear.

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❝CRIMINALS WITH US WILL BE ARRESTED AT THE FIRST, more or less, well-grounded SUSPICION: it cannot be allowed that out of fear of a possible mistake an opportunity should be given of escape to persons suspected of a political lapse of crime, for in these matters we shall be literally merciless.❞



PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol No. 8 – Provisional Government . . . (Re: Legal Judgements against Alex Jones & Donald Trump)

❝We must search out in the very finest shades of expression and the knotty points of the lexicon of law justification for those cases where we shall have to pronounce judgments that might appear abnormally audacious and unjust…❞


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Every state cheated, using multiple methods. In the end this was not good enough. Coordinated desperation ensued. I believe CISA stepped in. Some precincts had 400% turnout, some states had more votes than issued ballots. Some organization jammed in the votes to get Biden over the enormous Trump turnout. They did this indiscriminately without a care for how it looked. Only one organization I can think of could pull it off, knowing that they could cover it up.. This is going to happen again. No one liked Biden before, but now most rational people know he is a criminal, a fraud, and that he is also suffering from dementia. With everyone fully aware and watching, they only have one option. Remove Trump.

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My sense is some state's elections, perhaps even most, are still worthy of trust. However where it obviously occurred systemic election fraud was indeed beyond blatant, it was remarkably clumsy (notably Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan). Any robust investigation certainly would have evidenced details of the crime readily. And whoever is actually in control of the White House will likely dispose of Joe, soon. He isn't even capable of acting as facade in his condition, as every rational person (again, around the world) can recognize daily.

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Arizona and Virginia?

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The recently ousted Speaker of the US House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy, who took at least a dozen votes to get elected speaker, traveled to Israel immediately upon his election, declaring to the Israeli Knesset that the USA is steadfastly committed to supporting Ukraine in their war against Russia.

It has become so painfully obvious, especially where you have someone like Nikki Haley wagging her finger and shouting down Vivek Ramaswamy in a presidential debate on live national television when the questions of this Ukrainian war against Russia and any mention of Israel are concerned, that the United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.


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No evidence for this. Period.

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Nah. No evidence for this.

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So, this is what we need to fight! We absolutely cannot let these Marxist swamp scum win!

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I'm praying for a reversal of everything, that the truth outs and the leftist idiots are criminalized and prosecuted to the fullest extent of our beautiful and fair laws. We are a great country and we can get back to sanity. Holiness and right intelligence can prevail.

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Strange how….like…..there was never any evidence of that…..

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Your comments left in isolated consideration are grime indeed! I write this comment eight days after the event. We now have a God fearing Constitutionalist in the U.S. House as the Speaker! Where did that come from? There is hope!! Left to our fallen humanity we will fail. Thank God for spiritual intervention. I just read Sidney’s Substack today Oct. 27. She is still alive, relevant and working hard at getting the truth out. Lets all keep searching for that truth and acting on it! 🙂🙏🇺🇸

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Thank you for your work. I first learned of you on twitter and have always thought you were factual and precise.

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Took my words! Ditto!

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When I first saw the plea deal article, I was like, NO WAY!! Whaaaat??

Sidney? Go against Trump? No. Way. Not possible. She's as MAGA as MAGA is. A Patriot and a Fighter.

So what the hell is going on??

This clarifies it greatly and precisely. She had no choice. Period.

After having said that...[they] had better not only get [their] ducks in a row, but a solid formation of beaks to buttholes cuz daaaamn, [they've] clubbed a kraken hornet's nest and the stings ain't gonna be pretty WHEN the breach is found!! And the breach WILL be found, cuz there's always that one duck who aimlessly wanders off on some 'shiny object' mission.

Boomerangs have a way of coming back harder than when they left!

*Tips hat

Much Love

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Thank you for explaining this as I couldn't believe the news that she had supposedly turned on Trump and I've been too busy to research this! It so frustrates me that our entire justice system is a sham and I don't have enough time to get after so many bad judges, prosecuters and DA's, to bring them to justice and replace them with honest people who will follow and apply the laws and constitution equally and with integrity...we need citizen activists groups to help clean up each county and state from the ground up and undo the damage that sordos has done...

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We’re all other defendants charged with RICO violations? If so, this corrupt DA only has to prove one out of 150 to impose a 5-year prison sentence? Omg, what kind of circus is being run in Georgia?! Ringling Bros would be jealous of the staged show.

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there is a pattern. angry, soros-sponsored, black women and men who are trying to get even with whitey. this is leading to a very dark era for the country. (not a pun).

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Look at 2000 mules. Every negro city in ga cheated like mad. They were watched carrying their proof to the gap toothed pig Abram’s office, for fucks sake. All of that was proof. So fuck Georgia, they suck. Unless the nice people revolt, this will happen ultimately in every state. You see it happening in Texas. They tried here, but the queer junkie negro they promoted got busted. So 12% of the population assists in the demise of said nation. Treason, anyone? I’m tired of being polite. Every charge against PDT is made up to cover their corrupt asses. You think we get out of this without gunfire? Good luck. I’ll stay defended. Y’all can try to win another faux election. I’ll choose violence with prejudice.

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Thank you, as always. Clear, concise and all evidence based.

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Why wasn't the current Georgia Governor Stacy Abrams*!( ever prosecuted for any of her actions?

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(D). That’s why.

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the purpose of lawfair is to bankrupt anyone that stands up to say the dems cheated in the 2020 and future elections, we have become a sad imitation of communist china

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not only for elections, but it is the way of lawyers now, WIN WIN for them

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Plea deals are not proof of guilt. They are a negotiated settlement for expediency. Just as we saw in the vast majority of J6 cases, pleas were copped against the unlimited time and resources of a malign prosecution in the face of a corrupt process. It’s a calculation of risk at the house’s table.

The wolves will claim victory and those sheep that lack discernment will bleat in chorus.

Those who know...know.

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Plea deals are precisely proof of guilt. That's exactly what defendants have to admit in court as a condition of any deal.

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Wrong. Sometimes you accept one to avoid being wiped out financially from defending yourself.

The Demonrats are using taxpayer money to wage lawfare against citizens who must pay for their defense out of pocket.

Lawfare is a scumbag strategy.

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Since you claim to have plead to some charges somewhere, you probably remember the judge specifically asking you to address each element of whatever crime you were ultimately convicted of committing. You were under oath during that hearing, so you either lied under oath about committing the charged acts, or you're lying now about the event. Either way, you're clearly a liar.

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>Since you claim to have plead to some charges somewhere

I take it English is not your language.

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That's the construction the vast majority of posters here understand, but I'm happy to substitute "pleaded" if you prefer.

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Nobody made Powell or Chesebro plead guilty. They did so because it's clear both the Georgia case and the Special Counsel cases have plenty of evidence. That's what persuaded Powell and Chesebro to roll over and take a deal for their testimony.

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You have a very distorted understanding of lawfare.

I take it you are a supporter of the Biden Crime Family.

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We are not arguing with a “useful idiot”. Bishop is a useless idiot. Like far many that walk among us jabbed and in masks, they arrogant in their willful ignorance. Why?

Because facts don’t matter.

Time to move on.

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Where did you get your law degree? Where are you a member of the bar?

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Don't know much about "lawfare," but I do know the law, court procedures, criminal procedure, and the rules of evidence. Your constant claims of "lawfare" are like the cries of ignorant savages screaming at an eclipse. The actions aren't related and have no effect on the eclipse, nor on the courts.

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>Don't know much about "law,"


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You are the problem. “You are like a virus, and must be eradicated from the system”.

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Really? Well come on by and give it a try, Sparky!

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With respect I must say that you know little or nothing of the legal process. Good luck to you if you are ever placed in the crosshairs of a legal fight (civil or criminal) where you are subjected to combat the deep pockets of a prosecution or litigant.

As someone with direct personal experience in being overcharged and maliciously prosecuted, my options were to plea to a lesser charge with a “financial” and “public service” sentence (reduced to minor infraction) or continue to fight it out in court with my counsel charging me by the hour against the state prosecutor with time and resources well beyond mine with no assurance of fairness. In the end it is a risk v versus reward decision.

Sadly, this is all too often the reason many of the poor or those of lesser means find themselves in jeopardy while others of means are able to “walk”.

So...I give you an emphatic “Hell no!” to your claim.

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We have to be at the point now where at least half of this country has either had personal experience or someone in their family has experienced our corrupt courts. As a trafficking survivor I know many are used to 'service' judges

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Thanks for explaining. It's a shame this injustice is happening in our country. The Left has taken over and I'm surprised there isn't more outrage by the American people that this is being allowed to happen.

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No fair trial to be had for conservative (rational) people in any of these courts! A scam and sham system. This is more corrupt than their accusations! The American people see it and will do what they must do…vote Trump in 2024🇺🇸

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How are we allowing this whole

Political sham to happen? We know that election fraud occurred. Trump has a right to pursue the truth regarding the election and question the results. What a sham this is! Trump will win 2024🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

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taking your question literally--we are not "allowing". we are being overtaken, undermined slowly, thoughtfully by marxists. infiltration that is very clever. the boiled frog image comes to mind. gradual erosion of the "normal" situation. we will soon wake up to find it is gone. using our own rights to undo the USA. I am very pessimistic and expecting either excessive internal strife or secession. I hope I am full of crap.

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Well done for being shared by Michael Flynn.

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Is this whole thing a farce (to define it lightly), and are the people behind this - like those behind un agenda 21 - funding and directing it all?


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Agenda 30 now, they fell behind because of Trump I’m thinking.

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Interesting analysis. I hope you’re right and suspect you are.

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