It is ordinary Americans like you Techno that are the glue that carries our Democracy forward. Thanks for your efforts.

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I just donated Techno. Looks like a fantastic organization, I encourage others to do the same

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Thank you, sir. Much better than the president did today honoring himself.

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Thank you Techno ❤️🙏🇺🇸

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Thank you to all our fallen heroes and their families for your sacrifice on behalf of the greatest nation on Earth and the hope of all mankind

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This is, as always, beautifully stated. Memorial Day has lost its true meaning, as has Christmas and Easter, over the years. To say “Happy Memorial Day” is an oxymoron; it’s like saying “Happy 9 11 Day.” I have far too many friends who are Gold Star Family members, and the phrase, “There but for the grace of God go I” is applicable, as my son was wounded in Afghanistan ten years ago.

I helped my friends commemorate the day as they read their son’s names, as well as others from our area, at a ceremony. It’s a shame that many people in this country conflate Veterans Day with Memorial Day, or simply consider it a day to celebrate the beginning of summer. I am grateful to those who have fought and died for this country, and as I mourn them, I also mourn the fact that there are so many who are willing to throw those hard fought freedoms away.

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